EXCHEQUER REPORTS. REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED IN THE Courts of Exchequer 2 Exchequer Chamber. VOL. VI. TRINITY VACATION, 24 VICT., TO EASTER VACATION, 24 VICT., BY E. T. HURLSTONE, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, AND J. P. NORMAN, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, WITH ADDITIONAL CASES DECIDED DURING THE SAME PERIOD, SELECTED WITH REFERENCES TO DECISIONS IN THE AMERICAN COURTS. HENRY WHARTON, ESQ., EDITOR. AIN PHILADELPHIA: T. & J. W. JOHNSON & CO., LAW BOOKSELLERS, NO. 535 CHESTNUT STREET. 1863. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by T. & J. W. JOHNSON & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The volumes of Reports to which this mark (†) is annexed have been reprinted by T. & J. W. JOHNSON & Co., at $2.50 per volume, with American Notes and References by Messrs. HARE and WALLACE, and HENRY WHARTON, Esq. STEREOTYPED BY MEARS & DUSENBERY. PRINTED BY W. H. PILE. |