Imágenes de páginas



STILL sits the schoolhouse by the road,

A ragged beggar sunning;
Around it still the sumachs grow,
And blackberry vines are running.

Within, the master's desk is seen,
Deep scarred by raps official :
The warping floor, the battered seats,
The jack-knife's carved initial-

The charcoal frescoes on its walls,
Its door's worn sill, betraying

The feet that, creeping slow to school,
Went storming out to playing!

Long years ago a winter's sun
Shone over it at setting;
Lit up its western window-panes,
And low eaves' icy fretting.

It touched the tangled golden curls,
And brown eyes full of grieving,
Of one who still her steps delayed
When all the school were leaving.

For near her stood the little boy
Her childish favor singled,
His cap pulled low upon a face
Where pride and shame were mingled.

Pushing with restless feet the snow
To right and left he lingered,
As restlessly her tiny hands

The blue checked apron fingered.

He saw her lift her eyes; he felt

The soft hand's light caressing,
And heard the trembling of her voice,
As if a fault confessing.

"I'm sorry that I spelt the word;
I hate to go above you,
Because "the brown eyes lower fell-
"Because, you see, I love you!"

Still memory to a gray-haired man
That sweet child-face is showing:
Dear girl! the grasses on her grave
Have forty years been growing!

He lives to learn, in life's hard school,
How few who pass above him

Lament their triumph and his loss
Like her-because they love him.

From Whittier's Miriam and other Poems (Fields, Osgood & Co.)



MAN who some result intends

Must use the tools that best are fitting.

Reflect, soft wood is given to you for splitting,
And then, observe for whom you write!

If one comes bored, exhausted quite,

Another, satiate, leaves the banquet's tapers,

And, worst of all, full many a wight

Is fresh from reading of the daily papers.

Idly to us they come, as to a masquerade,

Mere curiosity their spirits warming:

The ladies with themselves, and with their finery, aid, Without a salary their parts performing.

What dreams are yours in high poetic places?

You're pleased, forsooth, full houses to behold?

Draw near, and view your patrons' faces !

The half are coarse, the half are cold.

One, when the play is out, goes home to cards;

A wild night on a wench's breast another chooses :
Why should you rack, poor, foolish bards,

For ends like these, the gracious Muses?

I tell you, give but more-more, ever more, they ask:
Thus shall you hit the mark of gain and glory.
Seek to confound your auditory!

To satisfy them is a task."

From the "Prelude on the Stage" in Goethe's Faust, translated by Bayard Taylor (Fields, Osgood & Co.).


ROF. HUXLEY'S PLAN OF EDUCATION.— I conceive the proper course to be somewhat as follows: To begin with, let every child be instructed in those general views of the phenomenon of Nature, for which we have no exact English name. The nearest approximation to a name for what I mean, which we possess, is "physical geography." The Germans have a better-Erdkunde (earth-knowledge, or "geology" in its etymological sense), that is to say, a general knowledge of the earth, and what is on it, in it, and about it. If any one who has had experience of the ways of young children will call to mind their questions, he will find that, so far as they can be put into any scientific category, they come under the head of Erdkunde. The child asks, What is the moon, and why does it shine? What is this water, and where does it run? What is the wind? What makes the waves in the sea? Where does this animal live? and what is the use of this plant? And if not snubbed and stunted by being told not to ask foolish questions, there is no limit to the intellectual craving of a young child, nor any bounds to the slow but solid accretion of knowledge and development of the thinking quality in this way. To all such questions, answers which are necessarily incomplete, but true as far as they go, may be given by any teacher whose ideas represent real knowledge, and not mere book-learning; and a panoramic view of Nature, accompanied by a strong infusion of the scientific habit of mind, may thus be placed within the reach of every child of nine or ten.

