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If the judge of examination should hold that the substitute municipal judge should reverse his ruling denying the admission of evidence, referred to in the second paragraph of article 76, he shall so declare, refraining from deciding the main question, and order the proceedings to be returned to the municipal court from which they were forwarded, in order that the evidence offered be taken and a new ruling made.

The provisions of articles 78 to 81 shall apply to this ruling.

ART. 82. If the ruling be affirmative, the appellant shall be taxed the costs thereof.

ART. 83. If the challenge be sustained by a final ruling, the substitute judge shall take cognizance of the case.

If overruled, the challenged judge shall again take cognizance of the offence.



ART. 84. The clerks of municipal courts, courts of examination, of audiencias, and those of the supreme court may be challenged.

The officers of chambers may also be challenged.

ART. 85. The provisions of this title are applicable to the clerks and officers of chambers with the modifications prescribed in the following articles.

ART. 86. If the challenged parties be the assistants of courts of examination, of audiencias or of the supreme court, the issue of the challenge shall be prepared by the proper judge of examination or the junior associate justice, and shall be decided by the same judge or by by the corresponding court.

The judge or associate justice of examination may delegate the performance of the proceedings which he cannot personally conduct to the municipal judge, or to one of the judges of examination of the respective circuit.

ART. 87. The assistants challenged cannot take part in the cause nor in the issue of the challenge, being substituted by the proper persons if the challenge be sustained.

ART. 88. In challenges of clerks of municipal courts the municipal judge shall prepare and determine the issue of the challenge where there is but one judge.

Should there be two, the judge of the court to which the challenged party does not belong; and if there be three or more, by the eldest. ART. 89. If the challenge be overruled, the challenging party shall be taxed the costs.

ART. 90. Cuando sea firme el auto en que se admita la recusación, quedará el recusado separado de toda intervención en la causa, continuando en su reemplazo el que le haya sustituído durante la sustanciación del incidente; y si fuere secretario de juzgado municipal ó de instrucción, no percibirá derechos de ninguna clase desde que se hubiese solicitado la recusación, ó desde que, siéndole conocido el motivo alegado, no se separó del conocimiento del asunto.

ART. 91. Cuando se desestimase la recusación por auto firme, volverá el auxiliar recusado á ejercer sus funciones; y si fuese éste secretario de juzgado municipal ó de instrucción, le abonará el recusante los derechos correspondientes á las actuaciones practicadas en la causa, haciendo igual abono al que haya sustituído al recusado.

ART. 92. No podrán los auxiliares ser recusados después de citadas las partes para sentencia, ni durante la práctica de alguna diligencia de que estuvieren encargados, ni después de comenzada la celebración del juicio oral.

ART. 93. Es aplicable á los actuales relatores y escribanos de cámara: primero, lo dispuesto en los artículos anteriores respecto á las recusaciones de los secretarios de sala; y segundo, lo prevenido en los arts. 90 y 91 referente al abono de derechos.



ART. 94. Los asesores de los jueces municipales, cuando éstos desempeñen accidentalmente funciones de jueces de instrucción, se excusarán si concurrieren en ellos algunas de las causas enumeradas en el artículo 54 de esta ley.

El mismo juez municipal apreciará la excusa para admitirla ó desestimarla. Si la desestimase, podrá el asesor recurrir en queja á la respectiva audiencia, y ésta, pidiendo informes y antecedentes, resolverá de plano sin ulterior recurso lo que crea procedente.

ART. 95. Los que sean parte en una causa podrán recusar al asesor por cualquiera de los motivos señalados en el art. 54.

La recusación se hará por medio de escrito dirigido al juez municipal. Contra las decisiones del juzgado municipal desestimando la recusasion, procederá igualmente el recurso de queja ante la audiencia respectiva.



ART. 96. Los representantes del ministerio fiscal no podrán ser recusados; pero se abstendrán de intervenir en los actos judiciales cuando concurra en ellos alguna de las causas señaladas en el art. 54 de esta ley.

ART. 90. When a ruling sustaining a challenge becomes final, the party challenged can take no part in the cause whatever, the person who was substituted for him during the hearing and determination of the issue continuing to take his place; and if he be the clerk of a municipal court or court of examination he shall receive no fees of any kind from the time that the challenge was interposed, or when the alleged cause being known to him he did not abstain from taking cognizance of the subject.

