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themselves or by written application, the intervention of a lawyer not being necessary, and they shall be heard for the decision of the judge of primera instancia or of instrucción of the district if the decision appealed against should have been rendered by a municipal judge, and for the decision of the proper sala of the corresponding audiencia if it should have been rendered by a judge of primera instancia, of instrucción, or a correctional judge. Should it have been rendered primarily by a sala de justicia, only a recourse of entreaty (súplica) before the court in full session shall be pertinent, which will be instituted and decided after a public hearing under the same conditions and in the same manner as ordinary appeals.

X. Within the three days following the date of the institution of an appeal, in cases where the latter is in order, the proceedings shall be sent to the court or tribunal that must have cognizance of the same, first summoning the parties interested to appear before the said court or tribunal within the fifth day. If the court or tribunal that is to have cognizance of the appeal should be situated at a different place from the one that issued or rendered the decision appealed against, the period named in the summons shall be extended one day for each 20 kilometers of distance. If the period named in the summons should pass by without the appearance of the appellant, the decision appealed against shall be legally final and the records shall be returned by the court's own action before the close of the following day to the lower court, a statement being made therein of the circumstances.

XI. If the appellant should appear within the period named in the summons, a day shall be named for the hearing, which shall take place within the three days following; and the interested parties or their attorneys having been heard, sentence shall be rendered within the following three days, together with the declaration that may be proper concerning costs, without further.appeal, the proceedings being immediately returned to the lower tribunal or court, where said sentence shall be notified.

The hearing of the case shall not be postponed in consequence of the illness or inability of the parties or their attorneys.

XII. This order shall be applied in civil as well as in criminal suits, and it shall govern those cases that may hereafter occur and those which may heretofore have occurred but which have not been finally decided.

XIII. In cases of disturbance of property or of spoliation thereof, not included in the foregoing articles, the proceedings established by the Law of Civil Procedure for retention or return of possession shall remain in force, but the competent judge shall be the municipal judge, against whose decision appeal may be had before his superior in rank.


XIV. Todo lo relativo al recurso de amparo se sustanciará en cuaderno aparte, á fin de no entorpecer el curso del asunto principal; pero siempre quedará en suspenso el cumplimiento de la resolución que motive el recurso de amparo en la parte que sea objeto de éste.

XV. Si al elevar al juzgado ó tribunal superior dicho cuaderno y los autos principales (si fueren necesarios éstos) por virtud de apelación, pudiera sufrir perjuicio la marcha del asunto principal, se formará cuaderno separado con los lugares indispensables para la práctica de todo aquello que convenga no demorar.

XVI. Siempre que á consecuencia de disposición judicial y á pesar de lo dispuesto en el artículo II, se dé posesión á una persona de bienes que estén poseídos por persona distinta de la que se supone dueña ó poseedora y en cuya suposición sea que se haya dictado aquella orden, la persona á quien se hubiere dado posesión se abstendrá de disponer de dichos bienes ó de sus frutos mientras no lo autorice para ello el juez ó tribunal que hubiese dispuesto la ocupación ó posesión, para cuyo efecto, deberá presentar al mismo, dentro de los dos días siguientes, la citada diligencia de ocupación ó posesión. Cuando los bienes estén situados fuera de la localidad en que resida el juez ó tribunal, se entenderá ampliado dicho término á un día más por cada viente kilómetros de distancia; y si transcurrido este término no hubiere presentado dicha diligencia, quedará de derecho sin efecto la ocupación ó posesión y el juzgado ó tribunal dispondrá en consecuencia lo que corresponda.

XVII. Las distancias que hayan podido recorrerse en ferrocarril ó vapor en cada caso, sólo darán derecho á un día de ampliación por cada cien kilómetros en la computación de los términos á que se refieren los artículos X y XVI.

XVIII. Lo dispuesto en esta orden deja á salvo los derechos y acciones de que se crean asistidos los interesados respecto de la propiedad y de la posesión definitivas ó para exigir cualquier clase de responsabilidad; de cuyos derechos y acciones podrán hacer uso en la vía y forma que corresponda.

XIX. Quedan derogados todos los preceptos legales que se opongan á los establecidos en la presente orden, que empezará á regir desde su publicación en la Gaceta Oficial del Gobierno.

El Cimandante de Estado Mayor,


XIV. All matters relating to the recourse of protection shall be substantiated in a separate record of proceedings, in order that the course of the records of the main matter in question be not hampered; but the execution of the decision against the recourse of protection which has been taken shall be suspended in the part concerning the


XV. If because of an appeal said separate record of the proceedings and the original records (if these be necessary) be forwarded to the higher courts and the course of the principal matter be hampered thereby, a separate record of proceedings shall be drawn up, which shall include the indispensable data in order that all steps be taken to obviate delay.

