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The Earl of Liverpool gave a statement of the progress made during the present Session in disposing of the heavy arrear of APPEAL CAUSES; of 222 cases on the list at the commencement of the Session, 126 had been disposed of, while the number of new cases entered was bur 29, being 10 less than last year, and 30 less than the year before. Thus it might be seen, he said, that not only was the arrear rapidly diminishing, but the disposition to enter appeals was abating in proportion, doubtless because there was no longer a prospect of their affording any opportunity for delay. The noble Earl concluded by paying a handsome compliment to the Deputy Speaker (Lord Gifford).

July 4.-The Earl of Liverpool moved the Order of the Day for the House going into Committee upon the Combination Laws. The Marquis of Lansdowne, while he admitted the urgent necessity for some strong measures to repress the tyrannical assumptions of the combined manufacturers, complained of the late period of the Session at which it was introduced. The Earl of Liverpool explained, that the necessity for introducing the Bill at all had arisen out of the wild and mischievous Law of last Session, which had been forced furtively through their Lordships' House; and that the late period was the consequence of the length to which the Commons' Committee protracted its inquiry.-The House then went into the Committee, the Bill was reported, and (the Standing Order being suspended) read a third time, and passed.

PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT, July 6. Parliament was this day prorogued by commission to the 25th August, his Majesty being, from indisposition, incapable of attending. The Lord Chancellor read the following speech on the occasion:

"My Lords and Gentlemen, "The business of the Session being now brought to a conclusion, we are commanded by his Majesty to express the great satisfaction which he feels in releasing you from your laborious attendance in Parliament. His Majesty returns you his warmest acknowledgments for the real and assiduity with

which you have prosecuted the inquiries into the state of Ireland, which he recommended to you at the opening of the Session. It is a particular gratification to his Majesty, that the tranquillity and improved condition of that part of the United Kingdom, have rendered the extraordinary powers with which you had invested his Majesty no longer necessary for the public safety. His Majesty is happy to be able to announce to you, that he receives from all Foreign Powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards this Country; and of their desire to maintain the general peace. While his Majesty regrets the continuance of the war in the East Indies with the Burmese Government, he trusts that the gallant exertions of the British and Native Forces, employed in operations in the Enemy's territory, may lead to a speedy and satisfactory termination of the contest.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "We have it in command from his

Majesty to thank you for the Supplies which you have granted to him for the service of the present year; and, at the which he derives from the reduction you same time, to express the satisfaction have found it practicable to make in the burthens of the people.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"His Majesty has commanded us to assure you, that he is highly sensible of the advantages which must result from the ineasures you have adopted, in the course of this Session, for extending the commerce of his subjects, by be removal of unnecessary and inconvenient restrictions, and from the beneficial relaxations which you have deemed it expedient to introduce into the Colonial system of this Country. These measures, his Majesty is persuaded, will evince to his subjects in those distant Possessions the solicitude with which Parliament watches over their welfare. They tend to cement and consolidate the interests of the Colonies with those of the Mother Country; and his Majesty confidently trusts that they will contribute to prosperity, on which his Majesty had the mote that general and increasing prohappiness of congratulating you on the opening of this Session, and which, by the blessing of pervade every part of this Kingdom." Providence, continues to


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One of the most stupendous commercial undertakings the world has ever heard of is just organized in France; it 1s, indeed, rather an European than a French concern, as there are French, English, German, Dutch, and Russian, among the founders. The object of the Society is to embrace every opportunity of employing capital to advantage, whether for agriculture, canals, bridges, manufactures, or commerce, in all its branches. The Society is to receive projects of all kinds. Now in France, it seems, there are nearly as many projectors as noses, and it will be difficult for a Committee of half a dozen persons, sitting six hours a day, to read, only read, the whole of the projects and prospectuses which will be presented to them.


A letter from Algesiras, dated the 1st of July, says: "The Colombian corsairs are continually multiplying on the coasts of Andalusia; they burn all the vessels which fall into their hands. They have even burnt vessels in front of Gibraltar, because these pirates could not find any one to buy them. Six sailors, who formed part of the crew of one of these privateers, have been taken prisoners on a point of laud, where they had dared to debark. Gen. O'Donnell would have shot them upon the spot, but be bas referred the mater to Government."


and, when his assailant was renewing his attack, one of the spectators cried with a Stentorian voice, "Take good care, Sombrero," (this was a njek-name of the bull-ighter,) "for there is some difficulty in killing the Negras," (a name given to the Constitutionalists), " and people can't do it as they wish." There was nothing more wanting to exrite disorder among all present at the exhibition, which terminated only after several stabs had been given by both parties present.


