Imágenes de páginas

HOUSCROW ix d terre t thairof the bifchop hes the scattis of iij à terre t pro rege bot vj à terre ant in butter fcat ij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent ij leifp. Et in fcat order of the vj & terre ant vij m Jam bot iiij mij e vj merk beer cetere ley Et in forcop ant iijî Jam nihil Et in land the haill ix à terre pro rege ant in male ix š gild viz j last iij î beer Jam to pay for iij terre t iij farding terre that is teild iij s ix d inde vij m iij fe beer t xv se flesche t v à terre j farding terre all waift in leyt nocht blawin

AND heir endis all the scattis that the bischop takis in the parrochin and I traift that the bischop hes richt to thir scattis becaus I found in the auld parchment rentall that notwithstanding the land is all the Kingis to the male yit ilk iij ₫ terre is laid by to pay fcat to the bifchop


GARTH ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj span Jam tantum inde ftent vj leifp. Et in beer fcat ant xxj ñ Jam tantum in forcop an ix în viz iiij s vj d argent Jam nihil Et in land xvij à terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xvij š gild Jam to pay be my Lordis brother St William bot xj s iiij d Inde xxij mij ft beer vij m iij feflefche Et the thrid doune

WALBROCH ix à terre in butter seat iij span jam in my Lordis brotheris handis for uther half span Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in beer fcat an' x ñ iij 1¤ Jam v ñ uther half fe Et in forcop viz girse male nathing in this place cetere of the scattis in Sr William Sinclairis handis Et in land ijd terre conqueift ant in male xviij & gild Jam the faid land male with the haill beer fcat fre in the faid Sr Williams handis ant in butter scat iij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent iij leifp. Et in bere scat ant x m iij se Jam tantum Et in forcop vīz gerse maile ix đ₫ Jam tantum Et in land iiij à terre pro rege an' in male xiij î beer Jam in the faid S Williamis handis fre of land male

WYBUSTER ix ₫ terre uthale land pro domino Wilielmo Sinclair this wes ecket by this rentale

HOUSHAY ix d terre uthale ant in butter scat iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iij leisp. et in beer fcat ant x m iij fe Jam tantum Et in forcop ant ix d Jam tantum

SUTHIRBE x d terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum the haill scattis thairof to the bifchop Et in male ant x š gild t heirof iiij à terre all waft t for all the uther vj d terre fet thrid part fall t to pay iiij s inde viij ñ beer t xvj d flesche Ibidem in towmell ant iij e terre Jam tantum

LYRLAND als Leyland ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj span Jam tantum inde ftent vj leifp. Et in corne fcat of the haill ant xxj ñ beer Et in forcop ant xviij ₫ Jam to pay in beer t forcop ut fequitur

IMPRIMIS inde ix à terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum an in male viij ix d gild Jam to pay for all the corne fcat t land male of the faid ix & terre bot the butter seat thairoft iiij î beer allannerlie Item inde fcale butter iij & terre with iij d forcop Jam tantum

ITEM in ley land iij & terre that Sr Robert Flet of lait bocht fra ane uthaleman quhilk payit all tyme fcat to the King before my entre and ay fenfyne the butter scat thairof is in the fowme fupra And to pay in beer scat iij î iij ßę with ij d forcop

ITEM in leyland iij & terre uthale the butter fcat is in the fowme fupra Et in corne fcat to pay iij i iij fe beer with iij d forcop quia nathing blawin

HALFYNCOFFIS als Hobfta wes evir ane uris terre to the Kingis fcattis thairof the vicar of Sanday withhaldis fra the King the haill scattis of iij ₫ terre t j farding fra the King t to

the Kingis fcattis bot xv ₫ terre t iij farding terre an' thairof in butter fcat v span v djd Inde the haill scattis of iiijd terre ar fre in the handis of Symoun Ramfayis airis becaus of the land male that he coffitt gaif to erle William in the bull of Karstan

AND fa remaneis to pay fcat to the King this tyme bot xj d terre tj farding an' thairof in butter scat to the King iij span xv djid Jam tantum inde stent iij leifp. xviij merk Et in beer fcat of the said xj đ terre t j farding ant xij ñ v fe Jam tantum et in forcop an' xviij d Jam xij d quia ut fupra Et in land jd terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xijd Jam tantum Inde ij î beer t iiij & flesche

