A Description of the Close Rolls in the Tower of London: With an Account of the Early Courts of Law and EquityG. Eyre and A. Spottiswoode, 1833 - 191 páginas |
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A Description of the Close Rolls in the Tower of London (etc.) Thomas Duffus Hardy Vista completa - 1833 |
A Description of the Close Rolls in the Tower of London (etc.) Thomas Duffus Hardy Vista completa - 1833 |
Términos y frases comunes
aforesaid ancient Angliæ anno appears apud attestations barons bishop Calendars cancelled cause Chancellor clerk Close Rolls commanded commencement Concilium Regis Copy Council Court of Chancery court of equity COURTS OF LAW Curia Regis custody documents Domini Earl Edward of Westminster Elianor England entries Equitable Jurisdiction error etiam evidence Exchequer expences Fine Rolls girefalcon Gloucester grant greeting Haverford Hubert de Burgh ILLUSTRATIONS OF HISTORY instances instruments justice Justiciary King Henry King John King of Scotland Knights land London Lord mandate membrane ment Monialibus nobis ORIGIN AND DESCRIPTION Original Roll Parliament Patent Rolls persons petitions Pipe Rolls PLAN prædicta printed PUBLICATION quæ quia quibus quod realm Records regni reign of Henry reign of King Richard Richard II robes Rotulo Royal Seal sheriff statute supertunics Teste meipso Teste Rege tion Tower Vide pages Volume William wine Witness the King words writ
Pasajes populares
Página 135 - And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
Página 12 - Cancellarius in ordine illo primus est : et sicut in curia sic ad scaccarium magnus est : adeo ut sine ipsius consensu vel consilio nil magnum fiat, vel fieri debeat. Verum hoc habet officium dum residet ad scaccarium ; ad ipsum pertinet custodia sigilli regii, quod est in thesauro, sed inde non recedit nisi cum praecepto Justitiae ab inferiore ad superius scaccarium a tbesaurario vel carnerario defertur, ad explenda solum negotia scaccarii. Quibus peractis in loculum mittitur, et loculus a cancellario...
Página 107 - The King willed and commanded there and thanne, that all manere maters, to be examyned and discussed in the Court of Chauncery, should be directed and determined accordyng to equite and conscience, and to the old cours and laudable custume of the same Court, so that if in any such maters any difficultie or question of lawe happen to ryse, that he herein take th...
Página 55 - In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. TESTE ME IPSO apud Westmonasterium decimo septimo die Decembris anno regni nostri tertio.
Página 143 - It would seem, however, from a document on the Close Roll, dated Feb. 12, 1218, that his withdrawal was procured by at least the promise of a further sum, for in it the king says, '• We owe a heavy debt unto Louis, the French king's son, by agreement made between us, that he would depart out of our realm, which at length the Lord hath marvellously and mercifully procured.
Página 93 - The chancellor of England, at this time, had no distinct court of judicature, in which he presided : but he acted together with the justiciary and other great officers in matters of the revenue, at the exchequer, and sometimes in the counties, upon circuits. The great seal...
Página 83 - England, archbishops and bishops, abbots and earls, thegns and cniths3," an assembly, in fact, the same (with 1 The Concilium Regis consisted of the Chancellor, the Treasurer, and Barons of the Exchequer, the Judges of either Bench, the itinerant Justices, and Justices of Assize, the great officers of state, and such of the dignified clergy as it pleased the King to summon. 2 It is said that King Henry, at leisure hours, sat every day in his own house, secum habens Comites, Bdrones, proceres, et...
Página 115 - Et quotienscumque de cetero evenerit in Cancellaria quod in uno casu reperitur breve et in consimili casu cadente sub eodem jure et simili indigente remedio, concordent clerici de Cancellaria in brevi faciendo vel atterminent querentes in proximo parliamento et scribant casus in quibus concordare non possunt et referant eos ad proximum parliamentum et de consensu jurisperitorum fiat breve ne contingat de cetero quod curia diu deficiat querentibus in justicia perquirenda.
Página 82 - Et statuit quod illi quinque audirent omnes clamores regni, et rectum facerent, et quod a curia regis non recederent, sed ibi ad audiendum clamores hominum remanerent ; ita ut si aliqua quaestio inter eos veniret, quae per eos ad finem duci non posset, auditui regio praesentaretur, et sicut ei et sapientioribus regni placeret terminaretur.
Página 86 - Courts below ; wherein if any litigant felt himself aggrieved he applied for redress to the Council, in the same manner as he would have applied to the King, before the latter committed his prerogative of distributing justice and equity to his Council.