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ART. 834. A person accused who shall not appear within the period fixed in the requisitions or who can not be found and brought before the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall be declared in default.

ART. 835. The following shall be called and sought for by requisition:

1. An accused person who, when notice is sought to be served upon him of any judicial decision, should not be found at his domicile by reason of his absence, if his whereabouts be unknown, and an accused person not having a known domicile. The person in charge of the service shall question the person upon whom said service is to be made, in accordance with the provisions of article 172 of this law, as to the whereabouts of the person accused.

2. He who shall have escaped from the institution in which he was detained or imprisoned.

3. He who, enjoying temporary liberty, should fail to appear before the court upon the day fixed or when he is called.

ART. 836. As soon as a person accused is included in the provisions of any of the cases of the foregoing article, the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall order the issue of requisitions for his call and search.

ART. 837. The requisition shall state all the circumstances mentioned in article 513, excepting the last, when the imprisonment or detention of the accused shall not have been decreed, and also the following:

1. That mentioned in such number of article 835 which is the cause of the issue of the requisition.

2. The period within which the absent accused must appear, under the admonition that otherwise he will be declared in default and that he will suffer the prejudice which may lie according to law.

ART. 838. The requisition shall be transmitted to the judges, published in the newspapers and posted in the public places mentioned in article 512, the original requisition, as well as a copy of each newspaper containing the same being attached to the record.

ART. 839. Upon the expiration of the period of the requisition without the absentee having appeared or been brought before the court, he shall be declared in default.

ART. 840. Si la causa estuviere en sumario, se continuará hasta que se declare terminado por el juez ó tribunal competente, suspendiéndose después su curso y archivándose los autos y las piezas de convicción que pudieren conservarse y no fueren de un tercero irresponsable.

ART. 841. Si al ser declarado en rebeldía el procesado se hallare pendiente el juicio oral, se suspenderá éste y se archivarán los autos.

ART. 842. Si fueren dos ó más los procesados y no á todos se les hubiese declarado en rebeldía, se suspenderá el curso de la causa respecto á los rebeldes hasta que sean hallados, y se continuará respecto á los demás.

ART. 843. En cualquiera de los casos de los tres artículos anteriores, se reservará en el acto la suspensión, á la parte ofendida por el delito, la acción que le corresponda para la restitución de la cosa, la reparación del daño y la indemnización de perjuicios, á fin de que pueda ejercitarla, independientemente de la causa, por la vía civil contra los que fueren responsables, á cuyo efecto no se alzarán los embargos hechos, ni se cancelarán las fianzas prestadas.

ART. 844. Cuando la causa se archive por estar en rebeldía todos los procesados, se mandará devolver á los dueños, que no resulten civil ni criminalmente responsables del delito, los efectos ó instrumentos del mismo ó las demás piezas de convicción que hubiesen sido recogidas durante la causa; pero antes de hacerse la devolución, el secretario extenderá diligencia consignando descripción minuciosa de todo lo que se devuelva.

Asimismo se verificará el reconocimiento pericial que habría de practicarse si la causa continuara su curso ordinario.

Para la devolución de los efectos y piezas de convicción pertenecientes á un tercero irresponsable, se observará lo que se dispone en los artículos 634 y 635.

ART. 845. Si el reo se hubiere fugado ú ocultado después de notificada la sentencia y estando pendiente el recurso de casación, éste se sustanciará hasta definitiva, nombrándose al rebelde abogado y procurador de oficio.

La sentencia que recaiga será firme.

Lo mismo sucederá si habiéndose ausentado ú ocultado el reo después de haberle sido notificada la sentencia, se interpusiere el recurso por su representación ó por el ministerio fiscal después de su ausencia ú ocultación.

ART. 846. Cuando el declarado rebelde en los casos de los artículos 840 y 841 se presente ó sea habido, se abrirá nuevamente la causa para continuarla, según su estado.

ART. 840. If the cause should be at the stage of the sumario, it shall be continued until said sumario is declared concluded by the proper judge or court, the course of the cause being thereupon suspended, and the proceedings and exhibits which can be kept and which are not the property of a third person not liable shall be filed.

ART. 841. If the oral trial should be pending when the accused is declared in default, said trial shall be suspended and the proceedings filed.

ART. 842. Should there be two or more persons accused and all of them have not been declared in default, the course of the cause shall be suspended with regard to the persons in default until they are found, and shall be continued with regard to the rest.

ART. 843. In any of the cases of the three preceding articles, at the time of the suspension there shall be reserved to the party injured by the crime the right of action he may have for the restitution of the thing, the repair of the damage, and the indemnity for losses, in order that he may exercise the same, independently of the cause, through civil channels against those liable, for which purpose the attachments levied and the bonds furnished shall not be raised or cancelled.

ART. 844. When the cause is filed by reason of all the persons accused being in default, an order shall issue for the return to the owners who are not civilly nor criminally liable for the crime, of the effects or instruments of the same, or of the other exhibits which may have been collected during the cause; but before the return is made, the secretary shall make a record containing a minute description of everything returned.

