Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

"Maunder," 436

Victoria (Prebendary), 329

Ignoramus on "No quarter," 228

Ilford, great spoon at, 267

[blocks in formation]

Jacobites and Rossetti, 425

James (S.) on "Halifax law," 93

Janssen (Stephen Theodore), enamel manufacturer, 471
Janua or Genua surname, 434

Japanese language, pronunciation and accent, 249, 333
Jarratt (F.) on Cuthbert Allanson, 168
Church, moiety" of, 436


Elm, wych, 474

Gazette, its etymology, 492
Turks on Lundy Island, 25

Jeakes (T. J.) on folk-lore of filatures, 324
Poplar trees, 371

Jeakes's Charters of the Cinque Ports,' 228
Jemmy crowbar, 424

Jenkins (R.) on flat irons, 96

Jenkinson (Sir Robert), temp. James I., 208, 316

Jenner (Edward), his arms, 488

Jeronimo (Signior), Spanish Armada prisoner, 367

Jettons, or Nuremberg tokens, 69, 153
Jewers (A. J.) on heraldic anomalies, 322

Jewish commentaries on the Old Testament, 168, 431
Jewish divorce in 1778, 444

Joan of Arc in English literature, 307, 392, 473
John Dory, origin of the name, 386, 457, 472

Johnson (Dr. Samuel), and Gwaenynog, 172; and
Miss Lucy Porter, 201; his definition of oats, 205,
293, 375, 451

Joicey (G.) on Shakspeariana, 123

Jonas (A. C.) on first Easter, 135, 309

Jonas (M.) on 'Merry Devil of Edmonton,' 266

Shakspeariana, 122

Jones (T.) on Lloyd family, 48

Jonson (Ben), Shakspeare's indebtedness to, 150;

and tributaries of the Trent, 285, 493

Jordan's Grave, on old Chester Road, 107, 217

Indexes, notes on inaccurate, 286, 419; books pub-Josselyn (J. H.) on Sir John Hawkwood, 416

lished without, 424

Infant, weeping at birth, 484

Ingleby (H.) on derivation of names, 512

Translation, cruces in, 509

Ink, restoration of faded, 447

Innerpeffray, royal mint at, 444

Ireland (D. C.) on letter of Lord Byron, 112
Irish "discoveries" of lands, 407
Irish folk-lore, 445

Irish song, 268

Irving (I. W.) on foxglove, 518

Isabella of Angoulême, her pedigree, 28, 194
Isis or Thames, 368, 455

Isle Dieu, its occupation by a British force, 98
Italian proverb, 168, 235

Italian quotations, 197

Ivy Lane and the Authorized Version, 309

J, its sound and symbol, 33

J. (B.) on descendants of Knox, 278

Oliphant family of Kellie, 246

J. (D.) on King's College Chapel, Cambridge, 508
J. (J. H.) on submarine telegraphy, 207
J. (W. C.) on Kneeler-footstool, 351
Jack Pudding, his history, 267

Nottingham (first Earl of), 2

Judgement and judgment, 285, 497
June, "amiable," 47

Justice (Henry), Middle Temple, 368
Juxon (Abp.), his imprisonment, 247, 415

K. on changes in calendar, 424

Topographical collections for counties, 498
K. (C. L.) on Countess of Angus, 508
K. (H.) on John Sanger, 173

K. (H. S.) on Shelley and the Sidneys, 37
Kearsley (Thomas), portrait painter, 507
Keats (John), passages in Ode to a Nightingale,' 18;
portraits, 89, 130, 234; school at Enfield, 206
Keeling (W. G.) on Col. Quentin, 54
Kelter or Kilter, its derivation, 288, 351
Ker family, 115

Kethe (William), sermon preached at Blandford, 53, 314
Kilburn, its old inns, 188, 274, 371, 456

Kilgour (Alexander), D.D., vicar of Feltham, 87
Killiecrankie, battle of, its site, 173, 251, 331
Killigrew on Bostal or Borstal, 410

Coinage, bronze, 265

Flags for general use, 472
Pronunciation, "gutter," 392

[blocks in formation]

