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Copyright, 1903, by the National Geographic Magazine

N 1899, at the April meeting, I made a communication to the Academy upon the subject of "Kites with Radial Wings;" and some of the illustrations shown to the Academy at that time were afterwards published in the Monthly Weather Review.†

Since then I have been continuously at work upon experiments relating to kites. Why, I do not know, excepting perhaps because of the intimate connection of the subject with the flying-machine problem.

We are all of us interested in aerial locomotion; and I am sure that no one who has observed with attention the flight of birds can doubt for one moment the possibility of aerial flight by bodies specifically heavier than the air. In the words of an old writer, "We cannot consider as impossible that which has already been accomplished."

I have had the feeling that a properly

constructed flying-machine should be capable of being flown as a kite; and, conversely, that a properly constructed kite should be capable of use as a flying-machine when driven by its own propellers. I am not so sure, however, of the truth of the former proposition as I am of the latter.

Given a kite, so shaped as to be suitable for the body of a flying-machine, and so efficient that it will fly well in a good breeze (say 20 miles an hour) when loaded with a weight equivalent to that of a man and engine; then it seems to me that this same kite, provided with an actual engine and man in place of the load, and driven by its own propellers at the rate of 20 miles an hour, should be sustained in calm air as a flying-machine. So far as the pressure of the air is concerned, it is surely immaterial whether the air moves against the kite, or the kite against the air.

*A communication made to the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D. C, April 23, 1903, revised for publication in the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE.

+ See Monthly Weather Review, April, 1899, vol. xxvii, pp. 154-155, and plate xi

Of course in other respects the two cases are not identical. A kite sustained by a 20-mile breeze possesses no momentum, or rather its momentum is equal to zero, because it is stationary in the air and has no motion proper of its own; but the momentum of a heavy body propelled at 20 miles an hour through still air is very considerable. Momentum certainly aids flight, and it may even be a source of support against gravity quite independently of the pressure of the air. It is perfectly possible, therefore, that an apparatus may prove to be efficient as a flying-machine which cannot be flown as a kite on account of the absence of vis viva.

However this may be, the applicability of kite experiments to the flyingmachine problem has for a long time. past been the guiding thought in my researches.

I have not cared to ascertain how high a kite may be flown or to make one fly at any very great altitude. The point I have had specially in mind is this: That the equilibrium of the structure in the air should be perfect; that the kite should fly steadily, and not move about from side to side or dive suddenly when struck by a squall, and that when released it should drop slowly and gently to the ground without material oscillation. I have also considered it important that the framework should possess great strength with little weight.

I believe that in the form of structure now attained the properties of strength, lightness, and steady flight have been united in a remarkable degree.

In my younger days the word "kite" suggested a structure of wood in the form of a cross covered with paper forming a diamond-shaped surface longer one way than the other, and provided with a long tail composed of a string with numerous pieces of paper tied at intervals upon it. Such a kite is simply a toy. In Europe and America, where kites of this type prevailed, kite-flying was pursued only as an amusement for

children, and the improvement of the form of structure was hardly considered a suitable subject of thought for a scientific man.

In Asia kite-flying has been for centuries the amusement of adults, and the Chinese, Japanese, and Malays have developed tailless kites very much superior to any form of kite known to us until quite recently.

It is only within the last few years that improvements in kite structure have been seriously considered, and the recent developments in the art have been largely due to the efforts of one manMr Laurence Hargrave, of Australia.

Hargrave realized that the structure best adapted for what is called a "good kite" would also be suitable as the basis for the structure of a flying-machine. His researches, published by the Royal Society of New South Wales, have attracted the attention of the world, and form the starting point for modern researches upon the subject in Europe and America.

Anything relating to aerial locomotion has an interest to very many minds, and scientific kite-flying has everywhere been stimulated by Hargrave's experi


In America, however, the chief stimulus to scientific kite-flying has been the fact developed by the United States Weather Bureau, that important information could be obtained concerning weather conditions if kites could be constructed capable of lifting meteorological instruments to a great elevation in the free air. Mr Eddy and others in America have taken the Malay tailless kite as a basis for their experiments, but Professor Marvin, of the United States Weather Bureau; Mr Rotch, of the Blue Hill Observatory, and many others have adapted Hargrave's box kite for the


Congress has made appropriations to the Weather Bureau in aid of its kite experiments, and a number of meteorological stations throughout the United

States were established a few years ago equipped with the Marvin kite.

