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ART. 483. The judge may, on his own initiative, or at the request of the parties present, or of their counsel, put such questions to the experts, when they submit their findings, as he may consider pertinent, and demand the necessary explanations.

The answers of the experts shall be considered as a portion of their report.

ART. 484. If the experts should not agree and their number be even, the judge shall appoint another expert.

With the assistance of the last expert appointed, the work done by the first experts shall be repeated, if possible, and such other work shall be performed which may appear proper.

If the repetition of the work or new operations should not be possible, the intervention of the expert last appointed shall be limited to deliberating with the rest, in view of the investigation made, and afterwards preparing his findings with the reasons therefor together with whomsoever agrees with him, or separately, should he not agree with any of them.

ART. 485. The judge shall furnish the experts the material means necessary to make the examination entrusted to them, demanding the same of the public administration or addressing to the proper authorities a notice in advance should they already be prepared for such purpose, reserving the special provisions of article 362.





ART. 486. La persona á quien se impute un acto punible deberá ser citada sólo para ser oída, á no ser que la ley disponga lo contrario, ó que desde luego proceda su detención.1

ART. 487. Si el citado, con arreglo á lo prevenido en el articulo anterior, no compareciere ni justificare causa legítima que se lo impida, la orden de comparecencia podrá convertirse en orden de detención.

ART. 488. Durante la instrucción de la causa, el juez instructor podrá mandar comparecer á cuantas personas convenga oir por resultar contra ellas algunas indicaciones fundadas de culpabilidad.



ART. 489. Ningún español ni extranjero podrá ser detenido sino en los casos y en la forma que las leyes prescriban.*

ART. 490. Cualquiera persona puede detener:

1.° Al que intentare cometer un delito en el momento de ir á cometerlo.

2. Al delincuente infraganti.

1Las personas á quien se cita y oye con arreglo á este artículo, no es necesario que presten juramento; basta que declaren bajo promesa de decir verdad, puesto que no son examinadas como testigos, y sí como posibles partícipes del hecho criminal. (Exposición del Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 15 de Septiembre de 1883, núm. 20.) 2 Reproduce el precepto del art. 4o de la Constitución vigente.

Según el mismo artículo, todo detenido será puesto en libertad ó entregado á la autoridad judicial, dentro de las veinticuatro horas siguientes al acto de la detención, y toda detención se dejará sin efecto ó elevará á prisión dentro de las setenta y dos horas de haber sido entregado el detenido al juez competente, debiendo la providencia que se dicte notificarse al interesado dentro del mismo plazo.

La cita de la infracción de los arts. 489, 282, y 297 como de mera forma ó procedimiento, es ineficaz al efecto del recurso de casación por infracción de ley. (Sentencia de 29 de marzo de 1887.)





ART. 486. A person charged with a punishable act must be cited only for the purpose of being heard, unless the law shall provide otherwise or unless his immediate detention should be proper.1

ART. 487. If the person cited in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing article should not appear nor give any good cause which prevents him from so doing, the order of appearance may be changed into an order of arrest.

ART. 488. During the progress of the cause the examining judge may order the appearance of as many persons as it may be advisable to hear on account of there being some apparent indications of guilt against them.



ART. 489. No Spaniard or foreigner can be arrested, excepting in the manner and in the cases prescribed by law."

ART. 490. Any person may place under arrest—

1. He who shall attempt to commit a crime, at the moment he is about to commit it.

2. A delinquent captured in fragranti.

1 Persons who are cited and heard in accordance with this article are not required to take an oath; it is sufficient that they testify under a promise to tell the truth, as they are not examined as witnesses, but as possible participants in the criminal act. (Statement of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 15, 1883, No. 20.)

2 This repeats the precept of article 4 of the Constitution in force.

According to the said article every person detained shall be set at liberty or turned over to the judicial authorities within twenty-four hours after the detention, and every detention shall be annulled or changed to imprisonment within seventy-two hours after the person detained has been turned over to the judge of competent jurisdiction, the warrant which may issue being communicated to the person interested within the same period.

A citation of the violation of articles 489, 282, and 287 as of mere form or procedure is inefficacious for an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law. (Decision of March 29, 1887.)

3. Al que se fugare del establecimiento penal en que se halle extinguiendo condena.

4. Al que se fugare de la cárcel en que estuviere esperando su traslación al establecimiento penal ó lugar en que deba cumplir la condena que se le hubiese impuesto por sentencia firme.