King (C.) on Mr. Falconer's MS. collections, 448
Man (Thomas), 308

King (Sir C. S.) on child commissions in army, 70
Foster of Drumgoon, 192

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Kingsley (Charles), source of story in Hypatia,' 464
Kitchen middens, their contents, 24

Kitton (F. G.) on Household Words,' 327
Kneeler footstool, 226, 350, 514

Knighthood, conferred on a lady, 124, 239, 372;
formula of bestowal, 289; creation of "Royal
Victorian Order," 446

Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 467
Knowles (J. S.), his 'Virginius,' 348
Knox (Capt. George), his biography, 248

Knox (John), his descendants in Ulster, 75, 278;
"Vox Dianæ," 192

Korean calendar, 204

Krebs (H.) on Child-girl, 326

Marlborough motto, 429
Russian songs, 336

Scio, its name, 58

Ku Klux Klan, anti-negro society, 505

L. (A. E.) on a picture, 348

L. (J.) on Lord Stafford's interlude players, 92

L. (S.) on James Ralfe, 47

L. (T. A.) on Austrian lip, 274

Label in heraldry, 308, 477
Lac on Whitehall Gate, 227
Lady, knighted, 124, 239, 372

La Fontaine : "Le diable de La Fontaine," 429
La Geyt family, 267

Laicus on "Sleep thy last sleep," 467

Lamberton Bar, runaway marriages at, 150, 390
Lamp post, English, its history, 289, 337, 451
Lanarkshire, books about, 190

Leake family, 323, 463

Leap Year, early use of the name, 448
Leap Year's Day, 267

Leaves impressed on clay floors, 368, 418
Le Cornu (C. P.) on De Carteret papers, 87
"Led will," origin of the phrase, 69

Lee (A. C.) on "entire" beer, 398

Leeper (A.) on Florence as a man's name, 435
Seneca, his Medea,' 512

Sundial motto, 445

Le Fanu (J. S.), his 'Shemus O'Brian,' 281
Lega-Weekes (E.) on skull in portrait, 412

Straps in sculpture, 468

Legg (J. W.) on arms of the see of Canterbury, 29, 212
Leicester Square, site of Leicester House, 383
Leighton (J.) on books illustrated by authors, 337
Jenner (Edward), his arms, 488

Sala (George Augustus), 24

Leitchtown arms, 15, 153

Lenihan (Maurice), J.P., his death, 39
Leonine verses, 246, 354

Leonora Christina (Princess), of Denmark, 446, 513
Leppingwell (T.) on " Well," suffix in place-names, 452
Lettering, lead, on sepulchral monuments, 425
Leveson-Gower (A. F. G.) on an old clock, 434

Levis family and arms, 128

Lewknor (Samuel), M.P. for Bishop's Castle, 207
Leyrestowe burial-ground, 75, 136, 272
Libraries, free public, 368, 417
Library, earliest circulating, 447
Lichfield, its etymology, 38
Lightship, first, 8, 96
Lincolnshire game, 115

Linn (R.) on Peter Benson, 235
Literary Club, its members, 285, 375
Literature versus science, 51
Little, prefix to place-names, 426
Little Bargus on Hogarth, 368
Liverpool, its etymology, 173, 233, 515

Land, its primitive distribution on the earth, 408, 457 Lloyd family of Carnarvonshire, 48

Land tenure, curious, 489

Landlady ladybird, 14

Landon (P.) on the "Harmonious Blacksmith," 230
Lane (H. M.) on Richard III., 394

Langhorne (J.) on Dr. William Paley, 167, 313

Worthington (John), 315

"Lanky Man," at Wilmington, 38, 59

Larmer, place-name, its etymology, 286, 356
Latin inscription, 90, 192, 397

Latinity, silver, force of diminutives in, 487
Launceston as a surname, 78

Laureateship, Byron on, 385

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Lawler (J.) on Ovid's Metamorphoses,' 427
Lawrence-Hamilton (J.) on "bleeding" bread, 270
Pulse glass, 208

