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ART. 166. Notifications, citations, and summonses which are served beyond the limits of the court room or chamber, shall be respectively served by a bailiff or an officer of the chamber.

Those within the court room shall be served by reading the entire order to the person in interest, giving him at the same time a copy thereof, even though he should not request it, and making an entry of both acts upon the record, which shall be subscribed, respectively, by the secretary or officer of the chamber.'

ART. 167. For the service of notices the secretary acting in the cause shall prepare a writ which shall contain:

1. A statement of the object of said cause and the names and surnames of the parties thereto.

2. A copy of the resolution which is to be served.

3. The name and surname of the person or persons upon whom notice is to be served.

4. The date on which the writ is issued.

5. The signature of the clerk.

ART. 168. A brief note shall be made upon the record of the issue of the writ and the officer of chambers or bailiff charged with the service thereof.

ART. 169. The person receiving the writ shall make and authenticate with his signature as many copies thereof as there are persons to be notified.

ART. 170. Service shall consist of the reading of the entire order to be served, delivering the copy of the writ to the person notified, and making a brief entry of service at the foot of the original writ.

ART. 171. The entry shall state the day and hour of service, and shall be signed by the person receiving the writ and by the official who executed the service.

If the person receiving the writ does not know how to sign, another shall do so at his request; and if he does not wish to do so, two witnesses secured for the purpose shall sign. These witnesses can not refuse to sign under a fine of not less than 12.50 nor more than 62.50 pesetas.

1Articles 207 and 209 fix a period in which these proceedings must be had, and articles 501 and 517 relate to the notice of warrants of imprisonment and release.

ART. 172. Cuando á la primera diligencia en busca no fuere hallado en su habitación el que haya de ser notificado, cualquiera que fuere la causa y el tiempo de su ausencia, se entregará la cédula al pariente, familiar ó criado, mayor de catorce años, que se halle en dicha habitación.

Si no hubiere nadie, se hará la entrega á uno de los vecinos más próximos.

ART. 173. En la diligencia de entrega se hará constar la obligación del que recibiere la copia de la cédula de entregarla al que deba ser notificado inmediatamente que regrese á su domicilio, bajo la multa de de 12.50 á 125 pesetas si deja de entregarla.

ART. 174. Cuando no se pueda practicar una notificación por haber cambiado de habitación el que deba ser notificado y no ser posible averiguar la nueva, ó por cualquiera otra causa, se hará constar en la cédula original.

ART. 175. Las citaciones y emplazamientos se practicarán en la forma establecida para las notificaciones, con las siguientes diferencias: La cédula de citación contendrá

1o. Expresión del juez ó tribunal que hubiere dictado la resolución, de la fecha de ésta y de la causa en que haya recaído.

2o. Los nombres y apellidos de los que debieren ser citados y las señas de sus habitaciones; y si éstas fuesen ignoradas, cualesquiera otras circunstancias por las que pueda descubrirse el lugar en que se hallaran.

3o. El objeto de la citación.

4o. El lugar, día y hora en que haya de concurrir el citado.

5o. La obligación, si la hubiere, de concurrir al primer llamamiento bajo la multa de 12.50 á 125 pesetas; ó si fuese ya el segundo el que se hiciere, la de concurrir bajo apercibimiento de ser procesado como reo del delito de denegación de auxilio, previsto por el código penal respecto de jurados, peritos y testigos.

La cédula del emplazamiento contendrá los requistos 1o, 2o y 3° anteriormente mencionados para la de la citacíon, y además los siguientes:

1o. El término dentro del cual ha de comparecer el emplazado.

2o. El lugar en que haya de comparecer y el juez ó tribunal ante quien deba hacerlo.

3o. La prevención de que, si no compareciere, le pararán los perjuicios á que hubiere lugar en derecho.

ART. 176. Cuando el citado no comparezca en el lugar, día y hora que se le hubiesen señalado, el que haya practicado la citación volverá á constituirse en el domicilio de quien hubiese recibido la copia de la

ART. 172. If the person to be notified should not be found at his dwelling on the first effort to do so, whatever be the cause or time of his absence, the writ shall be delivered to a relative, a member of his household, or a servant over 14 years of age who may be found at said dwelling.

Should there be no one at the dwelling, the writ shall be delivered to one of the nearest neighbors.

ART. 173. In the entry of service shall be stated the obligation of the person who receives a copy of the writ to deliver the same to the person to be notified upon his return to his dwelling, under a fine of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas should he fail to deliver it. ART. 174. If it be impossible to serve a notice, owing to a change of residence of the person to be notified, and it be impossible to discover his new residence, or for any other reason, it shall be stated in the original writ.

ART. 175. Service of citations and summonses shall be made in the manner prescribed for notifications, with the following differences: The writ of citation shall contain:

1. The name of the judge or court issuing the order, the date of the latter, and the matter on which it is based.

2. The names and surnames of the parties to be cited, the address of their dwellings; and, should they be unknown, any other data by which their whereabouts may be ascertained.

