Imágenes de páginas

In either case the sumario can not be concluded until the complainant precisely and clearly specifies the acts and circumstances of the charge, in order that the accused may prepare his evidence for presentation at the oral trial. Should he not do so within the period which the judge may grant him, the sumario shall be considered terminated, taking into consideration his failure or omission in order that it may not prejudice the accused.

ART. 811. A person filing a complaint for an act of contumely or calumny must attach a copy of the complaint, which shall be served upon the defendant at the time of his citation for the trial.

ART. 812. Upon the holding of the trial on the day fixed and after the complainant has presented the proof of the acts constituting an oral act of contumely or calumny, the judge shall order what may be proper with regard to the trial of the defendant, terminating the sumario thereupon.

ART. 813. No hearsay evidence shall be admitted in causes involving acts of contumely or calumny.

ART. 814. The absence of the defendant shall not stay the holding nor the decision of the case, provided he has been formally cited.

ART. 815. A record shall be made of each trial, the proceedings had being clearly and succinctly stated and signed by all persons present able to do so.




ART. 816. Inmediatamente que se dé principio á un sumario por delito cometido por medio de la imprenta, el grabado ú otro medio mecánico de publicación, se procederá á secuestrar los ejemplares del impreso ó de la estampa donde quiera que se hallaren. También se secuestrará el molde de ésta.

Se procederá asimismo inmediatamente á averiguar quién haya sido el autor real del escrito ó estampa con cuya publicación se hubiese cometido el delito.

ART. 817. Si el escrito ó estampa se hubiese publicado en un periódico, bien en el texto del mismo, bien en hoja aparte, se tomará declaración para averiguar quién haya sido el autor, al director ó redactores de aquél y al jefe ó regente del establecimiento tipográfico en que se haya hecho la impresión ó grabado.

Para ello se reclamará el original de cualquiera de las personas que lo tengan en su poder, la cual, si no lo pusiere á disposición del juez, manifestará la persona á quien lo haya entregado.

ART. 818. Si el delito se hubiese cometido por medio de la publicación de un escrito ó de una estampa sueltos, se tomará la declaración expresada en el artículo anterior al jefe y dependientes del establecimiento en que se haya hecho la impresión ó estampación.

ART. 819. Cuando no pudiere averiguarse quién sea el autor real del escrito ó estampa, ó cuando por hallarse domiciliado en el extranjero ó por cualquiera otra causa de las especificadas en el código penal no pudiere ser perseguido, se dirigirá el procedimiento contra las personas subsidiariamente responsables por el orden establecido en el artículo respectivo del expresado código.

ART. 820. No será bastante la confesión de un supuesto autor para que se le tenga como tal y para que no se dirija el procedimiento contra otras personas, si de las circunstancias de aquél ó de las del delito resultaren indicios bastantes para creer que el confeso no fué el autor real del escrito ó estampa publicados.



ART. 816. As soon as a sumario is begun for a crime committed through the press, engravings, or other mechanical means of publication, the copies of the print or impression shall be seized wherever they may be. The plate of the latter shall also be seized.

Proceedings shall also be instituted at once to ascertain the real author of the writing or impression by the publication of which the crime may have been committed.

ART. 817. If the writing or impression shall have been published in a newspaper, whether in its text or on a separate sheet, depositions shall be taken of the director or editors of the former and of the head or manager of the typographical establishment in which the impression or engraving may have been done, for the purpose of ascertaining the author.

For this purpose the original shall be demanded of any of the persons in whose possession it may be, which person, if he does not place the same at the disposal of the judge, shall state the person to whom he may have delivered it.

ART. 818. If the crime should have been committed by means of the publication of a writing or of single impressions, the deposition mentioned in the foregoing article shall be taken of the head and employees of the establishment in which the printing or stamping was done.

ART. 819. If it should not be possible to ascertain the real author of the writing or impression, or if he can not be prosecuted on account of being a resident of a foreign country, or for any other reason specified in the penal code, the proceedings shall be brought against the persons subsidiarily liable in the order established in the proper article of the said code.

ART. 820. The confession of an alleged author shall not be sufficient. to consider him as such, and prevent proceedings being instituted against other persons, if in view of his circumstances or of the crime. there should be sufficient indications to lead to a belief that the person making the confession was not the real author of the writing or impression published.

Pero una vez dictada sentencia firme en contra de los subsidiariamente responsables, no se podrá abrir nuevo procedimiento contra el responsable principal si llegare á ser conocido.

ART. 821. Si durante el curso de la causa apareciere alguna persona que, por el orden establecido en el artículo respectivo del código penal, deba responder criminalmente del delito antes que el procesado, se sobreseerá en la causa respecto á éste, dirigiéndose el procedimiento contra aquélla.

ART. 822. No se considerarán como instrumentos ó efectos del delito más que los ejemplares impresos del escrito ó estampa y el molde de ésta.

ART. 823. Unidos á la causa el impreso, grabado ú otro medio mecánico de publicación que haya servido para la comisión del delito, y averiguado el autor ó la persona subsidiariamente responsable, se dará por terminado el sumario.

But after a final sentence has been rendered against those subsidiarily liable, new proceedings can not be brought against the person principally liable, should he become known.

ART. 821. If during the course of the cause it shall appear that some person who, in the order established in the respective article of the penal code, should before the accused answer criminally for the crime, the proceedings shall be dismissed with regard to the latter and directed against the former.

ART. 822. Only the printed copies of the writing or impression and the plate of the latter shall be considered as instruments or effects of crime.

ART. 823. After the printed matter, engraving, or other mechanical means of publication which may have served for the commission of the crime shall have been attached to the cause, and after the author or the person subsidiarily liable has been ascertained, the sumario shall be closed.

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