The expert examination which would have to be made if the cause had continued its ordinary course shall also take place.

The provisions of articles 634 and 635 shall be observed, for the return of the effects and exhibits belonging to a person who has not incurred any liability.

ART. 845. If the criminal should have escaped or concealed himself after having received notice of the sentence and while the appeal for annulment of judgment is pending, the latter shall be continued until it is decided, an attorney and solicitor being assigned to the person in default ex officio.

The decision rendered shall be final.

The same shall occur if the criminal having absented or concealed himself after having been notified of the sentence, an appeal is interposed by his counsel or by the prosecuting official after his absence or concealment.

ART. 846. When the person declared in default in the cases of articles 840 and 841 should present himself or be found, the cause shall be reopened and continued from the place where it left off.







SECCIÓN PRIMERA.—De la procedencia del recurso.1

ART. 847. Procede el recurso de casación por infracción de ley contra todas las sentencias dictadas en única instancia y en juicio oral y público por las audiencias, y contra las de segunda instancia dictadas en los juicios de faltas.

No procede respecto de las pronunciadas por el Tribunal Supremo.

1Según sentencia de 7 de Julio de 1883, si bien el recurso de casación sirve de remedio á perjuicios particulares, además de llenar el fin principal de su establecimiento, encaminado á fijar la inteligencia de las leyes y uniformar su aplicación, no es lícito á nadie, cualquiera que sea su interés del momento, promoverlo con un carácter distinto del que tuviera en juicio, porque de otra suerte sería motivo de perturbación el medio extraordinario por el cual se mantiene en cada caso el imperio de la ley en las condiciones propias de cada proceso. (Sentencia de 7 de Julio de 1883.)

Contra las resoluciones de los tribunales concernientes al procedimiento, si bien puede darse en los casos marcados por la legislación vigente el recurso de casación por quebrantamiento de forma, nunca es procedente por su esencia misma y condiciones precisas que le han de servir de base por infracción de ley. (Sentencia de 10 de Julio de 1883.)

Las partes, al interponer el recurso de casación, una vez aceptados los hechos que como probados se consignan en la sentencia, han de deducir su derecho de la mala apreciación jurídica y legal que hayan merecido los mismos; y como los que contiene una sentencia en que se condena al denunciado, en concepto de autor de una falta, en las penas de multa é indemnización, y se declara á otro individuo responsable de esta última subsidiariamente, no afectan ni interesan, excepto en cuanto se refieren á dicha responsabilidad subsidiaria, más que al denunciado, el subsidiariamente responsable, con esperanza de éxito, ni puede ni debe alegar como motivos de su recurso infracciones apoyadas en el supuesto de que no delinquió dicho denunciado al cometer la falta por que se le condenó. (Sentencia de 4 de Diciembre de 1883.)

La ley prohibe hacer calificación más dura ni imponer pena más grave que la que haya sido objeto del recurso, por lo cual el Tribunal Supremo, según su jurisprudencia en estos casos, no da lugar á la casación. (Sentencia de 14 de Diciembre de 1883.) La ley no autoriza para proponer en el Tribunal Supremo cuestiones nuevas ni







SECTION FIRST.- When the appeal lies.1

ART. 847. An appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law lies from all sentences rendered in first and last instance and at an oral and public trial by audiencias, and from those rendered in second instance upon misdemeanors.

It does not lie from those rendered by the Supreme Court.

1 According to a decision of July 7, 1883, although an appeal for annulment of judgment serves as a remedy for particular prejudices, in addition to fulfilling the principal end of its institution, that is to say, to fix the interpretation of laws and the uniformity of their application, it is not licit for anyone, whatever be his momentary interest, to institute it in a capacity distinct from the one he had in the action, because otherwise this extraordinary measure, by which in every case the sovereignty of the law is maintained in the conditions proper to each proceeding, would be a means of disturbance. (Decision of July 7, 1883.)

Although in the cases specified by the laws in force, an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form may be allowed from decisions of courts upon questions of procedure, this appeal never lies from its essence and the precise conditions which are to serve as a ground therefor, violation of law. (Decision of July 10, 1883.)

The parties, in interposing an appeal for annulment of judgment after having accepted the facts which are stated in the sentence as being proved, must base their right upon the erroneous juridical and legal consideration which the same may have received; and as those which a sentence contains in which the person denounced is condemned as the author of a misdemeanor to the penalties of a fine and indemnity, and another person is declared liable for the latter in a subsidiary manner, they do not affect nor interest, except in so far as said subsidiary liability is concerned, anyone but the person denounced, the one subsidiarily liable, with the hope of success; nor can he or must he allege as a ground for his appeal violations based upon the supposition that said denounced person did not violate the law in committing the offence for which he was sentenced. (Decision of December 4, 1883.)

The law prohibits that any more serious classification be made or any heavier penalty be imposed than that which may have been the subject of the appeal, for which reason the Supreme Court, according to the precedents in such cases, does not allow the appeal. (Decision of December 14, 1883.)

The law does not authorize the proposition before the Supreme Court of new ques

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