Imágenes de páginas

SOUTHWEIDFUIRD iij & terre uthale land an' in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum inde ftent j leisp. Et in malt scat iiij m iij te viz ix Be on the pennie terre Jam tantum ́t na forcop

NORTHWEIDFUIRD ij & terre uthale land ant in butter fcat xiiij & Jam tantum Inde ftent xvj merk in malt scat iij m Jam tantum

LINGRO iiij & terre ob ant in butter fcat uther half span Jam tantum Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in malt fcat an1 vj ñ iiij Beviz ix Be on ilk pennie terre Jam tantum Et in land maile the iiij & terre ob pro rege an1 xl ñ Jain tantum Inde xx în cost tantum flesche.

NETHER KNARSTANE ij & terre t j farding an' in butter fcat xvj d Jam tantum inde ftent xviij merk Et in malt fcat ant iij mij se vj merk Et in land maile the tua pennie terre t j farding pro rege ant xx m Jam tantum, in fcat t land maile All gevin indurand my Lordis will to Donald Greme in his fee except half a barrell butter tua faddome peitis fre to the yaird, t mair than the halff mailet fcat doune.

OVIR KNARSTANE ij ď terre t j farding an' in butter scat xv * Jam tantum inde ftent xviij merk Et in malt fcat ant iij ñ ij se vj merk Jam tantum Et in land maile the ij & terre tj farding pro rege ant xx m Jam tantum Inde x m coft tantum flefche.

ORQUILE j farding terre quoyland but fcat ant in male x m Jam to pay to Robert Huchoun half barrell butter.

ENSTABILLIE iij halfpennie terre ant in butter scat x dj d Jam tantum Inde ftent half leisp. Et in malt scat an ij m uther half f Jam tantum Et in land maile the haill iij half pennie terre ant xvj ñ ij ß Jam bot half barrell butter price vj î iiij set j faddome peittis price uther half înt the haill male dount in tyme cuming to be fet for full maile t nocht ellis.

WARBUSTARE v farding an' in butter scat xvj & Jam tantum Inde ftent xviij merk et in malt scat ant xj se vj merk Jam tantum Et in land maile the v à terre ant xvj î Jam to pay half barrell butter pryce m iiij Be with iij m cost tantum flesche

Et iij mij fe doun and the nixt fet to be full.


TOFTIS j & terre pro rege ant in butter scat vij & Jam tantum Inde stent viij merk Et in malt fcat an ix ft Jam tantum in land maile the said perie terre ant aucht m Jam tantum Inde four m coft tantum flesche. The quhilk is all affignit for xx s in angus portaris fee yéirlie with half merk mair fra my lordis purf

CALINGIS toft j farding terre pro rege ant in butter scat iij d Jam tantum inde ftent ij merk et in malt fcat ant ij fę vj merk Jam tantum. Et in land maile the farding terre an' x fe Jam tantum The quhilk haill dett fupra ar gevin for godis faik to ba this bairnis and thus endis Sanct olavis parochin.

THE milne of scalpay is fett to mannie millar this brother for xx m fcheeld meele with conditioun as the laft rentale befor bearis.

Summa de ftent v leifp x merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the ftent vij s vj d iij farding

Summa de malt fcat xxij ñ v P vj merk

Summa de Coft in land maile j last xij îñ

Inde the thrid fcheild meill

Summa de flesche j last xj m

Summa de Wattill xx fe xviij merk Inde x fę ix merk coft t x f ix merk flesche

HAILL dettis

Summa totalis fupra iij ti iij š vj ₫ 1 1⁄2 đt xiij halkhennis et totum fupra to pay preter the haill dettis of coftis calingis toft t the milne et preter ij barrell buttert iij faddome

peatis for nether Knarftane, Orquhil Inftabilliet Werbufter ut patet in rentale et preter all the feat that the bischop takis

Summa de uris terre preter all that the bifchop takis is xx ₫ terre t iij farding terre inde xx fe xviij merk wattill t ilk yeir ane fcat mairt for the pryce

Parochia Sancti Andree

THIS SET AND RENTALL of Sanct Androis parochin maid at greinvall the xxviij day of Apryle the yeir of God In Vet tua yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop of this inftant yeir as thai did of befor And for thre yeiris to cum nixt theirefter to pay as this rentall proportis

YINSTAITH viij & terre ant in butter fcat ij fpan xiiij d Jam tantum 'Inde stent ij leispund xvj merk et in malt scat ant v ñ ij Be Jam tantum Et in forcop ant xiij & Jam tantum Et in land maile of iij å terre pro rege et iij ₫ terre conqueift ant of the haill ij laftis Jam tantum inde Ane last cost tantum flesche.

