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the family Equidæ. When one is tracing the phylogeny of species, he is tracing the descent of the numerous characters which define a species. This is a complex problem, and but little progress has been made in it from the paleontologic point of view. Something has been done with regard to the descent of some living species from each other. But when we are considering the descent of a genus, we restrict ourselves to a much more simple problem, i. e., the descent of the few simple characters that distinguish the genus from other genera. Hence, we have made much more progress in this kind of phylogeny than with that of species, especially from the paleontologic point of view. The problem is simplified as we rise to still higher divisions, i. e., to the investigation of the origin of the characters which define them. We can positively affirm many things now as to the origin of particular families and orders, especially among the Mammalia, where the field has been better explored than elsewhere.

It is in this field that the unaccustomed hand is often seen. Supposing some phyletic tree alleges that such and such has been the line of descent of such and such orders or families, as the case may be; soon a critic appears who says that this or that point is clearly incorrect, and gives his reasons. These reasons are that there is some want of correspondence of generic characters between the genera of the say two families alleged to be phyletically related. And this want of correspondence is supposed to invalidate the allegation of phyletic relation between the families. But here is a case of irrelevancy; a generic character cannot be introduced in a comparison of family characters. In the case selected, the condition is to be explained by the fact that although the families are phyletically related, one or both of the two juxtaposed genera through which the transition was accomplished has or have not been discovered. The same objection may be made against an allegation of descent of some genus from another, because the phyletic relation between the known species of the two genera cannot be demonstrated. I cite as an example the two genera, Hippotherium and Equus, of which the latter has

been asserted with good reason to have descended from the former. It has been shown, however, that the Equus caballus could not have descended from the European Hippotherium mediterraneum, and hence some writers have jumped to the conclusion that the alleged phyletic relation of the two genera does not exist. The reasons for denying this descent are, however, presented by specific characters only, and the generic characters are in no way affected. Further, we know several species of Hippotherium which could have given origin to the Equus caballus probably through intermediate species of Equus.

Some naturalists are very uncritical in criticising phylogenies in the manner I have just described. They often neglect to ascertain the definitions given by an author to a group alleged by him to be ancestral; but fitting to it some definition of their own, proceed to state that the ancestral position assigned to it cannot be correct, and to propose some new division to take its place. It is necessary to examine, in such cases, whether the new group so proposed is not really included in the definition of the old one which is discarded.

The fact that existing genera, families, etc., are contemporary need not invalidate their phyletic relation. Group No. 1 must have been contemporary with group No. 2, at the time that it gave origin to the latter, and frequently, though always, a certain number of representatives of group No. 1 have not changed, but have persisted to later periods. Some genera, as, e. g., Crocodilus, have given origin to other genera (i. e., Diplocynodon) and have outlasted it, for the latter genus is now extinct. The lung fishes, Ceratodus, are probably ancestral to the Lepidosirens, but both exist to-day. Series of genera, clearly phyletic, of Batrachia Salientia, are contemporaries. Of course we expect that the paleontologic record will show that their appearance in time has been successive. But many ancestors are living at the same modern period as their descendents, though not always in the same geographic region.


Nomenclature is like pens, ink and paper; it is not science, but it is essential to the pursuit of science. It is, of course, for convenience that we use it but it does not follow from that that every kind of use of it is convenient. It is a rather common form of apology for misuse of it to state that as it is a matter of convenience, it makes no difference how many or how few names we recognize or use. An illustration of this

bad method is the practice of subdividing a genus of many species into many genera, simply because it has many species. The author who does this ignores the fact that a genus has a definite value, no matter whether it has one or five hundred species. I do not mean to maintain that the genus or any other value has an absolute fixity in all cases. They undoubtedly grade into each other at particular places in the system, but these cases must be judged on their own merits. In general there is no such gradation.

