METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W. CARY, STRAND 15 904390 top 984 103 224 273 54 pm. 98 16 90 18 90 19 Hol. 190 90 99 987 91 90 90 98 98 104 224 2783 60 pm. 903 62 pm. 904 43 47 pm.45 48 pm. 62 pm. 63 pm. 43 46 pm.43 46 pm. 44 46 pm-44 46 pm. 44 46 pm. 44 46 pm. 46 44 pm-4644 pm, 44 46 pm.44 46 pm. 44 46 pm-44 46 pm. 44 46 pm.4446 pm. 46 44 pm 46 44 pm. 46 42 pm. 4642 pm. 45 40 pm. 39 83 pm.3836 pm. 36 33 pm.3336 pm. 34 30 pm. 3430 pm. 35 33 pm. 35 33 pm. 30 34 pm.30 34 pm. 35 33 pm. 36 33 pm. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. 104, Corner of Bank-buildings, Cornhill. JOHN NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 103744 223 27154 pm. 35 33 pm. 35.33 pm. 22 278 53 pm. 58 pm. 30 33 pm. 3330 pm. 81 28 pm.31 28 pm. 53 pm. 27 30 pm. 27.30pm. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. Some strange revolutions are now transpiring among the Reviews and Magazines. The British Critic has ceased as a Monthly, and is proposed to be continued as a Quarterly Review. Knight's Quarterly Magazine appears this month as the first number of a New Series. The European Magazine, which, since the death of Mr. Asperne, has been sadly thrown from pillar to post, (no publisher apparently succeeding in realizing any profit from it,) last month, às a sequel to its recent boastings, appeared not in the land of the living. It now comes forth also as the first of a New Series, promising, as an excuse for its late remissness, to favour the public with a double number (a thing never before heard of) on some future calends. This trifling with customers never succeeds; -the Somerset House Gazette, in which the Museum and Literary Register had merged, stopped at the leaf-falling period of last year, promising to shoot forth with fresh vigour in the Spring-we need scarcely add that it never did. It amuses us in our old age to watch the gambols of our remotest descendants! J. D. remarks, "in the Appendix to the 2d vol. of Banks's Dormant and Extinct Baronage, attached to the Stemmata Anglicana, recently published by the same author, I perceive mention made (at p. 15) that the ancient Barony of Lisle is at present under claim; on which he remarks (at p. 18) that the Claimant has not noticed Robert, the son of the celebrated Dudley Earl of Leicester, by his wife the Lady Douglas Howard, which Robert was created a Duke in Italy, and married Alice the daughter of Sir Thomas Leigh, and had issue several daughters, who upon their mother being created Duchess Dudley, had precedence granted them, of the children of a Duke. The legitimacy of this Robert, which was so strongly contended against by interested parties, was afterwards allowed by King James the First, to be manifest, as well as the injustice done to him.-In Nichols's Leicestershire there is mention of a 3d sister to the last Sydney Earl of Leicester married to a Foreigner. Provided she had issue, would not her representatives be co-heirs to the Barony with Sir John Shelley Sydney?" A GENEALOGIST says, "your Correspondent, Mr. YATES of Birmingham, is incorrect in his statement, part i. p. 482, that Wm. Dyer, who married Anne, the youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Hooke, Bart. was not a brother of Sir John Swinnerton Dyer, Bart. but his Great Uncle.'-Collins, in his Baronetage, states that Sir John Swinnerton Dyer, eldest son of the 1st Baronet (Sir William) succeeded him in 1680, and that his brother In reply to "An Old Subscriber," the and E.D. H. (see part i. pp. 608, 482) for S. R. M. feels much obliged to D.A. Y. their communications relative to the family of Bloundevill. The issue of Rowland Meyricke and Elizabeth Bloundeville were Bloundeville Meyricke, Gelly Meyricke, and Maronly daughter married to one of the Norris garet Meyrick. The second left issue an family related to the Earl of Abingdon. Can either of these Correspondents state the descendants of Bloundevill Meyricke, and whe¬ ther he or they resided in Norfolk, and until how late a period? S. R. M. would be much obliged for such information, and for where the proofs of what is already communicated are to be found. ERRATA.-P. ii. p. 94, l. 17, for some, in Staffordshire. read none; 3 from bottom, Handsworth is Mr. URBAN, HAY ACCOUNT OF THE ISLE OF MAN. Rosegill, Westmoreland, Aug. 12. AVING just returned from a Tour on the Isle of Man, I herewith send you a brief account of this interesting Island, to make such use of as you may think it worthy. The Isle of Man is about 30 miles long, and 12 broad at the widest part; but diminishes almost to a point at both extremities. It is supposed to contain about 130,000 square acres, and about two-thirds of which are under cultivation. It contains 17 parishes, three of which are rectories, and five chapels of ease. The Bishop is nominated by the Duke of Athol, and approved of by the Crown, and, under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of York. The Duke of Athol is the patron of all the livings, with the exception of about three, that are in the appointment of the Bishop. The Island in 1821, when the last census was taken, was found to contain 40,081 inhabitants. Castletown, Douglas, Peel, and Ramsay, are the four principal towns on the Island. In 1821 Castletown contained 308 houses, and 2036 inhabitants; Douglas 736 houses, and 6054 inhabitants; Peel 300 houses, and 1909 inhabitants; and Ramsay 262 houses, and 1523 inhabitants. Castletown, formerly called Rushen, being the residence of the Lieutenant Governor, and the place where the Courts of Law are usually held, is considered the Metropolis of the Island. It has an indifferent Harbour, Pier, and Lighthouse. In the centre of the town stands Castle Rushen, the prison of the Island; and the residence of the Lieutenant Governor. The Deemster's Courts are held here weekly, and those of Chancery the first Thursday in every month. Douglas, from its excellent harbour, trade, and population, must be considered the first town in importance on the Island. The