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party from heat and insects show that none but hardy explorers could undertake such labor. We recommend the book as an admirable ex


Interior of grand rotunda of Cave of Actun Benado. ample of the combination of utility with adventure which characterizes scientific research in the wilds.-E. D. COPE.


Academy of Science of St. Louis.-President Gray in the chair and twenty-two other persons present, Mr. Trelease exhibited several specimens, about three feet square, of a curious silk tapestry, taken from the ceiling of a corn-storing loft in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, by Dr. Francis Eschauzier, stating that he was informed that the larger specimen had been cut from a continuous sheet over twenty yards wide and about four times as long. The specimens, of a nearly white color, and of much the appearance and feeling of a soft tanned piece of sheepskin, were shown to be composed of myriads of fine silken threads, crossing and recrossing at every conceivable angle, and so producing a seemingly homogeneous texture. Although specimens of the creatures by which they are produced had not been secured, it was stated that there

was no doubt that these tapestries are the work of lepidopterous larvæ which feed upon grain, the presumption being that they are made by the larva of what has been called the Mediterranean Grain or Flour Moth (Ephestia kühniella). The speaker briefly reviewed the history of this insect and its injuriousness in various parts of the world, and quoted from a report of Dr. Bryce, showing that in Canada, where it became established in 1889, "a large warehouse, some 25 feet wide, 75 feet long, and four stories high, became literally alive with moths in the short course of six months."-WILLIAM TRELEASE.

Boston Society of Natural History.-February 5th.-The following paper was read: Mr. Herbert Lyon Jones, "Biological adaptations of desert plants to their surroundings.-SAMUEL HENSHAW, Secretary.

Nova Scotian Institute of Science.-13th of January.-The following papers were read: "Notes on the Superficial Geology of Kings County, Nova Scotia," by Prof. A. E. Coldwell, M. A., Acadia College. "A Note on Newton's Third Law of Motion," by Prof. Mac Gregor, D. Sc., F. R. SS. E. & C., Dalhousie College.-HARRY PIER, Secretary.

New York Academy of Science, Biological Section.-January 13th, 1896.—The papers presented were: G. S. Huntington on "The Visceral Anatomy of the Edentates." The characters of the brain, alimentary, respiratory and genito urinary tracts were especially considered. The following forms were discussed: Myrmecophaga jubata, Tamandua bivittata, Arctopithecus didactylus, Dasypus sexcinctus, Tatusia novemcincta, Manis longicaudata. In the brain characters the following features were considered;—the transverse frontal sulcus, the great longitudinal fissure, and the absence of a distinct Sylvian fissure. the alimentary tract the Sloths are to be sharply separated from the remaining groups, the stomach structure with its pyloric gizzard notably aberrant: the ileo-colic junction is traced throughout the edentates in a well marked series of transitional forms.


O. S. Strong," On the Use of Formalin in Injecting Media." The paper made especial note of the advantages possessed by this preservative in injecting the brain in situ. Formalin (40 per cent formaldehyde) diluted with an equal volume of water is injected into the cephalic vessels until it runs from the cut jugulars. After a few minutes the same quantity is again injected and once or twice again after an elapse of fifteen to twenty minutes. The brain is then removed and will be found to be completely fixed throughout. The swelling usually

noticed in formalin hardened brains does not appear to take place when this method is employed. Besides the many general advantage of fixing brains by injection, formalin has the especially merit of giving them the best consistency for macroscopic work, and further such brains are available subsequently for the Golgi and Weigert methods as well as, possibly, for cytological methods. Formalin has also the advantage that it can be used, as above, stronger than is necessary for fixation and thus allowance made for its dilution when permeating the tissue. When only the Golgi method is to be used, an equal volume of a 10 per cent solution of potassium bichromate may be added to the formalin instead of water. Pieces can be subsequently removed, hardened further in formalin-bichromate and impregnated with silver.

Bashford Dean," On the Supposed Kinship of the Paleospondylus." A favorably preserved specimen of this interesting fossil, received by the writer from Wm. T. Kinnear of Forss, Scotland, appears to warrant the belief that this lamprey-like form was possessed fins, a character decidedly adverse to the now widely accepted view of Marsipobranchian affinities. The structure referred to consists of a series of transversely directed rays, arising from the region of the postoccipital plates of Traquair. From this peculiar character, as well as from many unlamprey-like features of the fossil, it would appear accordingly that the kinship of the Paleospondylus is as yet by no means definitely determined.-C. L. BRISTOL, Secretary.

