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thought in the 19th century. It broke down the belief in the necessity of stupendous convulsions in past times. He adopted and improved the views of Hutton, eliminating the baseless. theories mingled with them. He rendered great service in elucidating North American geology, and published his travels on this continent in 1845 and 1849. His "Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man," published in 1863, startled the public by its advocacy of Darwin's theory in the " Origin of Species."

And so the science has advanced with rapid strides and is solving the problems that are constantly arising in regard to our planet, and upon its fixed data are based many of the fundamental principles of philosophy.

Having considered the history of the progress of geology, let us now consider its aim and the fundamental principles upon which the geologist bases his work.

In the broadest sense, geology is the science whose province. is the planet upon which we live, its history from the beginning to the present, including changes which have occurred in regard to the condition at different periods, its several physiographic features, its atmosphere, temperatures, and aqueous bodies, and its life at different stages. In a nutshell, the evolutionary progress of the earth.

The narrow or commonly accepted view does not consider the changes that have occurred, other than those that occurred to the visible portion of the earth. Back of what is supposed to be the earliest formation, it does not attempt to go.

The latter view is sufficient for the ordinary geologist or for the geologist who does not care to speculate on hypotheses which refer to the origin of the earth; but to the geologist who is anxious to grapple with problems which require a drawing upon the imagination for solution, this is not enough. Chemists are not satisfied to study a drop of water, but they are anxious to know its origin; its composition is not sufficient for them. Botanists and zoologists desire to know the origin of plants and animals, not merely their structural and physiological features.

Geologists who study the earth, not merely to satisfy their own curiosity as to the present condition of things, but for the purpose of advancing the science, and unraveling the mysteries of the past, in order to produce a history of the planet as accurately as human knowledge in its present condition will permit, are only satisfied with the broad and comprehensive view. Geology, by the aid of astronomy and physics, therefore, begins with a great nebulous mass, of which all celestial bodies were component parts. It traces the evolution of each body, and that of the earth in particular. Starting when the earth was thrown off as a ring of cloudy or gaseous elements, it traces it through its transformation into a sphere of molten matter surrounded with gases, through which the parent body, the sun, could not penetrate. We learn of the war that existed between the congealing surface and the liquid interior in which the former came off victorious, and formed a crust through which the latter seldom broke. Then began the war between the condensing vapors and the heated crust, in which the latter succumbed to the overpowering element that fell upon it and fairly covered it.

Geology tells us of the life that existed in this mighty ocean after it became sufficiently cooled, and in the powerful internal movements that resulted in the upheaval of masses of rock that were to be the nuclei of the present continents, the history and the formation of which is traced with great minuteness, and the life of each is described with great care, from the lowest forms to the highest, and also the period in which each form lived.

There are several principles by which the geologist is guided in answering the questions that continually arise as he studies the earth with its many characteristics.

1 In the first place, he understands that geology is an inductive science. That is, it is a process of demonstration in which a general truth is gathered from an examination of a selfevident truth. Let me illustrate: From the study of modern glaciers he learns certain facts in regard to conditions necessary for their formation, their modes of action, and the results of those actions.

Now, whenever a geologist sees the results of some great force and those results are similar to the phenomena produced by glaciers, he concludes that at some previous time the conditions were such as to make it possible for glaciers to exist in the locality in which his observations were made, for no other force could produce them.

2 He reasons that all affects must be referred to secondary causes. In other words, law governs all phenomena, and forces are so balanced as to produce all known and unknown phenomena. All events that have transpired in the development and configuration of the earth have been brought about by law. In the formation of glaciers certain laws are obeyed, and those laws are always obeyed unless an equilibrium is sustained between them and some other laws are overbalanced.

When the conditions are favorable for the action of glacial laws glaciers will be found. The same principle holds good

in the distribution of life.