Lawson (R.) on Billingsgate aldermen, 53
Bone (J. W.), his biography, 97
Cæsarianus, architect, 254
Dockerer or dockerrer, 197

Dog, sporting, of ancient Britons, 13
Marks, merchants', 410

Master of Revels for Scotland, 236
Newspaper pitch, 26

Pitt Club, 116

Townley (James), M.A., 271

Leadenhall Street, subterranean churches in, 442

Loch Maree, references to, 393

Lock (Major Jeremy), of H. E.I.C. army, 179
Locke (John), unpublished letter, 381

London, church near Royal Exchange, 213; French
newspaper, 1650-58, 286; Chinese in, 328, 377, 498;
vanishing, 385, 454

'London Gazette,' advertisements in, 365

London Guildhall, subway to, 366, 457

"London Library " in eighteenth century, 366

London plans and maps, old, 405

Longden (H. I.) on Cransley vicarage, 403

Randolph family, 187, 329

Longfellow (H. W.), translation of 'Epitaph on Maid-
of-all-work,' 484

Loop-hole in architecture, 186, 353, 415

Loveday (J. E. T.) on mottoes on waggons, 149
'Patrician, The,' 87

Peeresses, remarried, 227

'St. James's Magazine,' 87

Lowell (James Russell) on Hawthorne, 48, 151, 516
Lowes (Rev. John), executed for witchcraft, 223
Lubber, early use of the word, 186, 435
Luciferian and Luciferianism, 297
Luck-money custom, 17, 90, 495
Lukewarm, its etymology, 280

Lumb (G. D.) on Rev. John Nalson, 287

Queries, with No. 238, July 18, 1896./

[blocks in formation]

Thomson (J.), astronomy in his 'Seasons,' 443
Verbs, English reflective, 206

M.A.Oxon. on Cam and Hillier families, 191

St. Cenhedlon, 91

St. Gastayne, 232

Sewell (Sir Thomas), 138

M.B. coats and waistcoats, 6, 58

M. (A.) on cock-fighting, 138

M. (A. T.) on James Townley, M.A., 169

M. (C. R.) on great beds, 137

M. (C. S.) on siege of Derry, 337

M.(G.W.) on topographical collections for counties, 361

M. (H. E.) on acclimatization, 513

Horse-collar, creeping through, 408
"Twilight of plate," 293

M. (H. M. C.) on position of font, 190

M. (N.) & A. on French prisoners of war, 289

Paquanarists, 348

M. (P. S.) on French landing at Fishguard, 479

M. (R. D.) on Gretna Green marriages, 390

M. (T. H.) on John Sargent, M.P., 511

M. (W.) on Bostal or Borstal, 411

Mac and Mc, spelling and pronunciation, 508

Macaulay (T. B., Lord), passages in Essay on Boswell's

Johnson, 56

Macbride family, 411

McG. (E.) on epitaphs, 185, 425

Mackay (J.) on child commissions, 355

Mackinlay (J. M.) on Our Lady of Hate, 253

St. Faith's market, 346

MacLennan (C.) on Lieut.-General Webb, 288
Macray (W. D.) on pewter hall-marks, 375
St. Renan, Scotch saint, 77

MacRitchie (D.) on "Mauthe doog," 125

Maddison (I.) on Brynmawr College, U.S.A., 313
Magazine article wanted, 267

"Maid of France," her story, 49

Maioli family and name, 308

Malebolge, origin of the word, 278

Malet (H.) on Adam Buck, 168

Child commissions in the army, 450
Cockades, 192

Huish (Robert), 497

Nottingham (first Earl of), 113

Wedgwood "silvered lustre" ware, 145, 277

Malingering, origin of the word, 208, 252
Malone (J.) on Shakspeare and Jonson, 151
Man (Thomas), his identity, 308
Man-Jack, the phrase, 54, 292

Manning (C. R.) on Cardinal Manning, 164
Manning (Cardinal), year of his birth, 164
Manumission, a late instance, 446
Manx "Mauthe doog," 125

