Imágenes de páginas
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fluuio vbi in oceanum influit. Quidam anno vno
aut altero aegrotus decubuerat: destitutus iam viri-
bus, curauit vxor vt transferretur in dictum sacel-
lum quamuis tecto priuatum, vt Deo creatori suo ibi
pietatis causa spiritum redderet. Tota nocte re-
mansit sub dio aeger mortem expectans, sed ecce
tibi circa galli cantum obdormiscit: in somno ad-
stat senex venerabilis admodum, qui crura ipsius

stringens, surgere iubet, et domum repetere. Fecit
quod imperabatur, occurrit vxor, turbatur, spectrum
se videre existimat. Loquitur aeger vxori se esse,
non spectrum: clamat, rem narrat, tandem simul
Deo et Niniano sancto gratias agunt." (D. Camer-
arius de Fortitvdine Scotorvm, pp. 174, 175. Paris.


. 297

Note of Meg Mulloch, Lham Dhearg, and other spectres haunting Strathspey............ 299

Agreement between Richard bishop of Murray, and Duncan earl of Fife, as to the two

half davachs of Inveraven, and other lands in Strathaw'n and Strathspey, A.D.

1187-A.D. 1203.........

Note of the erection of the parish church of S. Peter of Strathaw'n, into a prebend of the
cathedral church of the Holy Trinity at Spyny; and notices of the prebendaries of
Strathaw'n (or Inveraven), chancellors of the diocese of Murray, A.n. 1208—a.d.



Charter by King Robert II., to his son Sir Alexander Stewart knight, of all claim to

the lands of Strathaw'n, after the King's decease, a.d. 1371......

Note of a charter by King Robert I., to Malcolm earl of Lennox, of the lands of
Strathaw'n, forfeited by Sir David of Strathbogie carl of Athol, a.d. 1306—a.D.
1329. [Cf. Palgrave's Documents illust. Hist. of Scot. vol. i. p. 307.]................................ 304

Charter by King Robert II., to his son Sir Alexander Stewart knight, lord of Badenach,

of the two davachs of Invercabok in the barony of Strathaw'n, resigned by Alex-

ander of the Ard, A.D. 1377........

Note of charter by King Robert I., to Alexander Moubray, of the davach of Invercabok
and Lykeuyne in Strathaw'n, A.d. 1306—a.d. 1329.

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Note of charters of the church of Ferendrach or Forgue, A.D. 1257—a.d. 1268......... 321

Notices of the knightly house of Ferendrach of that Ilk, A.D. 1203-A.D. 1296 [Cf. infra

p. 418 note; Rotuli Scotiae, vol. i. pp. 15, 17, 27; Palgrave's Doc. illust. Hist.
of Scot., vol. i. pp. 176, 196, 293, 306.]...........


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