greatest part of the town is in the parish of Kirk Braddon, and contains two Chapels of Ease under it; viz. St. Matthew's, consecrated by Bp. Wilson in 1708, and St. George's, which is spacious and elegant, consecrated by Bp. Mason in 1776. The remaining part of the town, which is a little on the East side, is in the parish of Kirk Onchan. All colonial and foreign goods for the Island, must, by law, be landed here. All Letters and Newspapers between England and the Island must pass through the post offices of Liverpool and Douglas. The Mail, by the Steampacket from Liverpool, arrives in Douglas every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings; and departs for Liverpool on the mornings following. Douglas lies 72 miles N. E. from Liverpool, 40 S. W. from Whitehaven, 75 N. E. by E. from Dublin, and 144 nearly due S. from Greenock. The Steam-packets make the passage between Douglas and Liverpool in between 6 and 10 hours; and between Douglas and Greenock in between 12 and 17 hours. A Company is now forming for a Steam-boat to ply between Whitehaven and Liverpool, and to touch on its passage at Douglas. When this is carried into execution, which will be a voyage of about four hours between Douglas and Whitehaven, it must greatly increase the number of visitors to the Island, and be of immense advantage to Douglas as a place of fashionable resort. Indeed, for the lounger to enjoy at once the pleasures of society, and the luxuries of life cheaply, or for the invalid, to whom sea-air and bathing may be thought beneficial, few places can equal Douglas. The town of Douglas is in the form of 100 Account of the Isle of Man. of a triangle; the houses are crowded together without regard to convenience or uniformity, and the streets are narrow and irregular. The principal promenade of the place is on the Pier, which, on the arrival of the Steamboats on a fine summer evening, presents an interesting view of characters to the mind. The Pier was built in 1801 by the British Government, and cost 25,000l. It is 520 feet long, and 40 broad. At the extremity rises the Lighthouse. Three different Newspapers are published in a week in Douglas, About a mile North from Douglas, on the margin of the Bay, stands Castle Mona, the residence of the Duke of Athol, built in 1803. It is a square heavy-looking building, in a pleasant situation. The young woods on the brow behind it, will, when grown up, add much to the beauty of the place. Peel is situated about the middle of the West coast of the Island. It is 12 miles from Douglas, and the road which leads between these towns divides the Island into the northern and southern districts. It is a fishingtown, irregularly built, with a good Pier and Lighthouse. The fish caught here are principally herrings. At about 100 yards West of the town, and about 20 from the pier, on a small rocky island, containing an area of about two acres, stand the remains of an old castle, and also the ruins of two churches, the one dedicated to St. Patrick, and the other to St. Germain (formerly a cathedral). A few years ago a rampart, or broad strong wall, was built across from the mainland to this Island, in order to prevent the tide from washing round into the harbour. This wall is a yard broad at the top, and renders it a safe and easy foot passage to the Isle. This small Isle, with the ruins thereon, is interesting from its remarkable situation, the legendary stories connected with it, and from its being noticed by Sir Walter Scott in his "Lay of the Last Minstrel," and in the Romance of "Peveril of the Peak." Ramsey is an irregular built town, on the eastern coast, and derives a slight degree of importance from its being the seat of justice for the northern district. There is a Pier, which runs out a few hundred feet to sea, and is terminated by a Lighthouse. The Harbour is choaked up with [Aug, sand, and admits only vessels of about 100 tons burden. A number of herring boats belong to this town, In Kirk Michael Church-yard, at the East end, near the chancel, is an oblong tombstone, painted white, and surrounded with iron rails, covering the mortal remains of the pious Bishop Wilson. On the stone is the following inscription: "Sleeping in Jesus, here lieth the body of Thomas Wilson, D.D. Lord Bishop of this Isle, who died March 7, 1755, aged 93, and in the 58th year of his consecration. This monument was erected by his son Thomas Wilson, a native of this parish, who, in obedience to the express commands of his father, declines giving him the character he justly deserved. Let this Island speak the rest." Mark Hiddesley, D.D. was consecrated Bp. of Sodor and Man, April 25, 1755. He died Dec. 7, 1772, aged 74, in the 17th year of his consecration. His remains are covered with a plain tombstone, near to that of Bp. Wilson. Rev. Dr. Richmond was consecrated Bp. of Sodor and Man in 1773, died and was buried in England in 1775. George Mason, D.D. was consecrated Bp. of Sodor and Man in 1775; died in 1785, and was buried in Kirk Michael Church-yard; but no monument or tombstone records his memory, or points out where he lies. Claudius Crigan, D.D. was consccrated Bp. of Sodor and Man in 1785, died April 5, 1813, aged 71, in the 29th year of his consecration. Ile was buried in this Church-yard, near to the other Bishops, and a plain tombstone, with a modest inscription, covers his remains. George Murray, D.D. the present Bishop, was consecrated Bp. of Sodor and Man in 1814. The Sce having been held vacant a year, till he was of age by the canons of the Church to fill the situation. A mile North from Kirk Michael, and about a quarter of a mile from the West sea shore, is the Bishop's Palace, a respectable looking build. ing, with the appearance of alterations and additions having been made. The aged trees that surround it were planted by Bp. Wilson. The gardens, shrubberies, and walks, are extensive, and of more modern date, are tastefully laid out, and in a high state of cultivation. The Bishop's domain is between |