Imágenes de páginas

B 831,3,11

1894, Aug 10-Feb 20, 1896

gift of

The Athenarum




[This publication was suspended with No. 354.]



[blocks in formation]

at Palmer's theatre.

An old town by the sea; [Portsmouth, N. H.]. Ancona, A. d', and Bacci, O. Manuale della letteratura italiana. Vol. 1-3. 1892-93. 3 v. Annunzio, G. d'. L'Innocente. 2a ed. 1892. Archer, T: The Highway of Letters; [Fleet St., London], and its echoes of famous footsteps. Illust.

Aristoteles, pseud. Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philisoffres; a version of "Secreta secretorum ;" ed. from Sloane ms. 2464, with introd., notes, etc., by R. Steele. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.)

Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Arts and crafts essays; with a preface by W: Morris. Ashley, W: J. Introduction to English economic history and theory. Vol. 1. 1892-93. Baissac, J. Les grands jours de la sorcellerie.


[blocks in formation]

Contents. Correspondance de Thomas et de Ducis.Correspondance de Mirabeau et de Chamfort. -Rivarol et la société française. Andrieux.-M. de Fos, un survivant du 18e siècle. Edgar Quinet.-M. and Mme. de Lamartine. - Portraits contemporains: M. le duc d'Aumale. Causerie sur les livres; [on the twenty best books]. Les amis morts: M. Thiers, Edouard Laboulaye, Ernest Picard, Charles de Rémusat, Dufaure, Allou. A propos du centenaire de 1789.-Notes d'un bourgeois sur des questions à l'ordre du jour. Barr, Mrs. A. E. H. A singer from the sea. Batchelder, S. F. Christ Church, Cambridge; some account of its history and present condition; especially prepared for visitors. Bates, K.. L. The English religious drama. Baxter, J. P. Christopher Levett, of York, pioneer colonist in Casco Boy. (Gorges Soc. Pub.)

Bell, L. Love affairs of an old maid. Berger, S: Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du Moyen Age.

Bertin, G: Joseph Bonaparte en Amérique, 1815


Bevis, Sir, of Hampton. Romance of Sir Beves of

Hamtoun; ed. from 6 mss. and the old
printed copy, with introd., notes, etc., by E.
Kölbing. 1885-94. (Early Eng. Text Soe.

Binger, L: G. Du Niger au Golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi. 1892. 2 v. Black, A. Photography indoors and out; a book for amateurs. Illust.

Black, W: The handsome Humes; a novel.

[blocks in formation]

Brooks, P., Bp. Letters of travel. Brownlow, W. R. Lectures on slavery and serfdom in Europe. 1892.

+ Bureau of the American Republics, Wash., D.C. Bolivia. 1892.

Burnham, Mrs. C. L.. Next door. 22d ed. [1886.] A sane lunatic. [1882.]

Byron, G: G. N., 6th Baron. Lara, a tale; Jacqueline, a tale, [by S: Rogers]. 1814. Cartwright, J. (now Mrs. H: Ady). Madame; a life of Henrietta, daughter of Charles I., and Duchess of Orleans.

Casgrain, l'abbé H: R. Guerre du Canada, 1756– 60; Montcalm et Lévis. 1891. 2 v. Cavvadias, P. Fouilles d'Epidaure. Vol. 1. 1891. Illust.

Chambrun, M.. J.. G.-D., comtesse de. [avec mémoire]. Illust.


Chandler, H. P. The lover's year-book of poetry; coll. of love poems for every day in the year; married-life and child-life. 2 v. Contents. Vol. 1. Jan.-June. Vol. 2. July-Dec. Channing, W: E. The perfect life; in twelve

discourses; ed. by W: H: Channing. 1876. Chapin, W. O. Masters and masterpieces of engraving. Illust.

Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893.
Official views, issued by the Department of
Chittenden, L. E.

An unknown heroine, [Mrs. Van Metre]; hist. episode of the war between the States.

Cholmondeley, M.. Diana Tempest; a novel. Clement, Mrs. C. E. The queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice, mediæval and modern.

+ Colombo, C. Letter on the discovery of America; fac-simile of the pictorial ed.; with tr. and a reprint of the oldest 4 eds. in Latin; printed by the Lenox Library. 1892. Letter on the discovery of America; fac-simile reprint of pictorial ed. of 1493; with literal tr. and introd.; printed by the Lenox Library. 2d ed.


Colombo, F. or H. Aelteste spanische Weltkarte von 1527; das Original befindet sich auf der Grossh. Sächs. Bibliothek zu Weimar. Coppée, H: General Thomas. (Great commanders.)

† Received by gift.

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