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Mrs. Mary Anne Everett Green, who died on November 4, was born in 1818. Between 1849 and 1857 she published her Lives of the Princesses of England, the Diary of John Rous, edited for the Camden Society, and the Letters of Queen Henrietia Maria. From 1857 to the present year,

she has been one of the most laborious and successful of the staff of officials who edit the Calendars of State Papers. Her contributions to this series embraced ten volumes in the series extending from Edward VI. to James I. inclusive, eight volumes for the reign of Charles II., and the entire series (thirteen volumes) for the Commonwealth and Protectorate, with four other volumes concerning the committees of the Republic. Her work has commanded the utmost respect from the most authoritative historical writers.

Henry Reeve, C.B., who for thirty-five years was registrar of the Privy Council, and for the last forty years had been editor of the Edinburgh Review, died on October 21. He was born in 1813, and is noted as the translator of Tocqueville and of Guizot's Washington, and as the editor of Whitelock's Journal of his Embassy, of the memoirs of Count Vitzthum, and especially of the memoirs of his associate at the Privy Council Office, Charles Greville. He also published, in 1872, a historical volume called Royal and Republican France.

Auguste Mathieu Geffroy, formerly director of the French School of Archæology at Rome, died on August 16, aged 74. His chief publications were books in the field of Scandinavian history and his edition, published in concert with von Arneth, of the secret correspondence between Marie Antoinette and Count Mercy d'Argenteau.

Ruggiero Bonghi died on October 22.

Born at Naples in 1828, he

was for a short time a professor of ancient history at Rome, but was more noted as a minister of public instruction and as a writer. He published a Storia della Finanza Italiana (1864–1868), a Bibliografia storica di Roma antica, 1879, and a Storia di Roma, 1885.

Edward McPherson, clerk of the House of Representatives in seven congresses, and author of a Political History of the United States during the Great Rebellion and a Political History of the United States during Reconstruction, died on December 14, at the age of 65.

Andrew D. Mellick, author of The Story of an Old Farm; or, Life in New Jersey in the Eighteenth Century, died in Plainfield, N.J., on November 6, at the age of 55.

Ulick Ralph Burke, whose History of Spain was received so favorably last spring, died during the summer at Lima.

The annual meeting of the American Historical Association, announced to take place at Washington on December 26 and 27, will have occurred before the issue of this number of the REVIEW. At the time of our going to press, the volume of the Annual Report containing the papers read at the meeting held in December, 1894, has not yet come to hand. The usual long delay in the publication of these papers, while, doubtless, a natural incident to the connection of the Association with the federal government, is none the less to be regretted.

Messrs. Frederik Muller and Co. of Amsterdam (Doelenstraat 10) continue their series of Remarkable Maps of the XVth, XVIth, and XVIIth Centuries by the issue of Part II. / III., containing about twenty large. maps of the seventeenth century, showing the various epochs in the cartography of Australia as understood by the Dutch cartographers, with notes by Mr. C. H. Coote of the British Museum. The edition is of one hundred copies. Parts IV., V., and VI., completing the series, will contain maps illustrating the cartographical history of America, Russia, Asia, etc. The same house announce a limited edition, in photo-lithographic facsimile of the original manuscripts, of Abel Tasman's Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand in 1642, with documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644, edited by Mr. J. E. Heeres of the Dutch State Archives and Mr. C. H. Coote.

In the series of Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, published by the Historical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, the following numbers have been issued in 1895: papers upon English Towns and Gilds, edited by Professor Edward P. Cheyney; on the Napoleonic Period, edited by Professor J. H. Robinson; on the life of the Mediæval Student, edited by Mr. Dana C. Munro; on certain Monastic Tales of the Thirteenth Century, edited by Mr. Munro; on England in the time of Wycliffe, edited by Mr. Cheyney; on the Period of the Early Reformation in Germany, edited by Mr. Robinson and Mr. M. Whitcomb; and the Life of St. Columban, edited by Mr. Munro. Revised editions of the first two numbers of Vol. I., on the Early Reformation Period in England, and on Urban and the Crusaders, have also been issued.

