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the veffels of the country of which it is the growth or
manufacture, to establish against fuch nation retaliating
regulations; and also the right to prohibit in their re-
Spective countries the importation ad exportation of all
merchandize whatsoever, when reasons of ftate fhall re-
quire it.
In this cafe, the subjects or citizens of either
of the contralling parties fhall not import or export the
merchandize prohibited by the other. But if one of the
contracting parties permits any other nation to import or
export the fame merchandize, the citizens or fubjects of
the other shall immediately enjoy the fame liberty.


The merchants, commanders of vessels, or other fubjects or citizens of either party, fhall not, within the ports or jurisdiction of the other, be forced to unload any fort of merchandize in any other veffels, nor receive them into their own, nor to wait for their being loaded longer than they please.


That the veffels of either party, loading the ports of jurisdiction of the other, may not be uselessly harraffed, or detained, it is agreed, that all examinations of goods, required by the laws, shall be made before they are loaden on board the veffel, and that there fhall be no examination after; nor shall the veffel be searched, at any time, unless articles fhall have been laden therein clandeftinely and illegally; in which cafe the perfon by whofe order they were carried on board, or who carried them without order, fhall be liable to the laws of the land in which he is, but no other perfon fhall be molefted, nor fhall any other goods, nor the vessel, be feized or detained for that cause.



Each party hall endeavour, by all the means in their power, to protect and defend all veffels and other effects belonging to the citizens or subjects of the other, Shall be within the extent of their jurisdiction by sea or by land; and fhall use their efforts to recover, and caufe to be restored to the right owners, their vessels and their


du pays, duquel font les marchandifes, productions et 1799 fabrications, Sa Maj. le Roi de Pruffe et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique fe réfervent le droit d'ufer de représailles envers cette nation, ainfi que celui de défendre dans leurs pays refpectifs l'importation et l'exportation de quelle marchandise que ce foit, lorsque des raifons d'etat l'exigent. Dans ce cas, les fujets ou citoyens d'aucune des parties - contractantes ne pourront importer ou exporter les marchandifes prohibées par l'autre : Mais, fi une des parties - contractantes permet à une autre nation quelconque d'importer ou d'exporter les mêmes marchandifes, les citoyens ou fujets de l'autre jouiront de la même liberté.


du char

gement et

Les Commerçans, Commandans de Navires, ou autres Liberté fujets ou citoyens de chacune des parties - contra&tantes, ne pourront être obligés, dans les ports ou la juris- échar diction de l'autre, de décharger aucune espèce de mar. gement. chandifes fur d'autres bâtimens quelconques, ou d'en recevoir fur les leurs propres, ni d'attendre pour leur chargement plus longtems qu'il ne leur plaira.



Afin que les bâtimens d'aucune des deux parties, Vitaqui chargeront dans les ports ou la jurisdiction de l'autre, ne puiffent être gênés on retardés inutilement, il eft convenu, que tout examen légal de la cargaifon doit avoir lieu avant qu'elle ne foit chargée à bord du bâtiment, et qu'enfuite il ne fera fait aucune recherche ultérieure; le bâtiment ne pourra non plus être vifité en aucun tems, à moins qu'on n'y ait chargé fecrètement et illégalement quelques articles. Dans ce cas, celui qui les aura fait porter à bord, ou qui les y aura portés fans ordre, fera refponfable aux loix du pays, dans lequel il fe trouve; mais perfonne ne pourra ni ne devra être inquiété à ce fujet, et, ni les autres objets, ni le bâtiment, ne pourront être, pour cela, féqueftrés ni arrêtés.


tion de

Chaque partie employera tous les moyens, qui fe- Protec ront en fon pouvoir, pour protéger et défendre tous vaifeaux les bâtimens, appartenant aux citoyens ou fujets de refpictifs l'autre partie, ou tous autres effets, quand ils fe trouveront dans l'étendue de la jurisdiction, fur mer ou fur terre. Elle fera tous fes efforts, pour recouvrer

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1799 effects, which shall be taken from them within te extent of their faid jurisdiflion.


The veffels of the fubjects or citizens of either party, coming on any coaft belonging to the other, but not willing to enter into port, or who entering into port are not willing to unload their cargoes or break bulk. Shall have liberty to depart, and to pursue their voyage without moleftation, and without being obliged to render any account of their cargo, or to pay any duties, charges or fees whatsoever, except thofe eftablished for veffels entered into port, and appropriated to the maintenance of the port itself, or of other establifhements for the fafety and convenience of navigators; which duties, charges, and fees fhall be the fame, and fhall be paid on the fame footing, as in the cafe of subjects or citizens of the country where they are established.


