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accused shall be taken into consideration, as well as all other circumstances which may bear upon the greater or lesser interest of the latter to place himself beyond the jurisdiction of the judicial authority.

ART. 532. The purpose of the bail shall be to answer for the appearance of the accused when called by the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause. The amount thereof shall serve to satisfy the costs incurred in the separate record required thereby, and the balance shall be adjudicated to the State.

ART. 533. The provisions of articles 591 to 596, inclusive, of Title IX of this book, relating to the character, manner of constituting, admitting, and classifying, as well as substituting bonds, is applicable to bonds offered to obtain the temporary liberty of an accused person.

ART. 534. If the accused should not appear at the first judicial call or should not give a good reason preventing him from so doing, a period of ten days shall be allowed the personal bondsman, or the owner of the property of whatsoever kind given in bond, within which to produce the person in default.

ART. 535. If the personal bondsman or the owner of the property constituting the bond should not produce the person in default within the period fixed, the bail shall be forfeited and it shall be adjudicated to the State and turned over to the nearest revenue collector, deducting the costs mentioned at the end of article 532.

ART. 536. In order to recover upon any bond compulsory process shall be employed.

If a personal bond should be involved, judicial proceedings shall also be brought against the property of the bondsman to the extent necessary to recover the amount which may have been fixed upon the admission of the said bond.

Public securities, stock, and obligations of railroads and public works and other similar commercial or industrial securities shall be disposed of through an exchange broker or an agent in his absence. Should there be none in the place of the cause, they shall be forwarded for disposal to the judge or court of the nearest place where there may be one.

Other personal property given in pledge, as well as mortgaged real property, shall be sold at public sale after being appraised.

ART. 537. If the property constituting the bond should belong to the accused, it shall be sold and the proceeds adjudicated to the State if the person accused fails to appear upon the judicial call or does not justify his inability to do so.

ART. 538. In all proceedings involving the alienation of property constituting bonds and of the delivery of the proceeds into the administrations of the public treasury, the department of public prosecution shall intervene.

El fiscal de la audiencia podrá delegar su intervención en el fiscal municipal donde se encuentre el juez de instrucción, ó bien reclamar que se le remita el expediente cuando tenga estado, procurando, á ser posible, deducir sus pretensiones en un solo dictamen.

ART. 539. Los autos de prisión y libertad provisionales y de fianza serán reformables de oficio ó á instancia de parte durante todo el curso de la causa.

En su consecuencia, el procesado podrá ser preso y puesto en libertad cuantas veces sea procedente, y la fianza podrá ser aumentada ó disminuida en cuanto resulte necesario para asegurar las consecuencias del juicio.

ART. 540. Si el procesado no presenta ó amplía la fianza en el término que se le señale, será reducido á prisión.

ART. 541. Se cancelará la fianza:

1. Cuando el fiador lo pidiere, presentando á la vez al procesado.

2. Cuando éste fuere reduci lo á prisión.

3. Cuando se dictare auto firme de sobreseimiento ó sentencia firme absolutoria, ó cuando, siendo condenatoria, se presentare el reo para cumplir la condena.

4o. Por muerte del procesado, estando pendiente la causa.

ART. 542. Si se hubiere dictado sentencia firme condenatoria, y el procesado no compareciere al primer llamamiento ó no justificare la imposibilidad de hacerlo, se adjudicará la fianza al Estado en los términos establecidos en el artículo 535.

ART. 543. Una vez adjudicada la fianza, no tendrá acción el fiador para pedir la devolución, quedándole á salvo su derecho para reclamar la indemnización contra el procesado ó sus causas habientes.

ART. 544. Las diligencias de prisión y libertad provisionales y fianza se sustanciarán en pieza separada.

The fiscal of the audiencia may delegate his intervention to the municipal fiscal at the place where the judge of examination may be, or demand that the record of the proceedings be forwarded to him when concluded, seeking in so far as possible to embody his desires in one and the same order.

ART. 539. Decrees of imprisonment and temporary liberty and bonds may be changed at the instance of the court or of a party at any stage of the cause.

Consequently the accused may be imprisoned and placed at liberty as often as required, and his bail may be increased or reduced in so far as may be necessary to assure the consequences of the action.

