Imágenes de páginas

xxiiij ŝ viz xvj đ on ilk d terre Jam to pay of vj å terre teild vj š inde ix m beer vj în flesche et xviij š doune with the tua pairt of the scattis

IBIDEM ane towmale to pay ane în beer

BRABUSTIR ix à terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Jam bot ij span vij & Inde ftent ij leisp. viij merk quia ij & terre blawin waist Et in beer scat an1 x ñ iij fe Jam to pay for iiij ₫ terre teild iiij î iiij fe beer citer blawin waift Et in forcop ant ix m Jam iij m iiij fe beer citer blawin Et in land ja terre pro rege Et viij & terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xij š gild viz xvj ₫ on ilk ₫ terre Jam to pay for iiij d terre teild v š inde x m beer ij s in flesche 't vij s waist

HELLEHOW ane uris terre of the quhilk the haill scattis ar haldin fra the King thir xxij yeiris bigane allegeit be the commonis that the bischop had tane up the famin quhilk he hes nocht done nor is nocht in his rentale And therfor the commonis t takman fuld mak compt thairof to the King of xxij yeiris bygane bot xv å terre ant in butter fcat v fpan Jam bot iiij fpan xij d Inde ftent iiij leisp xiiij merk quia citer blawin Et in beer fcat ant xvij m iij fe Jam tantum for fa the land is riddin Et in land ix å terre pro reget v å terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xviij ŝ iiij d gild vīz xvj d on ilk & terre Jam to pay for xiij terre teild xiij š vj d inde j last iij î beer tix ñ viz

iiij s vj & flesche

ITEM in Hellehow that payis fcattis ut fequitur to the King

NOLTLAND wes evir ane uris terre to the Kingis scattis ant in butter fcat vj span Jam bot iiij fpan Inde a span to the bifchop t to the King iij fpan inde ftent iij leifp quia vj & terre blawin Et in beer fcat ant xxj m Jam to pay for ix & terre teild x m iij fe inde quarta pars epifcopi et pro rege vij m iiij fe viij merk beer in forcope an' xviij ñ Jam ix în doune blawin And of the

uther ix in the ferd part to the bifchop Et to pay pro rege vj î iiij se Et in land the half uris terre pro rege an' in male xxiiij š vīz xvj đ on ilk jd terre Jam to pay bot half male vïz of ilk ix đ teild xij ŝ Inde a last beer t iiij š in flesche 't xxiiij gild ñ doune

IBIDEM a towmale to pay iij se beer

SCAWRAY ane uris terre ant in butter fcat vj fpan Inde quarta pars epifcopo Et pro rege iiij fpan x dd Jam tantum Inde ftent iiij leifp. Et in beer fcat an1 xxj î Jam of vj å terre teild to pay vij î beer thairof the ferd to the bifchop And to the King bot v m uther half fe beer quia citere ley Et in forcop ant xviij m Inde quarta pars epifcopo et pro rege to pay xiij îñ iij se Et in land the haill uris terre pro rege ant in male xxiiij ŝ gild vīz xvj ₫ on ilk å terre Jam bot vij în beer allannerlie 't xx š vj đ doune viz xlj gild î Ibidem ane towmale ane î beer

STANGASETTER and Harmanisgarth wes evir ane uris terre to the Kingis fcattis And thairof the scattis of iijd terre to Sa. Katherinis altar the laif of the scattis t land male set ut fequitur becaus the faid placeis ar devydit

HARMANNISGARTH v å terre pro rege ant in butter scat jfpan xvij dj1⁄2d Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp xx merk Et in beer fcat an1 vj ñ ij se † Jam tantum in forcop ant v ñ iij se Et in land Ibidem the v à terre t a half pro rege ut patet ant in male vij ŝ iiij ð vïz xvj ð gild on ilk & terre at the full Jam to pay be William Fothringhame v s vjd Inde x ñ iij se beer tij ŝ in fleschet ij fe doune

ITEM be west O twa towmalis ant vij se beer Jam tantum

STANGASETTER xj & terre totum pro rege ant in butter scat iij fpan xiiij & Jam bot ij fpan Inde ftent ij leifp. quia citere blawin Et in beer fcat ant xij m v fe Jam bot ix m quia citer ley t nocht blawin Et in forcop ant xj ñ Jam tantum Et in

land Ibidem xj đ terre pro rege an' xiiij ŝ viij ð gild vĩ3 xvj đ on ilk & terre at the full Jam to pay bot vj ŝ vj đ Inde xij î beer t xxx d in flesche

Heir endis fanct Columbus parochin

Summa de ftent xxiiij leifp. vj merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xxxij š vj đ

Summa de forcop que extra manibus takmanni xxvij š 4 đ
Summa de beer scat ij last xx ñ viij merk