Nomenclature is then orderly because the things named have definite relations which it is the business of taxonomy, and nomenclature its spokesman, to state. Here we have a fixed basis of procedure. In order to reach entire fixity, a rule which decides between rival names for the same thing is in force. This is the natural and rational law of priority. With the exception of some conservative botanists, all naturalists are, so for as I am aware, in the habit of observing this rule. The result of a failure to do so is self evident. There is, however, some difference of opinion as to what constitutes priority. Some of the aspects of the problem are simple, others more difficult. Thus there is little or no difference of opinion as to the rule that the name of a species is the first binomial which it received. This is not a single date for all species, since some early authors who used trinomials and polynomials occasionally used binomials. A second rule which is found in all the codes, is that a name in order to be a candidate for adoption, must be accompanied by a descriptive diagnosis or a plate. As divisions above species cannot be defined by a plate, a description is essential in every such case.

It is on the question of description that a certain amount of difference of opinion exists. From the codes of the Associations for the Advancement of Science, and of the Zoological Congresses, no difference of opinion can be inferred, but the practice of a number of naturalists both zoologists and paleontologists in America, and paleontologists in Europe, is not in accord with the rule requiring definition of all groups above species. It has always appeared to me remarkable that a rule of such self evident necessity should not meet with universal adoption. However, the objections to it, such as they are, I will briefly consider. It is alleged that the definitions when first given are more or less imperfect, and have to be subsequently amended, hence it is argued they have no authority. However, the first definitions, if drawn up with reference to the principles enumerated in the first part of this address, need not be imperfect. Also an old time diagnosis of a division which we have subsequently found it necessary to divide, is not imperfect on that account alone, but it may be and often is, the definition of a higher group. But you are familiar with all this class of objections, and the answers to them, so I will refer only to the positive reasons which have induced the majority of naturalists to adhere to the rule.

It is self evident that so soon as we abandon definitions for words, we have left science and have gone into a kind of literature. In pursuing such a course we load ourselves with rubbish, and place ourselves in a position to have more of it placed upon us. The load of necessary names is quite sufficient, and we must have a reason for every one of them, in order to feel that it is necessary to carry it. Next, it is essential that every line of scientific writing should be intelligible. A man should be required to give a sufficient reason for everything that he does in science. Thus much on behalf of clearness and precision. There is another aspect of the case which is ethical. I am aware that some students do not think that ethical considerations should enter into scientific work. To this I answer that I do not know of any field of human labor into which ethical considerations do not necessarily enter. The reasons for sustaining the law of priority are partly

ethical, for we instinctively wish to see every man credited with his own work, and not some other man. The law of priority in nomenclature goes no further in this direction than the nature of each case requires. Nomenclature may be an index of much meritorious work, or it may represent comparatively little work; but it is to the interest of all of us that it be not used to sustain a false pretence of work that has not been done at all. By insisting on this essential test of honest intentions we retain the taxonomic and phylogenetic work within the circle of a class of men who are competent to it, and cease to hold out rewards to picture makers and cataloguers.

Another contention of some of the nomenclators who use systematic names proposed without description, is, that the spelling in which they were first printed must not be corrected if they contain orthographical and typographical errors. That this view should be sustained by men who have not had the advantage of a classical education, might not be surprising, although one would think they would prefer to avoid publicly displaying the fact, and would be willing to travel some distance in order to find some person who could help them in the matter of spelling. But when well educated men support such a doctrine, one feels that they have created out of the law of priority a fetish which they worship with a devotion quite too narrow. The form of our nomenclature being Latin, the rules of Latin orthography and grammar are as incumbent on us to observe, as are the corresponding rules of English grammar in our ordinary speech. This cult so far as I know, exists only in the United States and among certain members of the American Ornithologists Union. The preservation of names which their authors never defined; of names which their proposers misspelled; of names from the Greek in Greek instead of Latin form; of English hyphens in Latin composition; and of hybrid combinations of Greek and Latin, are objects hardly worth contending for. Some few authors are quite independent of rules in the use of gender terminations, but I notice the A. O. U. requires these to be printed correctly. Apart from this I notice in the second edition of their check list of North American Birds just issued, only

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