Imágenes de páginas

tracted.-4. Thanks and Approbation to Dr. Dromgoole.

5. Thanks and Approbation to the Minority of Twelve, who lately voted for Counsellor M'Donnell's Motion in the Catholic Board, for rescinding the Vote of Censure upon Dr. Dromgoole's Speech.

Mr. Cassin pronounced a very handsome and eloquent panegyric upon Mr. Magee.— He regretted the absence of Mr. Bryan; but hoped that the Catholics would concur with him in seeking consolation for the heavy loss, and they might hope to discover some other man equally worthy. When Queen Anne lost her beloved husband (Prince George) her Parliament condoled with her, and concluded their Address by expressing their hope, that she would" vouchsafe to manifest to her good “People, her Christian resignation for the "woeful loss of one husband-by speedily "taking another!"-[A general laugh.]—

It is therefore incumbent on the Catholic Board to speed, all business, and to prepare their different Petitions and Addresses; for, or else we much miscalculate, there will not be such a body as the Catholic Board in existence by the middle of April.-Now, as Mr. Peele's hand is in, we should suggest, as a corollary or component part of the Bill in question, that he would introduce a clause, making the meeting of the Orangemen at least as penal as those of the Catholics.

The High Sheriff and Grand Jury of the county of Tyrone, assembled at the present Lent assizes, have thought proper to publish the following Reso| lution :

That we have viewed with considerable disgust the proceedings of a Body, styling itself "The Catholic Board," whose dangerous doctrines are circulated through this Country Mr. Fogarty's Motion of thanks and appro- with unwearied diligence, and we trust that bation towards the respected and learned Dr. the wisdom of the Legislature will make such Dromgoole, was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Car-alterations in the Laws (should it be found roll, of Ballyragget; and supported by the necessary) as will effectually put down all Rev. Mr. Connery, in an elaborate speech of Factious Assemblies, without encroaching deep erudition and brilliant eloquence. It upon our invaluable Right of Petition. called forth frequent bursts of applause, and appeared to combine all the best ingredients of wit, learning, and classical composition.

Nothing could be more decorous, orderly, or mutually respectful, than the deportment of all the individuals of this great Assemblage. Even Mr. O'Gorman could not have discovered the shadow of an occasion for "rising to "order"—and all departed, filled with inward satisfaction, and congratulating each other upon having thus achieved their libera tion from Leadership, and their escape from opprobrium.

Mr. Ponsonby gave notice, in the House of Commons, on the 21st inst. that Lord Morpeth would, on the first open day after the Easter holidays,

submit to the consideration of the

House a Motion on the Speech which the Speaker had been pleased to deliver at the bar of the House of Lords, at the end of the last Session of Parlia



The Rev. Mr. R. P. of Bbeen restored to his pastoral functions.

Mr. Plowden the barrister, and author of the History of Ireland, who was sentenced to a penalty of 5000l. for a libel, is, it is said, now in Paris.

The book, called The Statement of the Penal Laws, as they affect the Catholics of patrick is now in Newgate, Dublin, is likely Ireland, for the publishing of which Mr. Fitz

to become more celebrated than even the At-
torney General of Ireland could make it.-
The work has been translated into the French
and Spanish languages, by order of Buona-
parte, and is now circulating with great in-
as well as in France.
dustry through every part of the peninsula,

Some Irish recruits, at a military depot in this country, previous to the commencement of Lent, petitioned the commanding officer for liberty to mess themselves during that season, as Catholics were forbidden by their religion NEW CONVENTION ACT.-We can to eat meat at that time. The request state (says The Dublin Evening Post), on auwas refused by their commander; and thority on which we have been in the habit when the meat was served out, the of relying, that a Bill is in preparation, and will be introduced early on the meeting of men preferred the loss of it, to the vioParliament by Mr. Peele, to amend the Con-lation of their consciences.-Is this a vention Act--by which any Meeting, whether in the present form, or what is called full, free, and perfect religious toleraan Aggregate Meeting, will be declared to constitute a misdemeanour. In short, it is intended to enact, that no Meeting, unless one where the Sheriff of the Bailiwick, or a Magistrate presides, shall be deemed a legal Assembly. Hence it is easy to infer, that Public Meetings will soon cease altogether.


