Imágenes de páginas


[No. 15.








(Continuations of Transactions, Journals, and other periodical Publications, are not inserted.)

ADAMS (William). New Operation for Bony Anchylosis of the Hip-joint, with malposition of the limb, by subcutaneous division of the neck of the Thigh-bone.

plates, 8vo. Lond. 1871 AITKEN (William). The Science and Practice of Medicine; sixth edition enlarged and many portions rewritten.

2 vols., 8vo. Lond. 1872 ALLBUTT (Thomas Clifford). On the Use of the Ophthalmoscope in diseases of the Nervous System and of the Kidneys, also in certain other general disorders.

coloured plates, 8vo. Lond. 1871 ALLINGHAM (William). Fistula, hæmorrhoids, painful ulcer, stricture, prolapsus, and other Diseases of the Rectum, their diagnosis and treatment. 8vo. Lond. 1871 ALMES (Henri): Alvarenga, Thermometrie clinique (traduction). ALVARENGA (Pedro Francisco da Costa). Précis de Thermométrie Clinique générale, traduit du Portugais par Lucien Papillaud (Henri Almès). 8vo. Lisbonne, 1871

Ambition's Dream, showing the process of awakening therefrom by a self helper in quest of renown; second edition.

12mo. Lond. 1872

AMUSSAT (Alphonse) fils. De l'Emploi de l'Eau en Chirurgie.
8vo. Paris, 1850

A Collection of Fly-leaves containing descriptions of
Surgical Instruments invented by him, and Cases of Galvanic
Cauterisation, Lithotomy, &c., written by himself and others.
(25 pieces) 8vo, 1853-70

8vo. 1857

De la Cauterisation après les opérations.
Traitement du Cancer du Col de l'Utérus par la Galvano-
Caustique thermique.

De la Galvano-Caustique chimique.

8vo. Paris, 1871

8vo. Paris, 1871

AMUSSAT (Jean Zalema). De la possibilité de redresser d'une manière permanente l'Utérus en Rétroversion par la soudure du Col à la partie postérieure et supérieure du vagin.

Memoir: Latour (A.).

8vo. Paris, 1851

ANDREINI (R.): Rizzoli, Clinique chirurgicale (traduction). ANSON (George, Lord). Voyage round the World in the years 1740-4, compiled from his Papers by Richard Walter; fourth maps, 8vo. Lond. 1748 ANSTIE (Francis E.). Neuralgia and the diseases that resemble it. 8vo. Lond. 1871


ARMAINGAUD (—). Pneumonies et Fièvres Intermittentes Pneumoniques avec tracés thermographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1872

ARNOTT (Henry). Cancer: its varieties, their histology, and diagnosis. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1872

BACKER (C. L. J.).* De Structura subtiliori Hepatis sani et plate, 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1845



BACON (G. Mackenzie). On the Writing of the Insane, with illusplates of facsimile, 8vo. Lond. 1870 BAILLY (Ch.). Traitement des Ovariotomisées : considerations physiologiques sur la castration de la femme.

8vo. Paris, 1872 BALFOUR (George William). Introduction to the Study of Medicine, to which is appended a Report on the Homœopathic treatment of Acute Diseases in Dr. Fleischmann's Hospital, Vienna, May-July, 1846. 12mo. Edinb. 1865

lehre; sechste Ausgabe.

Lehrbuch der Chirurgie und Operations-
Band 2, 8vo. Berlin, 1871

Klinische Studien über die verschiedenen Formen
von chronischen diffusen Nierenentzündungen (Volkmann,
Sammlung, No. 25).

8vo. Leipzig, 1871 BASHAM (W. R.). Aids to the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Kidneys. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1872 BASTIAN (H. Charlton). Epidemic and Specific Contagious Diseases, considerations as to their nature and mode of origin.

8vo. 1871 On some heterogenetic modes of origin of flagellated Monads, Fungus-germs, and Ciliated Infusoria.

(Roy. Soc. Proceedings) 8vo. 1872

BECKER (Otto): Müller, Schriften zur anatomie des Auges.
BECLARD: Descot, Affection locales des Nerfs.