ART. 540. If the person accused does not present or increase the bond within the period allowed him, he shall be committed to prison. ART. 541. The bond shall be canceled

1. Upon the request of the bondsman upon the surrender of the accused.

2. When the latter is committed to prison.

3. When a final decree of dismissal or a final sentence of acquittal is rendered, or in case of conviction, if the criminal should appear to serve his sentence.

4. By the death of the accused during the pendency of the cause.

ART. 542. If a final condemnatory sentence should have issued, and the accused should not appear at the first call or should not establish his inability to do so, the bond shall be forfeited to the State in the manner prescribed in article 535.

ART. 543. After the bond has been forfeited, the bondsman shall have no right of action for the return thereof, but he shall reserve his right of action for indemnity against the person accused or his successors in right.

ART. 544. Proceedings upon imprisonment and temporary liberty and bond shall be had in a separate record.



ART. 545. Nadie podrá entrar en el domicilio de un español ó extranjero residente en España sin su consentimiento, excepto en los casos y en la forma expresamente previstos en las leyes.

ART. 546. El juez ó el tribunal que conociere de la causa podrá decretar la entrada y registro, de día ó de noche, en todos los edificios y lugares públicos, sea cualquiera el territorio en que radiquen, cuando hubiere indicios de encontrarse allí el procesado ó efectos ó instrumentos del delito, ó libros, papeles ú otros objetos que puedan servir para su descubrimiento y comprobación.

ART. 547. Se reputarán edificios ó lugares públicos para la observancia de lo dispuesto en este capítulo:

1.° Los que estuvieren destinados á cualquier servicio oficial, militar ó civil del Estado, de la provincia ó del municipio, aunque habiten allí los encargados de dicho servicio, ó los de la conservación y custodia del edificio ó lugar.

2. Los que estuvieren destinados á cualquier establecimiento de reunión ó recreo, fueren ó no lícitos.

3. Cualesquiera otros edificios ó lugares cerrados que no constituyeren domicilio de un particular con arreglo á lo dispuesto en el artículo 554.

4. Los buques del Estado.

ART. 548. El juez necesitará para la entrada y registro en el palacio de cualquiera de los cuerpos colegisladores la autorización del presidente respectivo.

ART. 549. Para la entrada y registro en los templos y demás lugares religiosos bastará pasar recado de atención á las personas á cuyo cargo estuvieren.

ART. 550. Podrá asimismo el juez instructor ordenar en los casos indicados en el artículo 546 la entrada y registro, de día ó de noche, si la urgencia lo hiciere necesario, en cualquier edificio ó lugar cerrado ó parte de él que constituya domicilio de cualquier español ó extranjero residente en España; pero precediendo siempre el consentimiente del interesado, conforme se previene en el artículo 6.o de la Constitución, ó á falta de consentimiento, en virtud de auto motivado que se notificará



ART. 545. No one can enter the domicile of a Spaniard or foreigner residing in Spain without his consent, excepting in the cases and in the manner expressly provided for by law.

ART. 546. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause may order an entry and search, by day or night, of any public buildings and places, whatever be the district in which situated, if there are indications that the accused or the effects or instruments of the crime, or books, papers, or other objects which may serve in the discovery and verification thereof are to be found there.

ART. 547. The following shall be considered public buildings or places for the observance of the provisions of this chapter:

1. Those destined to any official, military, or civil service of the State, province, or municipality, even though the persons entrusted with said service or the persons in charge of the care and custody of the building or place reside in the same.

2. Those destined to any establishment for meetings or recreation, licit or otherwise.

3. Any other closed buildings or places which do not constitute the residence of a private individual in accordance with the provisions of article 554.

4. The vessels of the State.

ART. 548. The judge shall require for the entry and search of the palace of any of the Colegislative Bodies the authority of the respective president.

ART. 549. For the purpose of entering and searching temples and other religious places, a respectful communication to the persons in charge thereof shall be sufficient.

ART. 550. The examining judge may also, in the cases indicated in article 546, order the entry and search, by day or night, if the urgency of the case should so require, of any building or closed place or part thereof which may constitute the residence of any Spaniard or foreigner residing in Spain; but always after the consent of the person interested has been obtained as provided by article 6 of the Constitution, or in the absence of consent by virtue of an order setting forth

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