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The Codification Commission of the Colonial Department having completed the modifications necessary in order that it may be possible to apply in Cuba and Porto Rico the law in force in the Peninsula on criminal procedure, in concurrence with said corporation, upon the recommendation of the Colonial Minister, and in pursuance of the authority vested in my Government by article 89 of the Constitution of the Monarchy, in the name of my August Son the King, Don Alfonso XIII, and as Queen Regent of the Kingdom,

I hereby decree the following:

ARTICLE. 1. The Law of Criminal Procedure in force in the Peninsula, by virtue of a Royal Decreee of September 14, 1882, is approved for the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, with the modifications recommended by the Codification Commission for the Colonies.

ART. 2. The new law shall go into effect in Cuba and Porto Rico on the first day of January, 1889, when the Criminal Audiencias will begin to act.

ART. 3. The causes for crimes committed prior to January first next, shall continue to be heard and determined in accordance with the provisions of the procedure in force at the present time.1

If the causes referred to in the foregoing article should not have reached the classification stage, they may be heard and determined in

'The Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court with regard to the provisions of the same article of the Royal Decree of September 14, 1882, approving the law of criminal procedure in force in the Peninsula, which does not differ in any manner from the provision annotated, is contradictory, because while in decisions of September 3, October 24, 1884, and December 26, 1885, it declared that the courts existing before the organization of the new criminal audiencias are of competent jurisdiction in crimes committed up to October 15, 1882, even though the action should have been instituted subsequently to said date, provided that the accused should not have selected the new procedure; in another decision of August 4, 1887, it declared: "That it is a clear and final precept, contained in the rule which we annotate, that the causes for crimes committed subsequently to the 15th of October of the year mentioned must continue to be heard and determined in accordance with the provisions of the procedure in force at that time; and it appears, therefore, undisputable that it relates to the causes instituted before the said date, and in no manner to subsequent causes, even though the crimes should have been committed prior thereto."

siciones de la nueva ley, si todos los procesados en cada una de ellas optan por el nuevo procedimiento.1

Para ello, el Juez que estuviere conociendo del sumario en 1o de Enero próximo hará comparecer á su presencia á todos los procesados, acompañados de sus defensores.

Si aun no los tuvieran, se les nombrará de oficio para la comparecencia.

Esta se hará constar en la causa por medio de acta.

ART. 4°. Los Jueces de primera instancia se considerarán desde luego como Jueces instructores en las causas que se ajusten al nuevo procedimiento.

ART. 5o. Desde que cesen en sus cargos los actuales Promotores, desempeñarán las funciones del Ministerio público durante la primera instancia en las causas que se sigan sustanciando, con arreglo al procedimiento vigente en la actualidad, los Fiscales municipales que sean Letrados, y á falta de éstos, los que designen los Fiscales de las respectivas Audiencias.

ART. 6o. Las Salas de Gobierno de las Audiencias y los nuevos Tribunales consultarán directamente con el Ministerio de Ultramar para su resolución las dudas que puedan originarse en la aplicación de este Real decreto.

Dado en Palacio á 19 de Octubre de 1888.

El Ministro de Ultramar,



1 Es bastante que todos los procesados presentes opten por el nuevo procedimiento para que éste se siga conforme á la regla que anotamos. Así lo declaró la Fiscalía del Tribunal Supremo en la instrucción núm. 3 de las que acompañan á la Memoria de 15 de Septiembre de 1883, resolviendo una consulta hecha á la misma sobre aplicación de un precepto análogo del Real decreto aprobando la ley de la Península, y lo confirmó el mismo Tribunal en sus sentencias, entre otras varias, de 30 de Junio de 1883 y 23 de Diciembre del mismo año, según las cuales "únicamente á los procesados presentes en el juicio puede afectar la forma del procedimiento y el fallo que lo termine; y, por tanto, la ausencia y rebeldía de otros respecto de los cuales se mantiene en suspenso, no puede redundar en perjuicio de los que, sumisos y obedientes á la ley, se ven en la apremiante necesidad de defenderse, y si éstos optan por el nuevo procedimiento, compete conocer de la causa á la Audiencia de lo criminal respectiva y no á la territorial. En otra de 12 de Agosto de 1884, se consignó que, seguida una causa con arreglo al procedimiento antiguo, dictada sentencia en primera instancia, consultada con la superioridad y repuestas las actuaciones al estado de sumario por disposición de la misma, si los procesados optan por el nuevo procedimiento, es competente la Audiencia de lo criminal á quien corresponda, y no los Tribunales anteriores á la creación de dichas Audiencias.

accordance with the provisions of the new law, if every one of the accused in each cause should choose the new procedure.1

For this purpose the judge who may be taking cognizance of the preliminary proceedings on the first day of January next shall order all the accused to appear before him, together with their counsel.

Should they not have counsel as yet, they shall be assigned to them at the motion of the court for the appearance.

This appearance shall be duly entered upon the record of the cause. ART. 4. Judges of First Instance shall at once be considered as examining judges in the causes which are prosecuted in accordance with the new procedure.

