Imágenes de páginas


Kirkepatric, ecclesiam de Driuesdale, capellam de Hotun, ecclesiam de Castelmilc, ecclesiam de Hødelma, ecclesiam de Kerkecolem. [etc. etc. as in Bull of 1179, down to) Galweia [except that Urban omits Kunigham].

The places here named include:-1. In the valley of the Clyde, Wandal or Hartside (Quendale), Carnwith, Castle Tarres or Carstairs, and Carmichael (Planmichel?) near Lanark, Asseby, Hamilton (Cadihou), with the Chapel of Machan or Dalserf (Mecheyn); Glasgow itself; north and south of Glasgow, Munkland (Badermanoch) and Cadder, Kilbride and Meorns; and round it, Shettleston (Villa Filie Sedin, Mineschadin, etc.), Kincleith (Conclud), Barlannarc and Buthlornoc (Pathelanerhe, near Provan), Ballayn, Gorvals; and below it, north of the river, Newton, Parthick, Kilpatrick; south of it, Govan, Renfrew, Strathgryfe, and Largs. 2. In the valley of the Tweed, Kirkurd (Orda), Stobo, Eddleston (= Penteiacob = Gillemorestun), Peebles, Traquair. 3. In the valley of the Teviot, Wilton next to Hawick, Ashkirk, Hassendean, Lillesclif, Ancrum, Hirdmanston, Roxburgh with

Fairnington, Morebattle with Whitton and Clifton. 4. In the valley of the Annan, Moffat, Kirkpatrick, Hutton, S. Mungo (Abermelc or Castlemilc), Drysdale, Hoddam (Hodelme). 5. In the valley of the Nith, Glencairn. 6. In Ayr, Colmonell (Kirkcoleman). 7. In Midlothian and not in the diocese of Glasgow, Borthwick (Lohcwhoreuerd). And 8. also the several dales and districts themselves that are enumerated. This would cover the extent of the later diocese of Glasgow, viz. the rural deaneries of Lennox (Leuenaches), Rutherglen, Kyle and Cuningham, Carrick, Lanark, Peebles, Nithsdale, Annandale, and Teviotdale, i. e. nearly the shires of Dumbarton, Renfrew, Lanark, Peebles, Selkirk, Roxburgh south of Tweed, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright east of the Urr, Ayr, and part of Stirling: but in Galloway, i. e. Wigton and part of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, divided into the rural deaneries of Desnes, Farnes, and Rhynnis, it includes by name only Desnes; which certainly was, finally, in Galloway diocese. Several of the names in the Inquisitio cannot be identified.

After A.D. 1120. Priory of St. Bees refounded as a cell to St. Mary's at York, by Will. de Meschines a.

a Charter in Dugd., Mon. III. 577, no. 3.

A.D. 1122. January 158. Tarentum. Pope Calixtus II. to John Bishop of Glasgow.

Submit to the


CALIXTUS EPISCOPUS SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, venerabili Archbishop of fratri Johanni Glesguensi Episcopo, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Eborac. Ecclesie postulatione a domino predecessore nostro sancte memorie Paschale Papa in Episcopum consecratus es: quam profecto benignitatem cum humiliter recognovisse debueris, in tantam (uti accipimus) superbiam elevatus es, ut metropolitano tuo Eboracensi Archiepiscopo, nec pro nostro etiam precepto, professionem volueris exhibere. Contemtus huius pertinaciam nos diutius pati non posse pro certo cognoveris. Propter quod repetita tibi preceptione precipimus, ut Eboracensem Ecclesiam, in cuius capitulo tanquam eius suffraganeus electus es, non ut ingratus filius, recognoscas matrem tuam; et venerabili fratri nostro T. metropolitano tuo professionem exhibeas. Alioquin sententiam quam ipse in te canonica equitate protulerit, nos, auctore Deo, ratam habemus. [SEE OF GLASGOW TO BE SUBJECT TO THAT OF YORK.] Data Tarenti XVIII. calend. Februarii. [Reg. Alb. Ebor., P. I. fol. 51: and in Dugd., VI. iii. 1188, no. 60.]

