Imágenes de páginas

LUNATIC ASYLUM. Sussex County Lunatic Asylum Reports. Appendix B to 14th Report, containing Clinical Notes.

8vo. 1872 The West Riding Lunatic Asylum Medical Reports, edited by J. Crichton Browne. vols. I 8vo. Lond. 1871MEDICINE.-Nagpur School of Medicine, Central Provinces. Report for 1871. folio, Nagpur, 1872 MILK.-Report on the Adulteration of, and of other Articles of Food, by J. Whitmore, Food Analyst for St. Marylebone.

4to. 1873 MORTALITY.-Statistical Examination of the Margate Death-Rate for the five years 1863-67, by Edward Mottley.

8vo. Margate, 1868

NAVY, U.S.-See Hospitals (Marine). POPULATION.-Census of 1871. Population Tables: Area, Houses, and Inhabitants; Counties and Registration Counties. 2 vols. folio, Lond. 1872 Preliminary Report and Tables of the Population and Houses enumerated in England and Wales.

folio, 1871 Census of 1871. Digest of the English Census of 1871, compiled by James Lewis. roy. 8vo. Lond. 1873 PRISONS.-Administration Report on the Jails of the Lower Provinces, Bengal Presidency, from 1871- by W. L. Heeley. 4to. Calcutta, 1872— REGISTRATION.-Registrar-General of Ireland, Annual Reports from 8vo. Dublin, 1869


Rivers (Pollution of).-Report of the Commissioners on the best means of preventing

Third Report: Pollution arising from the Woollen Manufacture. Vol. II, Evidence.

folio, 1871

folio, Lond. 1871

SANITARY COMMISSION (Royal).-Second Report.
vol. 3, part I, Minutes of Evidence, 1869-70.

SANITARY CONDITION.-Strand District, by Conway Evans.

8vo. Lond. 1858

Report on the Health of Liverpool during 1858-61, by W. H. Duncan. 8vo. 1859-62

ditto, by W. S. Trench, 1863 and 1865 to 1871- 8vo.

Berlin.-Reinigung und Entwasserung Berlins.-General Bericht über die Arbeiten der Städtischen Deputation für die Untersuchung der auf die Kanalisation und Abfuhr bezüglichen Fragen, vor Rudolf Virchow. 8vo. Berlin, 1873

STEPHEN (George).-Report of the Trial of George Stephen for Murder, at Aberdeen, 1865, by Alex. Silver.

TRIALS.-Walsh v. Sayre.

for Murder: Stephen (G.).

8vo. 1865

of John Reynolds. See in GENERAL CATALOGUE: Echeverria. TYPHUS.-Ueber die Aetiologie des Typhus: Vorträge in den Sitzungen des ärztlichen Vereins zu München, von Buhl, Friedrich, v. Gietl, v. Pettenkofer, Ranke, Wolfsteiner.

VACCINATION.-Vaccination Act, 1867, Report.

in Oudh, Report for 1871VETERINARY DEPARTMENT.-Report for 1871.

8vo. München, 1872

WALSH v. Sayre.-The alleged Malpractice Suit.

folio, 1871 folio, 1872

folio, Lond. 1872

8vo. New York, 1870

WATER SUPPLY.-Report on the quality and quantity of the Water supplied to the Metropolis in 1866 compared with 1851, by H. Letheby. 8vo. Lond. 1866 WOMEN.-Special Education for, in Midwifery, &c., Resolutions and Report (General Medical Council).

8vo. 1873


[No. 17.








(Continuations of Transactions, Journals, and other periodical Publications, are not inserted.)

ABEGG (G. F. H.). Zur Geburtshülfe und Gynäkologie.

8vo. Danzig, 1873

ACTON (William). Prostitution in relation to Public Health.

8vo. Lond. 1851

ALIBERT (Baron J. L.). Physiologie des Passions, ou nouvelle doctrine des sentiments moraux; troisième édition.

2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837

ALQUIE (Als.). Cours élémentaire de Pathologie Chirurgicale d'après la doctrine de l'école de Montpellier.

8vo. Montpellier, 1845

With portraits of Guy de Chauliac, Lapeyronie, and Delpech. ALTHAUS (Julius). Treatise on Medical Electricity, theoretical and practical, and its use in the treatment of Paralysis, Neuralgia, and other diseases; third edition.

woodcuts, 8vo. Lond. 1873

ANDERSON (McCall). On the treatment of Diseases of the Skin, with an analysis of eleven thousand consecutive cases.