When any veffel of either party fhall be wrecked, foundered, or otherwife damaged on the coafts or within the dominions of the other, their respective citizens or Juhjects fhall receive, as well for themselves as for their veffels and effects the fame affiftance which would be due to the inhabitants of the country where the damage happens, and fhall pay the fame charges and dues only as the faid inhabitants would be fubject to pay in a like cafe; and if the operations of repair shall require that the whole or any part of the cargo be unloaded, they shall pay no duties, charges, or fees upon the part which they fhall reload and carry away. The ancient and barbarous right to wrecks of the fea fhall be entirely abolifhed with refpect to the fubjects or citizens of the two contrading parties.


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The citizens or fubjetts of each party fhall have power to difpofe of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by teftament, donation, or otherwife; and their reprefentatives, being fubjects or citizens of the other party, fhall fucceed to their faid perfonal goods, whether by teftament or ab inteftato, and take poffeffion thereof, either by themselves or by others afting for them,


les bâtimens et effets capturés dans l'étendue de la dite 1799 jurisdiction, et pour les faire reftituer à leurs propriétaires légitimes.



Les bâtimens des fujets ou citoyens de chacune Vaifedes parties contractantes, qui viendront à une côte aux en quelconque appartenant à l'autre, et ne fe foucieront fans depas d'entrer dans un port, ou qui, y entrant, ne voudront charger. pas décharger ou commercer, auront la liberté de remettre à la voile et de continuer leur voyage fans être gênés, fans devoir rendre compte de leur cargaison, ni payer aucuns droits, impôts ou octrois, autres que ceux, établis pour les bâtimens qui ne font que mouiller, et qui font deftinés à l'entretien du port même, ou d'autres établiffemens fervant à la fûreté et à la commodité dea navigateurs; lesquels droits, impôts ou octrois feront les mêmes et devront être payés fur le même pié, que par les fujets ou les citoyens du pays, dans lequel ils font introduits.


Si par hazard un Navire d'une des parties- con- Namtractantes fait naufrage, touche ou éprouve quelque frage. dommage, fur les côtes ou dans le territoire de l'autre partie, les citoyens ou fujets refpectifs recevront, pour leurs bâtimens et leur effets, la même affiftance que recevroient les habitans du pays, dans lequel le dommage aura lieu; et ils ne payeront de droits que ceux, que devroient payer les dits habitans en pareil cas. Si les ouvrages de réparation exigeoient, que la cargaifon fût déchargée en tout ou en partie, ils ne payeront aucun droit, impôt ou octroi pour ce qu'ils rechargeront et emmêneront. Les prétentions antiques et barbares, fur les objets naufragés, font entièrement abolies à l'égard des fujets ou citoyens des deux parties - contra&tantes.


Il fera libre aux citoyens ou fajets de chaque partie. Libre contractante, dans la jurisdiction de l'autre, de difpofer s difpofde leurs propriétés perfonnelles, par teftament, donation lens. ou autrement, et leurs fucceffeurs, qui font fujets ou citoyens de l'autre partie, hériteront des dits biens perfonnels, par teftament ou ab inteftat, et pourront en prendre poffeffion, foit en perfonne, foit par procuration; ils en difpoferont à leur gré, fans payer d'autres

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and difpofe of the fame at their will paying fuch dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the faid goods are, fhall be subject to pay in like cafes. And in cafe of the abfence of the reprefentative, fuch care shall be taken of the faid goods as would be taken of the goods of a native in like cafe, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. And if queftion [hould arife among feveral claimants, to which of them the faid goods belong, the fame fhall be decided finally by the laws and judges of the land wherein the goods are. And where, on the death of any perfon, holding real estate within the territories of the one party, fuch real eftate would, by the laws of the land, defcend on a citizen or fubject of the other were he not difqualified by alienage, fuch subjeft fhall be allowed a reasonable time to fell the fame, and to withdraw the proceds, without moleflation, and exempt from all rights of detrafling on the part of the governments of the refpective ftates. But this article fhall not derogate in any manner from the force of the laws already published, or hereafter to be published by his Majefty the king of Pruffia, to prevent the emigration of his subject̃s.


The most perfect freedom of worship is granted to the citizens or fubjects of either party, within the jurisdition of the other, and no perfon fhall be molefted in that refpet, for any cause other than an infult on the religion of others. Moreover, when the fubjects or citi zens of the one party fhall die within the jurisdiction of the other, their bodies fhall be buried in the ufual burying groundt, or other decent and fuitable places, and shall be protected from violation or disturbance.


Experience having proved, that the principle adopted in the twelft article of the treaty of 1785, according to which free fhips make free goods, has not been fufficiently refpected during the two laft wars, and especially in that which still continues, the two contracting parties propose, after the return of a general peace, to agree either feparately between themfelves, or jointly with other powers alike interefled, to concert with the great maritime powers


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