5.o Al que se fugare al ser conducido al establecimiente ó lugar mencionados en el número anterior.

6.° Al que se fugare estando detenido ó preso por causa pendiente. 7.o Al procesado ó condenado que estuviere en rebeldía.

ART. 491. El particular que detuviere á otro justificará, si éste lo exigiere, haber obrado en virtud de motivos racionalmente suficientes para creer que el detenido se hallaba comprendido en alguno de los casos del artículo anterior.

ART. 492. La autoridad ó agente de policía judicial tendrá obligación de detener:

1.o A cualquiera que se halle en alguno de los casos del art. 490. 2.° Al que estuviere procesado por delito que tenga señalada en el Código pena superior á la de prisión correccional.1

3. Al procesado por delito á que esté señalada pena inferior, si sus antecedentes ó las circunstancias del hecho hicieren presumir que no comparecerá cuando fuere llamado por la autoridad judicial.

Se exceptúa de lo dispuesto en el párrafo anterior al procesado que preste en el acto fianza bastante, á juicio de la autoridad ó agente que intente detenerlo, para presumir racionalmente que comparecerá cuando le llame el juez ó tribunal competente.


4. Al que estuviere en el caso del número anterior, aunque todavía no se hallase procesado, con tal que concurran las dos circunstancias siguientes: 1. Que la autoridad ó agente tenga motivos racionalmente bastantes para creer en la existencia de un hecho que presente los caracteres de delito. 2. Que los tenga también bastantes para creer que la persona á quien intente detener tuvo participación en él.

ART. 493. La autoridad ó agente de policía judicial tomará nota del nombre, apellido, domicilio y demás circunstancias bastantes para la averiguación é identificación de la persona del procesado ó del delincuente á quienes no detuviere por no estar comprendidos en ninguno de los casos del artículo anterior.

Esta nota será oportunamente entregada al juez 6 tribunal que conozca ó deba conocer de la causa.

'Este inciso ha sido modificado para Cuba de este modo:

"Al que estuviere procesado por delito que segun el Código penal mereciere de denominación de delito grave." (Véase en el Apéndice 1, la Orden No. 109, de Julio 13 de 1899.)

3. He who shall escape from a penal institution in which he may be serving a sentence.

4. He who shall escape from a prison in which he may be awaiting his transfer to a penal institution or place in which he is to serve the sentence which may have been imposed upon him by a final sentence. 5. He who shall escape while being conducted to the institution or place mentioned in the foregoing number.

6. He who shall escape while under arrest or detention awaiting trial. 7. A person accused or convicted who may be in default.

ART. 491. A private individual detaining another person shall state, if the latter so requires, that he has acted by virtue of reasons reasonably sufficient to believe that the person detained was included in any of the cases mentioned in the foregoing article.

ART. 492. An authority or agent of the judicial police shall be obliged to place under arrest

1. Any person included in any of the cases of article 490.

2. Any person accused of a crime to which the code affixes a penalty higher than that of prisión correccional.1

3. A person accused of a crime to which a lower penalty is affixed, if his antecedents or the circumstances of the act should raise a presumption that he will not appear when called upon by the judicial authorities.

From the provisions of the foregoing paragraph is excepted the accused who at once furnishes bail sufficient, in the judgment of the authority or agent who desires to place him under arrest, to allow a reasonable presumption that he will appear when called upon by the judge or court of competent jurisdiction.

4. A person included in the provisions of the foregoing subdivision, although not yet undergoing trial, provided that the two conditions following are attendant: 1. That the authority or agent should have reasonable cause to believe the existence of an act presenting the characteristics of a crime. 2. That he shall also have sufficient cause to believe that the person he desires to arrest participated therein.

ART. 493. The authority or agent of the judicial police shall record the name, surname, domicile, and other circumstances which may be sufficient for the verification and identification of the person of the accused or of the delinquent not detained on account of not being included in any of the cases of the foregoing article.

This record shall be delivered at the proper time to the judge or court taking cognizance or which is to take cognizance of the cause.

'This paragraph has been amended for Cuba as follow: "Persons who may be undergoing trial for a grave offense, as defined by the penal code." (See order No. 109, July 13, 1899, in Appendix I.)

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