Imágenes de páginas

KIRBUSTER Nyne & terræ payis in ftent oyllie ix Is in feat filver iiij s vj d in scat hordei xiij îñ iij se and in land maillis ij đ ob. terræ pro rege xiij ñ iiij se fe hordei and of flesh iiij î jfe flesh and in land maillis of 2 pt merk terræ fumtyme pertaineing To Miftris Mart finclair v se ž se hordei and of flesh j få xvj mk flesh and in land maillis of j merk terræ pertaneing to John Ingfetter viij te ij merk hordei & ij se xij mark flesh in pultrie of all v pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis v lið xvj 3 viij đ WARDIS Nyne & terræ payis in ftent oyllie ix ts in fcat filver ix š in fcat hordei xij m iij fe in land maillis of vj đ terræ pro rege xviij ñ hordei and of flesh xij m flesh and of poultrie xij poultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xij lib.

FEA Nyne & land payis in ftent oyllie ix ts in fcat filver iiij § 6 đ in fcat holdei xiij ñ iij fe in land maillis of vij & ob. terræ pro rege payis xviij mij fe hordei and of flesh xij ñ j se viij merk flesh and in land maillis of tuo Kyifworth terræ pertaineing fumtyme to Miftris Mart finclair j î 6 merk bear and iij se xviij merk flesh And in poultrie of all xvj poultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xv lib 6 š

AITH Eighteine d terræ payis in ftent oyllie xviij ts in fcat fiver ix s in fcat hordei xxvij m in land maillis of 13 ₫ 3 fdg terræ pro rege j last xxij ñ hordei and of flesh xxx m iij fe ij merk flesh And in land maillis of j merk terræ pertaineing fumtyme To Miftris mart finclair v fe bear and of flesh ij se viij merk flesh adhuc in land maillis of ane merk pertaineing fometyme To John Ingfetter v se hordei & iij se viij merk flesh and in pultrie of all xxviij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xxviij lib x š

MANCLETT Tua penny terræ pro rege payis in ftent oyllie ij ts in fcat filver ijs in fcat & land maillis xx ñ hordei and xij ñ flesh & xij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xij lib BRIMBIS ffour à ob. terræ payis in ftent oyllie 4 ts ts in scat filver v s iij d in fcat hordei of ob. merk terræ viij se hordei and in fcat & land maillis of iiij & terræ merk les xl m bear and of flesh xxj m flesh and of land maillis of fumtyme To Miftris Mart finclair iij fe xviij merk hordei And

merk terræ pertaineing

ije flesh.

Deduceand of the land maillis and fcatt abov wrin for vj merk terræ callit fkrebufter excambit for fnelfetter vij m iij e bear & 4 m flesh as ffrancis Mudie alledgis in pultrie of all viij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis by the fd excambit landis xiij lib.

MELSETTER Thrie d terræ payis in ftent oyllie iij 1s in fcat filver xviij ₫ The bear and flesh difponit in excambioun of fnelfetter as ffrancis mudie alledgis the bear beeing xiij ñ v fe & the flesh beeing v m iiij fe QUOYIS ffour merk


merk terræ but fcatt inde pro rege iiij merk terræ payis in land maillis iiij m iij fe hordei & iij î

flesh & j pultrie.

fcat filver iiij s in fcat iiij fe fe & in fcat & land fe hordei and of flesh ix m


SOUTHSETTER Tua & terræ (at 8 merk per d) inde pro rege xiiij merk terræ payis in ftent oyllie ij is in hordei on the tuo merk vdall land maill of inde pro rege xviij m iiij fe ij fe flesh and of pultrie iij pultrie NORTHSETTER Ane & ob. terræ inde pro rege viij merk terræ payis in ftent oyllie j tsts in fcat filver iiij s in fcat hordei iiij m iij fe in land maillis of inde pro rege vj în hordie & iij ñ ij fe fleth Quoyis fouthfetter and northfetter fewit To vmqle James Sandifone & p'for payis no gerfume

THURVO 3 d terræ at 8 merk per ₫ terræ Thrie & terræ of inde pro rege viij merk merk payis in ftent oyllie iij ts in fcat filver viij s in feat hordei ix ñ in land maillis yearlie pro rege iiij ñ iij se vij merk merk hordei and iij în flesh And in land maillis of ane Kowifworth terræ pertaneing fumtyme to alifon Mart daughter burnt for witche craft jî hordei and in pultrie of all j pultrie Deduceand of the fd fcatt j merk oyllie xiij merk merk bear for j kowifworth of land qlk could not be found and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis v lib.

RYSSAY Ob. terræ pro rege quoyland but fcatt payis in land maillis ix în bear and vj m flesh j pultrie And batt butf. MYLNE of Ryffay Payis yearlie vj m oat meall Ryfey and the milne therof fett in few To Ro Chalmer payis in augmentatioun for this & whyfirth vj s viij d

MYLNE of wallis payis yearlie vj ñ oat meall

Summa of bear xvj last vj ñ v fe 2 merk q'of rebaitis for the vj fdg. in brimbis and melfetter excambit as is alledgit for

fnelfetter xxj mij fe & for the landis in thurvo not found

xiij merk merk bear Sua remaines at yet xv last ix în ij fl z 플

merk bear vpon the bear poundlair

Summa of flesh v laft xx ñ fe q'of in ffrancis Mudies handis for fnelfetter ix m iiij fe fe fua remaines v last x ññ ij fe 플

Summa of feat oyllie iij xxxix ts q'of rebatis j merk for the kowifworth in thurvo not found Sua remaines iij **xviij ts

xxiij merk

Summa of butter ball butter


Summa of feat filver iij lib ix six đ

Summa of poultrie v **ij poultrie

Summa of miln multer xij î meall

Summa of gerfume Ilk thrie yearis

Summa of augmentatioun yearlie vj ŝ viij đ.

