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dence. The number of witnesses shall be in accordance with the provisions of article 644 of the Law of Civil Procedure, and they shall be presented by the party or parties interested and receive from same. whatever compensation is to be paid to them.

IX. Article 658 and paragraphs 4 and 5 of article 746 of the Law of Criminal Procedure are modified to read as follows:

"Article 658. After the exposition of qualification be presented within the legal period, as must be required by the court, an order shall be issued without delay in regard to the admission of the evidence, in compliance with the provisions of article 659, but the period to begin the oral trial shall not exceed twenty days, unless there be well-founded reasons, which must be justified to the court."

X. Parties may avail themselves of the written deposition of witnesses who live temporarily or permanently in foreign countries. Said depositions may be used as documentary evidence during the proceedings, provided they be presented before the end of the sessions, and provided the record containing them conform to all the requirements in regard to their authenticity.

XI. The personal substitution for the fines referred to in article 661 shall be at the rate of one day imprisonment for every three dollars. XII. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of article 746 are modified to read as follows:

"4th. Whenever any member of the court or the fiscal or counsel for any of the parties should fall suddenly ill, and not be able to take part in the oral trial, and a substitute can not be found immediately for said counsel, the trial shall be set for another day within the next ten. If said counsel or any other appointed by the accused should not be able to appear even then, the court shall appoint one de oficio (by its own action) and responsibility, in order that the trial may take place within the following ten days, which period shall not be subject to extension.

"Whenever there are several parties accused and several lawyers for the defense, if any one of said lawyers should fail to appear, the court shall appoint counsel for the party or parties accused whose lawyer may have failed to appear for any reason, from among the lawyers present belonging to the other persons under trial, provided there be no opposing interests involved. In the latter case, the trial will be set within the next ten days at most.

"5th. A trial shall be suspended if the party accused, there being but one, be so ill (as specified in the preceding paragraph) as not to be able to appear at the trial; but if there be more than one party accused and the court believes that the trial can go on with the parties and lawyers who may be present, it shall order the trial, setting nevertheless a new trial for the parties who have not appeared.

"In all cases of nonappearance, the accused must present proof of

á probar su enfermedad, presentando certificación de dos médicos, bajo juramento (cuyo juramento se prestará ante el tribunal ó ante notario) expresando la clase de enfermedad y su absoluta imposibilidad de asistir al juicio.

"La fijación de nuevo día no pasará de los diez siguientes."

XIII. En cualquiera de los casos del artículo 641, al acordarse el sobreseimiento provisional, se revocará el auto de procesamiento. En el caso de que al abrirse de nuevo el proceso subsistieren ó se reafirmen los indicios de culpabilidad contra el procesado que fué objeto del sobreseimiento, se dictará nuevo auto expresando como fundamento dicha consideración.

XIV. Se establecerá en la secretaría de estado y gobernación un registro general de penados al cual deberán acudir los jueces por escrito ó por telégrafo en averiguación de los antecedentes penales de los reos. El secretario de justicia se pondrá de acuerdo con el de estado y gobernación para la más pronta instalación de este registro.

XV. Las prescripciones contenidas en el artículo VI de esta orden serán inmediatamente aplicadas á aquellas causas en que ya hayan sido hechas las calificaciones por el fiscal, por el acusador ó por el actor civil, para cuyo fin se harán las copias por el secretario del tribunal dentro de los diez días subsecuentes á aquel en que se reciba la “Gaceta de la Habana" conteniendo esta orden, entregándose inmediatamente á aquellos que aun no hayan contestado la acusación con el fin de que así lo hagan, dentro del período especificado en el artículo 632, recogiendose los autos del abogado con el fin de que puedan estar de manifiesto en la secretaría durante dicho período.

XVI. Todas las disposiciones legales vigentes que se opongan á esta orden quedan derogadas.

El Brigadier-General de Voluntarios, Jefe de Estado Mayor,

No. 192.



Habana, 9 de Mayo de 1900.

El Gobernador General de Cuba, á propuesta del secretario de justicia, ordena la publicación de la siguiente orden:

Por la presente, el artículo LXXI de la orden No. 92 de este cuartel general, de fecha 26 de Junio de 1899, relativa á los recursos de casación, quedará redactado en la forma siguiente:

LXXI. Cuando en causas en que se pedía por la acusación la pena de muerte ésta no se hubiere impuesto por el tribunal, la interposición de los recursos se atendrá á las reglas generales en capítulos anteriores indicados.

alleged illness by presenting a medical certificate, signed by two doctors, under oath before the court, or a notary public, which shall state the disease or disability, and that it is absolutely impossible for the party accused to be present at the trial.

"The day fixed for the trial shall not be beyond the following ten." XIII. In any of the cases of article 641, upon granting the provisional closing of the case, the order of indictment shall be annulled. If at the reopening of the case the indications of guilt against the accused party who was the object of said closing still exist or be reaffirmed, a new order shall be issued stating said consideration.

XIV. In the department of state and government a general register of prisoners shall be opened, to which judges shall refer, either by letter or telegraph, in order to ascertain the antecedents of the prisoners. The secretary of justice will agree with the secretary of state and government upon the best and earliest method to establish said register.