3. The purpose of the citation.

4. The place where and the day and hour when the person cited is to appear.

5. The obligation, should there be any, of appearing upon the first call under a fine of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas; or, if it be the second call, the obligation of attending with the admonition of being proceeded against as guilty of the crime of refusing aid, as provided for in the penal code with regard to jurors, experts, and witnesses.

The writ of summons shall contain requisites 1, 2, and 3 above mentioned for writs of citation, and also the following:

1. The period within which the person summoned must appear. 2. The place where he must appear and the judge or court before whom he must do so.

3. The warning that, should he fail to appear, he shall suffer the prejudices which may be proper according to law.

ART. 176. If the person cited shall not appear at the place, day, and hour set, the person who served the citation shall return to the dwelling of the person who received the copy of the writ, entering upen


cédula, haciendo constar por diligencia en la original la causa de no haberse efectuado la comparecencia. Si esta causa no fuere legítima, se procederá inmediatamente por el juez 6 tribunal que hubiere acordado la citación á llevar á efecto la prevención que corresponda entre las establecidas en el número 5o del artículo anterior.

ART. 177. Cuando las notificationes, citaciones ó emplazamientos hubieren de practicarse en territorio de otra autoridad judicial española, se expedirá suplicatorio, exhorto ó mandamiento, según corressponda, insertando en ellos los requisitos que deba contener la cédula.

Si hubiere de practicarse en el extranjero, se observarán para ello los trámites prescriptos en los tratados, si los hubiese, y en su defecto se estará al principio de reciprocidad.

ART. 178. Si el que haya de ser notificado, citado ó emplazado no tuviere domicilio conocido, se darán las órdenes convenientes á los agentes de policía judicial por el juez ó tribunal que hubiese acordado la práctica de la diligencia para que se le busque en el breve término que al efecto se señale.

Si no fuere habido, se mandará insertar la cédula en el periódico oficial de la provincia de su última residencia y en la Gaceta de la capital si se considerare necesario.

ART. 179. Practicada la notificación, citación ó emplazamiento, ó hecho constar el motivo que lo hubiese impedido, se unirá á los autos la cédula original, ó el suplicatorio, exhorto ó mandamiento expedidos.

ART. 180. Serán nulas las notificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientos que no se practicaren con arreglo á lo dispuesto en este capítulo.

Sin embargo, cuando la persona notificada, citada ó emplazada se hubiere dado por enterada en el juicio, surtirá desde entonces la diligencia todos sus efectos, como si se hubiese hecho con arreglo á las disposiciones de la ley; no por esto quedará relevado el auxiliar ó subalterno de la corrección disciplinaria establecida en el artículo siguiente.

ART. 181. El auxiliar ó subalterno que incurriere en morosidad en el desempeño de las funciones que por este capítulo le correspondan, ó faltare á alguna de las formalidades en el mismo establecidas, será corregido disciplinariamente por el juez ó tribunal de quien dependa con multa de 62.50 á 250 pesetas.

ART. 182. Las notificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientos podrán hacerse á los procuradores de las partes.

Se exceptúan

1o. Las citaciones que por disposición expresa de la ley deban hacerse á los mismos interesados en persona.

2o. Las citaciones que tengan por objeto la comparecencia obligatoria de éstos.

the original writ the cause of the failure to appear. If this cause be not legitimate, the judge or court issuing the citation shall immediately enforce the penalty which may be proper of those established in number 5 of the foregoing article.

ART. 177. When the notifications, citations, or summonses are to be served within the jurisdiction of another Spanish judicial authority, letters rogatory, letters requisitorial, or mandates shall be issued, as the case may be, inserting therein the requisites which a writ should contain.

If they are to be served abroad, the proceedings prescribed therefor by treaty, if any, shall be observed, and otherwise the principles of reciprocity.

ART. 178. If the person to be notified, cited, or summoned should have no known domicile, the proper orders shall be issued to the agents of the judicial police by the judge or court ordering the proceeding, that search be made for him within a brief period which he may set for the purpose.

If he be not found, the writ shall be ordered inserted in the official newspaper of the province of his last residence and in the Gaceta of the capital, if considered necessary.

ART. 179. After the notification, citation, or summons has been served, or a statement of the causes preventing such service has been made, the original writ or the letters requisitorial, letters rogatory or mandate, shall be attached to the record.

ART. 180. Notifications, citations, or summonses not served according to the provisions of this chapter shall be null.

Nevertheless, if the person notified, cited, or summoned should acknowledge service at the trial, the proceeding shall produce all its effects from that time as though service had been made according to law; but this shall not exempt the assistant or subordinate official from the disciplinary correction prescribed in the following article.

ART. 181. The assistant or subordinate official who shall be tardy in the discharge of the duties imposed upon him by this chapter, or who shall fail to comply with any of the formalities herein prescribed, shall be disciplinarily corrected by the judge or court to which he belongs by the imposition of a fine of not less than 62.50 or more than 250 pesetas.

ART. 182. Notifications, citations, and summonses may be served on the solicitors of the parties.

The following are excepted:

1. Citations which by express provision of law must be served in person on the interested parties.

2. Citations, the purpose of which is to secure the obligatory appearance of the said parties.

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