The fifth volume of Mr. J. N. Larned's useful History for Ready Reference contains the articles from Tunn. to Zyp., treated in the same manner as that followed in the previous volumes of the work. Of these articles, that on the United States holds naturally the first place. A supplement contains additions to articles in the first four volumes, chiefly translations from French and German works; an extensive chronology of universal history; genealogical tables; and a selected bibliography.

The new number of the Historische Zeitschrift, the first number of Vol. 76, appears with the name of Professor Heinrich von Treitschke upon the title-page, in place of that of the late Heinrich von Sybel, who had been its chief editor from its foundation. In a brief preface Treitschke declares his intention of making no change in the policy of the Review.

The Deutsche Zeitschrift für die Geschichtswissenschaft is about to be reorganized, and from the beginning of the year 1896 may be expected to appear with more regularity and under a different editorial management.

The publishing section of the American Library Association has published through the Library Bureau a List of Books for Girls and Women and their Clubs by Augusta H. Leypoldt and George Iles, in which the section devoted to the bibliography of history is by Mr. R. G. Thwaites, secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Henry Holt and Co. publish a volume of German Historical Prose, edited by Professor Schoenfeld of Columbian University and containing representative selections from Ranke, Giesebrecht, Droysen, Sybel, Janssen, Treitschke, and Lindner.

In an article in the Educational Review for December, Professor A. B. Hart discusses the subject of College Entrance Requirements in History. Mrs. Mary Sheldon Barnes has an article in the same number on The Teaching of Local History.

Professor J. B. Thayer is preparing for publication a volume on the history of trial by jury. It will contain his excellent essays on that subject which appeared in the Harvard Law Review in 1892, revised, with new matter added.

Professor Ottokar Lorenz of Jena has just published a Genealogisches Handbuch der europäischen Staatengeschichte (Berlin, Wilhelm Hertz), a second edition of his Genealogischer Schul- und Handatlas.

The twenty-first edition of Haydn's Dictionary of Dates will be published immediately by Ward, Lock, and Bowden of London.


A new journal in ancient history is the Rivista di Storia Antica e Scienze Affini, published at Messina under the direction of Giacomo Tropea. The first number contains an article by the editor on L'Etna e le sue Eruzioni nelle principali Fonti greche e romane, and a discussion by E. Cocebia Del modo come il Senato Romano esercitava la Funzione dell' Interregno. The list of articles in periodicals, which is to be made an important feature of the new journal, will be published in an independent form at five lire per annum under the title Bollettino Trimestrale delle Pubblicazioni Periodiche di Storia Antica e Scienze Affini.

Mr. Alfred Jarvis of 43 Willes Road, London, announces the addition to his series of Assyrian Reproductions of a copy of part of the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II.; namely, the panel concerning the tribute of King Jehu.

Mr. H. E. Seebohm, son of Mr. Frederic Seebohm, has published through Messrs. Macmillan an essay On the Structure of Greek Tribal Society which forms an excellent complement to his father's works.

Professor W. Rhys Roberts' The Ancient Baotians: their Character and Culture and their Reputation, an interesting little volume in the Cambridge Historical Series, published in England by the Cambridge University Press and in this country by Macmillan, makes a successful attempt, besides giving the salient facts respecting the civilization of Boeotia, to say all that can be said in defence of the Boeotians against the prejudices which modern readers have imbibed from Attic writers.

Charles Scribner's Sons issue a new edition of Mommsen's History of Rome, Dr. Dickson's translation revised from the eighth German edition.

Among recent studies of the Roman province of Africa should be noted Gaston Boissier's L'Afrique Romaine: Promenades archéologiques en Algérie et en Tunisie, (Paris, Hachette), and Toutain's Les Cités Romaines de la Tunisie (Paris, Thorin).

