Imágenes de páginas

one another every week. The soldiers whom we saw on the Common have withdrawn to the barracks. These girls are good musicians; did you ever hear them play? Could you recognize the actresses whom you saw playing on the stage? This is a fine comedy; did you ever see it played? My mother bought for herself a fine bonnet. My brothers have read the books which you lent them. The lady whom we saw passing in the street is very handsome. Here are the books for which you sent (faire venir); did you give them to me? Your house is larger than I would have thought. We have accustomed ourselves to rise early. It is a question which I thought to leave to your decision."




236. Comment traduisez-vous en français les pronoms possessifs anglais mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, quand ils sont précédés du verbe to be? Donnez comme exemples: "This book is mine. This gun is his. These pens are not yours."

237. Etablissez la différence fondamentale dans la syntaxe des adjectifs possessifs anglais et français, et traduisez comme exemples: "His Majesty the King of Italy. Her Majesty the Queen of England. My father sold his house. My mother lost her book."

238. Traduisez le pronom what dans les phrases suivantes: "Do you speak of what happened? Did you think of what I told you? You know what I have done. You do not know to what you expose yourself. What makes you angry? What do I see on the table? What did you say?

What is the matter?"

239. Quand pouvez-vous exprimer le pronom (adjectif possessif) anglais, accompagné d'un substantif, par l'article, en français? Quelle tournure em

ployez-vous dans la traduction des phrases suivantes? "My head aches. This young girl broke her arm. I tore my hand. His gout torments him again. He did not lose his presence of mind." 240. Traduisez les phrases: "Will you lend him this book? Yes, I will lend it to him. Send them a few pens. Send them into the country. Give me a sword. Show them our pictures. Where are your books? Show them tome."

Etablissez que la construction est la même en français et en anglais.

241. Dites quand il faut traduire it is par il est, et quand il faut rendre ces mots par c'est. Expliquez la différence entre les deux phrases: "Estil mon frère? Est-ce mon frère?" et traduisez comme exemples:

"It is noble to die for one's country. It is a noble thing to die for one's country. Is it you? It was not an officer who was killed, but a private. Is it true that you have been very ill? Yes, it is true."

242. Comment traduisez-vous en français les mots few et a few, suivis d'un substantif? Prenez

pour exemples: "few men can do that. A few men can do that."

243. Comment traduisez-vous le pronom any en français? 244. Traduisez les phrases: "I am sure of it. I am sure of him. You speak of it. You speak of her." 245. Comment rendez-vous en français les pronoms

anglais of it, to it, for it (exprimés ou sousentendus), dans les phrases pareilles à celles qui suivent?

"I am glad of it. He suffers without complaining, and he suffers the more. I shall not consent to it. Think of it. What do you think of it? You may scold me, I shall not complain of it."

246. Traduisez les phrases:

"Remember all I have said. Relate all that happened. Is that all he told you? I gave you all I had. Did you repeat all you knew?"


247. Par quelle préposition rendez-vous en français les prépositions anglaises by, on, in, through, et la conjonction whilst, lorsqu'elles précèdent un participe présent? Traduisez comme exemples: "On reading your translation, I discover many blunders. Do not speak whilst eating. You will learn French by speaking it whenever you find an opportunity."

248. Comment traduisez-vous la préposition anglaise

by dans les phrases pareilles aux suivantes? "You are older than your brother by four years. I am taller than you by two inches. He is by far the most honest man I know."

249. Comment rendez-vous en français la préposition anglaise on, lorsqu'elle n'est pas prise dans un sens littéral? Traduisez comme exemples:

"The marriage of the prince of Wales took place on the 10th of March. On the day of which you are speaking, I was on leave. I found your letter on arriving here. I did not speak on that occasion. I am on duty."

250. Comment traduisez-vous le mot till, selon qu'il est préposition ou conjonction? Donnez comme exemples: "Wait till to-morrow.

comes. I have waited till now."

Wait till he

251. Traduisez la préposition anglaise with dans les phrases: "You are covered with dust. Fill that bottle with beer. I am satisfied with you. Come with me. I have compared your translation with the original. I struck that man with my stick. With the Spartans, lying was no vice." 252. Comment traduisez-vous la préposition anglaise in, lorsqu'elle est précédée d'un superlatif ou des mots the first, the last, the only, etc.? Donnez comme exemples: "This general is the oldest officer in the army. This man is the first engineer in Europe."


253. De combien de façons pouvez-vous traduire en français les adjectifs de dimension high, long, wide? Prenez pour exemple: "This wall is twelve feet high."

254. Traduisez la phrase: "He spoke in a most serious voice" de deux manières, en mettant le super

latif d'abord au singulier et ensuite au pluriel. 255. Quand traduisez-vous more than et less than par plus de et moins de, au lieu de plus que et moins que? Citez des exemples et traduisez: Il faut plus qu'un homme pour le faire. Il faut plus d'un homme pour le faire.

256. Quand rendez-vous l'adverbe anglais late, accom

pagné d'un temps du verbe to be, par tard, et

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