BLO 1 Logk 2.3 2 Rhythmar Activities 1.2 CUTS 2 Civic Welfare Training Service 2 1.2 SHI Firat Semester. 2997-2000 u 1 Philippine Literature in English 1.7 3 OEM 3 2 5 3 2 grade: "The given 1.0 (100-05 1.1-1.5 (94-90) very goud: 1.6-2.5 (89-80) good: 26-10 (74-75) fair (passed): 5.0 (74-below) (sure CREDETS দিয়েure of recitation sach for Saboratory wow each week for a total of 4 hours a seme are regarded as equa Rers please see next page Ииииииииииииикиwww FAIR AVERAGE RESEARCH OUTPUT "A Study on the Fungal Isolates From the Air Conditioner Filters of the ICU, LR, DR and Nursery of a private Hospital, and the ICU and DR of a Government-Owned Hospital in Cebu City GRADUATED: Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology As of April 18. 2010 PAASCU Accredited. Exempted from issuance of For Ex-sluation Purposes. SEAL FEB 12 ARIEL F. VALLE Registrar veee next page ARIEL P. VALLE Registrar ANNEXD Repibito of the Philippines Cebu Dhatrios Office VII, P. Durgos Street CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the name YANG YUN CHIA aka. NINA YANG, as per records on file (passport), has the following information with relation to her first arrival, to wit NVALID CERTLICROSCOPY FEB 27 2012 ARIEL F. VALLE ANNEX E FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES هما 13-20-11 P500.00 日本日 MOT VALID WITHOUT A SEAL Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF CEBU 7th Judicial Regine Cebu City ANNEX H OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT (CRIMINAL CASES SECTION) CERTIFICATIΩΝ O.R. No. 0609467/0608641 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This into CERTIFY that as per record on file with this Office, available and foured as of this date. TUPCEZA TAPE of 138 KI'S ABAD BOVTR, DORA KITA VILLAGE, TALARBAN, CEBU CITY a) hae NO Criminal Cass filed, against him/her, with this Court for the yr 1995 up to Ртачі by has Criminal Case's filed against him her with this Court. Crim Cane's No. STATUS: a) Pendang-Arcidved in Brancives b) Decided Terminated on portion of the Decision is quoted in full at the back hereof and the disponi 19 DEC 2011 Issued this day of 12/19/11 LORA PRADO Criminal Div. Cebu City Paid under RN 058351 Date 3 DEC 2011 EDWIN C. SAVELLON Admirastrate Officer 1 19 D (NOTE: This clearance does not include criminal cases filed with the following RTC Branches, tot 25 (Danan NOT VALID WITHOUT PAYMENT OF OFFICIAL RECEIPT Civil Records Typed by NO CRIMINAL RECORD LOCAL EMPLOYMENTYT VALID FOR TRAVEL ABROAD upon the reset the. ATURALIZATION BP DON dare imge Date Name: Age Sex ANNEX K Renato D. Obra MD, DPBP, FPPA, MM (IHSM) Diplomate Philippine Board of Psychiatry Fellow Philippine Psychiatric Association Dangerous Drugs Board Accredited Physician Accredited Neuro-Psychiatric Screener Master in Management Room 202, Chong Hua Medical Arts Llorente St., Cebu City, Philippines Tel. No. (032) 2549541 January 02, 2012 Yang, Nina (Chinese Name - Yang, Yun-Chia) 23 years old Female LINEN ROAD SOUTH DONA BITA VILLAGE TALAMRAN CEBU CITY Gene FEMALE Civil Statue TAIWANESE Purpose TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 17/2012 Date Encoded Rotorence He This is to certify that the person whose asme, picture and thumb NO RECORD ON FILE VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUE DOCUMENTARY STAMP NB! YANG YUN-CIA Address Republika ng Pilipinas (Republic of the Philippines) Righi Thund NBIOR YS2BYPIANG151A382FT ATTY MACTANGGO B. GATDULA PAMBANSANG KAWANIHAN NG PAGSISIYASAT Maynila Date of Bath Mar 15, 1988 Place of Bath TAIPEI TARMAN KINGS ROAD NORTH DONA RITA VILLAGE TALAMBAN CEBU CITY TAIWANESE Purpose: FEMALE LOCAL EMPLOYMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Chill Status SINGLE PERSONAL.COPY 12/24/2011 This is to cerufy that the person whose name, picture and thumb prints appear hereon has requested RECORD CLEARANCE from this office and the result(s) is/are listed below: NO RECORD ON FILE VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUE DOCUMENT ARY STAMP 15.00 PAID Address Marital Status Occupation: 30 King's Road South, Dona Rita Village, Talamban, Cebu City None (medical student) MEDICAL CERTIFICATE Sir/Madam, This is to certify that I have seen and examined the above mentioned client. As claimed by her, she was born on March 15, 1988 in Taipei, Taiwan. She is the eldest among the two siblings, all girls. Her father is Yang, Chun Sung, 53 years old, living in the above address and has been residing in Cebu City for the past 15 years. Her mother is L. Hsiao Min, 55 years old also living in same address for the same duration Both parents are into piggery business located in Lutac, Naga City, Cebu for the past 4 years now Currently, Yang, Nina is taking up Medicine Course in Cebu Institute of Medicine (second year). She expressed her desire for Naturalization to become a Filipino Citizen She added that she wanted to become a naturalized Filipino Citizen so that she will be able to take the Physician Licensure Examination and to practice as a Medical Doctor here in the Philippines. Remarks and Recommendation Yang, Nina is physically and mentally fit for Naturalization to Filipino Citizenship Submitted, loer, me Renato D. Obra MD,DPBP, FPPA, MM (IHSM) Attending Psychiatrist Lic. No. 52899 -PTR NO. 0890652 $2 No. 005773-NM-09-004 Right Thumb 2020 NEIOR YSZ0Y JANG151A38ZFT ATTY MAGTANGGA. B. GATDULA NBI Dire tor |