All Naples, and its environs, have been for some time in an entraordinary state of agitation, on account of sundry pietures of Madonnas opening their eyes, or weeping, or shedding blood, or, from black and time-worn as they were, becoming bright and fresh as if they had just been painted. This influenza arose from the miraculous tales related of the Caserta Madonna, which had caused such a sensation in every part of Naples as to call for the interference of Government to suppress the disturbances, and apprehend the supposed promoters of the plot.-On the 14th of July, a few weeks after the first starting of the Caserta Madonna, all the low orders of the city of Naples were put in motion by a report that a Madonna, painted at the corner of a dirty lane, just above the principal street of Toledo, had been seen to open her eyes, and to smile pityingly. Towards noon the rush of mad fanatics was really alarming; and the police found itself obliged to apply to the Austrian Governor for troops to place about the spot. In the evening of the same day another miraculous Madonna was discovered at the street of Penuino (a Saint Giles's like part of Naples); and on the following day two or three other awkward creations of some miserable wall-dauber were said to have given signs of life and commiseration; and a respectable old priest was nearly murdered by a mob, before the altar, because he would not give an attestation in writing that he had seen a wooden crucifix sweat blood.

Madrid, July 7. Some troubles, serious in their consequences, have taken place at Seville. In the bull-fights there are three sorts of actors: the first, those that combat with the animal on borseback; the second, succeeding them, stick darts, surmounted with little banners, in his back; and the last kill him, by driving a sword down between his shoulders. Of the latter there are but two persons; and, on the present occasion, one of them was a liberal and the other a royalist. The liberal took his turn first, and, as he was very expert, he killed his bull with the first blow; the royalist, less successful, dealt five blows against his poor victim, with out succeeding in depriving it of life; on the contrary, the furious creature caught him after his last attempt, and tussed hin high in air. He fell, ll, however, without receiving any injury, and with the c the for

returned to

bull happened to be of

black colour,

The reign of Leo the Twelfth over the Papal States is already marked with bigotry and ultraism. He has instituted an asylum for assassins in Ostia and three other unhealthy towns. The Paprice

pose of re-peopling these places. Every


assassin 1825.]

Foreign News.

assassin who flies for refuge to one of these towns, which are about ten leagues from the spot where the greater number of travellers are murdered, is to be free frons further pursuit!


ceeded in entirely cutting off the supply of fresh water.

Barbadoes Papers are principally filled with the proceedings of the Legislature, the Clergy, and the people, to carry into effect the diffusion of religious knowledge after the forms of the Established

Not far from the ruins of Vesta's Temple at Rome, was lately heard a subterranean noise, which foretold, accord-Church, by erecting a new church. So

ing to superstitious people, a great calamity. The Roman police went to the place; they dug, and discovered a subterraneous passage, and seized upon a man who was forging pieces of money stamped with the effigies of Cæsar, Maximilian, Caracalla, Heliogabalus, &c. This novel sort of coiner owned that he had been carrying on this trade for more than ten years, and that, thanks to his industry, the antique cabinets of many

English, German, and French antiqua

ries, had been enriched. As the laws did not provide against so extraordinary

a case, this manufacturer of antiquities

has been released, upon promising to sell no more oboli for piastres, or talents for louis d'ors.



Accounts from the Morea state that Navarino surrendered by capitulation on the 18th of May, after a defence of nearly two months, on the condition that the garrison, having surrendered its arms and ammunition, should be conveyed, with its private baggage, in Austrian and English ships, to Calamata. Previous to this event, the Greek Admiral Miaulis made a successful attack upon the Egyptian armament in the harbour of Modon, on the night of May 12th, and burned the Asia, a frigate of 44 guns, three brigs, and three corvettes, all vessels of war, and some transports. Shortly after these events in the South-West of the Morea, the other Turkish fleet, that of the Captain Pacha, which was approaching the Western coast, was attacked and defeated, with the loss of a great part of its force, between Andros and Syra, by the Greek fleet under Admiral Sactouris.

strong is this feeling, that the Wesleyan Clergyman, sent out to replace Mr. Shrewsbury, declined to land, and had proceeded to St. Vincent's, intending from thence to return to England.