XVI. Whenever, by virtue of a judicial decree, and notwithstanding the provisions of Article II, a person should be placed in possession of any property whatsoever which is held by another than the one supposed to be the owner or holder of said property, and said judicial decree is based on this supposition, the person placed in the possession of the property shall not dispose of it nor of the proceeds thereof as long as he is not authorized by the judge or the court by whom the occupation or possession thereof may have been ordered, and to this effect there shall be filed before the said judge or court, within the two days next following, the proper record of the occupation or possession mentioned. Whenever the property is not situated within the locality where the judge or court sits, the above-mentioned period shall be extended at the rate of one day for every 20 kilometers distance from the place where the judge or court is located; and if after this period has expired the party concerned should not have filed the above-mentioned record of possession, the occupation or possession shall be legally ineffective, and the judge or tribunal shall accordingly take proper action in the matter.

XVII. The distances which have been covered by railroad or steamer in each case shall only give the right for an extension of one day for every one hundred kilometers when computing the periods to which Articles X and XVI refer.

XVIII. The provisions of this order shall in no way be detrimental to the rights and actions which the parties concerned may be entitled to concerning the final ownership and possession, or the right to sue for any kind of responsibilities whatsoever; which rights and actions they can use in any way and form that may be proper.

XIX. The provisions of this order shall go into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, and all legal provisions in conflict therewith are hereby revoked.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

No. 427.


Habana, 15 de Octubre de 1900.

El Gobernador General de Cuba, á propuesta del secretario de justicia, ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguiente orden, relativa al mandamiento de habeas corpus:


I. La persona que haya sido privada de su libertad dentro de la isla de Cuba, por cualquier causa, ó bajo cualquier pretexto, tiene derecho, excepto cuando haya sido encarcelada ó detenida por virtud de una sentencia de juez 6 tribunal competente, á un mandamiento de habeas corpus, como se prescribe en esta orden, can el fin de averiguar cuáles son las causas de la prisión ó privación de libertad, y para qué en los casos previstos se le devuelva ésta. El mandamiento de habeas corpus podrá ser expedido y entregado todos los días, pero no se verá el caso para resolución sino en día hábil.

Las partes, en un procedimiento instituido por medio del mandamiento de habeas corpus, podrán comparecer por medio de representante como en otros casos.



II. La solicitud para el mandamiento ha de hacerse por medio de petición escrita y firmada, bien por la persona de cuya libertad se trate, ó bien en su nombre por cualquiera otra, presentándola á cualquiera de los siguientes jueces, tribunales y presidentes ó magistrados de los mismos:

1. Á los jueces de instrucción en los casos que procedan de actos de los jueces municipales y correccionales, dentro de la jurisdicción territorial de dichos jueces de instrucción.

2. Á las audiencias y sala de lo criminal de la audiencia de la Habana, en los casos que procedan de actos de los jueces de instrucción sometidos á la jurisdicción de dichas audiencias y sala de lo criminal.

3. Al Tribunal Supremo, en los casos que procedan de actos de las audiencias ó sala de lo criminal de la audiencia de la Habana.

4. Á los jueces de instrucción ó audiencias ó sala de lo criminal de la audiencia de la Habana, á elección del solicitante, en los casos que procedan de los actos de cualquier autoridade civil ó empleado del mismo orden, ó de cualquiera corporación, asociación ó individuo particular, por los cuales cualquier individuo haya sido privado de su libertad.

No. 427.


Havana, October 15, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order relating to the writ of habeas corpus:


I. A person imprisoned or restrained of his liberty within the island of Cuba, for any cause or upon any pretense, is entitled, except where he has been committed or is detained by virtue of the judgment of a competent judge or tribunal, to a writ of habeas corpus, as prescribed in this order, for the purpose of inquiring into the cause of the imprisonment or restraint, and, in a case prescribed by law, of delivering him therefrom. A writ of habeas corpus may be issued and served on any day, but it can only be made returnable on a working day.

The parties to a case instituted by the writ of habeas corpus may appear by attorney, as in other cases.


II. Application for the writ must be made by a written petition, signed either by the person for whose relief it is intended or by some person in his behalf, to any of the following judges or tribunals, or to the chief justices or associate justices thereof:

1. The judges of instrucción, in cases arising out of the acts of the municipal and correctional judges within the territorial jurisdiction of said judges of instrucción.

2. The audiencias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana, in cases arising out of the acts of the judges of instrucción within the territorial jurisdiction of said audiencias and said sala de lo criminal.

3. The supreme eourt, in cases arising out of the acts of the audiencias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana.

4. The judges of instrucción, or the audiencias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana, at the option of the petitioner, in cases arising out of the acts of any civil authority or official, or of any corporation, association, or private individual, by which any person has been restrained of his liberty.

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