PHARAY and RYSSA litle

Thried land payis yearlie xl î ordei and of flesh vj în flesh and vj pultrie


BRABUSTER Eighteine d terræ payis in land maillis yearlie ij last vj ñ hordei & j laft xiij ñ flesh Item iij merk terræ with the house of hallay payis yearlie ij î j se ž se ordei and ix f fleth The houfe of Saur with the outbreckis under the fame iij xviij merk bear The outbrecks under the house of daill payis yearlie iiij se se bear and in pultrie of all xxxvj pultrie Sex penny land heirof fett in few To Edward Mowat & xij & land to Hew Halcro of pt Ilk for payt of the dewtie & therfor payis no gerfume edward mowat payis in augmentatioun 3 § 4 ₫ BESOUTH and benorth the burne beneath the hill ffyfteine ₫ terræ payis in land maillis xlv în bear and of flesh xxx m & of

poultrie xxx pultrie Nyne & land heirof fewit To david king and vj d land To vmqle Mr andro difchingtoun for payment of the dewtie and therfor payis no gerfume payis in augmentatioun viij š iiij d

RACWICK Thrie d land bowland payis in land maillis yearlie ix m bear and vj ñ fleth and vj pultrie

BULL of Hoy with the onfetts and pertinents xviij d terræ payis in land maillis iij laft bear and of pultrie xxxvj pultrie Rackwick and bull of Hoy fett in few to hew halcro of pt Ilk for payment of the fdis dewties & therfor payis no gerfume payis in augmentatioun therfor and his fewit landis in brabufter 13 s 4 d

MILNE off Hoy Payis yearlie vj m meall This fewit To david King

Summa of bear for hoy and Pharay ix laft vij m iij fe xviij merk bear vpoun the bear poundlair

Summa of flesh iij last viij ñ iij se se

Summa of pultrie v **xiiij pultrie

Summa of milne multer vj ñ meall

Summa of augmentatioun yearlie xxv s.


SOUND Threttie fex pennyland with the quoyis towmaillis & pertinentis therof payis yearlie xxvij ts but? in scat filver xxxviij š 4 d in fcat land maillis and teind iiij last iij ñ malt & iij last ij î flesh and xxij pultrie This fett in few To Sir John Buchannan knight for payment off the fdis dewties or xliiij s for Ilk ts butter je merk for Ilk last malt xx lib for Ilk laft flesh & ij s for Ilk poultrie x š in augmentatioun & xij s for elgin holme WELTNES Seavin dd land payis yearlie j bat but? and in land maillis & teind xxxvj î ij ßę xvj merk malt and xx î 4 fe flesh and of pultrie xv pultrie This fett in Tack for 19 yearis to the fd Sir John for payment of the dewtie.

HOW betuixt the hillis Ane & half & land payis yearlie in land maillis and teind iiij î ij se malt and iiij în flesh and iij pultrie ELWICK Eight d terræ payis in land maillis & teind xvij îñ ij se

malt and xiij mij fe flesh in feat burf ij ts xxj merk in feat filver viij š 4 d and xvj pultrie

MILNE off elwick payis yearlie vj î meal

HOW betuixt the hillis elwick & mylne thereof fett in few to the fd Sir John for payt of the dewtie or liij s iiij d for ilk ñ malt 16 s 8 d for ilk m flefh xlviij s for ilk ts but ij s for ilk pultrie iij lib vj s viij d for ilk ñ meall with 6 s of augmentatioun. WEYLAND Eight d terræ with quoy Larock payis in land maillis yearlie ij ba" but in fcat filver vj s viij d in teind xij î malt and in pultrie xvj pultrie

HOLLAND Sex d terræ pro rege payis in land maillis & teind xxiij î 4 fe malt and in flesh xij ñ flesh and in fcat filver vj s viij d in feat but ij ls and xij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis adhuc iijd terræ pro epo payis in butf. fcat j ts in fcat filver iij s 4 d in land maillis & teind xv m 2 fe malt and in flesh vj m flesh and in pultrie vj pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis

HOLLANDIS weik alias Lintoun Thrie d d terræ payis yearlie in land maillis & teind xv m malt and in flesh v mm iij ß and in pultrie vij pultrie and in fcat filver iij š vj d in fcat but?. j ls iiij merk and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis vj lib adhuc pro epo jad terræ payis in land maillis & teind v ñ iiij se malt and in flesh ix fe flesh and in fcat filver xviij d and in fcat but? xij mk and in pultrie iij pult: And in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis FRUSTIGAIR quoyland Ane d d terræ pro epo payis in land maillis and teind iiij în v fe x merk and in pultrie iij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis adhucd terræ pro epo payis

yearlie ix fe xx merk malt and in flesh iij fe

MENOS Tua à terræ pro epo payis yearlie in land maillis and teind xvij m iiij fefe malt and viij m flesh in fcat filver iiij š jd in fcat butter j ts viij merk and iiij pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis viij lib

Adhuc iiij diij fdg. terræ pro rege in menos with vadafquoy payis in land maillis & teind xxxix î j se j merk malt and xix ñ flesh in fcat filver x š vj đ in scat but? iij ts 4 merk and in pultrie ix pultrie and in gerfume Ilk thrie yearis xix lib x §.

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