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the Register, under the heads of the Inquisition-the Re-establishment of the Jesuits-and The Pope.

they may hereafter find in the Register upon the same subject. Mr. Cobbett, in his answer to "A Constant Reader," on the article entitled "The Scourge of God," declared his determination not to be drawn into aryter of August the 27th, (Vol. XXVI.


No. 9.) Mr. Cobbett inserted an arti cle signed" An Observer," in which are to be found some extracts from a book, which his correspondent says

"Inquisition; and the cruelties prac "tised there, (he observes,) are aptly "illustrated by engravings; such as

"the ceiling by a pally, the cord tied "round both hands, while a large "weight is fastened to the feet; 66 stretching out the body on a ma"chine until the whole joints crash; 66 burning the soles of the feet; and

throat-ALL to extort confession "from the accused."-That tortures may have been used upon some occasions I shall not attempt to deny; yet I do not believe it was ever carried to the extent represented by the interested and bigotted writers against Popery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centu ries. I must however flatly deny, and I conceive myself justified in so doing, from the instructions which I have re

religious controversy. In this he acted prudently, and it would have been equally prudent in him not to have entered into religious history until he had better informed himself of" contains a particular account of the the true state of the subjects touched upon by him. From the tenor of the articles in question, it may easily be discovered that the mind of the writer" drawing the objects of their fury to is clouded by the most gloomy prejudices against both the Clergy and Laity of the Catholic Church; the former of whom are designated as "sainted ruffians"-"blood-hounds," "knavish and interested;" whilst the latter are termed "bigotted and igno-"pouring boiling liquids down the rant," and are considered as beings without a will of their own, and under a blind submission to the priest hood. I recollect in some of Mr. Cobbett's former articles, when combating the virulent abuse lavished upon his favourite hero, Napoleon, by the hireling writers, and the atrocious, crimes which they laid to his charge, he very properly remarked, that as he could not use such language towards the allied Sovereigns, without sub-ceived as a Member of the Catholic jecting himself to the penalties of an ex officio, he would not use them against an enemy, because it was an act of baseness and cowardice.-In this I perfectly agreed with him, and therefore consider his conduct in using such foul and virulent abuse against the Catholic Clergy, with which the pages of his Register have been lately so bespattered, as an act of the most contemptible and disgraceful cowardice, knowing that he dare not attack the Clergy of the Established Church in the same manner, and yet the Catholic Priesthood, for humanity, piety, disinterestedness, zeal, and courage, are equal, if not superior, to any ecclesiastical body in the habitable globe. I shall now proceed to illustrate some of the assertions introduced into

Church, that torture is a principle of the Catholic Religion, or, as the Ob server calls it, Popery; any more than the tortures practised upon the poor Irish peasantry, in order to extort confession, so late as the year 1798, are to be attributed to the principles of the Church of England: tortures equalling in atrocity any practised by the Inquisition. An account of these Mr. Cobbett and his correspondent " Observer" may see in Hay's History of the Rebellion of Wexford, the author of which is now living, and, although innocent, was one of the sufferers. I must confess, that to pour boiling led into the throat of a human being, appears to me a very singular way of bringing him to confession; as I consider it a more pro

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in the Journal of last month, (p. 317,) observes, that in the last Register he published a letter upon this subject, well calculated to excite a general detestation against the Inquisition, and to induce the active partizáns of the Slave Trade abolition, in particular, to raise their voices against the re-establishment of a tribunal, which, under the sanctified pretence of zeal for the glory of God, and the safety of religion, has committed more atrocious murders, and inflicted greater tor ments on their fellow-men, than are detailed in all the accounts that have been published, of the cruelties prac tised by the most savage dealer in human flesh. This is a pretty modest, assertion to be sure, but I much ques tion, if the truth could be ascertained, whether the whole of the tribunals in question have immolated one half of the number of victims that suffered for the sake of religion in this country,