XV. The provisions of Article VI of this order shall be immediately applicable to the cases wherein the fiscal, the complainant, or the civil actor may have already stated the qualifications; to which end the secretary of the court will make the copies within ten days following the date of receiving the Gazette of Havana containing this order, and shall deliver them immediately to the parties who may not have yet answered the accusation, in order that they may do so within the time specified in article 632, and he shall take back the records from the lawyer in order that they be accessible in the secretary's office during said period.

XVI. All existing legal provisions in force in conflict with this order are hereby annulled.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, U. S. Vols., Chief of Staff.

No. 192.


Havana, May 9, 1900.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order: Article LXXI of Order No. 92, Headquarters Division of Cuba, dated June 26, 1899, relating to appeals for annulment of judgment, is hereby modified to read as follows:

LXXI. In cases wherein the court may not have passed the sentence of death demanded by the accusation, the proceedings for appeal shall be as provided for in the preceding articles.

[blocks in formation]

El tribunal sentenciador, al admitir el recurso, en lugar de disponer se entregue certificación al recurrente, ordenará se eleven los autos originales al Tribunal Supremo. Recibidos por éste y luego que se hubiere personado el recurrente, se requerirá al reo para que designe abogado que le represente y defienda, lo que hará en lo que reste del término del emplazamiento y si no fuese posible, dentro de diez días, si se tratare de recursos interpuestos contra fallos de las audiencias de la Habana, Matanzas, Santa Clara y Pinar del Río, y de veinte si procediesen de las audiencias de Puerto Príncipe y Santiago de Cuba, contándose dichos plazos desde el día siguiente al del requerimiento. Si el reo hiciese designación de abogado, dentro de tercero día de constar ésta en los autos en el Supremo, se dará conocimiento de la misma al elegido para que manifieste, al siguiente día de la notificación, si acepta ó no, bastando que se persone á nombre del reo para que se tenga por hecha la aceptación. Si el reo no hiciese designación ó, si hecha, no constase la aceptación del elegido, el tribunal procederá á nombrar abogado de oficio que represente y defienda á aquél, no pudiendo excusarse, sino por causa de incompatibilidad. La sustanciación posterior del recurso, una vez provisto el reo de defensor, se acomodará á lo dispuesto en los artículos XXVII y siguientes en lo que fuere pertinente, pudiendo las partes alegar, dentro del plazo que señala el artículo XXVIII, además de las promociones en él consignadas, motivos de casación por quebrantamiento de forma.

El tribunal, antes de resolver acerca del recurso interpuesto, examinará los quebrantamientos alegados por las partes y no fallará aquél sino en el caso de que no proceda la casación por éstos ó por otros motivos de forma, aunque no hayan sido alegados por las partes.

Si se casare la sentencia y en la que se dictare se impusiere la pena de muerte, antes de comunicarla al tribunal sentenciador, se cumplirá lo dispuesto en el artículo LXXII que se declara aplicable á este caso.


Se da efecto retroactivo á lo dispuesto en esta orden en los recursos que á la promulgación de la misma se encontraren en tramitación, los cuales serán repuestos al estado en el cual deba comenzar el reo á aprovecharse de las prescripciones que por ella se establecen en su favor. El Comandante de Estado Mayor,


Upon admitting the appeal, the court passing sentence shall order that the original proceedings be forwarded to the Supreme Court instead of directing that a certified copy be delivered to the appellant. After said records have been received by the Supreme Court and the appellant has appeared, the prisoner shall be required to appoint a lawyer to represent and defend him, which he must do within what remains of the time set for his appearance, and if this be not possible, within ten days, when an appeal is made against judgments of the audiencias of Havana, Matanzas, Santa Clara, and Pinar del Rio, and within twenty days if against decisions of the audiencias of Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba, counting from the day following his being required to appoint counsel. If the prisoner appoints an attorney within the third day after such appointment is recorded in the Supreme Court, the person selected shall be notified thereof in order that on the day following the notification he may signify his acceptance or not, and his appearance in the name of the prisoner shall be considered as acceptance. Should the prisoner not designate counsel or the acceptance of the person appointed be not recorded, the court shall designate one de oficio (of its own accord) to represent the prisoner and take charge of his defense, who shall not be excused therefrom except upon grounds of incompatibility. The prisoner having been provided with counsel for his defense, the subsequent proceedings of the appeal will be in conformity with all that may be applicable to the case in the provisions of Article XXVII and following ones. The parties may state within the period specified in Article XXVIII, in addition to the petitions expressed therein, any grounds of appeal for annulment for defect in form.

Before rendering decision concerning the appeal established the court shall examine the defects in form alleged by the parties and shall not render decision upon said appeal except it find that there are no such defects in form, nor any others, not alleged by the parties, that justify annulment.

If the sentence be annulled and the new sentence impose the death penalty, before communicating this to the lower court the provisions of Article LXXII, hereby declared applicable to this case, shall be complied with.


Retroactive effect is hereby given to the provisions of this order in the appeals pending at the date of its publication. They will return to the point of the proceedings from where the prisoner may avail himself of the provisions which are here established in his favor.

J. B. HICKEY, Assistant Adjutant-General.

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