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برزنکین ادم ایوادملر برسمیز قاز تنبل اوغلانلر. بربيوك اوغلان و بر كوچك قز شهر بيوك در دو ارپا فنا در. بو چوربا صوق در دوکان ایراق در قاری خسته در. دمرقتی در ایو ادم طوغرو در زنکین ادملر تنبل در طبق تمیز در بو اوت يشل در بچق و قدح قره در قاز و طاوقاق در دو اتك باشی کوزل در بو ادمك اینکی خسته در آدم و اوغلان اوده درار. اوغلانك بحقى صندغده در کوی شهردن ایران در بو كوينك دوكانلرى كوچك در.


بو چوربا پک صوق در بر قاز طاوقدن بيوك در بواشك يك بيوك و ات كوچك در بالغك باشي طابقدن بيوك در كويدن شهر بيوك در بوشهر آن کوزل .در دو بچق جملهدن ایودر. بو قز بر قزل صندغی کوردی. قره صندوغی اوغلانه ويردى بوادم براق بالق کوردی. ادمک اینکی کویده در




bad. very This milk is good. glass of milk. This tobacco is The goose's eye is blue. This fish is red. The goose in the shop small. There are fleas in the city and in the village. The very fleas in the city are very large. Barley is yellow, and grass is The roast meat is fat, the soup is cold, and the plates are green. dirty. The boy's cap is black. The bridge and the gate are in the city. The iron of the knife is bad. The dog is cleaner than the wolf. The fat goose is bigger than the fish. It is colder in the village than in the city.










بركوينك تورکلری بر کون بازارلو شهره وارديلر چون كوينك كرو یقیننه کلدیلر قرنلری چقدى صوغانله اتمك يديلر و اول صوغانك اجیسی تورکلرک کوزندن 10 یاش 10 چقاردی " مکر اوغلانجقلری با بالرینه 12 قارشو 12 واردیلر کوردیلر با بالرينك كوزلرندن یاش 13 اقر كمسه اولوب 18 اغلرلر 1 صاندیلر 17 خبر صور مدين " سكرتديلر كوينه كلوب كمسه 20 اولمش با بالرمز اغلشو کلیوررلر دیدیلر 2 پش عورتلر دخی اولردن چیقوب * فغان 24 ایلدیلر اغلشو ارلرینه قرشو واردیلر تورکلر چون انلری 25 اویله کوردیلر انلر دخی آدم اولدی ماندیلر اغلشدیلر روستایی وار ایسه ** قامو كوينك ایچنه جمع اولوب بر قوپردیلر کیم * وصفه " كلمزدی * هله * عاقابت " کتخدالر * اورتا يره 33






[blocks in formation]



36 لكيروب وكلن بازاردن. کویدن



34 اللهك در صبر



اتمك كرك 41 ديو بونلری * دیکدردیلر


ترکلر * صوردیلر کیم * اولدی کويده ديو * ایتدیلر والله كمسة كمسة 47 اولمدي شهرده کیم اولدي ديديلر انلر دجي اولمدی دیدیلر صوردیلر کوردیلر که قامو اوغلان سوزنه ** اناند قلر بچون

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27 villagers

28 all

[blocks in formation]

16 they thought

20 is dead 21 weeping 25 thus 26

24 make a lamentation

29 collecting together in




impossible to describe 33 at last 34 the heads 35 centre 36 coming

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

on account of

Transcription in English characters.

47 not

Bir keuyning turklery bir goon bazarloo shehereh vardyler tchun keuyning geroo yikininneh geldiler carnlery atchdy suganileh atmek yediler veh ol suganing adjysy turklering guzindan yash tchikardy meyer ooglandjiklery babalerineh carshu vardiler gurdiler babalerining guzlerindan yash akar kimseh ooloop aghlarler sandiler khaber surmidyn seghirtdiler keuyneh geloop kimseh oolmish babalermiz aghlashoo geliurerler dediler pesh avretler dakhi evlerdan tchikub fagan ildiler aghlashu erlerinch carshu vardiler turkler tchun anlery oo-ileh guerdiler anler dakhi adam ooldy sandiler aghlashdiler veh neh denglu rustayi var isseh kamoo keuyning itchineh djem oloop bir ghiriv koopardiler kim vasfeh gelmezdy heleh akibet ketkhudaler oorta yereh gyrup amry allahing dir saber etmek gerek diu bunlery dikderdiler bazardan gelan turkler surdiler kim ooldy keuydeh diu itdiler wallah keuydan kimseh oolmidy sheherdeh kim ooldy didiler anler dakhy kimseh oolmidy didiler surdiler guerdiler keh kamu ooglan suzineh anandukleritchun booileh oldiler.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

and J are also used as demonstrative pronouns, and then mean—this, that, this here, that there; they are then also declined as above. The other demonstrative pronouns are boo, shoo, ishboo, this, that, the same. They are declined in the same

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The genitive cases of the personal pronouns are used as possessive pronouns. The common usage, however, is to place at the end of the substantives the letters J, (or after a vowel), j, S,



; the method will be understood from the example:

the book, instead of

kitabim, my book.

kitabin, thy book.

kitaby, his book.

benim ketab, my book :—



kitabimiz, our book.

kitabiniz, your book.

kitablery, their book.

anas, his, اناسی ;anam, my mother انام ;ana, the mother انا

[blocks in formation]


The words formed as above are declinable like other substantives, but the pronominal affixes are placed after the J of the plural.


kitablerim, my books. kitablerimin, of my books.

[blocks in formation]


kapoomiz, our door.

kapoomizin, of our door.

Words ending in and change those letters into έ and

as, ÿ, the box; pèsio sandughim, my box.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

It will be observed that in the plural the words standing by themselves with the affix of the third person are capable of receiving four interpretations:suzlery may mean either-his words, their word, or their words; or it may be the accusative plural, and be only the words. To avoid this, the personal pronoun may be added, their words. For emphasis, too, the possessive pronoun is often used in addition to the pronominal endings; as, benim ketabim, my book.

بنم کتاب

The interrogative pronouns, Skim, who? and sneh, what? are declined like substantives of the first and second declensions respectively. In the ablative singular and the whole of the plural the letter of is, however, omitted. It is also sometimes omitted from the dative singular. The interrogative what kind of is indeclinable.

kanghy, what?

is used also in the sense قنی

which, whichever. These all take the possessive suffixes, kanghymiz, which of us?

neh-m var, what have I? The

following interrogatives are in use:


Ja nasil, what kind of?

فره nekadar, how much نقدر or نه قدر 1 nidje, how many نیجه

855 nereh or neredeh, where?

nitchun, why?

how many? katch kereh, how many times?

اچ کره

katch, neredan,

whence? katcha, for how much? The substantive following these interrogatives usually remains in the singular, and is often in the genitive.


The relative pronouns who, which, that, are translated commonly by S keh, more rarely by kim or S. It is declined in the genitive. The remainder of the cases are formed by the use of the corresponding cases of Jl. The nominative plural, however, is the same as the nominative singular.

The terminations and pronouns and adjectives; as,

ki are used to form possessive

benimki, my own, that which

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