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ART. 962. As soon as the municipal judge shall have information of the commission of any of the misdemeanors mentioned in Book III of the penal code which can be prosecuted at the instance of the Government, it shall order the municipal fiscal, the complainant, if there be any, the presumed culprit, and the witnesses who can testify as to the acts to appear for an oral trial, setting a day and hour for the hearing.

ART. 963. In the same manner he shall order the holding of an oral trial, but without summoning the municipal fiscal, when the misdemeanor can be prosecuted only at the instance of a legitimate party and said party requests the punishment.

ART. 964. The trial must be held in the court room of the municipal court within three days following the date upon which the judge shall have had notice of the commission of the misdemeanor.

The municipal judge may, nevertheless, at his own instance or on motion of a party, set a day beyond said period for the holding of a trial, if there be sufficient cause therefor, which must appear in the proceedings.

If some important witness or one of the parties residing within the municipal district should be physically unable to appear at court, the judge may also order the holding of the trial at the point he may consider advisable, stating his reasons for his decision.

ART. 965. A copy of the complaint, if any shall have been filed, shall be attached to the citation served upon the presumed culprits, and in said citation shall be stated that the person cited must appear at the trial with the evidence in his possession. Twenty-four hours at least must elapse between the service of the citation upon the presumed culprit and the time for holding the trial, if the person cited resides within the municipal district, and one day more for every 20 kilometers, if he resides without it.

ART. 966. When the persons cited as parties and the witnesses shall not appear, nor allege sufficient cause for failing to do so, they may be


en la cantidad que determine el juez municipal, hasta el máximum de 62.50 pesetas.

En la misma multa incurrirán los peritos que no acudan al llamamiento del juez municipal.

ART. 967. A los testigos y á los presuntos culpables que residan fuera del territorio municipal se les recibirá declaración por medio de exhorto, con citación del querellante particular, si lo hubiere, y en presencia del ministerio fiscal, si la falta pudiere perseguirse de oficio.

Dichas declaraciones se recibirán y redactarán con las formalidades establecidas respectivamente en la presente ley.

ART. 968. En el caso de que por motivo justo no pueda celebrarse el juicio verbal en el día señalado, ó de que no pueda concluirse en un sólo acto, el juez municipal señalará el día más inmediato posible para su celebración ó continuación, haciéndolo saber á los interesados.

ART. 969. El juicio sera público, dando principio por la lectura de la querella, si la hubiere, siguiendo á esto el examen de los testigos convocados, y practicándose las demás pruebas que propongan el querellante, denunciador y fiscal municipal, si asistiere, siempre que el juez las considere admisibles. Seguidamente se oirá al acusado, se examinarán los testigos que presente en su descargo, y se practicarán las demás pruebas que ofrezca y fueren pertinentes, observándose las prescripciones de esta ley en cuanto sean aplicables. Acto contínuo expondrán de palabra las partes lo que crean conveniente en apoyo de sus respectivas pretensiones, hablando primero el ministerio fiscal si asistiere, después el querellante particular, y por último el acusado.

El fiscal municipal asistirá á los juicios sobre faltas, siempre que á ellos sea citado con arreglo al artículo 962.1

ART. 970. Si el presunto culpable de una falta reside fuera del término municipal, no tendrá obligación de concurrir al acto del juicio, y podrá dirigir al juez municipal escrito alegando lo que estime conveniente en su defensa, y apoderar persona que presente en aquel acto las pruebas de descargo que tuviere.

ART. 971. La ausencia del acusado no suspenderá la celebración ni la resolución del juicio, siempre que conste habérsele citado con las formalidades prescritas en esta ley, y con los requisitos del artículo 965, á no ser que el juez municipal, de oficio ó á instancia de parte, crea necesaria la declaración de aquél.

1La infracción de este artículo, como de mera instrucción y procedimiento, no es admisible como motivo de casación en un recurso por infracción de ley contra sentencia definitiva. (Sentencia de 13 de Noviembre de 1883.)

fined the amount which the municipal judge may fix, not to exceed 62.50 pesetas.

The same fine shall be incurred by the experts who do not appear on the call of the municipal judge.

