Biographia Juridica. A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, from the Conquest to the Present Time 1066-1870

John Murray, 1870 - 792 páginas

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Página 6 - And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Página 37 - I confess that I have as vast contemplative ends, as I have moderate civil ends: for I have taken all knowledge to be my province; and if I could purge it of two sorts of rovers, whereof the one with frivolous disputations, confutations, and verbosities; the other with blind experiments and auricular traditions and impostures...
Página 329 - Rich windows that exclude the light, And passages, that lead to nothing. Full oft within the spacious walls, When he had fifty winters o'er him, My grave Lord-Keeper led the brawls ; The seals and maces danc'd before him. His bushy beard, and shoe-strings green, His high-crown'd hat and satin doublet, Mov'd the stout heart of England's Queen, Though Pope and Spaniard could not trouble it.
Página 39 - I said : My Lord, I see I must be your homager, and hold land of your gift ; but do you know the manner of doing homage in law ? always it is with a saving of his faith to the King and his other Lords ; and therefore, my Lord...
Página 46 - And for the briberies and gifts wherewith I am charged, when the books of hearts shall be opened, I hope I shall not be found to have the troubled fountain of a corrupt heart, in a depraved habit of taking rewards to pervert justice ; howsoever I may be frail, and partake of the abuses of the times.
Página 46 - But because he that hath taken bribes is apt to give bribes, I will go furder, and present your Majesty with a bribe.
Página 371 - All people were apprehensive of very black designs, when they saw Jeffreys made lord chief justice, who was scandalously vicious, and was drunk every day ; besides a drunkenness of fury in his temper, that looked like enthusiasm.
Página 62 - LL.B. in 1823, and was called to the. Bar by the society of Lincoln's Inn, in Michaelmas Term...
Página 403 - I have, sir, neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place, but as the house is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am. And I humbly ask pardon, that I cannot give any other answer to what your majesty is pleased to demand of me...
Página 329 - Full oft within the spatious walls, When he had fifty winters o'er him, My grave * Lord-Keeper led the Brawls; The Seal, and Maces, danc'd before him. His bushy beard, and shoe-strings green, His high-crown'd hat, and sattin-doublet, Mov'd the stout heart of England's Queen, Tho' Pope and Spaniard could not trouble it.

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