Mare, "Padoreen," 289, 412, 461
Margarine butter substitute, 228, 312
Marian (Maid), her tomb, 188, 334
Marish, Biblical word, 217, 293, 490
Markets on Sunday, pre-Reformation, 32
Marks, merchants', 147, 409, 454

Marlboro on poetry and science, 446
Marlborough motto, 429

Marriage of clergy, 165

Marriage folk-lore, 5

Marriages, child, 51

Marriages, at Gretna Green, 61, 149, 389; at Lamber-

ton Bar, 150, 390

Marryat (Capt.), another Jack Easy, 186

Marshall (E.) on Cæsarianus, 458

Cat, wild, 252

Charm, curious, 374

Chaucer (Geoffrey), 431

Corpse arrested for debt, 356

Divining rod, 415

Doiley, origin of the name, 156
Eye of a portrait, 468
Ferrara (Andrea), 318
"Halifax law," 92
"Herb John," 452

Infant, weeping, 484

Kingsley (Charles), his 'Hypatia,' 464

Macaulay (Lord), 56

Nelson (Lady), her portrait, 517

Oxford "ad eundem " members, 516

St. Sampson, 16

Sylvius (Eneas), 157

Taylor (Jeremy), 136

Umbrellas, 155

Wheat, shower of, 134

Whiz-gig, its meaning, 238

Marshall (E. H.) on Dukes of Aquitaine, 432

Argon, its derivation, 334

Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 430

Berks militia, 317

Bookseller or publisher, 518

Centenarianism, 419

Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary,' 305

Child commissions, 198

Christian mysteries, 134

Church, moiety of, 158

Clerical dress, Scotch, 358
Cockades, 97
Dixon (James), 132
Dogmatism, 432

Engraving of sea-battle, 256

"Facing the music," 272

Figures, emaciated, 254

Fonts, inscribed, 253

"Green Bag," 494
Hampton Court maze, 178
Handsomebody surname, 277

Hayes (Sir J. W.), 166

[blocks in formation]

John Dory, 457
Kneeler footstool, 514
Lamp-post, English, 451
"Lass that loves a sailor," 171
Malingering, its derivation, 253
Margarine butter substitute, 312
"Merry" and places, 271
Mistletoe, cross on, 154

'Newspaper Editor's Reminiscences,' 12
Padoreen, its meaning, 412
Penny in the slot in 1844, 226
Ream and Rimmer, 430

Robinson (John), Bp. of London, 512
Rough ruffian, 316
St. Emmanuel, 490

Somerset (Earl and Countess of), 19
"Subject Index," 165

Swimming, 195

Victoria (Queen) a prebendary, 377

Melville on Wynkyn de Worde's 'Chronycles,' 423
Menteith earldom, 71

Merchants, their marks, 147, 409, 454
Merry, prefix to place-names, 108, 270
'Merry Devil of Edmonton,' ed. 1612, 266
Metcalfe (J. H.) on George Borrow, 407
Michell (William), his wife, 388

Michiel motto, 348

Mickle (William J.), his 'Cumnor Hall,' 107, 192, 352
Middens. See Kitchen middens.

Midsummer pleasure fair, 48, 96
Milkmaid, modern, 171, 453

'Million of Facts,' inaccuracy of the title, 104, 315
Milton (John), "Namancos and Bayona's hold,” 37 ;
his Sonnet on Shakspeare, 114; compared to bird
of paradise, 146, 236; his mother, 167, 234
Miracle, Doncaster, 1524, 105

Misled pronounced "Mizzled," 326, 415
Mistletoe, cross on, 28, 154

Mitchell (William), his wife, 388

Mitrailleuse, ancient, 368, 450

Mitton family, 289, 393, 498
Mizzled misled, 326, 415

Wordsworth (W.), 'Ecclesiastical Sonnets,' 89, 253 Monk on Boak surname and family, 486

Whiz-gig, its meaning, 333

Windows, sash, 194

Marshall (G.) on "entire" beer, 518

'Facing the music," 477

"Harmonious Blacksmith," 311, 456

Pepys (Samuel), 489

Ruskin (John), 274

'School for Scandal,' 318

Marshall (G. W.) on school lists, 261, 443

Marsham-Townshend (R.) on portrait of Dr. Paley, 273
Marvell (Andrew) on Milton, 146, 236
Marvin (J. G.), his 'Legal Bibliography,' 187

