PRINCIPLES OF TRANSLATION. To translate, in the proper acceptation of the word, is to reproduce the thoughts of others in a different language. At first sight, nothing appears more simple; but in reality it is a task which demands assiduous care, and often presents most serious difficulties. If the translator is content to render merely the sense of every word, if he pays no regard to the position which each individually occupies, if he neglects to convey the whole tenor of the idea, if he shows no attention either to the symmetry or harmony of the sentence, the work is indeed easy enough; but if he wishes to reproduce exactly the value of each idea, the full scope of every thought, the originality of the idioms, and the colouring of the phrase; if, in a word, he desires to express neither more nor less, nor otherwise than the author has expressed, he will soon perceive that he must restrict himself to most rigorous principles, under penalty of justifying the Italian saying, traduttore traditore. As it is necessary, in order to translate well, not only to render every word with exactness, but at the same time to preserve its value and order in a sentence, while paying due regard to the grammar, perspicuity, and harmony of the language, we shall proceed to suggest some fundamental rules upon Expression-Construction-Accuracy-Grammatical correctness-Clearness-and Euphony; and we shall conclude by offering a series of English idiomatic phrases, with their French translation. A |