ERRATUM In page 93, col. 1. line 9, for "fair," read fare: p. 95, col. 2, li. 23, for "Mathew," read Matthew.

Printed by W. E. ANDREWS, Fenwick-court,
Holborn, London.

[blocks in formation]

NEVERAL communications upon

natives of Ireland. The liberal basis on which this Institution is founded, will, it is hoped, secure the cordial patronage and sup

ligion of every description. Its fundamental principle is, that no books whatever shall be used for reading, besides the Bible without note or comment, and a Spelling-book, without Creed, Confession of Faith, or Catechism; the Children also being at full liberty to attend what place of Worship their parents prefer.

"The Provisional Committee have the

satisfaction to state, that a very observable

been sent to me for insertion, but as they appeared to be more of a local than a general nature, I did not deem them sufficiently interesting to the generality of my readers, nor such as would justify their insertion. However, a correspondent, who signs himself T. M. having forwarded to me The Times amendment has taken place in the morals of newspaper, of March 24, 1814, conthese destitute Children; and that they not taining an advertisement under the only make a considerable progress in reading, above head, in which it is announced writing, arithmetic, &c. but likewise comthat the parties have in view the estamit to memory whole chapters of the Scriptures. The good effects of these religious blishing similar schools in other parts instructions are also witnessed among the of the metropolis and its vicinity, I canparents, some of whom take pleasure in hearnot remain longer silent on the sub-ing the Sacred volume perused at home: so ject, but shall offer a few remarks upon the absurdity of the plan, and its evil tendency to undermine the Catholic Religion, which, I trust, will be sufficient to deter my poor but faithful Irish brethren from sending their children to these receptacles of Hypocrisy, being nothing else than traps to catch the unwary. But first I shall insert the head of the advertisement, as I find it in the aforesaid paper :"ST. GILES'S CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, George-street, (within four doors of Great Russell-street), for the gratuitous instruction of Poor Irish Children, supported by voluntary Contributions.

The neglected condition of the Poor Irish Children of both sexes, in the metropolis of this United Kingdom, demands the sympathy and compassion of his Majesty's subjects. For the improvement of these Children in Education and Morals, the above Schools were opened on the 27th of June, 1813, and are under the superintendence of Thomas Augustine Finigan and his Wife, ORTHOD. JOUR. VOL. II.

that there are many families now in St. Giles's' where the new Testament is daily read to

them with serious attention.

"There are at present two hundred and

thirty Children of both sexes in the Schools.

The rooms, which have been recently engaged and fitted up at a considerable expence, will accommodate about four hundred Children. ' An increase of Subscribers, however, is indispensably necessary, to defray the expences already incurred, and to realize the proposed advantages of this establishment. Should the benevolence of the British public afford sufficient funds, it is intended also to establish similar schools in other parts of the metropolis and its vicinity, where many of th

Poor Irish Catholics reside.

N. B. Donations and Annual Subscr
tions will be received by the Joint Treasur
Sir Digby Mackworth, Bart.; at the E
ing-house of Praeds, Mackworth and C
189, Flect-street; and Thomas Clark
No. 14, Skinner-street; of whom t
No. 1, Bury-place, Bloomsbury-squ
lars, may be obtained.
of the present Subscribers and othe



ank», No.

, Esq. .are, or Le names

/ particu

"Committee Room, March 16, 1814." Here, reader, I think we have as


ings of these hunters after liberality. Our Legislators therefore certainly acted with great wisdom and prudence when they passed a law to erect such spacious Lunatic Asylums as we now see raised in every county in the kingdom.-At one time I thought it was incurring a needless expence; but if this biblical phrenzy goes on, we may soon expect to see these buildings completely occupied. That their understandings are weak and their in

precious a morceau of sham liberality, as was ever held out to tickle the palates of the subscribing generation of our countrymen.-Upon looking over the list of subscribers affixed to the advertisement, I find the names of those gentlemen who conceived the happy project of making the poor Irish Papists "wise unto salvation," by an indiscriminate circulation of the Bible, when they themselves stood in need, to use a well-known phrase, of being "cut for the simples !"-Atentions not sincere, cannot be more CATHOLIC SCHOOL, the fundamental clearly demonstrated than by the inprinciple of which is, that no books consistencies they are guilty of in the WHATEVER shall be used for reading, pursuit of their measures. For, I besides the Bible, without note or should be glad to know, if these gencomment, and a Spelling book, WITH- tlemen were desirous of establishing OUT CREED, CONFESSION OF a claim to LIBERALITY, why they FAITH, OR CATECHISM!!! did not adopt the same method to obtain it which the late Dr. Law, the Protestant bishop of Elphin, pursued. His Lordship, when he was appointed to the above bishopric, attempted to convert his flock, consisting almost wholly of Irish Papists, to Protestantism.

