Imágenes de páginas


the first Discovery of the Isle of Madera. Written originally in Portugueze by Don Francisco Alcafarado (gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to the Infant Don Henry, younger Son of John the first King of Portugal;) Who was one of the First Difcoverers, thence translated into French, and now made English. [Motto] London, Printed for William Cademan at the Sign of the Popes-Head, at the Entrance into the New Exchange in the Strand. 1675. Title & 37 pp. 4to.

ALLEN (Ira). The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, one of the United States of America. To which is added, an Appendix, containing Answers to Sundry Queries, addressed to the Author. By Ira Allen, Esquire, Major-General of the Militia in the State of Vermont. London: Printed by J. W. Myers, No. 2, Paternoster-Row, and sold by W. West, No. 1, Queen's-Head Passage, Paternoster-Row, 1798. vii, 300 pp. Map. 8vo.

ALLEN (William). The American Crisis: a Letter, addressed by permission to the Earl Gower, Lord Prefident of the Council, &c. &c. &c. On the present alarming disturbances in the Colonies. Wherein various important Points, relative to Plantation Affairs, are brought into Difcuffion; as well as several Perfons adverted to of the most distinguished Characters. And an Idea is offered towards a complete Plan for restoring the Dependence of America upon Great Britain to a State of Perfection. By William Allen, Esq; London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. M DCC LXXIV. iv, 72 pp. 8vo.

AMERICA. Ausz America, das ist, ausz der/ Newen Welt. Vnderfchidlicher Schrei:/ben Extract, von den Jaren 1616. 1617. 1618./ Was gestalt Acht Patres Societatis, vnd zwo andere/ Ordensperfonen, von defz Chriftlichen Glaubens wegen Ihr Blut/ vergoffen. Was auch fonft die Patres Societatis Gott zu Ehren,/ vnnd zu auszbreittung seines heiligsten Namens, auff/ sich genommen./ Ausz Frantzösischer Sprach in die Teutsche/ vbergesetzt./ [Motto] Getruckt zu Augspurg, bey Sara Mangin/ Wittib. 1620./ 2 prel. leaves and 91 pp. 4to.

AMERICA. Dise figur anzaigt vns das volck vnd insel die gefunden ist durch den christenlichen künig zū Portigal

[subsumed][ocr errors]


oder von seinen vnderthonen. Die leüt find also nacket hübsch.
braun wolgestalt von leib. ir heübter./ halfz. arm. Scham. fufz.
frawen vnd mann ain wenig mit federn bedeckt. Auch haben
die mann in iren angesichten vnd brust vid edel geftain.
hat auch nyemantz nichts funder find alle ding gemain./ Vnnd
die mann habendt weyber welche in gefallen. es sey mutter.
Schwester oder freüudt. darjnn haben fy kain vnderschayd. Sy
Streyten auch mit einander. Sy effen auch ainander felbs die
erschlagen/werden. vnd hencken das selbig fleisch in den rauch.
Sy werden alt hundert vnd füntzig iar. Vnd haben kain
regiment. [Translation.]

(This figure reprefents to us the people and island which have been discovered
by the Chriftian King of Portugal or by his fubjects. The people are thus
naked, handsome, brown, well shaped in body, their heads, necks, arms, private
parts, feet of men and women are a little covered with feathers. The men alfo
have many precious stones in their faces and breafts. No one also has any thing,
but all things are in common. And the men have as wives those who please
them, be they mothers, fifters, or friends, therein make they no diftinction.
They also fight with each other. They also eat each other even those who are
flain, and hang the flesh of them in the smoke. They become a hundred and
fifty years old. And have no government.)

The above text in German, occupies four lines beneath an old block leaf, nine by thirteen inches fquare, reprefenting the manners and customs of the natives of the Northern and Eastern coaft of South America as first found by the Portuguese at the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century. It is without date, but was probably printed at Augsburg, or Nuremburg, between the years 1497 and 1504. It is believed to be unique. A facfimile of this earliest known xylographic leaf respecting America is here inferted.

