Imágenes de páginas

ole, olle, The gift of speech (parole) is one of the greatest blessings of God.

ombe, The tomb (tombe) of the brave is sacred. on, aisons (1st rule), Reason (raison) as well as religion reveals to us another life.

ion (2d rule), We sometimes feel an admiration (admiration) for the works of genius, which is carried to superstition (superstition). once, An ounce (once) of gold is equivalent to fifteen ounces of silver.

one, France is under a temperate zone (xone). onge, It is proverbial to say that a man drinks like a sponge (éponge), meaning that he drinks much.

onne, This column (colonne) is less than the other in height and thickness.

onte, Shame (honte) is a mixture of the grief and fear which infamy causes.

oque, Science flourished in China at a very remote period (époque).

orde, One of the strings (corde) of my guitar is broken.

orne, Ambition does not know any limit (borne). orse, He has sprained (entorse) his ancle.

ose, The rose (rose) is the choicest of flowers. osse, The postillion fell and bruised his forehead (se fit une bosse au front).

ote, I like to give a good mark (note) to my pupils. otte, Calypso invited Telemachus and Mentor to her grotto (grotte).

ouche, My sister was stung on Sunday by a bee


oule, I lost my hat in the crowd (foule).

oupe, ouppe, This soup (soupe) is good, but too fat.

ousse, When moss (mousse) grows on trees they produce bad fruit.

oute, outte, Water falling drop by drop (goutte) pierces stone.

outre, Somebody told me that your dog killed an otter (loutre) last year.

té, The goodness (bonté) and power of God are infinite.

ude, Study (étude) requires solitude (solitude). ule, ulle, It is said that bathing is bad during the dog-days (canicule).

ume, Have you a good pen (plume)?

ure, The sun, the moon, and the stars are the glory of nature (nature),

ute, utte, In the career of crime one fall (chute) causes another.







ach, I have an almanack (almanach).
acht, I sailed in the king's yacht (yacht).
act, He has a good feeling (tact).
acte, I saw the first act (acte).

aigre, Give me the vinegar (vinaigre).
ais, Parrots like Turkey-corn (maïs).
aître, Listen to the master (maître).
aive, He wears a sword (glaive).
am, amp, We have a field (champ).
amphre, You smell of camphor (camphre).

ampre, The vine branch (pampre) is dedicated to Bacchus.

anle, He has put this affair in motion (donner le branle).

antre, I have heard the new singer (chantre). ao, Chocolate is made of cocoa-nut (cacao).

aps, After a lapse (laps) of time.

apt, The rape (rapt) of the Sabines was the cause of a great war.

arbre, That tree (arbre) is dead.

arc, His bow (arc) is very good.

aspe, Jasper (jaspe) is a precious stone. asthme, She has an asthma (asthme).

aure, The centaur (centaur) is a fabulous being. autre, Is your spelt (épautre) ripe ? avre, I have seen a corpse (cadavre). ax, Bring me some borax (borax). az, Light the gas (gaz).

ècle, In what age (siècle) are we?

ect, We owe respect (respect) to every religion. ectre, Have you heard of the spectre (spectre)? egs, An honourable life is the best legacy (legs) a father can leave to his children.

eigle, I am very fond of rye (seigle).

eint, This child has a fine complexion (teint). em, That is the main point (item).

emble, The aspen tree (tremble) is more common in France than in England.

embre, I have some ginger (gingembre). emple, I have been to the temple (temple). en, He went well through his long examination (examen).

end, He is a reverend (révérend).

eng, The herring (hareng) is a good fish.

enre, Do you understand the gender (genre) of

nouns ?

entre, Place it in the centre (centre),

ep, Cut the vine (cep).

eps, He had good pincers (forceps).

epte, Follow this precept (précepte).

eptre, He holds the sceptre (sceptre)."

éque, Huet was a learned bishop (évéque). ercle, Make a circle (cercle).

erd, Do you like green (verd)?

erf, I had a stag (cerf).

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ers, Newton was the first who discovered the real laws of the great universe (univers).

ertre, Put it on the hill (tertre).

euble, There is a fine piece of furniture (meuble). eugle, Pity the poor blind (aveugle).

euple, The king protects the people ( peuple). euque, Have you read the Pentateuch (Pentateuque).

eurre, Take some butter (beurre).

eurt, He received a knock (heurt).

eurtre, He has committed a murder (meurtre).

ex, This book has no index (index).

exte, Read the text (texte).

ex, He does not see further than his nose (nex). ict, He is not in his district (district).

id, My birds have a nest (nid).

igre, We have seen a tiger (tigre).

iltre, Have you a filter (filtre).

imbe, Do you see the border (limbe) of that star? imbre, He did not put the stamp (timbre).

imple, Centaury is a salutary simple (simple).

inc, Does he sell zinc (sinc)?

inct, This dog has a good instinct (instinct). indre, Move the cylinder (cylindre).

intre, Speak to the painter (peintre).

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