Imágenes de páginas

Summa of filver maillis and augmentationis lxix lib xj9
Summa of poultrie vxx j pult: pult:

Summa of peattis v faddomes.


CORNEQUOY Thrie farding halfe farding land quoyland payis iij m iij e coft Tantum flesh adhuc jd terræ fcat land viij merk but in fcat filuer xiiij d in scat malt iiij fe In land maillis iiij m coft Tantum flesh and iij pult: adhuc for roifnes jm coft Tantum flesh and in watle j f 18 merk malt

DUCRO Thrie farding halfe farding quoyland payis iij m iij fe coft Tantum flesh adhuc jd terræ fcat land viij merk but in fcat fil: xiiij d In scat malt iiij se and in land maillis iiij ñ coft Tantum flesh and iij pultrie adhuc for rofenes jî cost tantum flesh adhuc in watle je 18 merk coft adhuc for ane farding in quoyingabuster & ane farding in anguis quoy ij ñ coft Tantum flesh & ane poultrie & in watle a xj merk coft.

Nota Cornequoy and ducro fewit and fett in tacke for ten yearis To fibilla ftewart w'out payt of any dewtie except jd yearlie dureing hir tack qlk expyred after the 1624 year of god payis in augmentatioun for the few vj š viij ₫ now payis dewtie except the Gleibe land qlk is iij î malt & iij ñ flesh.

FLAWIS Tua d land quoyland j d land feat land all pro rege payis for the quoyland viij în coft Tantum fflesh and for the scat land viij merk but in fcat fil: xiiij & in fcat malt iiij fe & in land maillis iiij m cost tantum flesh in pultrie of all vj pult: and in watle je xviij merk and for roifnes iiij fe halfe fe Tantum flesh and in gerfum Ilk thrie yearis xij lib.

BANKIS Ane à terræ fcat land with caldquoyd terræ quoyland all pro rege payis in but scatt for the scatt land viij merk but? In scatt filver xiiij & in fcat malt iiij fe In land maillis of all vj m coft Tantum flesh, in watle j femerk coft adhuc for roifnes ij fefe cost Tantum flesh and iij pultrie and Ilk thrie yearis vj lib.


BREAQUOY Tua d land feat land jd la: quoyland payis for the fcatland xvj merk but in fcat filver ijs iiijd in feat malt vij fe in land maillis of all xij în coft Tantum flesh and vj poultrie And for Roifnes v fe coft Tantum flesh and in watle xvj merk coft adhuc quoy Thome ob terræ quoyland payis ijm coaft Tantum flesh and j poultrie & in watle xij merk cost and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis

QUOYINGABUSTER Ane d terræ quoyland pro rege qof fibilla ftewart hes j fd as is befoir fpeit the reft payis in land maillis iij m coaft Tantum flesh & ij poultrie & in watle xvj merk coft and in gerfum Ilk thrie yearis iij lib.

EISTERFEA Ane & terræ quoyland j d seat land all pro rege payis for the scatt land viij merk but in fcat filver 14 d in feat malt iiij ff and in land maillis of all viij ñ cost Tantum flesh and four poultrie and for Rofenes j fefe cost tantum flesh in watle jfe xviij merk coft and in gerfum Ilk thrie yearis viij lib ANGUSQUOY Ane & terræ pro rege quoyland q'of Sibilla stewart hes j fd as is aforefd the rest payis in land maillis iij în coft Tantum flesh & ij poultrie in watle 16 merk merk coft and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis iij lib.