IBIDEM ane towmale to pay iij se beer

HOUSGARTH is uther half uris terre quhilk payit the fcat to the King ant in butter ix fpan Et in fcat ordei ant xxxj î And heirof Johne of Cragie hes iij ₫ terre fanct Katherinis alter viij & terre quhilk wes bocht be nichole Tulloch fra uthale men t payit feat to the King in Erle Williamis tyme bayth forrow the faid Nichollis tyme t eftir his deceife And all the laif of this uther half uris terre in manibus epifcopi this xxij yeiris bigan in my tyme Jam to pay of Johne Craigyis iij đ terre j fpan butter fcat inde j leifp. ftent Et in beer fcat iiij mij fe

THE bull of Brugh pro rege an ix laftis beer Jam fet to William of Clait for iiij laftis beer t xvj š in flesche allannerlie Et iij laftis beer doune t na wattill to be payit

THE bull of Halkifnes ane uris terre bordland pro rege ant bot vj laftis beer Jam a laft xvj ñ beer t xiij mij te flesche preter xx š gild t xxviij s doune of the male Ibidem j tow

male to pay j ñ beer Item j " cunning skynnis

THE holmes of fpurnes pro rege an' ane barrell ulie

THE linkis of the parochin an1 vj∞ cunning skynnis

Et finitur parrochia fancte Crucis

Summa to pay be S William Sinclair for the thingis befor wrettin in his hand extra manibus takmanni

Summa de ftent x leifp.

Summa de butter scat preter the stent xiiij s 1⁄2 d

Summa de beer in fcat t land male ij laftis vj m iij ße

Summa de flesche vij î iij se allannerlie for the haill dettis

of Garth Walbrocht of ix à terre ut prius in rentali

THE bull of Halkifnes to pay ut patet fupra

ITEM to pay be the faid Mawnis for the bull of halkifnes gardymelis frowattin t tua towmales as the rentale befor beeris vj deifp. ftent

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent viij š

Summa de beer in fcat t land male ij laftis ix miiij se with xvj m iij e flesche and in wattill for the teild land of gardemellist frowattin ix f beer t iiij ñ iij se in wattill for the bull

Summa to pay be the takman for all the laif of this parochin preter all thingis befor wrettin in St Williamis handis Magnus Paulfonist haill dettis of the bull of Brught

Summa de ftent xx leifp. x merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the ftent xxvij š iiij d

Summa de beer in scat ij laftis v ñ iij se xviij merk

Summa de forcop vj š ix ₫ nocht chargeit on the takman this tyme

Summa de beer in land male cum ley towmalis j laft xxj î iiij se Summa de flesche xiij î

AND all thingis fupra to pay preter Sr William Magnus Paulfoun The forcop the leyis the scattis that the bifchop takis quhilk fuld be the Kingis and all uther fallis in the rentall

Summa totalis preter ut patet iij ti xj s ix & iij farding with jcunning skynnis for the half of the lynkis be Richeart

Strobrok je cunning skynnis

Summa de uris terre that payis fcat t land malet preter all uther thingis quhilk ar out of the takmannis charge is iiij uris terre x à terre t iij farding terre inde wattill xx ñ iiij Be beer vi uther half se beer on ilk & terre

Parrochia Sancti Columbi in Sanday

THIS SETT AND RENTALL of Sanct Collumbis parrochin maid the xiij day of Junij I" Vet tua And all the tennentis thairof to pay in fcatt land male for the crop growand this ilk tyme t for uther thre croppis growand nixt heireftir as this ilk rentall proportis in all manner of dettis

IMPRIMIS Synbuftaith wes ane uris terre to the Kingis scattis and thairof the bifchop takis the scat of iiij d terre Et to the Kingis scattis bot xiij ₫ terrean' thairof in butter scat iiij span x did Jam bot iij fpan inde ftent iij leifp. quia iiij & terre blawin waift Et in beer fcat of the xiij d terreant xv m iiij e viz vij se on ilk d terre at the full Jam bot x î iij se beer quia iiij d terre ut fupra blawin waist Et in forcop ant preter the bifchop xiij & terre Jam bot viij d terre citer blawin Et in land xij đ terre pro rege Et iijd terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant of the haill xviij s gild vĩz xv d on ilk d terre at the full Jam bot vij s vj đ Inde xv ñ beer v ñ flesche t x š vj đ doune

SAND ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj span Jam bot iij fpan inde stent iij leifp. quia the half blawin waist Et in beer fcat ant xxj m Jam to pay for vj à terre teild vij ñ beer quia all the laif of this uris terre blawin waift Et in forcop ant xviij ñ Jam vj ñ citer waist Et in land the haill uris terre pro rege ant in male

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