Among recent dissertations in ancient history, separately published, may be noted R. W. Rogers, Outlines of the History of Early Babylonia, Leipzig (74 pp.); C. Peters, Das goldene Ophir Salomo's: eine Studie zur Geschichte der phönikischen Weltpolitik, Munich (64 pp.); E. Curtius, Der Synoikismos von Elis, Berlin (14 pp.); R. Nordin, Die äussere Politik Spartas zur Zeit der ersten Perserkriege, Upsala (93 pp.); P. E. Rosenstock, Die Akten der Arval-Brüderschaft, Strassburg (27 PP.); F. Luterbacher, Die römischen Legionen und Kriegsschiffe während des zweiten punischen Krieges, Burgdorf (44 pp.); V. Ferrenbach, Die Amici populi Romani republikanischer Zeit, Strassburg (76 pp.); L. Blomgren, Th. Mommsens Theorie om Romerska Principaten, Upsala (189 pp.).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: H. Jacobi, Der vedische Kalender und das Alter des Veda (Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, XLIX. 2); E. Amélineau, Les Fouilles récentes en Egypte (Revue des deux Mondes, July 15); Ed. Meyer, Die wirthschaftliche Entwicklung des Alterthums (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie, IX.); R. Pöhlmann, Aus dem hellenischen Mittelalter (Historische Zeitschrift, LXXV. 2); G. de Sanctis, Agatocle (Rivista di Filologia, I. 3); G. B. Grundy, The Trebbia and Lake Trasimene (Journal of Philology, No. 47); G. Bloch, La Religion des Gaulois (Revue Internationale de l'Enseignement, XV. 6, 8).


The first volume of Harnack's History of Dogma, translated from the third German edition by Neil Buchanan, has been published by Roberts Brothers. Harnack has recently printed, in the Sitzungsberichte of the Berlin Academy, an important monograph on Tertullian in der Literatur der alten Kirche.

Among recent German dissertations in early church history, separately published, may be noted, R. Berg, Der heilige Mauricius und die thebäische Legion, Halle (59 pp.); and H. Gelzer, Die Anfänge der armenischen Kirche, Leipzig (66 pp.).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: Lightfoot's Apostolic Fathers (Quarterly Review, October); E. Petersen, Blitz- und Regenwunder an der Markus-Säule (Rheinisches Museum, L. 3); Asmus, Eine Encyclika Julians des Abtrünnigen und ihre Vorläufer (Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, July, October); Müller, Die Bussinstitution in Karthago unter Cyprian (Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, July, October); C. H. Turner, The Paschal Canon of "Anatolius of Laodicea" (English Historical Review, October).


A new edition of Potthast's Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi is announced by Weber of Berlin, and the first section has appeared. Subsequent notice of this in our pages may be expected.

Mr. George Haven Putnam continues his works on book-making with a volume entitled Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages (New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons).

Among recent German dissertations in medieval history, separately published, may be noted: A. Dove, Das älteste Zeugniss für den Namen Deutsch, Munich (13 pp.); P. Geyer, Adamnanus, Abt von Iona, Augsburg (47 pp.); and M. Claar, Die Entwickelung der venetianischen Verfassung von der Einsetzung bis zur Schliessung des grossen Rates, 11721297, Munich (58 pp.).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: E. Sackur, Die Promissio Pippin's vom Jahre 754 und ihre Erneuerung durch Karl den Grossen (Mittheilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung, XVI. 3); Ad. Schaube, Studien zur Geschichte und Natur des ältesten Cambiums (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie, LXV. 2); St. Francis of Assisi (Church Quarterly Review, July).


The latest issues in the series of Old South Leaflets (58-64) contain reprints of certain Letters of Hooper to Bullinger, Sir John Eliot's Apologie for Socrates, certain Ship-Money Papers, Pym's Speech against

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