Beiträge zur Geburtshülfe, see Catalogue of TRANSACTIONS (Berlin,

BÉNIBARDE: Brown-Séquard, sur les Nerfs Vaso-moteurs.

BENNETT (James Risdon). Cancerous and other Intra-thoracic Growths, their natural history and diagnosis (Lumleian Lectures). plates, 8vo. Lond. 1872

BERNARD (Claude), Leçons de Pathologie Expérimentale.

De la Physiologie générale.

BERT (Paul). De la Greffe animale.

8vo. Paris, 1872

8vo. Paris, 1872

4to. Paris, 1863

map, 8vo. Heidelberg, 1872

BIERMANN (A.). Baden-Baden als Kurort.

BIGELOW (Henry J.). Medical Education in America, being the Annual Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, 1871. 8vo. Cambridge, U.S., 1871 BILLROTH (Theodor). Chirurgische Briefe aus den KriegsLazarethen in Weissenburg und Mannheim, 1870.

woodcuts, 8vo. Berlin, 1872

BISCHOFF (Ignaz R.). Abhandlung über die Lungensch windsucht. 8vo. Wien, 1840

BLACK (J. Watt): Simpson's Obstetrical Works, Vol. I (edited). Bock (C. E.). Anatomisches Taschenbuch; fünfte Auflage. 12mo. Berlin, 1864

BODDAERT (J. L.). De l'usage rationnel du Forceps et du Levier dans l'art des Accouchements. 8vo. Gand, 1849

BOTKIN (S.). Cours de Clinique Médicale: De la Fièvre; traduit par A. Georges.

8vo. Paris, 1872

BOURNEVILLE: Charcot, Maladies du Système Nerveux.

BOWDITCH (Henry I.). Venesection, its abuse formerly, its neglect at the present day. Svo. Boston, 1872 BRACE (Charles L.). A Manual of Ethnology, or the Races of the Old World; second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869

BRAUN (Johann Adam). Ueber die Sorge für die weiblichen Brüste. 2 vols. 18mo. Erfurt, 1805

BRAUNE (Wilh.). Topographisch-anatomischer Atlas nach durchschnitten an gefrornen Cadavern.

coloured plates, folio, Leipzig, 1872 BREE (C. R.). Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin [Darwinism]. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1872

BREHMER (Herrmann). Die Chronische Lungenschwindsucht und Tuberkulose der Lunge, ihre Ursache und ihre Heilung; zweite Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1869 BRIGHAM (Charles B.). Quelques Observations Chirurgicales. photographs, 8vo. Paris, 1872

BROSSARD (L.): Demoget sur les Ambulances. BROWN-SÉQUARD (E.). Leçons sur les Nerfs Vaso-Moteurs, sur l'Epilepsie et sur les actions Réflexes normales et morbides; trad. de l'Anglais par le Dr. Bénibarde.

8vo. Paris, 1872

BRYDEN (Jas. L.). See Catalogue of REPORTS (Army, vital statistics; Cholera in Bengal).

Pettenkofer, Verbreitung der Cholera in Ost-Indien (Atlas).
BUCQUOY (J.). Le Scorbut à l'hôpital Cochin, pendant le siége de
8vo. Paris, 1871
CASSELMANN (W.). See Catalogue of JOURNALS (Zeitschrift für
Anal. Chemie, Register).

Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-63, compiled and published by
the Royal Society.
Vol. V, 4to. 1871
Catalogue of the Transactions, Journals, &c., in the Library of the
Royal Society.

8vo. 1871

Catalogue of the Library of the Zoological Society of London.

8vo. Lond. 1872

Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army, with an alphabetical index of subjects. imper. Svo. Washington, 1872 Catalogue annuel de la Librairie Française, par C. Reinwald. 12e Annee, 1869. 8vo. 1872 CECCARELLI (Alessandro Cav.). Resoconto del Servizio di Ambulanza nell' Ospedale Militare Pontificio di Roma nel 1870 e contribuzione alla Storia delle Resezioni. 8vo. Torino, 1871

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