TANKARNES xij & terre uthall land ant in butter scat xj spañ Jam tantum Inde ftent iiij leifp. Et bot j leifp. on ilk iij d terre t it fuld be j leifp. upoun ilk fpan becaus it payis nather malt fcat nor butter scat we ken nocht quhy.

FEALL vj merk terre vi5 iij & terre conqueift quoyland but feat ant in land maile xij î Jam v ñ coft tantum flesche Et ij î doun.

QUOYBEWMONT j merk terre viz j farding terre conqueist t quoyland but fcat ant in male x fe Jam iij se cost tantum flesche.

QUHYTCLET ij & terre quoyland pro rege but fcat ant in land maile vij m iiij te Jam iij în coft tantum flesche.

TOHOP beneth the yaird xvij & terre tj farding an' in butter feat v spañ xvj d iij farding Jam tantum inde ftent v leifp. xviiij merk Et in malt feat an xj iij se Jam tantum Et in forcop an' iijiiijd Jam tantum Et in land maile vij & terre jd terre txl & mair vizj farding terre inde jd terre pro rege citer con queift per comitem an' of the haill j last vij se Jam set for thrid part fall Et to pay viij ñ ij fe viij merk coft tantum flesche Et the thrid part of the land maill doune.

TOHOP abone the yaird xii & terre ant in butter scat iiij fpañ Jam tantum inde ftent iiij leisp Et in malt fcat ant viij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant xx d Jam tantum Et in land j & terre conqueft an' in male xx ff Jam tantum in fandie frefers hands x 1C coft tantum flesche.

SABAY ix à terre uthale land ant in butter feat iij fpan Jam tantum inde stent iij leifp Et in malt fcat an xiiij m t na forcop Jam to pay bot vij m quia the half of the malt scat wes gevin quyt be umquhile Erle William in coffing for landis he gat therfor in greinvall as the airis of fabay allegis to schaw charteris therupoun And my lord Sinclair gat never bot the half butter fcat t half malt fcat quhill the crop that grew the yeir of God 1m Ve tua yeiris the quhilk wes the first yeir that evir he gat payment of the full butter fcat and nevir yet bot the half malt fcat.

FOWBUSTARE iij & terre uthall ant in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt fcat an' ij î Jam tantum Et in forcop ant vij d Jam tantum

CAMPSTANE iiij d ob terre uthale an' in butter feat uther half fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in malt feat ant iji Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x djd Jam tantum.

OKILSETTER iijd terre quhilk lyis with all the dettis thairof to the grange of grenevall extract fra this takmannis foum


SANDAY iijd terre ant in butter feat x djd Jam tantum Inde ftent half leisp. Et in malt fcat ant j ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant iij & Jam tantum Et in land male x merk iij farding terre all conqueift ant in maile xx ñ Jam vii m coft tantum flesche t vjî doune

Et eft finis iftius parochie

Summa de ftent xxij leifp. x merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xlj s ix dj ď

Summa de malt fcat vij six djła

Summa de malt scat j laft xîij în v fl

Summa de coft in land male ij lafts j ñ iij se viij merk

Summa de flesche ij lafts j m iij f viij merk

Summa totalis vj ti v š vj dfarding terre preter Okilsetter Summa de uris terre iij uris terre xvij ₫ terre tj farding terre preter Okilfetter

Inde Wattill xj ñ v ߤ vj merkt ilk yeir in fcat mairtis for ther price And ilk uther yeir iiij scat mairtis.

Parochia de Deirnes

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Deirnes maid at Greinewall the xxviij day of Apryle ITM Vet tua yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop growand this Ilk yeir as thai did the last yeir bigane t for uther thre yeiris to cum nixt heirefter to pay as this rentale proportis

SANDAY iij ₫ terre ant in butter scat j span Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt fcat ant iiij mij e Jam tantum t na forcop quia double malt fcat Et in land maile iij 1⁄2 & terre xx š. les viz viij merk terre t a half in toto all conqueift fra Andro Johnftoun an in maile xvij m Jam bot j barrell butter price xiij mij fet ijm coft Et jmt iiij fe doune Item to pay for the linkis heirof xxx cunningis t xxx skynnis

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