bable means of preventing him from making one. The title page of this book it seems is lost; but it appears, says the Observer, to have been printed-about the year 1750, and the author of it is stated to be an ENG LISHMAN, of the name of Bower, and who acted as Secretary to the Inquisition.—It is somewhat strange that Mr. Cobbett, who is himself so very fond of dates, and which have been se useful to him in detecting the errors of his opponents, should have so far forgot himself as to have overlooked this circumstance, before he gave insertion to the delectable tales quoted, in which neither names or dates are to be found in order to trace the authenticity of the circumstances with which he has amused his readers. This is the more unaccountable in him because he has lately been engaged in defending the innocence of a noble individual, and have for the greatest part of his life been labouring to ex-under the despotic and cruel reign of pose the hatched-up tales practised upon the deluded people of this coun try, by the fatteners on War and Cor. ruption, to further their own views; none of which carry the face of false hood on them more glaringly than the articles in question. The very idea of making an ENGLISHMAN the Secretary to the Tribunal, is sufficient to stamp it with incredibility; and there is every reason to suppose that the circumstances related by Mr. Bower are entitled to as much credit, as the author of the work called Fox's Book of Martyrs, many of whose sufferers were proved to be living after the publication of his work, wherein he had stated them to have died victims to Popish cruelty.As neither name nor date can be found to the tales quoted by the Observer, which might afford a clue to their detection, I shall now pass to an article in the next week's Register, (Sept. 3,) written either by Mr. Cobbett or some one in his name, upon the subject of the Inquisition. The writer, after quoting an article from Rome, dated Aug. 12, (copied from the French papers, and inserted

the merciless Elizabeth alone, And let it be observed, that those who suf fered by the laws of the Inquisition were not condemned solely for heresy; but because the doctrines they preached were deemed dangerous to the state. Neither were they corporally punished by the spiritual authority of the Church, but by the temporal power of the Civil Government.Indeed, the official document issued by Ferdinand states, that to the existence of this tribunal Spain was indebted for her escape from those horrid massacres and sacrileges which occurred in France and Germany during the sixteenth century, from the seditious doctrines disseminated by the apostles of "Evangelical Liberty," and the Reformers of Popery. And that while Holland, Flanders, Switzerland, Germany, and France, were exhibiting scenes of the most violent commotions, dreadful civil wars, and detestable plots, to promote the seeds of the Reformation-in Spain (says the decree) the sciences were cultivated with distinction, and that country produced a multitude of men dis

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tinguished by their knowledge and their piety.


"for holding, that the Inquisition, i
"latter times, had lost any of its ter-
66 rors, or that its tribunals were less
bloody and barbarous than at for.
mer periods, I think there is suffi
"cient reason for believing that its
"members are as wicked as formerly,
"and consequently that they are as
cruel and unrelenting. To establish
this, it is scarcely necessary to go
"farther for authorities than the arti-
"ticle I have quoted above, which
"comes from Rome itself."-Here the
reader may see the spirit by which the
writer is governed when treating upon
subjects in which Catholics are the
actors, not considering if he looked
into the laws of his own country he
would find some resemblance in them
to the Inquisition; for what is that
law which establishes a Board in Ire-
land to examine and look into the last
will and testament of every Catholic
who shall be suspected of having be
queathed some property to be vested
in Catholic charitable
as founding chapels, schools, &c. and
appropriating them to the use of Pro-
testant charities; besides numerous
other oppressive statutes passed to pre
vent the growth of Popery, which are
to be found in our penal code? Would
it not be more charitable for this gen
tleman to exert his abilities in expos
ing the abuses now existing in his own