• For two letters of the same date, respectively to Alexander King of Scotland and to the Scottish Bishops in general, enjoining

the former to compel, and the latter to pay, obedience to York, see below, under the Scottish Church.

A.D. 1122, 1123. John Bishop of Glasgow, suspended by Thurstin Archbishop of York, endeavours to fly from his diocese, but is compelled by the Pope to return, although he still refuses to submit to York.

SIM. DUN. H. R. A., an. 1122.- Turstinus Archiepiscopus exigens a Johanne Glasguensi Episcopo professionem et subjectionem, cum hoc ille facere nollet, eum suspendit ab officio Episcopali. Mox ille Romam proficiscitur, ubi cum sese in causa sua non videret procedere, Jerosolymam profectus, per aliquot ibidem menses benigno patriarchæ hospitio demoratur, ejusque sæpius vices in pontificiali ministerio exequitur. [Twysd. 245.] - An. 1123.- Interea Johannes Glasguensis Episcopus, ab Apostolico revocatus ab Jerosolymis Romam, præcipitur redire ad suum Episcopatum. [ib. 248.]

CHRON. DE MAILROS, in an. 1122.-Johannes Episcopus Glascuensis Romam et Ierosolimam proficiscitur. Ib., in an. 1123.-Johannes Episcopus Glascuensis a Kalixto Papa compellitur redire ad Episcopatum.

A.D. 1122. May 16. Lateran. Pope Calixtus II. to Thurstin Archbishop of York.

The Pope has vainly ordered

York. He has


John of Glasgow fratri T. Ebor. Archiepiscopo, salutem et Apostolicam beneto submit to dictionem. Confrater noster, Johannes Glesguensis fled to Jerusalem Episcopus, de quo scripsisti, ad nos veniens, multa a second time. precum instantia et nonnullis modis aliis laboravit ut eum ab exhibitione professionis illius quam de ipso exigis solveremus. Nos vero et suam servari Ebor. ecclesiæ dignitatem cupientes, et dilectionem tuam ad memoriam revocantes, ejusdem fratris precibus neque verbis neque pollicitationibus assensum præbuimus: iccirco ipse Ierosolimam, prout nobis ab aliis relatum est, proficiscens de Urbe ab nostra licentia conscientiaque discessit. Quid facturus sit ignoramus. Tu itaque, frater karissime, ita matrem tuam Romanam ecclesiam diligere, atque tuis studeas nuntiis visitare, et ita etiam dilectionis [GRANT OF KING DAVID TO THE SEE OF GLASGOW.] nostræ memor existas, ut semper Apostolicæ benignitatis gratia dignior semper habearis. Data Laterani XVIJ. kalend. Junii. [Reg. Magn. Alb. Ebor., P. I. fol. 51 b.]

A.D. 1122. Aug. 26. Lateran. Calixtus II. to John Bishop of Glasgow. CALIXTUS EPISCOPUS SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, Johanni

Obey Thurstin

thirty Glesguensi Episcopo, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Multis dilecti filii nostri Alexandri Regis Scotorum precibus inclinati, tibi aliquanti temporis inducias dedimus, quatinus infra prefixi diei terminum ad obedientiam venerabilis fratris nostri T. Ebor. Archiepiscopi debita humilitate redires. Sicut autem directa litterarum suarum notatione percepimus, te ab ejus obedientia et subjectione subtrahere presumpsisti. Unde tibi mandamus, quatinus infra triginta dies post harum acceptionem litterarum ad prefati Archiepiscopi subiectionem et obedientiam redeas. Alioquin sententiam que ab eo in te promulgata est, confirmamus. Data Laterani VII. calend. Septembris. [Cott. MSS. Claud. B. III. fol. 131 a; Reg. Alb. Ebor., P. I. fol. 51, and P. III. fol. 57: and in Dugd., VI. 1187 (bis), nos. 48 and 51.]

After A.D. 1124. Grant of the tithe of his chana by King David to Glasgow Biskopric.

