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quam persone nostre dumtaxat nec quod presens pardonatio nostra nec aliqua hujusmodi pardonatio nostra ad aliquos magnos computantes nostros qui nunc sunt vel qui pro tempore fuerunt videlicet ad Thesaurarios Cales et Hospitii nostri, &c. quo ad aliqua hujusmodi officia sua seu hujusmodi occupationes suas seu alicujus eorundem tangentia ullo modo se extendat. In cujus, &c.

Teste Rege apud Northampton xxxo die Januarii. Per breve de privato Sigillo et de da? predicta

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From M.S. C. C. C. Cambridge. Budden, p. 80.

Letter of King Henry to the Pope in behalf of Waynflete.

BEATISSIME pater humillima recommendatione premissa, cum devotissimis pedum osculis devotorum. Fidelem atque catholicum principem rem dignam peragere credimus quotiens preclaros et benemeritos viros in vestre sanctissime paternitatis favorem curamus addicere: ut proinde bonis juxta sua merita condigna virtutum premia liberaliter irrogentur, & de eisdem sinistra sentiendi, si forte per emulos & falso quicquam deferri contigerit, occasio quelibet amputetur. Hinc est beatissime pater quod cum nuperrimis hijs temporibus, quibus vehementi & ci

vili quadam tempestate, regni nostri publicus status gravem jacturam senserit, ne pernicibus evolans alis ambigua fama, veris nonunquam falsa permiscens, una cum noxijs viris insontes alios & in nullo demeritos in culpam trahat: Animo nobis est, vehementer et cordi, clarissimo viro fortasse per emulos tracto in infamiam, nostro testimonio quantum in nobis est omnem adimere culpam, huic presertim quem plurimum carum habemus, Reverendo in Christo patri Willelmo Winton Episcopo; cujus cum opera & obsequiis, in regni negotiis gerendis non parum usi sumus, in nichilo tamen eum excessisse testamur quo juste denigrari possit aut debeat tanti fama Prelati, quam hactenus omnium ore constat intemeratam extitisse. Ea certe putatur in eo vite & honestissime conversacionis integritas, ut deo placeat, & regni nostri majores ac inferioris status homines bonam & sinceram de eo opinionem sentiant, in sanctam Apostolicam sedem devotum semper fuisse et obedientem filium testes sumus, pro qua nec unquam instare destitit, quo minus omni conatu, honorem, reverentiam & obedientiam, sacre Sedi debitas, omnibus terrenis re & verbo anteponeret. Hec cum ita sint Beatissime Pater, rogamus quo valemus devocius semper pijssimam paternitatem vestram, ut ad partem positis emulorum commentis, si que in hujus nostri & indubitati testimonii contrarium referuntur, eum uti fidelem ac devotum filium vestri status & nostri, pacisque zelatorem, quem ob sua merita uti colendum patrem honoramus, et plurimo dignum honore censemus, in ube

riorem gratiam sedis Apostolice, virtutum suarum et nostrarum precum intuitu gratiose velitis admittere, atque in gerendis ejus negotiis in curam S. V. singulariter habere recommissum. Et velit vestra eadem beatissima paternitas fideli nostro Johanni Lascy, et presentium latori de nostra voluntate sufficienter instructis, in his que pro parte hujus venerabilis patris dicturi sunt, indubiam habere fidem. Et almam vestram personam ad gregis Dominici regimen salutare, votiva felicitate faciat prosperari Jesus Christus.

Ex London. octavo Novemb. Anno Dominice incarnationis 1460.

E. V. S.

Devotus filius Henricus Rex Anglie et Francie, &c.

No XVI. See p. 111.

From Cotton MSS. Titus E vii.

Memorandum touching the Variance between the Bishop of Winchester and certain Tenants. MEMORANDUM, that whereas upon a controversie and variaunce between the reverend ffather in God William Bishopp of Winchester and the Tenauntts of his mannor of Estmen and other in the countie of Hampshire for certayne services customes and dutyes to the said reverend ffather by the said Tenantts belonginge the kinge our soveraigne lord be

ing in his progresse in the said countie in the month of August last past. The said Tenantts in great multitude and number came unto his highnes complayninge of the said revd ffather sayinge they were constroyned and compelled by him and his officers both to paymentts and also to do services and charges for their tennures and landes and other then they ought to doe beseechinge to have remedy in that behalfe; and for as much as the Kinges Highnes at that time had no leisure ripely to examine and enserch all att large the causes and circumstances of the said complainte as so great a matter as that was required willed and charged the said Tenauntts that leyinge aparte all willfullnes and obsteynaunce and keepinge the kinges peace they should continue paye and doe all manner services and customes unto the said revd ffather as they had done aforetyme and if they as they sayd were hurted greaved or wronged by the said rev ffather they at the time should send two or 3: of everie lordshipp with their complaintts fullie instructed in the name of them all of all things such as might or should in their conceipt serve and suffice to the proffe of their intentt and complainte in that behalfe and they should be herd and have answere such as should be accordinge to reason whereupon the said Tenauntts coming to the kinges said highnes to this his presentt parliamentt for the cowse abovesaid the same his highnes willed and commaunded Tho: Littleton Thomas Billinge Willm Laron seriauntts att lawe and Henry Sottell the kings attorney that they

with others of the learned Councell of both partyes should dulie diligently and rightly commune see and examine the matters of the said complainte with all the circumstaunces of the same: And thereof make unto his said highnes and the Lordes of his said Parliamentt due report: And after longe labore greate and diligentt attendaunce and busines in this behalfe by the said seriauntts attorney and councell of both parties before whom the partye of the said Tenauntts of Estmone by their complaint asked to be discharged of all manner workes and customes claymed of them to be due by reason of their tenures to the said revd ffather all tymes of the yeare and of all manner of customes of certayne heves and corne called by the name of Shirshette: and of a some of monie claymed att two lawe dayes in the yeare called Tything penny otherwise Totting penny : also of a some of monie called Custome pannage for swyne beinge in the Lordshipp of Estmone : Saving also that the Court of the said revd ffather and his successores hath be hould and yet is within the site of the parsonage of Estmeon and not within the cite of the mannor of Estmeon: And also that the Tenauntts within the said Lordshipp been ffreholders and not copieholders and that all Tenauntts within the same lordshipp bene Charter land and free land and not copie land whereunto the party of said revd ffather layd for him and claymed all the thinges abovesaid to be due and appertayning unto him as in the right of his Church shewing for him manie greate and ould evidences and other proofes: The

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