Mary, Queen of Scots, coffin handle, 148; "Vox
Dianæ," 192; French portrait, 207, 256, 313
Masey (P. E.) on loop hole in architecture, 353
Mason (C.) on Chambers family, 313

Charles I. at Thames Ditton, 127

French Bibles and New Testaments, 7
Juxon (Dr.), 247

Mass, its etymology, 242, 334, 413
Massinger (Philip), his family arms, 387
Master of Revels for Scotland, 54, 236

Maunder, its etymology, 146, 209, 238, 436

Mauthe doog, its etymology, 125

Maxwell family of Nithsdale, its heir-male, 408

Maxwell (Sir H.) on wych elm, 358

Homer: Omar, 12


Sicker secure, 438, 511
Spider folk-lore, 7, 256
Writing-paper, gilt-edged, 414

May Day superstition, 288, 376

May Queen in sixteenth century, 308, 371
Mayall (A.) on Maioli family and name, 308
Marish, Biblical word, 294
"Padoreen" mare, 289
Skiagraphy: Skiagram, 415
Verse, harmony in, 483

Mayhew (Thomas), emigrant to America, 307
Maynard family of Nevis, West Indies, 28
Maynard (J. S.) on Maynard family, 28
Maypoles, modern, 10, 234, 335, 378, 431
Meeting-house, history of the word, 118
Melton (John), his Astrologaster' quoted, 123
Melville on prayer against the Plague, 66

Montague on John Hoole, poet, 307
Moon, queries about, 447, 517
Moore (Thomas), his wife, 95

Moral of, origin of the phrase, 388

"More than one,"

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was" or 66 were after, 27, 77
Morgan (H. E.) on Brucolaques," 254

Canard, 393

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Our Lady of Hate, 490

Russian songs, 336

Spider folk-lore, 437

Morris (E. E.) on Bail=framework for cow, 108
"Go bung," 224

Morris (H. C. L.) on Owres lightship, 8
Morris (J. B.) on Bostal or Borstal, 410

Sussex poll-books, 333

Mortars cast by bell-founders, 448
Morton (E.) on Jordan's Grave, 107

Mottoes: sundial, 5, 445; "Nonum prematur in
annum," 8; " Flavit Jehovah et dissipati sunt," 72;
on waggons, 149; "Nemo me impune lacesset,'
"Turaci alternus innoxia fortitudo," 348;
Marlborough, 429

[blocks in formation]

Jack Pudding, 267

Keats (J.), his 'Ode to a Nightingale,' 18
Umbrellas, 196

Mountant, photographer's word, 186, 474

Moyes (Henry), M.D., his biography, 68, 137, 294, 516
Muggletonians, collection relating to the sect, 127
Muirburn, in Scotland, 404

Munro (Lieut.), his duel with Lieut.-Col. Fawcett, 230
Mural memorials, 508

Murray (Sir Gideon), his family and biography, 87, 132
Murray (J.) on letter of Lord Byron, 132
Murray (J. A. H.) on James Dixon, F. R.C.S., 101
Dockerer or dockerrer, 47

Doggo, its meaning, 266

Murray (J. A. H.) on "Dog-hay," 227
Dogmatism, history of the word, 227
Dog-nail, its meaning, 266
Domdaniel, its meaning, 406
Dongola race, 327

John Dory, 386, 472
"Orthodoxy is my doxy," 406

Murray (John), Gretna Green "priest," 61, 149, 389
Mus in Urbe on quadrille, 37

Musgrave (Sir William), his biography, 29, 233
Mustow or mustew, its etymology, 109, 394
Mutton family, 289, 393, 498

Myddelton (W. M.) on Catherine de Berran, 53
Grevill (Sir Edward), 97

Mytton family, 289, 393, 498

N. (T.) on 'The Summary,' 387

Nalson (Rev. John), LL.D., his birth, 287
Namancos, its locality, 37

Names, final "s" in proper, 373

Names, their derivation, 387, 449, 512
Napoleon I. See Bonaparte.
"Napoléon galeux," 365

