Hispania, a quarterly journal devoted to the interests of Teachers of Spanish, is
in the months of February, May, September and December. All teachers of Spanish
and all those interested in the teaching of Spanish are eligible to membership in the
Association. Membership dues, subscription to Hispania included, are two dollars per
annum for the United States, for foreign countries two dollars and thirty cents per an-
num. Subscription to Hispania without membership in the Association is also two
dollars, or two dollars and thirty cents per annum.
All membership dues, subscriptions and other business communications should be
addressed to Alfred Coester, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association, 1081 Park
Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
All communications relative to advertising in Hispania and all advertising matter
should be addressed to Erwin W. Roessler, the Advertising Manager, 155 West 65th
St., New York, N. Y., U. S. A.
Communications to the editors and manuscripts for publication should be addressed
to the Editor of Hispania, Stanford University, Cal., U. S. A.
Hispania hopes to make its bibliographical section of real service to teachers of
Spanish. To that end publishers are invited to send in copies of all books that may be
of interest to teachers of Spanish.
Scholarly works, and those of a purely literaty of historical nature, for book-notice
or review should be sent to John D. FitzGerald, Univessity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.,
U. S. A.