The writer then alludes to the subject of the Slave Trade, and questions the motives of the leaders of the opposition in choosing this particular moment to agitate the question, because when the French West-India islands were in other hands they made no stir about the emancipation of the blacks; nor did they, he observes, although the mass of the natives of Ireland are sunk in the grossest superstition, and groaning under the most oppressive tyranny, exert themselves any farther to obtain the abolition of this white slave traffic, than they found consistent with their own views of aggrandizement. But (continues the wri❝ter) some have contended, and I "observe the same sentiments have << been put forth by the canting and "hypocritical writer of the Times "newspaper, that the Inquisition has ❝ lately lost many of its terrors, and "that its tribunals were not so bloody ❝and barbarous as in the days of their *❝ youthful vigour.'-This sort of lan66 guage, I find, is made use of to "lessen public indignation against the ❝ restoration of this Institution, mere"ly because it was abolished by Na"poleon; and in the same way would "these wretches justify the total de"struction, in France, of all those "excellent laws, those benevolent in-country, rather than to spend his vi "stitutions, and those proofs of the "glory which Napoleon acquired for "France, those imperishable monu"ments of his fame, merely because 86 they owe their existence to his supe❝rior skill, and anxious desire to "render his country great and respect❝ed. But the truth is, this paltry "subterfuge ought rather to be attri"buted to a natural hostility, enter"tained by these enemies of Napo"leon, against the introduction of all "liberal policy, against the emanci"pation of every people, and against "the enactment of every law which 66 might tend to check them in their infamous career. For, instead of "any well-founded reasons existing

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rulent effusions in libelling the Governments of other independent na tions? The writer says that he thinks there is sufficient reason for believing that its (the Inquisition) members are as wicked as formerly, and consequent ly that they are as cruel and unrelent ing; and to establish this he says, it is scarcely necessary to go farther for authorities than the article he has quoted, which comes from Rome itself.-But what authority, I would ask, does it bear to make it genuine?

Mr. Cobbett has frequently made it appear that articles are often inserted to further the views of interested in. dividuals; and have in general found. ed his arguments upon official docu

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ments, as the only sure ground on | in Spain, at present, that persons ARE which to build them. Nay, in the arrested, and sent to the dungeons of very number of which I am speaking, the Inquisition, upon slight suspicions. alluding to the vile tricks played upon of heresy, without any previous investhe deluded people of this nation by tigation of guilt, &c. or else, he asks, our news-writers, for stock-jobbing why is it proposed to abolish these purposes, he says, "Some of the minor laws? Now there is a law, (3 James, "French journals even appear to have c. 4. s. 22, 23, 25.) still I believe un"given way to this infamous practice; repealed, which makes it high treason "for, of late, several articles of that for any one to be converted to the Cadescription have appeared in their tholic faith, although the person shall "columns, which carry with them all be convinced that his eternal salvation "the marks of English manufacture." depends upon his embracing such If this is the case with stock-jobbers, creed. If this law is enforced, the parand we have Mr. Cobbett's authority ty must be hung, and his bowels ripped for it, may it not also be the same with up and thrown into the fire, or he the dealers in false doctrines? Fol- must retract and become a traitor to lowing therefore Mr. Cobbett's plan his God, by renouncing a faith which of resting on official documents, let us he believes to be the true one. But see what is said by the decree issued this is not torturing the body, nor enfor the re-establishment of the Inqui- slaving the mind. Well, now, what sition. It says that the intention of would Mr. Cobbett, say if a writer in the King is to perfect the establishment one of the French papers were to adin such a manner as to render it emi- vance that persons are actually arrestnently USEFUL to his subjects, and for ed at this present day for becoming this purpose a Commission is appointed Catholics, because the people of this to examine the forms and mode of pro- kingdom professing that faith petition ceeding of the Holy Office in its proto be relieved from this among the cesses, and if they find that the claims other penal laws under which they of sound justice require any reform groan, although the one mentioned. or change, they are to make their rehas not been enforced for some years? port, in order that the King may issue What would he say to the man who the necessary resolutions.-Here we should attempt to hold up such an arhave a plain declaration on the part of gument? Yet such is the drift of the the King, that the desire of his Ma- observations in his own Register. But jesty in re-establishing the Inquisition the article from Rome says expressly is to make it USEFUL to his subjects, that the abuses which exist in the Inand therefore he proposes to reform quisition are to be abolished, and yet the abuses which have crept into it, to the writer in the Register unblushingwhich it is liable, as well as all other ly says the members of it are as wickhuman institutions. Well, if such is ed, cruel, and unrelenting as formerly. the desire of Ferdinand, what business What an excellent argument does he have the people of England with it? here make for the supporters of CorWho gave them authority to interfere ruption, in this country, whom Mr. in the internal concerns of an inde- Cobbett is constantly opposing. How pendent nation? Had they not better well might they answer him, of what look to their own concerns, and see if use is it for us to reform the abuses things are managed better at home?— which you consider as inimical to the Was there ever such arrogance as- happiness of the nation. You call us sumed by foreign writers as is exhibit- plunderers, base, and wicked; but were ed by the meddling and infidel hire- we to issue à decree stating our intenlings of the English press. This writer tion to reform the abuses of which you contends that it is proved by the arti- complain, according to the dictates of cle in question, that the torture exists sound justice, as the establishers of