Continuous meteorological observations at a great elevation have been made at the Blue Hill Observatory in Massachusetts, and Mr Rotch has demonstrated the possibility of towing kites at sea by means of steam vessels so as to secure a continuous line of observations all the way across the Atlantic.


Hargrave introduced what is known as the "cellular construction of kites.' He constructed kites composed of many cells, but found no substantial improvement in many cells over two alone; and a kite composed of two rectangular cells


separated by a considerable space is now universally known as "the Hargave box kite." This represents, in my opinion, the high-water mark of progress in the nineteenth century; and this form of kite forms the starting point for my own researches (Fig. 1).

The front and rear cells are connected together by a framework, so that a considerable space is left between them. This space is an essential feature of the kite: upon it depends the fore and aft stability of the kite. The greater the space, the more stable is the equilibrium of the kite in a fore and aft direction, the more it tends to assume a horizontal position in the air, and the less it tends to dive or pitch like a vessel in a rough sea. Pitching motions or oscillations are almost entirely suppressed when the space between the cells is large.

Each cell is provided with vertical sides; and these again seem to be essential elements of the kite contributing to lateral stability. The greater the extent of the vertical sides, the greater is the stability in the lateral direction, and the less tendency has the kite to roll, or move from side to side, or turn over in the air.

In the foregoing drawing I have shown only necessary details of construction, with just sufficient framework to hold the cells together.

It is obvious that a kite constructed as shown in Fig. 1 is a very flimsy affair. It requires additions to the framework of various sorts to give it sufficient strength to hold the aeroplane surfaces in their proper relative positions and prevent distortion, or bending or twisting of the kite frame under the action of the wind.

Unfortunately the additions required to give rigidity to the framework all detract from the efficiency of the kite: First, by rendering the kite heavier, so that the ratio of weight to surface is increased; and, secondly, by increasing the head resistance of the kite. The interior bracing advisable in order to preserve the cells from distortion comes in the way of the wind, thus adding to the drift of the kite without contributing to the lift.

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wind, increasing the head resistance without counterbalancing advantages.


In looking back over the line of experiments in my own laboratory, I recognize that the adoption of a triangular cell was a step in advance, constituting indeed one of the milestones of progress, one of the points that stand out clearly against the hazy background of multitudinous details.

The following (Fig 3) is a drawing of a typical triangular-celled kite made upon the same general model as the Hargrave box kite shown in Fig. 1.

A triangle is by its very structure perfectly braced in its own plane, and in a triangular-celled kite like that shown in Fig. 3, internal bracing of any

FIG. 3

character is unnecessary to prevent distortion of a kind analogous to that referred to above in the case of the Hargrave rectangular cell (Fig. 2).

The lifting power of such a triangular cell is probably less than that of a rectangular cell, but the enormous gain in structural strength, together with the reduction of head resistance and weight due to the omission of internal bracing, counterbalances any possible deficiency in this respect.

The horizontal surfaces of a kite are those that resist descent under the influence of gravity, and the vertical surfaces prevent it from turning over in the air. Oblique aeroplanes may therefore conveniently be resolved into horizontal and vertical equivalents, that is, into supporting surfaces and steadying surfaces.

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work required to support the aeroplane A weighs less than the two frameworks required to support B and C.

In the triangular cell shown in Fig. 5, the oblique surfaces ab, bc, are equivalent in function to the three surfaces ad, de, ec, but weigh less. The oblique surfaces are therefore advantageous.

The only disadvantage in the whole arrangement is that the air has not as free access to the upper aeroplane ac, in the triangular form of cell as in the quadrangular form, so that the aeroplane


FIG. 5

ac is not as efficient in the former construction as in the latter.

While theoretically the triangular cell is inferior in lifting power to Hargrave's four-sided rectangular cell, practically there is no substantial difference. So far as I can judge from observation in the field, kites constructed on the same

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Triangular cells also are admirably adapted for combination into a compound structure, in which the aeroplane surfaces do not interfere with one another. For example, three triangularcelled kites, tied together at the corners, form a compound cellular kite (Fig. 6) which flies perfectly well.

The weight of the compound kite is the sum of the weights of the three kites of which it is composed, and the total aeroplane surface is the sum of the surfaces of the three kites. The ratio of weight to surface therefore is the same in the larger compound kite as in the smaller constituent kites, considered individually.

It is obvious that in compound kites of this character the doubling of the longitudinal sticks where the corners of adjoining kites come together is an unnecessary feature of the combination, for it is easy to construct the compound kite so that one longitudinal stick shall be substituted for the duplicated sticks.

For example: The compound kites A


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