Summa de beer in land male cum ley towmalis iiij laftis xxij uther half fe

Summa de flesche j laft xvij î j fe

AND all thir guidis to pay preter the forcop leyis blawin landtall the scattis that the bifchop takis quhilk fuld be the Kingis ut patet in rentale

Summa totalis preter ut fupra vj ti iij s iij d

Summa de uris terre that payis fcat 't land male preter all the leyis blawin land t all the bifchoppis proper land Ibidem extendis to iij uris terre xj dtd Inde wattill x ñ v se 4 coft extenden. in beer to xvj m ijse vj merk beer viz uther half fe beer on ilk d terre

THE linkis of this parochin an iiije cunning fkynnis Jam fet to

Parrochia Sancte Maric in Sanday

THIS SET AND RENTALE of our Lady perrochin in Sanday maid at Clat the x day of Junij Im Vet tua yeiris And all the tennentis thairof to pay thair haill det in baith fcat t land male as this rentale proportis for the crop this ilk tyme growandt ficlyk for uther thre growand nixt thaireftir in all dettis

IMPRIMIS How be north xvj d terre t j farding ant in butter fcat v fpan viij & Jam tantum inde stent v leifp. x merk Et in beer fcat ant xix în iiij ße Jam tantum Et in land xvj à terre t j farding terre pro rege ant in male xvj š iij ð gild vîz xij & on ilk & terre at the full Jam to pay viij ŝ Inde xvj î beer with xxxij d flesche with viij fe beer in wattilllt viij s iij & doune

SELLEBUSTAR ane uris terre and therof the bischop hes the butter scatt corne scatt of iij à terre and fa to the Kingis scattis ane uris terret a half d terre ant in butter fcat therof vj fpan iij & Inde stent vj leifp. iiij merk Et in beer fcat of the uris terred terre an2 xxj ñ iij §¤ 1⁄2 Jam tantum Et in forcop ant iiij s vj & Jam tantum Et in land the haill uris terre with the iijd terre totum pro rege ant in male xxxij s iij dj viz xviij d gild on ilk & terre at the full Jam nocht jd land male bot the scattis ut fupra

ARSTAIS ane uris terre t thairof the bifchop hes the scattis of v farding terre quhilk v farding terre is nocht in his auld rentale Et to the Kingis scattis bot xvjd terre t iij farding terre ant therof in butter fcat v span xij đ j1⁄2 & Jam bot iiij span quia citer blawin Inde ftent iiij leifp. Et in beer fcat ant xix î iij se Jam to pay for x à terre teild xij m uther half fe beer t vij m uther half fe blawin Et in land forcop an. iiij š ij d Jam tantum preter the bifchoppis part Et in land xiij & terre t iij farding pro rege


ant in male xx š vijdjd viz xviijd gild on ilk d terre at the full Jam to pay for ix à terre teild xij s Inde j laft beer t iiij ŝ in fleschet vij d₫ doune

LANGTA wes ay to the Kingis fcattis ane uris terre And thairof the bifchop takis the full scattis of vij à terre and nevir a word thairof in the auld rentale Et to the Kingis scattis bot xj & terre ant thairof in butter fcat iij fpan xiiij d Jam bot iij span vij d Inde ftent iij leifp. viij merk quia j & terre blawin Et in beer fcat of the xj & terre ant xij î v se Jam bot xj în iiij se quia j đ terre blawin Et in forcop of the xj đ terre ant ij ŝ ix & Jam tantum Et in land pro rege ix à terre ant of viij ₫ terre xij ŝ gild vīz xviij š on ilk à terre Jam to pay for vij ₫ terre xij ŝ inde j laft beert iiijs in flefche And to remember that the land maile of the ix d terre be the uthale men is haldin fra the King thir xxij yeiris bygan Remember to tak law thairof

CLAT wes ay ane uris terre to the Kingis feat and thairof the bifchop takis the full scattis of jd terre quhilk is nocht in his auld rentale Et to the Kingis feat bot xvij à terre Et totum uthale land ant thairof in butter scat v span xiiij & Jam bot iij span xiiij & Inde ftent iij leifp. xvj merk for xj d terre quia all the laif of the scattis of the uther vj & terre ar fre in the handis of Will of Muret his brother betuix coffing of landis with Erle William in Ranaldsay Et in beer fcat of the xj å terre an1 xij ñ v se Jam tantum Et in forcop ant of the xj đ terre ij š ix đ

LEMSGARTH wes evir ix d terre to the Kingis fcattis And thair of the Kirk takis the scat of v & terre quhilk is nocht in the bifchoppis auld rentale Et to the Kingis scattis bot iiijd terre ant thairof in butter fcat j fpan vij d Jam tantum inde stent j leifp viij merk Et in beer feat of the iiij & terre an1 iiij î iiij se Jam tantum Et in forcop ant iiij d Jam tantum Et in land the iiij đ terre of the ald erldome nunc pro rege an' in male vj š vīz viij đ an ilk d terre Jam in Will of Muiris handis for the fcattis fupra

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