ART. 91. If the challenge be overruled by a final decision the assistant challenged shall again perform his duties; and should he be the clerk of a municipal court or court of examination the challenging party shall pay to him the fees corresponding to the proceedings had in the cause, and a similar payment shall be made to his substitute. ART. 92. The assistants can not be challenged after the parties have been cited to appear for judgment, nor while engaged in some proceeding intrusted to them, nor after the oral trial has begun.

ART. 93. To relators and copyists of chambers are applicable: First, the provisions of the foregoing articles with regard to challenges of clerks in chambers; and, second, the provisions of articles 90 and 91 with reference to the payment of fees.



ART. 94. The assessors to municipal judges, when the latter accidentally discharge the duties of judges of examination, shall excuse themselves if they be embraced in any of the causes mentioned in article 54 of this law.

The municipal judge himself shall weigh the excuse in order to admit or reject it. Should he reject it, the assessor may appeal in complaint to the proper audiencia, and the latter, after calling for reports and data, shall decide eo instanti without further remedy, what it may deem proper.

ART. 95. The parties to a cause may challenge the assessor for any of the causes mentioned in article 54.

The challenge shall be in writing, addressed to the municipal judge. From the decision of the municipal court overruling a challenge, an appeal in complaint lies also to the proper audiencia. ·



ART. 96. Prosecuting officials can not be challenged; but they shall abstain from intervening in judicial acts when they are included in any of the causes mentioned in article 54 of this law.

ART. 97. Si concurriere en el fiscal del Tribunal Supremo ó en los fiscales de las audiencias alguna de las causas por razón de las cuales deban abstenerse, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, designarán para que los reemplacen al teniente fiscal, y en su defecto, á los abogados fiscales, por el orden de categoría y antigüedad.

Lo dispuesto en el párrafo anterior es aplicable á los tenientes ó abogados fiscales cuando ejerzan las funciones de su jefe respectivo.

ART. 98. Los tenientes y abogados fiscales del Tribunal Supremo y de las audiencias harán presente su excusa al superior respectivo, quien les relevará de intervenir en los actos judiciales, y elegirá para sustituirles al que tenga por conveniente entre sus subordinados.

ART. 99. Cuando los representantes del ministerio fiscal no se excusaren, á pesar de comprenderles alguna de las causas expresadas en el artículo 54, podrán los que se consideren agraviados acudir en queja al superior inmediato.

Este oirá al subordinado que hubiese sido objeto de la queja, y encontrándola fundada, decidirá su sustitución. Si no la encontrare fundada, podrá acordar que intervenga en el proceso. Contra esta determinación no se da recurso alguno.

Los fiscales de las audiencias territoriales decidirán las quejas que se les dirijan contra los fiscales de las audiencias de lo criminal.

Si fuere el fiscal del Tribunal Supremo el que diera motivo á la queja, deberá ésta dirigirse al Ministro de Gracia y Justicia por conducto del presidente del mismo tribunal. El Ministro de Gracia, y Justicia, oída la sala de gobierno del Tribunal Supremo, si lo considera oportuno, resolverá lo que estime procedente.

ART. 97. If the public prosecutor of the supreme court or the public prosecutors of audiencias be included in any of the causes by reason of which they should abstain, according to the provisions of the foregoing article, they shall appoint as their substitutes the deputy pnblic prosecutor, and in his absence the assistant deputy public prosecutors, in the order of their rank and term of service.

The provisions of the foregoing paragraph are applicable to the deputy or assistant deputy public prosecutors when they discharge the duties of their respective chief.

ART. 98. The deputy and assistant deputy public prosecutors of the supreme court and of the audiencias shall submit their excuses to the proper superior, who shall relieve them from taking part in the judicial proceedings, and shall select as a substitute the person he may deem proper from among their subordinates.

ART. 99. When the prosecuting officials do not excuse themselves, notwithstanding their being included in any of the causes mentioned in article 54, those who consider themselves injured may appeal in complaint to the immediate superior.

The latter shall hear the subordinate who may have been the object of the complaint, and if he shall find it proper shall order his substitution. If he shall not find it proper he may order him to appear in the case. There shall be no remedy against this decision.

The public prosecutors of the territorial audiencias shall decide the complaints addressed to them against the public prosecutors of the criminal audiencias.

If the public prosecutor of the supreme court be the subject of the complaint, it must be addressed to the Minister of Grace and Justice through the chief justice of the said court. The Minister of Grace and Justice after hearing the chamber of administration of the supreme court, should he consider it necessary, shall decide what he may deem proper.

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