And under the superintendence too of a native of Ireland, who is a Collector for a PROTESTANT BIBLE Association!!!-What ridiculous absurdities. Let not our misguided brethren talk of the superstition and ignorance of the priest-ridden Papist, as we are sometimes opprobriously called; for I really should not wonder if it were proposed to raise subscriptions for establishing a CATHOLIC CHAPEL upon the express condition that neither the Mass, or the Sacraments should be performed in it, nor the Catechism expounded, but that the Bible only should be read, and that too, not by a regular Catholic Clergyman, but by some gospel-inspired tinker or cobler, or a discipline of Johanna Southcote -if, I say, such a scheme as this were proposed, I have no doubt but it would find supporters among the numerous fanatics in this "land of Bibles."

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For my part I cannot help smiling at the conduct of these enlightened mortals; it is imposible to refrain from laughing at their folly, though at the same time we must pity their understandings. Indeed, I am sometimes inclined to think that they are not in possession of their right faculties, in which opinion I am sure I shall be joined by many of my readers, if we confine it to the religious understand

In this, however, the Prelate failed. He found them stedfast in the faith of their fore-fathers: they would not become apostates to God and his holy Church. Finding .this to be the case, and that he could not by any means make them proselytes to Protestantism, with a mind truly liberal, and worthy his character as a Protestant bishop, he resolved to make them good members of their own Church, and for this purpose he circu lated the works of a celebrated Catholic author (the Rev. Mr. Gother) amongst them. How opposite is the conduct of this dignitary of the es tablished Church, to that pursued by the Bible-men of the nineteenth century !-These gentlemen come for ward and announce their intention of establishing CATHOLIC Schools, the fundamental plan of which is to EXCLUDE every book which tends to convey an idea of the Catholic faith. For as to the Bible, it is very well known that by reading in that alone, the Catholic can no more be instructed in the article of his faith, than the


believer in the established Church can and yet cherish such absurdities. in the 39 articles of his religion. The Had, indeed, these men, pitying the scheme therefore, instead of being "neglected condition of the Poor worthy "the patronage and support "Irish Children of both sexes in the "of all the friends of humanity and "metropolis of this kingdom," and la"religion of every description," is menting that the affluent of the Catholic deserving the reprobation of every communion were more eager to exman of principle and integrity, because pend their money in expensive schemes its basis is DECEIT, and it can only to obtain temporal privileges, than be meant decoy the unsuspecting Irish they were to provide for the spiriCatholic, by holding out a FALSE tual welfare of the rising generation, NAME for an establishment, which, came forward and assisted in forming were he made sensible of its evil ten- A SCHOOL upon Catholic Principles, dency, his soul would abhor. This then they would become the disciples I have no doubt the supporters of the of genuine liberality, because their plan were sensible of, by their adopt- conduct, like that of the bishop of ing a title for the scheme, which in all Elphin, would be placed beyond suspiother instances they fail not to vilify cion. Or had they even adopted the and calumniate. But they knew the plan of their more consistent brethren, attachment of the Irish to every thing and have entitled it "A SCHOOL FOR Catholic-they knew there was no ALL," there would then have been other way of getting the children to no deception in the case. But this the school than by such a name-they did not fall within the compass of their knew that neither taunts nor perse- pious intentions, and we are exultingly cution could withdraw the Irish from told "that a very observable amendhis faith, and therefore to allure him "ment has taken place in the morals to send his children to be indirectly" of these destitute children; and that seduced by their establishment, they" they not only make a considerable call it by a name to which it is no more "progress in reading, writing, arith entitled, than a synagogue of the Jews. metic, &c. but likewise commit to If seduction from the Catholic Faith memory whole chapters of the Scripwas not the ultimate hope of these ❝tures. The good effects of THESE liberal gentlemen, why not admit the "RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTIONS Catholic Catechism and other books" are also witnessed among the parents, of instruction to be used? 66 Why some of whom take pleasure in hearing the Sacred volume perused "at home: so that there are many "families now in St. Giles's where "the new Testament is daily read to "them with serious attention." What consistent gentlemen these are! the first paragraph of this advertisement we are told that "the funda"mental principle is that no books "whatever shall be used for reading, "besides the Bible without note or "comment, and a Spelling-book, with"out Creed, Confession of Faith, or "Catechism," which of course can have no other meaning than that RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IS NOT ALLOWED; and yet in the very next sentence we are informed that THESE Religious Instructions have had not