REG. GLASG. no. 9. De decima domini Regis de suo chan, Episcopo Glasg. pertinente. - DAVID DEI GRATIA REX SCOTTORUM, Baronibus, ministris, et omnibus fidelibus suis totius regni tam Gawensibus quam Anglicis et Scotis b, salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse Domino et Ecclesie Sancti Kentegerni de Glasgu in perpetuam eleemosynam totam decimam meam de meo chan in animalibus et porcis, de Stratgriua, et Cunegan, et de Chul, et de Karric, unoquoque anno; nisi tunc quando ego ipse illuc uenero perendinens et ibidem meum chan comedens. Testibus Willelmo Cumin Cancellario, Hugone de Moreuilla, Fergus de Galweia, Hugone Britone, Waltero filio Alani, Alwino Mac Archil, Radulfo filio Dunegal, Duuenald fratre suo: apud Cadihou d.

• Duties paid in cattle and swine, etc. to the lord on his progress = "kain" (Innes; and Bk. of Deer, p. lxxxvii. ed. Stuart; and Charter of Priory of Isle of May, pp. 7, 11, ed. Stuart, etc. etc.).

b No. 10 of the Glasg. Register is a grant by

the same King, and with nearly the same witnesses, of the 8th penny " de omnibus placitis meis per totam Cumbriam," directed "baronibus et omnibus ministris suis totius Cumberlandie:" both nos. 9 and 10 being subsequently confirmed by King Malcolm (ib. 14). And the • The original authority for this story appears to be Hugh the Chanter (see Raine, Fasti Ebor. 197 п.). The dates are not quite certain. The Archbishops, with Alexander Bishop of Lincoln (Stubbs 1718), accompanied the legate John on his return to Rome after the London Council (Sim, Dun.) of Sept. 9, A.D. 1125 (placed by Sim. Dun. in A.D. 1126, but wrongly: see above, in vol. I. p. 318). And the Anglo-Sax. Chron.


latter King also confirms tithes to the see of Glasgow (ib. 13), addressing the grant, "Francis, et Anglicis, Scottis, Walensibus, Gauelensibus, et omnibus Ecclesie Sancti Kentegerni de Glasgu et eiusdem Episcopi parrochianis." Pope Alexander III. confirms the grant twice

(ib. 17, 18), and that also of the tithe of the chan, adding also Largs to the list of places (ib. 24).

csc. Strathgryfe, Cuningham, Kyle, and


d sc. Cadyow = Hamilton.

A.D. 1125. May x August. Council of Roxburgh under the Legate

John of Cremaa.

a To determine the question between Thurstin and the Scottish Bishops. The de

cision, which took no effect, is unrecorded. See below, under the Scottish Church.

A.D. 1125. December (?). Thurstin's claim against John Bishop of Glasgow renewed at Rome before Pope Honorius.

STUBBS, Act. Pontif. Ebor.a-Quia vero Johannes Glesguensis Episcopus ibi in curia præsens erat, Thurstinus Archiepiscopus clamavit se de eo coram Apostolico, eo quod ipse Johannes in Eboracensi Ecclesia sicut suffraganeus ejus electus, et per literas suas a Papa Paschali consecratus, postea nec propter literas ejusdem Papæ Paschalis, neque Kalixti, quas ibi recitari fecit, quicquid obedientiæ vel reverentiæ ei voluit exhibere: similiter et de Episcopis Scotiæ conquestus est. Persuasum fuerat Papæ Scotiam non esse de regno Angliæ, quia volebant pallium requirere Episcopo Sancti Andreæ et ita Archiepiscopum ibi creari. Sed Archiepiscopus Turstinus et secreto et palam in curia ostendit Scotiam de regno Angliæ esse, et Regem Scotorum ligium hominem Regis Angliæ esse. Glesguensis autem Episcopus querelæ Archiepiscopi ita respondit, se non venisse vocatum, et in legatione domini sui Regis Scotiæ ibi esse. Decretumque est diem illi statuere, et Episcopos Scotiæ et absentes per literas domini Papæ summonere. Statuitque Papa Turstino Archiepiscopo et Johanni diem a proxima Quadragesima in alteram, sic dicens Johanni Episcopo: Frater, in quibus bonæ memoriæ Papa Gelasius te ligavit, nosb te absolvimus. Episcopos Scotiæ ad diem designatum per literas vocare disposuit. [Twysd. 1719.]