3. The forces in existence to-day are capable of producing all phenomena that have and may occur. Therefore, the geologist must study the methods by which they are producing changes at present, and thereby be able to judge of what took place ages ago, and the manner in which great events transpired. In other words, the past is understood by the present and to some extent the future may also be understood. No new law is, nor has been, necessary for the explanation of phenomena and, therefore, there have been no accidental happenings. There may be laws that man has not as yet learned the nature of, and they may be so balanced as to be beyond man's comprehension, but that there are being or have been created new laws, and that there are accidents, the geologist does not admit.

4. The earth is undergoing and therefore has undergone changes. He sees this in studying the phenomena of denudation and disintegration. He sees that the mountains are being destroyed by chemical and physical agencies, and that they are being gradually carried into the valleys, and then into the sea. This, he reasons, must have been going on ever since the first continent made its apppearance.

5. Finally, from a consideration of the above principles, the geologist realizes that his work must be systematic, and that the bulk of it must be done in the field. Field investigation is indispensable. Laboratary work holds a subordinate position.

It is safe to say that geology has advanced more rapidly than any other science, and the number of those who are making a specialty is steadily growing. New periodicals devoted to the science are continually appearing, and its literature is quite comprehensive. Very little attention was paid to it in our colleges at no late date, but to-day it occupies a prominent position.

The great advance which has been made is due to systematic field work, followed by laboratory work, and the latter is of but little value from a geological standpoint unless it is based upon accurate field investigation. It is necessary to reduce to a practical formula the data secured in the field, and to have a definite method of procedure, for without such, much time is wasted, and many results that otherwise would have been valuable are entirely lost. Mere conjecture must not be indulged in, but "work persistently back from the seen and known to the unseen and unknown," should be the maxim. Conclusions must not be arrived at too hastily. Professor Dana once said, "I think it better to doubt until you know. Too many people assert, and then let others doubt." Hence, in drawing conclusions from the results of field and laboratory work, be sure you are right, before giving publicity to them, and if a doubt exists, state it, and be willing to change your theory. Dana says, "I always like to change when I can make a change for the better."

It is obvious, from what I have said, that geology is a field science. Different characteristics of the earth's surface cannot always be taken into the laboratory for study at leisure, and it is necessary to see the objects under study if we would arrive at correct conclusions and fix them indelibly in our minds. Facts then become real, and we acquire a correct understanding in regard to the forces that have been at work preparing this planet for man.

It is necessary to have a knowledge of other sciences if one would make practical use of geology, that is, to understand the many phenomena that are presented to him.

Natural philosophy and chemistry are necessary in order to determine the composition of rocks and to understand how they were formed and changed. Botany is necessary to understand paleobotany, zoology is necessary to understand paleozoology, astronomy figures very prominently in the determination of the relations of this planet to other heavenly bodies. Anything that the telescope and the spectroscope reveal is of geological importance, and bears upon the past and future condition of the earth. Mathematics is constantly in use, and without that science little or nothing could be accomplished.

The foundation work of a geologist, therefore, should be a knowledge of the natural sciences, for without them he will be materially hampered in his work.

Geology is practical as well as literary in nature. Every agriculturalist would become more scientific, and would reap better “ crops ” if he had a knowledge of the science, for it gives a knowledge of soils and fertilizers. To the engineer it is of great importance, for thereby he understands drainage and the best methods for excavating. It is of great importance to the manufacturer, for he can better understand clays, ores, fuels, etc., and in mining it is of great value for it enables the miner to understand the nature of the rock in which the metals occur and assists him in "prospecting."

This use of the science is termed "Economic Geology" and is of inestimable value and importance in developing systematically the resources of a state or of a nation.

The United States government has realized the importance of thorough and accurate investigation of this vast country of ours from an economic standpoint, and established the U. S. Geo. Survey in 1879 for this purpose. Most of the states have their surveys and work for the same ends, but on a smaller scale, and assist, and are assisted by, the government survey, and so work in harmony with each other.

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