the Inquisition have done, we should | After making another assertion, equal


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still be as base and as wicked as for- ly as well founded, that even Kings merly. If this is the case, why should and Popes were not exempt from the we engage in the subject of Reform? influence of its terrible mandates, But, says the Register, it is plainly which, by the bye, must be some conadmitted in this article," that it is, at solation to the vulgar mind, as he ad"this very moment, a principle recog-mits that the laws bear equally on the ، nised by the priests composing the | Monarch and the Pontiff, Mr. Cob. "tribunal of the Inquisition, that if bett, or his locum tenens, says that-، a man be unjustly condemned by his | “ All the Spanish writers, who give a "ecclesiastical judges, he is not at li- "history of the original laws of the ،، berty to say so, nor to complain of 4 Inquisition, tell us, that no one can the judgment of the Church, how- "be apprehended on a warrant from ❝ever erroneous.' He then asks, if "the Holy Office, until a summary there was ever such hellish principles" inquest be first had concerning the heard of? And exclaims, "What! "crime laid to his charge, and this is is it an amelioration in the laws of "particularly to be observed as to the "the Inquisition, that a man, after "crime of heresy; that, before a wit. suffering all the cruelties that the ness is admitted to give evidence, ، ingenuity of these blood-hounds even in this previous stage, he is to could invent to force him to confess "be admonished by the Judge in a a crime of which he was not guilty," most solemn manner as to the sashould be threatened with additional "credness of an oath; that, when ap “ tortures, if he ventured to complain | “prehended and imprisoned, the party “ of his sufferings; should be doomed "is to be allowed such provisions as "again to the rack, perhaps to the "he may think fit, if he has the means ، stake, if he did not actually rejoice “ of providing for them; and that all "for the injustice which these holy “ his property, which these rapacious "gladiators had done him?" One "knaves then lay their hands upon, would suppose, from the phrensical must be restored to him on his being rhapsody here quoted, that the writer set at liberty. These are good rea had lately been released from a lunatic" gulations in so far as they go; and asylum, where he had been dreaming" were I only made acquainted with of the tortures inflicted on him by his "the fundamental Laws of this Order, keepers in order to cool his passions; "I might, perhaps, be led to profor throughout the whole article to nounce it a wise and excellent Instiwhich he alludes, there is not one word tution. But when I dip a little into about the rack, the torture, or con- "its history; when I examine even fession; and the principle which he at-"superficially its subsequent acts, I tempts to fix upon the priests, is merely the opinion of a Dominican, the author of the code which is proposed to BE ABOLISHED, So much for the candour and yeracity of the Register ! As to the observation of the writer that all good Catholics must believe every thing to be holy, under pain of damnation, which is connected with the Inquisition, every Catholic is well persuaded that the writer knows not ing the uncommon pains which were what he is laying before his readers; "taken to conceal the private prothat he is consummately ignorant of "ceedings of the Inquisition; notthe subject he treats on; and that the "withstanding the dreadful penalties assertion here made is totally FALSE." that were attached to a breach of


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"find that this Sancta Casa was not "long in departing from its own ori "ginal rules; did not long hesitate “ about violating its sacred institu. " tions; nor in substituting the barbarous and vile maxim, that no faith ought to be kept with heretics,' "in place of that rule of right, which "served as the foundation of their "early code of laws.-Notwithstand



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