WESTERFEA Ane d terræ pro rege quoyland but scatt payis in land maillis iiijm coft Tantum flesh and ij poultrie and foir rofenes j fefe coft Tantum flesh, in watle xxij merk coft in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis

SOITLAND Thrie få land pro rege but scatt payis in land maillis iij ñ coft Tantum flesh & ane pult: pult: in watle xvj merk in coft & in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis


HOLMES halfed terræ pro rege quoyland but scatt payis in land maillis ijm coft Tantum flesh & j pultrie & for roifnes xviij merk coft Tantum flesh & in watle xj merk coft farding land of quoybarnetis payis yearlie iij liħ money. BULL of fkaill four d halfe penny land pro rege fcat land payis in butter scatt j leif: xij merk in fcat filver v š iiijd in fcat malt iiij m and in land maillis xij coft Tantum flesh & ix poultrie in watle xxij merk cost and for roifnes ij se xviij merk coft Tantum flesh.

VIGGA Ane & terræ quoyland jd terræ fcat land pro rege payis for the scat land viij merk but in scat filver xiiij d in scat malt riij fe & in land maillis of all viij ñ coft Tantum flesh & four poultrie Adhuc for roifnes j fefe coft Tantum flesh, in watle 플 jfe xviij merk coft

LAMBHOLME payis yeirlie xij ñ malt

Nota Holmes quoybarnets Bull of skaill vigga, and lambeholme fett in few To Patrick fmyth of braco, and fua payis no gerfume ke payis for Ilk meill malt for Ilk meill flesh xvj s 8 à for Ilk leis. but xlviij s for Ilk poultrie xvj d or elf ipfis corporibus at his optioun payis in augmentatioun of the rentall vj š viij đ The bifchopis halfe of the teinds of paplay and greinwall payis yearlie xx ñ coft The vther halfe pertaineing to the prebendrie of ft John payis yearlie xx lib money The teinds fett in tack to Patrick fmyth of braco for the space of

VCHILSETTER Ane d ob. terræ pro rege payis in but scatt xij merk in scatt filver xxj d in fcat malt j m in land maillis v î coft Tantum flesh and iij pultrie and for roifnes xviij merk coft Tantum flesh and in watle j fe vj mk cost and in gerfum Ilk thrie yearis vj lib fewit to David heart & fo pay is no gerfume. Nota roifnes iiij ñ cost Tantum flesh and the watle of paplay iiijî cost all divydit particularlie vpoun the occupayeris off the landis forfdis

GREIN WALL Nyne d land pro rege fewit to Edmond finclair of fflottay for yearlie payment of viij lib The tennents of paplay payis yearlie Thrie faddome of peattis.

HURTESO Thrie d land pro rege payis in but fcatt j les. but in fcat fil: iiij s vj d In feat malt ij m in land maillis xiiij m coft Tantum flesh & vj pultrie in teind v m coft adhuc for roifnes ij se cost Tantum flesh This in tack fett in lyferent To WTM fermo for service onlie wt payt of any dewtie to him and ane air & payis no dewtie for roifnes: na fewit be converfioun To andro fmyth the dewtie q'of discharged dureing his lyftyme

SNARTAQUOY ffour d land payis in but fcatt j lef. xij merk in fcat fil: and foircop v š iijd in fcat malt iij m in teind vij îi jij fix merk coft

MAILL four à terræ payis in but fcat j lef. viij merk in fcat fil. iiij s viij d in fcat malt ij în iiij se and in land maillis of j jkowifworth terræ inde pro rege viij sę xxj merk cost Tantum flesh & in teind of all viij în coft & ij pult: and for j fe halfe fe mailling qlk pertainit to Wm Maill & now efcheit for theft payis in land maillis xviij î cost Tantum flesh & in gerfume of inde pro rege Ilk thrie yearis viij lib.

ADHUC maill pro epo Ob. terræ payis in fcat fil: vij & in scat & land maillis j m coft & in flesh iiij se ij 2 pt merk and ij pultrie and in teind jî coft and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis viij lib. AICKERBUSTER Thrie d jf. terræ inde jà terræ pro rege payis in butter fcat j lef. ij merk in fcat fil: & foircop iij š x đ in fcat malt ij î j fe and in land maillis of inde pro rege viij fe coft Tantum flesh and ij pultrie and in teind of all iiij mij se coft in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis iiij lib jd pro rege fewit To Patrick fmyth no gerfume