12mo. Lond. 1872

ANGLADA (Charles). Etude sur les Maladies Eteintes et les Maladies Nouvelles, pour servir à l'histoire des évolutions séculaires de la pathologie. 8vo. Paris, 1869

ARBOVAL: Hurtrel d'Arboval.

ARNOLD (Julius). Anatomische Beiträge zu der Lehre von den Schusswunden, gesammelt während der Kriegsjahre 1870 und 71 in den Reservelazarethen zu Heidelberg,

plates, 4to. Heidelberg, 1873

ASSMANN (Augustus).* De Hernia umbilicali nonnulla.

8vo. Berolini, 1847

ASTRUC (John). Treatise of Venereal Diseases, in nine books ; with Lives of the Authors who have wrote on those diseases and a list of their works; translated.

4to. Lond. 1754

ATKINSON (E.): Helmholtz, Scientific Lectures (translated). ATKINSON (William B.). Evidence of Life in the newly-delivered Child.

8vo. 1873 Hints in the Obstetric Procedure: annual address before. the Philadelphia County Medical Society.

8vo. Philadelphia, 1874

AUERBACH (Leopold). Organologische Studien.

plates, 8vo. Breslau, 1874

Heft 1. Zur Charakteristik und Lebensgeschichte der Zellkerne.

Abschnitt 1 und 2.

AUFRECHT (E.). Die Chronische Bronchopneumonie (Lungen schwindsucht) und die Granulie tuberculose.

AULNOIT: Houzé de l'Aulnoit.

8vo. Magdeburg, 1873

BAIN (Alex.). Mind and Body, the theories of their relation; second edition.

(Internat. Scient. Series, vol. 4) 8vo. Lond. 1873

BAKEWELL (Robert H.). Observations on the Growth and Reproduction of the Red Corpuscles of the Blood.

8vo. Otago, New Zealand, 1874 BALFOUR (Edward). Statistics of Cholera. 8vo. Madras, 1849

BALLARD (Thomas). An Enquiry into the value of the signs and symptoms regarded as diagnostic of Constitutional Syphilis in the Infant. plate, 8vo. Lond. 1874 BALTZER (Leonhard). Die Nahrungs und Genussmittel der Menschen in ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung und physiologischen Bedeutung. 8vo. Nordhausen, 1874


BARBOSA (Antonio Maria). Memoria sobre a laqueação da Arteria Iliaca primitiva. 4to. Lisboa, 1874 Sur l'Urethrotomie Interne; traduction par E. L. Bertherand. 8vo. Alger, 1874

Du traitement de l'Angine Diphthérique Soufre; traduction par E. L. Bertherand. BARKER (Fordyce). The Puerperal Diseases, delivered at Bellevue Hospital.

par les fleurs de 8vo. Alger, 1874 clinical lectures 8vo. Lond. 1874

(Ramollissement) 8vo. Lond. 1851

BARLOW (Wm. Frederick). Case of Softening
of the Brain, with general observations.
BARNES (Robert). Clinical History of the Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women.

8vo. Lond. 1873

BATTEY (Robert). Intestinal Obstructions; a safe and ready method. (from Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal) 8vo. 1874 BEETZ (W.). Der Antheil der k. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften an der Entwickelung der Electricitätslehre.

4to. München, 1873

BELLAMY (Edward). The Student's Guide to Surgical Anatomy. woodcuts, 12mo. Lond. 1873

BENDER (Fridericus H.). *De morbi Scrophulosi therapia et pathologia. 8vo. Berolini, 1843 BENEKE (F. W.). Grundlinien der Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, vierundzwanzig academische Vorlesungen.

diagram, 8vo. Berlin, 1874 BENI-BARDE (-). Traité théorique et pratique d'Hydrothérapie, comprenant les applications de la méthode hydrothérapique au traitement des maladies nerveuses et des maladies chroniques. woodcuts, 8vo. Paris, 1874

BENNETT (John Hughes). Practical Remarks on some points in the Physical Diagnosis of Phthisis Pulmonalis.

8vo. Edinb. 1856

BENTLEY (Robert): Pereira, Materia Medica (edited). BERAUD (Edouard). *Des Hydatides des Reins. 4to. Paris, 1861 BERENGER FÉRAUD (L. J. B.). De la Fièvre Bilieuse Mélanurique des Pays Chauds, comparée avec la fièvre jaune, étude clinique faite au Sénégal. 8vo. Paris, 1874 BERNHARDT (M.). Die Sensibilitäts-Verhältnisse der Haut, für die Untersuchung am Krankenbette. plate, 8vo. Berlin, 1874

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