The Burmahs (says the Bengal Hurkaru) are in general men of low stature, but stout, muscular, and capable of enduring great privation. They all wear long hair, which they tie in a knot on the forehead, and are generally clad in a silk resembling plaid, which they fasten round the middle, so as to make a large

Jump in front of them. They are almost all more or less tattooed; some from the navel down to about a span below the knee, and others on one leg only. They are possessed of amazing activity and strength, and the postures in which a Burmah throws himself, while engaged in pugilistic and other athletic games, are scarcely to be credited. In what we call bottom, they are not inferior to Englishmen: and they resemble us, likewise, in their love of boxing, and similar amusements. In true bravery they take the lead of all other Asiatics; as no one, who has ever had an opportunity of seeing them at Rangoon, will be disposed to deny.. Touching their peculiar mode of warfare, we have as yet been able to learn but little, though we are in hopes of acquiring more interesting and useful knowledge on that point ere very long; but we know that every man capable of bearing arms is compelled to do so, when the exigencies of the State require his assistance. This, however, is a regulation which, with certain modifications, has been common to almost every AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. nation where the art of war was yet in By advices from Panama, dated early its infancy, and regular armies unknown; in May, we learn that intelligence had so that it cannot be mentioned as cha reached Lima of an engagement in Up- racteristic of the Burmese. Every Euper Peru having taken place between ropean who may be married to a native Olaneta and Gen. Sucre, in which Ola- Christian is compelled to serve in perneta sustained a total defeat, followed son, on like occasions, or to provide a by the entire dispersion of the forces substitute; and, in prosecuting the preunder his command. Olaneta himself is sent war, these rules will doubtless be said to have escaped, but was wander rigidly enforced. We are informed, and ing as a fugitive, accompanied only by a we believe truly, that the Burmahs are handful of his followers. The surrender famous for stratagems, and that in the of Callao had not actually taken place, execution of them they display a won but could not be long, delayed, as the derful degree of patience, coolness, and besieging force on the land side had suc- in intrepidity. Hence an ambushed BurGENT. MAG. July, 1825.


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mah will not move, though the enemy's foot should be within an inch of his person; and it must be allowed that there are few who, at such a moment, would be equally still and collected. We think this a species of information hy which our troops may eventually benefit, as, by small detachments in particular, too much caution cannot be used, however quiet, and apparently free from enemies, the part in which they operate may be. One ruse was practised with success at Doodpatlie, as appears by the detail which a correspondent enabled us lately to give of that affair: and, where a war is likely to be protracted, and similar stratagems employed in the course of it, we are not sure that a slight check of the nature alluded to, at the commencement, may not prove in the end more advantageous than otherwise, by the necessity which it inculcates, of mingling discretion in a due proportion with chivalrous intrepidity. The bow and arrow, and a short sword called dah, having a blade of about a foot and a half in length, are weapons with the use of which the Burmese are said to be

very perfectly acquainted; and they possess abundant courage to use them either in close or distant combat. Their war-boats are generally from 60 to 120 feet in length, but very narrow, and rowed, or rather paddled, by men who sit two abreast the whole length. They are quick and dextrous in the management of them, and to any other than British enemies must be exceedingly formidable, either on land or water. In deed, we believe it is owing to their for mer successes in war that they at present have so high, and, in our eyes, so ridiculous a notion of their own bellipotence, as was evinced by their reply to our late Proclamation; but we conjec

ture that their ideas on that subject will be exceedingly qualified before the approaching campaign shall be brought to a conclusion.

An Ourang-Outang, or man-like ape, of the unprecedented height of seven feet, and of proportionate bulk, has lately been described by Dr. Abel, to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. It was, after many attempts, killed under a tree, from which it had fallen in consequence of several bullet-wounds, at Ramboon, on the Western coast of Sumatra; having, as is supposed, wandered from the large and almost impenetrable forest situated about two days' journey inland, The skin of this extraordinary creature is preserved in the Museum of the Society: it is of a dark leaden colour, covered, unequally, with brownish red, shaggy, and glossy hair, which is long


on the flanks and shoulders. The head was well proportioned to the body, the nose prominent, the eyes large, and the mouth rather larger in proportion than that of man; the chin was fringed with a curling beard, reaching from ear to ear, and the visage by no means disgusting. His chest was wide and expanding, and waist rather slender; his legs rather short, as compared with his arms; the feet and hands had very nearly the human form, except that the thumbs were smaller, and situated higher towards the wrists, than in man. walk was erect, but waddling and not quick, unless when his hands were used to assist, or a branch of a tree, to push himself along - his chief agility being shown in climbing trees, and springing from branch to branch, when pursued. The perfect state of his teeth shewed that he was young, and in full vigour. He was without any vestiges of a tail.