ART. 5. As soon as the actual promotores cease in the discharge of their duties, the functions of the Department of public prosecution in causes which are being heard in accordance with the procedure in force at the present time shall be discharged by the municipal fiscales who may be attorneys, and, in their absence, by those whom the fiscales of the respective audiencias may designate.

ART. 6. The Administration Chambers of the Audiencias and the new Tribunals shall submit directly to the Colonial Department for its decision any doubts which may arise in the application of this Royal Decree.

Given in the Palace on October 19, 1888.


Colonial Minister.


1It is sufficient that all the accused present select the new procedure for it to be adopted in accordance with the rule we annotate. This was declared by the office of the Fiscal of the Supreme Court in instruction number 3, of those attached to the Memorial of September 15, 1883, deciding a question submitted to the same as to the application of a similar precept of the Royal Decree approving the law of the Peninsula, and the said Court confirmed it in its decisions, among which may be mentioned those of June 30 and December 23, 1883, according to which "only the accused present at the trial can be affected by the form of the procedure and the sentence closing it; and, therefore, the absence and default of the others with regard to whom it is suspended can not redound to the prejudice of those who, submissive and obedient to the law, find themselves in urgent necessity of defending themselves, and if the latter choose the new procedure the proper criminal audiencia is of competent jurisdiction, and not the territorial audiencia." In another decision, of August 12, 1884, it was stated that a cause having been prosecuted in accordance with the former procedure, a sentence rendered in first instance, a consultation being had with the higher court and the proceedings having been returned to the court of primary jurisdiction by order of the same, if the accused then choose the new procedure, the proper criminal audiencia is of competent jurisdiction, and not the Tribunals which existed prior to the creation of said audiencias.









ARTÍCULO 1o. No se impondrá pena alguna por consecuencia de actos punibles cuya reprensión incumba á la jurisdicción ordinaria, sino de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente ley ó de otras especiales, y en virtud de sentencia dictada por juez competente.1

ART. 2°. Todas las autoridades y funcionarios que intervengan en el procedimiento penal cuidarán, dentro de los límites de su respectiva competencia, de consignar y apreciar las circunstancias así adversas como favorables al presunto reo, y estarán obligados, á falta de disposición expresa, á instruir á éste de sus derechos y de los recursos que pueda ejercitar mientras no se hallare asistido de defensor.

1 Extraído de Portugal el español Joaquín Cupido y condenado á la pena de muerte, interpuso recurso de casación por suponer infringido el art. 1o del convenio de extradición celebrado entre España y Portugal en 6 de Diciembre de 1875, según el cual los criminales á quienes corresponda la pena de muerte, sólo serán entregados á condición de que se les conmute dicho castigo. El T. S. declara no haber lugar al


"Considerando que á los Tribunales no corresponde conmutar las penas, porque la conmutación supone la imposición previa de aquella que se ha de conmutar, y la facultad de elegir libremente la que se ha de imponer en cambio, propia y exclusiva de la prerrogativa regia, siendo por tanto sólo competencia de la administración de justicia aplicar la ley penal, sin que infrinja, aplicándola á reos extraídos de Portugal por delito á que señale el Código la pena de muerte, el art. 1o del tratado de extradición vigente con el Gobierno portugués, precepto cuya observancia procederá, conforme al pacto internacional, después de impuesta en fallo definitivo la referida pena.”—Sala 2a., Sent. 15 Abril, 1884. Gac. 28 Septiembre, p. 158.









ARTICLE 1. No penalty whatsoever shall be inflicted as a consequence of punishable acts the punishment of which pertains to the ordinary jurisdiction, except in accordance with the provisions of this and other special laws, and by virtue of a sentence pronounced by a judge of competent jurisdiction.1

ART. 2. All authorities and officials taking part in a criminal proceeding shall seek, within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, to record and consider all circumstances for and against the presumed criminal, and shall be obliged, in the absence of an express provision, to inform the latter of his rights and of the remedies he may employ, while without the services of counsel.

A Spaniard by the name of Joaquin Cupido having been extradited from Portugal and sentenced to death, interposed an appeal for annulment of judgment on the ground of the violation of article 1 of the extradition convention celebrated between Spain and Portugal on December 6, 1875, according to which criminals subject to the penalty of death shall be turned over only on condition that said punishment be commuted. The supreme court declares that the appeal does not lie:

"Considering that it does not lie within the power of courts to commute sentences, because a commutation supposes the previous imposition of the sentence to be commuted, and the power to freely select that which is to be imposed in lieu thereof, which is properly and exclusively a royal prerogative, it being within the jurisdiction of the administration of justice only to apply the penal law, without violating, in applying the same to criminals extradited from Portugal for a crime to which the code affixes the penalty of death, article 1 of the extradition treaty in force with the Portuguese Government, a precept, the observance of which will be proper, in accordance with the international agreement, after the said punishment has been imposed by a definite sentence."-Second Chamber. Decision of April 15, 1884. Gaceta of September 28, page 158.

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