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will be of white Italian marble, and colored marble from all parts of the world.

One very noticeable feature will be the lavish use of copper-bronzed and darkfinished ornamental iron on the store fronts and the interior of the building. In its artistic effects, as well as in the superior excellence in points of workmanship, the ornamental iron in the Emporium, manufactured by the Winslow Brothers Company, of Chicago, makes a fitting finish to the great building, and is fully up to its architectural beauty and structural merits. The store fronts and entrances on Market Street are of iron duplex plated of copper bronze.

In iron, electroplated in bronze, the ornamentation can be accentuated by brightening the relief lines, however low, and the absence of decisive shadows gives it a dreamy, sketchy look that is

very beautiful, and specially so when its effect is heightened by the sheen of plate glass.

This style is used on all the iron work. on the front of the building, the entrances, the rotunda stairs, electrolier frames, and other rotunda decorations. The fin

ish around the rotunda elevator enclosure is a combination of electro-bronze and Bower-Barff, all the grill work being of the latter matchless finish, whose smooth, soft beauty has done so much to extend the reputation of the Winslow Brothers Company. The main rotunda stairs, the design for which is shown in this article, are perfect in their artistic proportion, and will be the handsomest in the city, fitting ornaments for the great circle, and an optical feast to the thousands who will pass through it. Messrs. Winslow Brothers Company are doing much through the excellence of their work to stimulate the ornamental iron business, and hardly any recently erected large building, no matter where located, but is beautified by their handiwork.

To the Western Iron Works, Sims & Morris, proprietors, is entrusted the work

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