AICKERBUSTER pro epo ffyve d terræ payis in fcat fil : xx d in feat land maillis and teind iiij î j fe coft and ij m iij fe flesh and iiij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis v lib This fewit to Patrick fmyth no gerfume

VALLAY four & ob. terræ payis in but fcat j lef. xij merk in fcat fil: and foircop v š iiij d in scat malt iij ñ in land maillis of the ob. terræ inde pro rege iij mij fe coft Tantum flesh and v pult: and in teind vj ñ coft in gerfume Ilk thrie years x lib 2 pt did pro rege, fewit to Patrick smyth no gerfume

EASTBRABUSTER Sex d ob. terræ payis in but fcat ij lef. iiij merk in scat filver vj s vj d in fcat malt ix m iiij fefe and in land maillis of v fdg terræ pro rege iij mij e coft Tantum flesh and ij pultrie and in teind ix m iiij fefe and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis of inde pro rege vj lib.

EASTBRABUSTER pro epo Tua d ob. terræ payis in fcat fil: ij š xjd in land maillis & teind xiiij î j fe coft and in flesh vij m v se fe and vij pultrie pult: in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xij lib Nota Eaftrabufter payis of outbreck teinds yearlie j ñ malt GRAVIN ffour & ob terræ vdall payis in but?. fcat j lef. xij merk in fcat fil: v s 4 d in fcat malt iij ñ and in teind vj în coft

WESTERBUSTER Sex ₫ j f. land payis in buf scat ij lef: ij merk in scat fil: vj ŝ iij d in feat malt ix în ij se 6 merk and in land maillis of jd ob terræ pro rege iiij ñ coft Tantum flesh and iij pult: and in teind ix în ij te 6 merk coft and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis j d d pro rege fewit To Patrick fmyth no gerfume. WESTERBUSTER pro epo Tua & iij fdg. land in fcat fil: iij s iiij.d in fcatt maill & teind xv mij fefe and in flesh viij m iiij se Ibidem tuo quoyis payis iij ñ iij se cost and of flesh iiij î j fę x merk and viij pult: and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis for 2 đ land viij lib Thrie fdg. land wt tuo quoyis fewit To Pat: fmyth wefterbufter payis yearlie in outbreck teinds iij se malt. HENSBUSTER be weft Seavin d terræ inde pro rege j fdg.

fdg. terræ payis in butf scat ij lef: viij merk in fcat fil: vij š in fcat malt x m iij ff and of land maillis of inde pro rege iiij Be Be coft Tantum flesh & j pultrie adhuc ij & terræ kirk land payis in teind of all ix în coft and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis of inde pro rege

Nota heusbuster be west payis in outbreck teind yearlie j î malt HENSBUSTER be east Sex & terræ ob. payis in but?. scat ij les: iiij merk in fcat fil: vj s vj d in scat malt ix ñ iiij B & fe in land maillis of iij fdg. terræ pro rege ix fe cost Tantum flesh and in land maillis of jd terræ excambit for Linxnes iij fe cost & ij ñ flesh and in pult: iij pult: pult: and in teind of all vj î iij se coft and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis for the kings and excambit landis iij fdg. pro rege fewit To Patrick smyth.

HENSBUSTER be east pro epo Tua & ob. terræ in fcat fil: ij š xjed in feat land maillis & in teind ix î iij se and of flesh iiij î iij fe and vij pult: pult: and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis x lib This fewit To Patrick smyth of Braco no gerfume heusbister be east payis of outbreck teinds iij se malt.

SKAILTOFT ob. terræ pro epo payis in land maillis ij fe coft Tantum flesh & j pultrie pult: fewit To Patrick fmyth

SNARTAQUOY pro epo Ten & ob. terræ in fcat fil: xiiij s in fcat land maillis and teind j laft 14 mjfe 19 merk pt merk coft and in flesh xiiij î j ff xx merk flesh and in pultrie xxxj pult: pult and In gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xlij lib.

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