Imágenes de páginas

Slawentums und das moderne Italien. Z. Politik 554-68, No. 4, '11. Mingazina, G. Die Krankheiten des Nervensystems und das sexuelle Problem. Sexualprobleme 505–11, Aug. '11. Ministère du Travail. Les associations ouvrières de production et les sociétés coopérations de consommation France. [Suite et fin.] Bul. de l'office du travail. 1096, 1201, Nov.-Dec. '11. Ministère du Travail. L'immigration et le placement des ouvriers agricoles polonais en France. I, II. Bul. de l'office du travail 1071, 1210, Nov.

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Näcke, P. Auto-Sodismus und autosodistischer-Selbstmord. Arch. Kriminal-Anthropol. 42:171–72, No. 42, 'II. Näcke, P. Über tardive Homosexualität. Sexualprobleme 612-34, Sept. 'II.

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Ostwald, W. Krieg und Rassenbiologie. Allg. Beobachter. 1:67-69, No. 5,


Page, Charles Whitney. Insanity and Non-Restraint. Atlan. 109:35, Jan.


Palmer, Lewis E. A Strike for Four Loaves of Bread. Survey 27:1690, Feb. 3, '12.

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Pfeiffer, H. Aerztliches zur Ehereform. Arch. Kriminal-Anthropol. 42:193205. Nos. 3, 4, 'II.

Picard, R. Les accidents du travail et les modifications à la loi du 9 avril, 1898. Rev. soc. 432, Nov. 'II. Pohle, L. Grundstückspreise und Wohnungsmieten unter dem Einfluss der Spekulation. Z. Sozialwiss. 612-16, Aug.-Sept. 'II.

Popp, H. Germanische Zukunftskulte. Geschlecht u. Gesellsch. 241-51, Jan. 'II.

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Pumplansky, L. Das Problem der Arbeitslosigkeit in England. Arch. Sozialwiss. u. Soz.-Pol. 33:126-60, No. 1, 'II. Quidde, L. Zur Organisation der Interparlamentarischen Union. II, Die Grundlagen einer künftigen Repräsentativverfassung. Friedenswarte 13:199-205, July '11. Rademaker, F. Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Köln. Soz. Prax. 20:142631, No. 40, 'II.

Radlof, L. Probleme (Betr.__sozialistische Kommunalpolitik). Kommun. Prax. 11:1217-22, No. 39, '11.

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Rawnsley, H. D. Pernicious Literature. Hib. Jour. 10:462, Jan. '12.

Rawson, Jonathan A. Modern Tenement Houses. Pop. Sci. M. 80:191, Feb. '12.

Réynaud, L. Les associations en Chine.
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Rouge, J. La coopération et la vie chère. Rev. soc. 72:413, Nov. '11. Saint-Léon, M. Le III Congrès international des classes moyennes. Munich, 28-30 Sept., 1911. Mus. soc. (Mem. et doc.), 357, Dec. '11.

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Schallmayer, W. Rassedienst. Sexualprobleme 433-43 July, '11. Schallmayer, W. Sozialistische Entwicklungs- u. Bevölkerungslehre. Z. Sozialwiss. 511-30, Aug.-Sept. 'II. Scheuer, O. Der Kuss und das Küssen. Sexualprobleme 460-79, July '1I. Schmidt, R. Arbeiterschutz Arbeiterversicherung. Konf. Gewerksch. Deutschl. u.s.w. Prot. 8:211-26, '11. Schmoll, L. Rapport sur le monopole des assurances. Rev. de la pré. 1161, Nov. 'II.


Schnidtmann, M. Der Einfluss des Alkohols auf den Ablauf der Vorstellungen. Psychol. Arb. 6:300-338, No. 2, 'II. Schröder, P. Das Fortlaufen der Kinder. Monatsschrift Kriminalpsychol. 8:25766, May '11.

Schwiedland. Le programme des œuvres sociales en Autriche. Ref. soc. 73:62, Jan. 1, '12.

Schüller, R. Die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften. Arch. Sozialwiss. u. Soz.Pol. 33:37-76, No. 1, '11.

Schultze, E. Die Kulturleistungen der Völker, gemessen an den Nobelpreisen. Sonntags-Beil. Voss. Ztg. No. 34, 'II. Schulz, A. Bodenverstaatlichung oder Güteraufteilung. Sozialist. Monatsheft 1212-18, Nos. 18-20, '11. Schütze, W. Jüdischer Meineidsaberglaube. Arch. Kriminal-Anthropol. 43: 190-92, Nos. 1, 2, 'II.

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Seager, H. R. Standardization for Accident Prevention. Am. Lab. Legis. R. 1:9, Dec. 'II.

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MAY, 1912



The University of Chicago

§ 1. Problem and method.-a) The question of mental capacity from the standpoint of race has become of particular interest for America on account of the immigration situation and the presence of the Negro. In this connection it becomes important to determine how a race rises from one level of culture to another, whether by internal stimulation and native ability, or by accepting and imitating the culture of the higher level of society; and more particularly, which races are fit to progress and which are not, and why.

b) I have in mind also the study of the backwardness and forwardness of different social groups in the same community and of the same racial composition. Every community contains different levels of population regardless of race, and in the large cities the cultural intervals are perhaps as wide as those we are accustomed to think of as characteristic of race. Indeed, backwardness on account of race cannot properly be estimated apart from backwardness within the race.

The following plan for viewing and collecting materials is one which I have been using in connection with some investigations among the peasants of Europe and among the Negroes, and I present it, not as a contribution to theory, but as a tool. It is

apparent that a number of persons, many of them not students by profession, are in a position to make valuable records on these questions and that they could make use of a scheme containing some formulation of standpoint and suggestions for the selection and arrangement of materials.

I think the field worker needs and will appreciate some presentation of the "state of knowledge" in the field of racial and social psychology, and I have attempted to provide this. The schedule is also "illustrated" with examples from various sources. It is not to be expected that the investigator will attempt in all cases to parallel these illustrations. They are merely samples of the material which may be assembled under given headings.

The references to sources are frequently not to the exact page, but to a chapter or longer passage containing the quotation and its The term "race" is not always used in an exact sense. It is now recognized that there are no pure races in Europe.


§ 2. General standpoint.—a) Without ignoring economic determinism or denying the importance of specific race characters, I have assumed that individual variation is of more importance than racial difference, and that the main factors in social change are attention, interest, stimulation, imitation, occupational differentiation, mental attitude, and accessibility to opportunity and copies. In other words, I have emphasized the social rather than the biological and economic aspects of the problem.

b) There are two possible explanations of the different manifestations of the mind of man. It may be that the minds of different races show differences of organization; that is to say, the laws of mental activity may not be the same for all minds. But it may also be that the organization of mind is practically identical among all races of man; that mental activity follows the same laws everywhere, but that its manifestations depend upon the character of individual experience that is subjected to the action of these laws. . . . . It would seem that, in different races, the organization of the mind is on the whole alike, and that the varieties of mind found in different races do not exceed, perhaps do not even reach, the amount of normal individual variation in each race. It has been indicated that, notwithstanding this similarity in the form of individual mental processes, the expression of mental activity of a community tends to show a characteristic historical development. From a comparative study of these changes among the races of man is derived our theory of the general development of human culture. But the development of culture must not be

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