AMERICA. Geographische vnd/ Historische Beschreibung der vber-/aufz groffer Landtschafft America: welche auch/ West India, vnd jhrer grösse halben die New Welt genennet wirt./ Gar artig, vnd nach der kunst in XX. Mappen oder Land-/taffeln verfasset, und jetzt newlich in Kupffer ge:/stochen, vnd an tag gegeben. Dabey auff dem Rücken ieder Mappen gefunden/ wirdt, die Gestalt, Art vnd vornembfte Gelegenheit der Landt:/schafft: Nemblich, wie der Himmel vnd Lufft dafelbft gestalt, ob er Kalt oder/ Warm, Gefund oder Vngefund fey: was dariñ fur Völcker vnd Leut feind,/ wie diefelb bekleydet, vnd wa von fie geleben: was im Land wächset: was fur/ Thier wilde vund zame, auch Vögel darinn zu finden: darnach was/ Wildnufz, Berge, Wäffer, Seen, Bergwercken, Goldgrus/ben, Edelgefteine, vnd anders dariñ ift,/ vnd gefunden wirdt./ Zu mehrem verstand vnd erklärung gemelter Landschafft Ameri=/ca, ist hiebey gefügt Ein schön vnd nützlicher Tractat von der Natur, Art vnd/ Eygenschafft der Newer Welt, dariñ viel



nützliche ding, derfelben Newen Welt betref/fend, gehandelt werden, welche den alten Philosophis Ariftoteli, Lactantio, vnd andern/ gar vnbekandt gewesen, ja von jhnen geläugnet find derer jrrige meynungen entdeckt/ werden, vnd das widerspiell klärlich dargethan wirt: Nemblich, dasz die Zona Torrida/ (Brennende Reuier) nicht vbermässig, sonder mittelmässig Warm/sey, vnd die Menschen darinn gantz komlich/ leben mögen. Erstlich durch einen Hochgelehrten vnd defz Landez Wolerfahrnen Mann,/ in Lateinischer Spraach gar herrlich beschrieben. Nun aber durch ein Liebhaber/ der Historien vnd Landbeschreibungen dem gemeinen Teutschen/ Mann zu gutem, gar trewlich vbergesetzt,/ vnd ins Teutsch bracht./ Gedrückt zu Cölln,/ Bey Johann Christoffel, auff S. Marcellenstrafz./ Jm jahr M. D. XCVIII./ 2 prelim. ll. and 51 pp. followed by 20 copper-plate maps, mounted on guards, and having 2 pages of text on the reverse of each. Folio.

AMERICA. Historia de America. Noticia de un Manuscrito muy interesante. [Habana 1822]. 9 pp. 4to.

AMERICA vindicated from the high charge of Ingratitude and Rebellion: with a plan of Legislation, proposed to the consideration of Both Houses, for establishing a permanent and solid foundation, for a just conftitutional Union, between Great Britain and her Colonies. By a Friend to both Countries. [Motto] Devizes, Printed and Sold by T. Burrough; Sold also by Mr. Ridley in St. James's Street : Mr. Stuart, in Pater-nofter-Row; Mr. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, London; and by all Booksellers in England. M. DCC. LXXIV. Title and 48 pp. 8vo.

AMERICAN Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain; or Arguments to prove, that not only in Taxation, but in Trade, Manufactures, and Government, the Colonies are entitled to an entire Independency on the British Legislature; and that it can only be by a formal Declaration of these Rights, and forming thereupon a friendly League with them, that the true and lafting Welfare of both Countries can be promoted. In a Series of Letters to the Legislature. To which are added copious Notes; containing Reflections on the Boston and Quebec Acts; and a full Justification of the People of Boston for destroying the British-taxed Tea; fubmitted to the Judgment, not of those

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