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lates, it was the common belief that he was appointed as soon as he was a bishop; and some have continued him near nine years in office. We have seen that he held the seals only from the 11th of October, 1456, (35 Hen. VI.) the tenth year of his consecration, to the 7th of July, 1460, about three years and three quarters. His conduct in resigning at so critical a juncture exposed him to suspicion, calumny, and censure. Disloyalty or languor in the cause of Henry was imputed to him, or he was represented as balancing between the two parties, and waiting the issue. He was comforted, however, by the entire approbation of his royal patron, who in a letter to Pope Pius II, a written in November following, while he was in custody of the Yorkists, bore ample

Collier says he was several years chancellor.

Gale, Hist. and Antiq. of the Cathedral at Winchester, cites the Close Rolls, 35 Hen. VI. and gives the year 1457.

Dugdale makes him chancellor from 11th October, 1457, to 25th July 1460. Origines Juridicales.

Wharton, as also Richardson on Godwin, continue him chancellor to 25th July, 1460.

* Budden, p. 75.

y He was succeeded as chancellor by Nevyll bishop of Exeter, youngest brother of the earl of Warwick.

Budden, p. 79.

Collier, Birch.

• Budden, p. 80.

See Appendix, N° XV.


testimony to his innocence, his meritorious services, and unblemished reputation; at once furnishing a striking instance of his own justice and generosity, and of his regard for Waynflete, who could not fail, on his part, to be deeply penetrated with a lively sense of the kindness, and the affliction, of so condescending, so benevolent a master.



Of Bishop Waynflete under King Edward the Fourth, during the Confinement of King Henry.



E may suppose Waynflete, at the calamitous æra of our history to which we have accompanied him, sorrowing for the misfortunes of king Henry and the Lancastrians, and deeply affected by the loss of public and private friends, by the diminution of his own consequence, by the apprehension of a sad reverse of fortune, by his present danger, and by the uncertainty of his future security.



SECT. II. BISHOP Longland related, that Waynflete "was in great dedignation with king Edward, and fled for fere of him into "secrete corners, but at last was restorid to "his goodes and the kinges favour." We

• Leland Itin. iv. p. 1. 50.


are likewise told that he suffered much for his loyalty to king Henry; that, by his persuasion, the citizens of Winchester refused to proclaim Edward or acknowledge him for their sovereign; and that he and they were sentenced to severe chastisement; also that Edward was ever averse to him. But Budden dissents from Leland and Cooper respecting this conduct of Edward, and affirms that his clemency consoled the affliction of Waynflete, who seemed rather to have changed, than to have lost, his royal patron.

SECT. III. THAT a prelate who had enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Henry in so eminent a degree as Waynflete, and had been so closely connected with the Lancastrian chieftains, should be immediately countenanced and favoured by Edward, seems more than could be reasonably expected. That he should not be persecuted, may appear a tribute due to his personal merit and high reputation, as well as consonant with the generosity and justice for

b Hist. and Antiq. of Winchester, vol. ii. p. 93. Gale, p. 102, c Godwin.

d P. 81.

which the youthful conqueror has been celebrated.

SECT. IV. A DISPUTE had subsisted between the bishop and some of his tenants in Hampshire, especially of the manor of Eastneon, concerning certain services, customs, and duties claimed by him. The king being in his progress in that county, in August 1461, was beset by a multitude of them, beseeching him to remedy their grievances. Not having leisure then to examine into the matter, he charged them to lay aside wilfulness, obstinacy, and turbulence; to continue to pay and do as aforetime; and, if they were injured, to send deputies fully instructed to him, when they should be heard and have an answer according to reason. On their coming to him while the parliament was sitting, he referred the business to lawyers, who were ordered to make their report to himself and the peers, after diligent attention to the allegations of each party. The three serjeants and his attorney gave a copi

• Budden, p. 81. 83.

' Rolls of Parliament. Titus E. vii. MSS. Cotton. See Appendix, N° XVI.


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