Nebraska Academy of Sciences.-The following program of papers was presented. First Session-Thursday, Jan. 2, 1896. "America the Primitive Home of Civilization," H. S. Clason; "The Home of the Buffalo Grass," Dr. C. E. Bessey; "Early Rainfall Records in Nebraska," G. D. Swezey; "The Volcanic Ashes of Nebraska," Dr. E. H. Barbour. Second Session-Friday, Jan. 3.—“The Relative Importance of Economic Fungi, East and West," F. W. Card; "Animal Parasites of Nebraska," Dr. H. B. Ward; "Diatomaceous Deposits of Nebraska," Dr. E. H. Barbour; "Some Fossil Diatoms from Nebraska," C. J. Elmore; "Wind Velocities in Nebraska," G. A. Loveland; "Report of Progress on the Study of Dæmonelix," Dr. E. H. Barbour; "Origin of the Present Flora of Nebraska," Dr. C. E. Bessey.


Huxley Memorial.—Since the first meeting of the General Committee on November 27, which was fully reported by the Press, two meetings of the Executive Committee have been held.

At the first of these, at which Lord Shand accepted the office of Chairman, it was reported that a number of foreigners of eminence had expressed a wish to be associated with the proposal to commemorate Mr. Huxley's distinguished services to humanity. It was resolved, in the first instance, to invite subscriptions from the members of the General Committee.

At the second meeting, held on December 18, it was reported that the subscriptions, which at the General Meeting had amounted to £557, had been increased to about £1,400, and it was resolved that a wider appeal for subscriptions should now be made to the friends and admirers of Mr. Huxley amongst the general public. The sum subscribed now exceeds £1,500.

The Honorary Secretary stated that in America Committees were in the course of being formed to promote the realization of an adequate fund.

The Committee resolved to communicate, by means of a sub-committee of their number, with Mr. Onslow Ford, R. A., who had the advantage of being well acquainted with Mr. Huxley, in reference to the statue, which it is proposed should be erected beside those of Darwin and Owen in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington.

The extent to which the Committee may be able to carry out the other intended objects of founding exhibitions, scholarships, and medals for biological research and lectureships, and possibly in assisting the republication of Mr. Huxley's scientific works, will, of course, depend on the subscriptions which may now be received.

Meehans' Monthly is a magazine for the lovers of gardening; and covers the whole field of general intelligence in so far as it may have the remotest bearing on the chief topics it sets out to advance. For instance, a beautiful Prang colored plate of some wild flower is given every month, with a description which illustrates the whole ground of classical history that has any bearing on the topic. Information on the most diversified topics abound. Corn from Indian mounds will not grow-swamps that are real swamps are among the healthiest of localities. There is no sickness in the great dismal swamp of Virginia.

Elderberry root is found to be a deadly poison. Foul water is pronounced to be a self-purifier, because bacteria eat out vegetable matter and then die of starvation. The hickory and the chestnut are proven cousin Germans. Weeds are useful, by forcing the cultivator to work to aerate the soil. Illustrations of a curious maze, formed of yew hedges at Hampton Court, pruning and keeping trees from insects, chrysanthemum culture, and practical information on fruits and flowers are among the topics treated. Sample copies may be had of the publishers, Thomas Meehan & Sons, Germantown, Philadelphia.

In the January Monist, of importance to students of evolution will be the article on Germinal Selection, by the famous German biologist, Prof. August Weismann, of Freiburg. In the theory of germinal selection, Prof. Weismann propounds a doctrine which rounds off and perfects, as he claims, the theories of Darwin and Wallace, and which consists essentially in applying the principle of the struggle for life to the minutest parts of organization, viz., to the germinal and determinant particles generally. Weismann's article is a complete summary of the present status of the discussions in evolutionary theory, and will itself doubtless constitute one of the most important recent acquisitions to biological science.

Abnormal pleasures and pains are treated by Prof. Th. Ribot, who applies to their explanation the pathological method, using diseases as a means of analysis. His results as regards the pleasure which some people take in pain are highly interesting.

The fourth annual meeting of University Extension and other students will be held in the four weeks beginning July 6, 1896, in the buildings of the University of Pennsylvania. The Summer Meeting combines the advantages of an ordinary summer school with the cooperative feature which distinguishes conventions, or associations, in which there are representatives of many universities and colleges.

Professor E. Selenka, of Erlangen, has resigned his position in order that he may make a scientific journey. He has been appointed Honorary Professor of Zoology in Munich. His place at Erlangen is temporarily filled by Dr. Albert Fleischmann.

The Paris Academy of Science has recently elected the following corresponding members: Dr. G. Retzius, of Stockholm, as successor to Carl Vogt; and Prof. R. Bergh, of Copenhagen, as successor to Huxley.

Dr. F. Miescher, Professor of Physiology in the University of Basel, died at Davos, Switzerland, Aug. 26, 1895, aged 51 years. Dr. Rudolf Metzner, of Freiburg i B, has been appointed his successor.

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