National Debt, when fifty-five millions, 488

Naunton family, 287

Navy, child commissions in, 70

Ne Quid Nimis on May Queen, 308

Neilson (G.) on materials for barrows, 513
Lunar calendar, 501

Nelson family, descendants from Knox, 75

Nelson (Horatio, Lord), his "little Emma," 488
Nelson (Lady), her portrait, 446, 517

Nemo on old inns at Kilburn, 456
Misled: Mizzled, 415

Mural memorials, 508

Nesta on movable pew, 107

Neve (J. R.) on Naunton family, 287

Nevill (R.) on houses facing the north, 472
'New English Dictionary.'


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Oats. See Avener.

Odin, his ancestry and descendants, 75, 172
O'Donoghue (F. M.) on Pinkethman, 86

O'Dugan family pedigree, 388

Ognall Hall, Lancashire, 48

"Old Black Jack," Clare Market, 244

Oliphant family of Kellie, 246

Oliver asking for more, 265

Oliver (A.) on Chelsea enamel, 471

Oliver (V. L.) on Billingsgate aldermen, 457
Omar surname, 12, 136

Omega on William Penn, 313

One: "More than one," 27, 77

Only, its place in a sentence, 213, 332

Opie (John), R. A., portraits by, 47, 138
Oral tradition, 6

Order in Council, the phrase, 487

Orme Square, Bayswater, column in, 507
Orr (J. S.), the "Angel Gabriel," 167, 292
"Orthodoxy is my doxy," origin of phrase, 406, 474
Osbaldeston (Richard), Bishop of London, 328, 433

See Oxford English Osborne (William), emigrant to America, 329

Newcastle-under-Lyme, its M.P.8, 88, 231

Newspaper, earliest use of the word, 294

Newspaper, French, in London, 1650-58, 286
'Newspaper Editor's Reminiscences,' 12

Newspaper pitches, 26

Newton, places named, 468

Our Lady of Hate, 8, 138, 253, 490
Outlander and Uitlander, 266

Ouvry (E. C.) on Madame de Ligne, 169
Overie. See St. Mary Overie.

Ovid, his 'Metamorphoses,' 427, 455

Oving, village name, 172

Owen (J. P.) on sin-eaters, 109, 236

Owen (M. C.) on Sir Thomas Sewell, 248

Owl of Andoain, picture with Basque inscription, 167
Owres lightship, 1788, 8, 96

Newton (Sir Isaac), publication of the 'Principia,' 186 Oxford, its etymology, 308

Newtowne on Lowell and Hawthorne, 516

Ni, its sound, 108

Nicholl (S. J.) on "Halifax law," 353

Nicholson (Dr.) and Mr. Donnelly, 272, 349

Nivor ávóμnua, palindrome, 167, 253, 295

Norcross (J. E.) on letter of Lord Byron, 197

Norgate (F.) on 'Bartholomæus de Proprietatibus
Rerum,' 245

Bitmay, its etymology, 47
Book, early printed, 135
Christian mysteries, 134

"London Library" in last century, 366
Ovid, his 'Metamorphoses,' 455

Norman roll at Dives, 467

Norman (W.) on Doncaster miracle, 105

Henley (Sir Thomas), 188

'Oxford English Dictionary,' 221, 318, 384

Oxford University, "ad eundem" membership, 427,516
Oxford University Heraldry Office, 167, 235
Oxonian on a great spoon, 267
Oyster-shells used in building, 64, 214

P. (C. M.) on curious charm, 292
P. (C. T.) on relics of Charles I., 56
Nottingham (first Earl of), 113
St. Paul's, its rebuilding, 216
P. (F. A.) on Albert Pike, 147
P. (F. J.) on changes in country life, 453
Cowley (Abraham), 51

P. (G. H.) on Gibbet Hill, 432
P. (H. B.) on duel in 1843, 230

P. (J. B.) on Master of Revels for Scotland, 54

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