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ART. 254. Every judge of examination shall keep a book which shall be called "Register of convictions."

The leaves of this book shall be numbered, sealed, and rubricated by the judge of examination and his secretary of administration.

Briefs of the certified copies mentioned in the foregoing article shall be entered in this book.

ART. 255. Every judge of examination shall also keep another book entitled "Register of persons accused in default," with the formalities prescribed for that of convictions.

In the latter book shall be entered all causes in which the persons accused have been declared in default, and the proper entry shall be made upon the record of each cause when the person in default is found.

ART. 256. Criminal audiencias or chambers shall keep a book similar to that mentioned in the foregoing article in which to record persons accused who are declared in default after the conclusion of the sumario.

ART. 257. Without prejudice to the provisions of this title, the colonial minister shall establish, by means of the proper regulations, the service of criminal statistics to be organized in said department and the rules to be observed in connection therewith by judges and




ART. 258. Sin perjuicio de las correcciones especiales que establece esta ley para casos determinados, son también aplicables las disposiciones contenidas en el título XIII del libro primero de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil á cuantas personas, sean ó no funcionarios, asistan ó de cualquier modo intervengan en los juicios criminales, siendo los jueces municipales, los jueces de instrucción, los tribunales de lo criminal y el Supremo, quienes, respectivamente en su caso, podrán imponer las correcciones disciplinarias correspondientes.1

1 El título que se cita de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil autoriza á los jueces y tribunales para corregir disciplinariamente, tanto á los particulares que asistan á los juicios, como á los funcionarios que intervienen en ellos, por las faltas que unos y otros cometan.

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ART. 258. Without prejudice to the special corrections which this law establishes for specific cases, the provisions of Title XIII of the first book of the law of civil procedure are also applicable to any persons, whether officials or not, who are present at or intervene in any manner whatsoever in criminal proceedings, the proper disciplinary corrections being imposed by municipal judges, judges of examination, criminal courts, or the Supreme Court.1

'The title cited of the law of civil procedure authorizes judges and courts to disciplinarily correct private individuals present at judicial proceedings, as well as officials taking part therein, for offences committed by either.






ART. 259. El que presenciare la perpetración de cualquier delito público estará obligado á ponerlo inmediatamente en conocimiento del juez de instrucción, municipal ó funcionario más próximos al sitio en que se hallare, bajo la multa de 12.50 á 125 pesetas.

ART. 260. La obligación establecida en el artículo anterior no comprende á los impúberes ni á los que no gozaren del pleno uso de su razón.

ART. 261. Tampoco estarán obligados á denunciar:

1o. El cónyuge del delincuente.

2o. Los ascendientes y descendientes consanguíneos ó afines del delincuente y sus colaterales consanguíneos ó uterinos y afines hasta el segundo grado inclusive.

3o. Los hijos naturales respecto de la madre en todo caso, y respecto del padre cuando estuvieren reconocidos, así como la madre y el padre en iguales casos.

ART. 262. Los que por razón de sus cargos, profesiones ú oficios tuvieren noticia de algún delito público, estarán obligados á denunciarlo inmediatamente al ministerio fiscal, al tribunal competente, al juez de instrucción, y en su defecto, al municipal ó al funcionario de policía más próximo al sitio si se tratare de un delito flagrante.

Los que no cumpliesen esta obligación incurrirán en la multa señalada en el artículo 259, que se impondrá disciplinariamente.

Si la omisión en dar parte fuese de un profesor de medicina, cirugía ó farmacia y el delito de los comprendidos en el título del código penal que trata de los cometidos contra las personas, ó por suposición de parto, ó por muerte de un niño abandonado, la multa no podrá bajar de 62.50 pesetas.

Si el que hubiese incurrido en la omisión fuere empleado público, se pondrá además en conocimiento de su superior inmediato para los efectos á que hubiere lugar en el orden administrativo.






ART. 259. He who shall be present at the commission of any public crime shall be obliged to inform immediately the nearest judge of examination, municipal judge, or official, under a penalty of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas.

ART. 260. The obligation established in the foregoing article does not include infants nor those who are not in the full enjoyment of their


ART. 261. Nor shall the following be obliged to make a denunciation:

1. The spouse of the delinquent.

2. The ascendants and descendants by consanguinity or affinity of the delinquent and his collateral relatives by consanguinity or uterine, and by affinity up to and including the second degree.

3. The natural children with regard to the mother in every case, and with regard to the father when acknowledged, as well as the mother and the father in similar cases.

ART. 262. Those who, by reason of their position, profession, or trade, should have information of some public crime, shall be obliged immediately to denounce the same to the public prosecutor, the court of competent jurisdiction, the judge of examination, and, in his absence, the municipal judge or the police officer nearest to the place, if a flagrant crime be involved.

Those who shall fail to comply with this obligation shall incur the fine prescribed in article 259, which shall be imposed as a matter of discipline.

If the failure to give such information should be incurred by a professor of medicine, surgery, or pharmacy, and the crime of those included in that title of the Penal Code which treats of crimes against the person, or on account of a fictitious birth, or the death of an abandoned infant, the fine shall not be less than 62.50 pesetas.

If the person failing to give the information be a public employee, his immediate superior shall also be informed for the proper administrative purposes.



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