A Survey of the Persian Gulf, under the direction of Capt. Maude, is in progress, on which two vessels, the Discovery and the Psyche, are employed. Already, about 1,000 miles of a very indented coast have been surveyed, from Ras-Moosendem, at the entrance of the Gulf, to the island of Bahrein. The greater part of the rocks here are described as basaltic, and thence are in

ferred to be of volcanic origin. In the high and rugged cape, which the Ancients denominated the Black Mountains, there are two deep estuaries, which have been

named Elphinston's Inlet and Colville's Cove. Several of the smaller valleys on this coast are in a high state of cultivation, by a mixed race of Bedouins and Muscat Arabs. The survey is expected to be extended to the mouth of the Eu

phrates, during the present year.


Capt. Hunter, of the Donna Carmelita, has discovered an island in the Southern Ocean, situated lat. 15o 31'S. and lon. 176° 11′ E. from Greenwich, named Onacuse, or Hunter's Isle. The complexion of the inhabitants nearly re sembles the Malayan, but their expression of countenance approaches more to European. Both men and women have the little finger of the left-hand cut down to the first joint. Most of them are tattooed with red, and wear armlets. The women have their faces cut, and daubed with blood. They are excellent swimmers. In their traffic they shew great probity, and a politeness very uncommon. The island is, for the most part, composed of lava, which, in some places, resembles metal.





An aggregate meeting of Catholics was recently held in Dublin, when it was agreed to form a new Catholic Association. Lord Gormanston was in the chair, and the meeting was very numerous. The new Association is to be formed under the advice of a Committee composed of some of the leading members of the Catholic body. The Catholics disclaim the intention of doing any thing which can be supposed an infringement of the Law, and they therefore propose that the new Association shall confine itself to objects which are specially or virtually legalized in the late Act, viz, the construction of chapels, the diffusion of education, and the promotion of Irish agriculture; the encouragement of the consumption of Irish manufactures, and the extension of Irish commerce; the refutation of charges made against the Catholies, and the promotion of mutual toleration and kindness, through the press. It is also agreed that the Association shall ascertain the population of the several religions in Ireland, and particularly the numbers of youth of each persuasion in a course of education. It was also agreed to petition for a repeal of the late Statute against the Catholic Association; and a subscription was immediately entered into, to carry into effect the purposes of the meeting.


As some workmen were lately employed in making a drain near Fossbridge, in York, they discovered three distinct pavements, at various distances below the surface of the street, the lower one, at the depth of about twelve feet, having the appearance of being formed upon a swampy ground, which in all probability had formerly been the bed of the river; a conjecture which is farther strengthened by the fact that some planks, evidently the sides of a ship or other vessel, were found amongst the rubbish. Several clippings of leather were also found, and amongst them some shoe-soles, which prove to be formed of untanned hides, and what is most singular they are made rights and lefts, an invention which we believe has been considered by "the craft" as appertaining to the present century.

In the woollen manufactories in the

West of England, the following is the average rate of earnings:-Pickers 38.6d. a week; spinners from 6s. to 8s. a week; weavers from 8s. to 16s. a week: shearmen from 10s. 6d. to 11. 1s. a week; burlers 10d. a day; billyboys from 2s. to 3s. a week; feeders from 3s. 6d. to 4s. a week; sloobers from 10s. 6d. to 15s. a week; millmen and gigmen, who have much night-work, earn about a guinea a week. In some branches of this trade extraordinary good workmen may get considerably more than is here stated; but a respectable manufacturer says that, upon the whole, the preceding statement is rather above than below the average. There was lately established at Shepton Mallet a lace manufactory, but the earnings of the persons engaged in it are not more than one-third of those paid in Nottingham about last March. The lace-machines have lately experienced a great depression in price; they have fallen more than one half. The crape-weavers at Shepton Mallet bave lately struck. According to their masters' statements, they earned about 10s. a week, but the men say not more than from 6s. to 8s. Two hundred hands are now wanted in this trade in the vicinity of Shepton Mallet alone.

There are still many disciples of Johanna Southcott at Ashton-under-Lyne, and one of them, John Wroe, has assumed the character of a prophet, and in a published rhapsody calls upon his fellows to assume the name of "True Israelites," to abandon such of their garments as contain a mixture of linen and wool, and to put away all pictorial representations. Five respectable gentlemen have actually signed their names to a paper recommending this rhapsody to the obedient attention of mankind.

The Church built by the National Commissioners at Tildesley, Lancashire, (see vol. XCII. i. p. 461,) has been recently completed, and during the last month has been enriched with three painted windows, executed by Willement, and presented by Mr. Ormerod, the proprietor of the surrounding estate. In the central window is a copy of the altar-piece at Magdalen College, Oxford, (with some slight variations introduced, in order to adapt it to the general style of architecture,) and the others are composed of tracery in imitation of antient painted glass in Lincoln Cathedral, on which are ranged shields and scrolls with brief inscriptions, forming a series


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