ART. 967. The testimony of witnesses and presumed culprits, residing beyond the municipal district, shall be taken by means of letters rogatory, with a citation of the private complainant, if there be any, and in the presence of the public prosecutor, if the misdemeanor can be prosecuted by the Government.

Said depositions shall be taken and drafted with the formalities respectively established in this law.

ART. 968. In case that for sufficient cause it should not be possible to hold the oral trial upon the day fixed, or that it cannot be concluded at one sitting, the municipal judge shall set the first day possible for the holding or continuation thereof, informing the persons interested of the same.

ART. 969. The trial shall be public and shall be begun by the reading of the complaint, if there be any, followed by an examination of the witnesses called and the other evidence proposed by the complainant, denouncer, and municipal fiscal, if present, shall be taken, provided that the judge considers the same admissible. Thereupon the accused, and the witnesses he may present in his defence shall be heard, and the other evidence shall be taken which he may offer and which is pertinent, the provisions of this law in so far as applicable being observed. Thereupon the parties shall state verbally what they may deem proper in support of their respective contentions, the public prosecutor, if present, speaking first, and then the private complainant, and finally the accused.

The municipal fiscal shall attend trials upon misdemeanors, provided he is cited in accordance with article 962.1

ART. 970. If the person presumed to be guilty of a misdemeanor should reside outside of the municipal district he shall not be obliged to appear at the trial, and he may address to the municipal judge a petition pleading what he may deem proper in his defence, and empower a person to present at said proceeding the evidence for his defence which he may have.

ART. 971. The absence of the accused shall not stay the holding nor the decision of the trial, provided that it shall appear that he has been cited with the formalities prescribed in this law and with the requisites of article 965, unless the municipal judge, at his own instance or on motion of a party, should consider the deposition of the former necessary.

'The violation of this article being of mere examination and procedure, is not admissible for annulment in an appeal for violation of law against a final judgment. (Decision of November 13, 1883.)

ART. 972. De cada juicio se extenderá un acta diaria, expresando clara y sucintamente lo actuado, la cual se firmará por todos los concurrentes al mismo que puedan hacerlo, á cuyo efecto deberá el juez municipal adoptar las disposiciones necesarias para que no se ausenten hasta que dicha acta esté extendida.

ART. 973. Dentro del término fijado en el párrafo segundo del artículo 203, el juez municipal dictará sentencia.

ART. 974. La sentencia se llevará á efecto por el juez municipal inmediatamente de transcurrido el término fijado en el cuarto párrafo del artículo 212, si no hubiere apelado ninguna de las partes.

ART. 975. Si se hubiese apelado, se admitirá en ambos efectos el recurso para ante el juez de instrucción á que corresponda el juzgado municipal, haciéndose constar la interposición del recurso por diligencia que extenderá el secretario municipal y firmará el apelante, y si no supiere, un testigo á su ruego.

ART. 976. Admitida que sea la apelación, se remitirán los autos originales por el juez municipal al de instrucción, haciéndose saber la remisión y emplazándose al fiscal municipal si hubiere sido parte en el juicio, y á los demás interesados, para que en el término de cinco díasacudan á usar de su derecho ante el juez de instrucción.

ART. 972. A daily record shall be made of each trial, stating clearly and succinctly the proceedings had, which shall be signed by all those present thereat who are able to do so; for which purpose the municipal judge shall take the necessary measures to prevent their absenting themselves until said record is made.

ART. 973. Within the period fixed in the second paragraph of article 203 the judge shall pronounce sentence.

ART. 974. The sentence shall be carried out by the municipal judge immediately after the period fixed in the fourth paragraph of article 212 shall have expired if none of the parties shall have appealed.

ART. 975. If an appeal shall have been taken it shall be admitted both for a review and a stay of proceedings to the proper judge of examination to which the municipal court may pertain, the interposition of the appeal being made a matter of record by the municipal secretary and signed by the appellant, or by a witness at his request should he not be able to do so.

ART. 976. After the admission of the appeal the original proceedings shall be sent by the municipal judge to the examining judge, such transmission being communicated to the municipal fiscal if he shall have taken part in the trial, and to the other persons interested, all of them being cited, in order that within the period of five days they may appear before the examining judge and allege their rights.

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