Imágenes de páginas

ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York.


ney-Hamilton dissuades its publication-again urges a commission
-Madison objected to-Distrust of Adams-False rumors circulated
-France vindicated by Democrats—Adams eulogized-Hamilton
calumniated-Jefferson's insidious letter to Gerry-Writes to Madison
as to France-Hamilton again urges commission to France, includ-
ing Jefferson or Madison-Advises arming of merchant vessels and a
provisional army-Austria forced to peace-Congress meets-Speech
of Adams embracing Hamilton's policy-Hostile decree of France-
Senate accords with President-Opposition in House-partly prevails
-Giles opposes demand of compensation by France-Smith vindi-
cates it-Gallatin's hesitating vote-Address passes House-Jeffer-
son censures manly policy of the Government, and suggests a land-
tax contingent on State quotas-as to a consolidated Government-
View of Gerry-Pinckney-Dana and Marshall appointed envoys to
France-Washington denounces the Democratic leaders-Dana de-
clining, Gerry is substituted-Hamilton as to policy adopted, disap-
proving violence—His suggestions as to taxes and a loan-Specific
taxation-Bill prohibiting privateering-Bill to prevent exportation
of arms-Bill to augment corps of engineers and artillerists-Bill to
man and equip frigates, and to purchase and fit other ships-Hamil-
ton's plan of defence proposed-Fortifying ports and harbors-
Resolution to complete frigates Constitution, Constellation, and
United States, passed-Right of employing convoys questioned by
Democrats-Authority to arm merchant vessels refused-Stamp and
Salt taxes proposed-Gallatin's motion to adjourn rejected-Raising
of a regiment defeated-Bill to prevent enlistments in foreign ser-
vice resisted, but passed-Giles opposes printing all the documents
as to depredations, which was ordered-Urges an adjournment-
Urges employment of frigates to be confined within jurisdiction of the
U.S.-Gallatin opposes a navy-Nicholas denounces it-Giles ad-
verse to U. S. becoming a maritime power-Bill to complete the
frigates passed-Foundation of a navy laid by Federalists, in "Act
providing for a Naval Armament"-Stamp Act opposed, but passed
-Gallatin proposes a s.amp on every certificate of debt-Rejected
-Increased duty on salt-Licenses for retailing wines and liquors
defeated-Loan authorized, .

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Commission to run boundary between U. S. and Spain obstructed in their

operations by the Spaniards-Proclamation by Carondolet delaying

the Boundary Commission-Excitement of Western inhabitants→

Spanish agent employed to prepare severance of Western territory

from the Union-Plan defeated-Democratic press advocates Louis-

iana and Floridas being acquired by France-Attempt on Canada

discovered and defeated-Ira Allen's participation-McLean sent to

Canada by Adet-Detected and hung-Blount opens negotiation with

British ambassador-Overtures rejected by British minister-Blount

impeached and expelled Senate, Jefferson dissenting-Spanish diplo-

macy subservient to France-Correspondence of De Yrugo and Pick-

ering-De Yrugo appeals to the American people-Proposes transfer

of negotiation with Spain to Paris, and complains of treaty with

Great Britain-Jefferson's correspondence with his partisans, being

Washington's personal enemies-Calumniates Washington-Wash-

ington's earnest condemnation of Democrats-Letter under assumed

name addressed to him by a nephew of Jefferson-Jefferson's letter

to Mazzei published in the U. S.-Its previous approval in "Moni-

teur"-Jefferson called upon to disavow it-Consults Monroe and

Madison-The former advises its avowal-The latter dissuades it—

Jefferson is silent-Is conspicuous at a public dinner to Monroe-

Gives toast to success of France-Monroe demands of Pickering an

explanation of his being recalled-It is refused-Pickering offers to

state it unofficially-Monroe refuses-Intercepted letter of Monroe to

Logan-Base attack upon Hamilton-His vindication and exposure

of it-Present of Washington to Hamilton-Monroe, in conjunction

with Jefferson, write his vindication-Washington's comments,

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Buonaparte Successes of, in Italy-Venice, Genoa, and Lombardy suc-
cumb-Peace concluded with Austria-Conferences at Lisle-Revo-
lution in France-Talleyrand Minister of Foreign Affairs-A mili-
tary despotism established-Defended by Democratic press in U. S.
-Confidence of Directory in her influence in U. S.-Speech of
Adams-Advises prosecution of measures of defence against France
and Spain-Condemns pending systems and loans, and advises imme-
diate taxes-Contrast by Madison of Washington and Adams—Insi-

dious efforts by France to paralyze action of U. S. Government-Pro-

posed repeal of Stamp Act rejected by Senate-Mission of J. Q.

Adams to Berlin censured-Proposed reduction of the diplomatic corps

to Jefferson's standard-Gallatin urges the discontinuance of all di-

plomatic functionaries-Contends that Legislature had power to con-

trol diplomatic appointments by resisting appropriations-Question

discussed Proposed reduction defeated-System for conducting im-

peachments framed in Senate-Trial by jury proposed and approved by

Jefferson, but rejected-Jefferson's hostility to judiciary of U.S., and

advises enactment by Virginia of a prœmunire against all citizens

attempting to carry causes before other than State Courts, of causes

over which they had not jurisdiction-Denunciatory resolutions pass

her House of Delegates-Conferences at Lisle approaching a success-

ful issue are broken off by France-Efforts to infringe treaty of

Leoben defeated, and treaty of Campo Formio concluded-Treaty

with Portugal declared void, and intention to invade England pro-

claimed-American Commissioners arrive in Paris-Preparatory

publications to excite French hostility-Adams transmits to Con-

gress a message of French Directory, declaring as good prize neutral

ships laden with productions of England, or of her possessions, and

closing ports of France against vessels touching at English ports,

unless in distress-No hope of success to the mission-Circular to

French diplomatists and agents, announcing intended descent upon

England, and stimulating a league against her-Measures of effectual

defence proposed in Congress, which remains quiescent-Democratic

exultation at downfall of England-An invasion of her denounced by

Bonaparte as "a barbarous invasion"-Jefferson approves the

hostile decree of France,

Questions as to policy of Administration submitted to Hamilton-His
opinion communicated to Secretaries of War and State-Measures to
be adopted-Suspension of treaty with France-Pickering favors an
abrogation of treaties-Consults as to Louisiana-Hamilton averse
to an immediate alliance with Great Britain-Folicy as to her-
Acceptance of Louisiana from Spain absolutely or conditionally—
Message of Adams urging active measures of defence-Condemned
by Jefferson-Advises legislative prohibition of arming-Looks to
invasion of England-Pennsylvania rejects a resolution against arm-


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