not place the school under the super-
intendence of the Catholic clergy, who
alone are the most competent to in-
struct the tender minds of youth in
the paths of morality and their re-
ligion? Have not these Bible-readers
seen in the Book of Proverbs, that if
we train 66
a young man according to
way, even when he is old he will
“ not depart from it?" But how can
we be said to train a young man ac-
cording to his way-how can we instil
into the minds of youth the seeds of
religion, if we prevent the use of ca-
techisms and books of religious in-
struction? The thing is so contrary
to common-sense, so preposterous in
itself, that it is truly astonishing how
men can call themselves enlightened

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only the happiest effect upon the children but upon the Parents also. What wretched-what miserable inconsistency!! What errors do those men fall into, who attempt to prop up a cause, which has not TRUTH for its chief corner stone. The above assertion I have no doubt was made to keep up the delusion of our Protestant brethren, that Catholics entertain an aversion to the perusal of the Holy Scriptures; than which nothing can be more false.-'Tis true, we have a dislike to the Protestant translation; but then it arises from our conviction that this translation is a FALSE ONE, and consequently cannot be what it is called, the Word of God, because God is Truth itself, and can neither deceive nor be deceived. But a false translation must deceive, and therefore it is a duty incumbent upon every man to avoid it, and to deter others from falling into the same snare. In the list of subscribers attached to this advertisement, I find the names of five distinguished members of the House of Commons ;-men who claim a title to liberality of principle. But would not these gentlemen have a greater right to this claim, if, instead of giving their two pounds two shil lings to support an hypocritical establishment, they were to exert them. selves in their legislative capacity, to procure for their Catholic brethren the same equality of right to support CHARITY SCHOOLS for the indigent of their religion as is enjoyed by the Protestant. As the Law Now stands, Catholics cannot found any School, nor establish any Charity, for CATHOLICS-Catholic Schools and Catholic Charities are FORBIDDEN by Law. In Ireland, the Law is much worse. A Commission is established there, consisting principally of Protestant Bishops, whose duty it is to search for illegal, that is, Catholic, Charities, and to employ an attorney, who is to be paid out of the charitable fund attacked. It is a duty also of these Commissioners to lay hold oF ALL PROPERTY destined for Catholic Schools

and CHARITIES, and to convert it to the purposes of PROTESTANT Charities and Schools. Consequently the very collections obtained at Charity Sermons may be swept away by any informer, under the Law, did not shame and the dread of being execrated by mankind deter him from it. It is a maxim that we ought to be just before we are generous: let these would-be liberal gentlemen then follow it. Let them exert themselves to procure a repeal of those laws which prevent CATHOLICS from establishing Charitable Institutions in favour of their religion; and I will answer for it you will not find us backward in founding them. Place the Catholic upon the same equality as yourselves, and if you then come forward to support Catholic charities, you will undoubtedly merit the title of being LIBERAL, and your conduct will be that of good Christians. But while such laws as these exist against your Catholic neighbour, without any com plaint on your side, talk you not of liberality, nor boast of your superior enlightenedness. Can it be a matter of surprize that a Catholic should remain ignorant when the Law forbids him to expend his money to enable him to gain a Catholic education? And yet with all his ignorance, he is superior in point of religious_knowledge, at least, to the English Protestant. My correspondent T. M. suspects the above schools are receiving support from some of the affluent of the Catholic communion; in this I am happy to think he is mistaken. Nevertheless, I hope and trust his obser vations will not be lost upon them; but as they must now be convinced of the activity of our pretended friends who are also our open enemies (for camelion like, they can assume any shape to suit their purpose) to undermine our sacred religion, they will come forward and li berally support the charitable institutions already formed for the instruction of our youth, and enable the managers of them to extend the benefits equal to the wants. In the mean time I

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