tells us, in harmony with this, that "shortly after Michaelmas," in A.D. 1125, "J. the Bishop of Lothene" (i. e. evidently John of Glasgow), with "G. Abbat of S. Alban's," accompanied the above-named three prelates to Rome. The same year, 1125, is given also by the Cont. Flor. Wig., by the Ann. Waverl., and by Stubbs. They returned to England the next year, 1126, William being now legate; but this is put one year later (1127) by Sim.


Dun. in consequence of his original error. And the date of William of Canterbury's legatine appointment must be Jan. A.D. 1126, not Jan. A.D. 1127. The Chron. de Mailros, however, makes the date of their journey to Rome to be A.D. 1126, in accordance with what certainly seems to be Simeon's error in the matter. If the letter of Honorius about

Gilla-Aldan, given below, is rightly dated on Dec. 9, it marks the probable month of the parallel Glasgow dispute in the text. But in any case the Archbishops were in Rome all the winter.

b For "nos," it looks as if we ought to read "non." See Raine, ib.

A.D. 1125 or 1126a. Dec. 9. Lateran. Pope Honorius II. to Gilla-Aldan

Bishop Elect of Candida Casa (i. e. Gallovidia).

Go to Thurstin HONORIUS EPISCOPUS SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, dilecto filio for consecration. electo de Candida Casa, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Cui alii a Domino preesse conceditur, nulla suis digne subesse prelatis superbia convincatur. Ideoque per presentia scripta tibi mandamus, ut ad karissimum fratrem nostrum T[urstinum] Ebor. Archiepiscopum tanquam ad proprium metropolitanum tuum consecrandus accedas; et ab ipsius manu presente Sancti Spiritus gratia cum humilitatis devotione consecrationem accipias. Data Laterani quinto idus Decembris. [Cott. MSS. Claud. B. III., fol. 131 b; Reg. Alb. Ebor., P. I. fol. 52, and P. III. fol. 57 b: and in Dugd., VI. 1187, no. 49.]

• Honorius was enthroned Dec. 21, A.D.1124, and John of Glasgow was in England acting with Thurstin, in July A. D.1127. This letter therefore is determined by that which follows it, to either A.D. 1125 or A.D. 1126. Thurstin was himself at Rome in the winter of A.D. 1125-1126 (see above, p. 23, last note *), and sent messengers there in that of A.D. 1126-1127 (see below. p 26, first note); in both cases, in relation to his parallel Glasgow controversy. Either A D. 1125 therefore, or more probably A.D. 1126, must be the date of these letters.

b Nothing is recorded of the see of Galloway from the alleged visit to Whithern of

Kenneth II., until this appointment of Bishop Gilla-Aldan; except Boethius' assertion (IX.) that Malcolm III. re-established it, c. A.D. 1070. It possibly merged in that of Glasgow when Anglian prelates of Lindisfarne or Chester-le-Street became excluded from it. Possibly British Bishops still existed in the district (see above, p. 13). Gilla-Aldan was obviously a native, and his case so far differed from that of Carlisle. But whether David, or Fergus of Galloway, revived the see in his person, does not appear.

c "Thomam" in Dugdale, by mistake. It is only "T." in the Register.

A.D. 1125 or 11268. Dec. 9. Lateran. Pope Honorius II. to John Biskop

of Glasgow.

Obey Thurstin HONORIUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, venerabili of York. fratri F. Glesguensi episcopo, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Sæpe per Apostolica scripta fraternitati tuæ mandatum est ut venerabili fratri nostro Turstini Ebor. Archiepiscopo obedientiam tanquam proprio metropolitano deferres: verum tu nondum mandatis Apostolicis obedisti. Ea propter per præsentia tibi scripta præcipientes mandamus quatenus eidem fratri nostro T.

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