After this preliminary opening of the eyes to the great spectacle of the daily progress of Nature, as the reasoning faculties of the child grow and he becomes familiar with the use of the tools of knowledge-reading, writing, and elementary mathematics-he should pass on to what is in the more strict sense physical science. Now there are two kinds of physical science: the one regards form and the relation of forms to one another; the other deals with causes and effects. In many

of what we term our sciences, those two kinds are mixed up together; but systematic botany is a pure example of the former kind, and physics of the latter kind of science. Every educational advantage which training in physical science can give, is obtainable from the proper study of these two; and I should be contented for the present if they, added to our Erdkunde, furnished the whole of the scientific curriculum of schools.-Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews.

CIENTIFIC EDUCATION.-But if scientific

Straining is to yield its most eminent results, it

must, I repeat, be made practical. That is to say, in explaining to a child the general phenomena of Nature, you must as far as possible, give reality to your teaching by object-lessons; in teaching him botany, he must handle the plants and dissect the flowers for himself; in teaching him physics and chemistry, you must not be solicitous to fill him with information, but you must be careful that what he learns he knows of his own knowledge. Don't be satisfied with telling him that a magnet attracts iron. Let him see that it does; let him feel the

pull of the one upon the other for himself. And, especially, tell him that it is his duty to doubt until he is compelled, by the absolute authority of Naturę, to believe that which is written in books. Pursue this discipline carefully and conscientiously, and you may make sure that, however scanty may be the measure of information which you have poured into the boy's mind, you have created an intellectual habit of priceless value in practical life.-Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews.


RUE EDUCATION.-In other words, education is the instruction of the intellect in the laws of Nature, under which name I include not merely things and their forces, but men and their ways; and the fashioning of the affections and of the will into an earnest and loving desire to move in harmony with those laws. For me, education means neither more nor less than this. Anything which professes to call itself education must be tried by this standard; and if it fails to stand the test, I will not call it education, whatever may be the force of authority, or of numbers, upon the other side.-Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews (Appleton).

ULTURE.---There is no doubt, that, on the whole, the rich soil is the best; the fruit

children are taken in the Kinder-Garten establishments, and taught to perform wonders with blocks, wands, scissors and paper. In schools a little more advanced, objects are examined, analyzed, and explained; and in institutions of every grade the old-fashioned system of instructionlearning words without meaning-is passing rapidly away. The result is, that while the rising generation has less of that parrot-like knowledge of words which the old system produced, it has a more thorough, useful, and practical knowledge of things. "I love the young dogs of this age," said old Dr. Johnson, on one occasion; "they have more wit and humor and knowledge of life than we had; but then," added he, "the dogs are not so good scholars." We think "the young dogs of this age" have, as we said above, a more thorough, useful, and practical knowledge of things, and are at the same time quite as "good scholars" as the children of the generations past. This is owing alone to our improved methods of instruction.

It is an important part of the duty of those who have charge of our schools to provide them with suitable apparatus. Houses and teachers are indispensable; but, good apparatus is scarcely less So. Let our teachers have proper implements to work with—then we may reasonably expect work to be done.-T. J. CHAPMAN, in The Am. Edu

ISUSED WORDS -Kinsman: For this hearty

M'English word,

of it has body and flavor. To what affluence does
a woman (to take an instance, thank Heaven,
which is common) grow, with favoring circum-cational Monthly.
stances, under the stimulus of the richest social and
intellectual influences! I am aware that there
has been a good deal said in poetry about the
fringed gentian and the harebell of rocky districts
and waysides, and I know that it is possible for
maidens to bloom in very slight soil into a wild-
wood grace and beauty; yet, the world through,
they lack that wealth of charms, that tropic af-
fluence of both person and mind, which higher and
more stimulating culture brings:-the passion as
well as the soul glowing in the Cloth-of-Gold rose.
Neither persons nor plants are ever fully themselves
until they are cultivated to their highest.-My
Summer in a Garden, by C. Warner. (Fields,
O. & Co.)

OTANY IN EDUCATION.-But valuable as

blood, elegant people have forced upon us two very vague, misty substitutes-relation and connec tion. By the use of the latter words in place of the former, nothing is gained and much is lost. Both of them are very general terms. Men have relations of various kinds, and connections are of Even in regard to family

still wider distribution.

terloper, female relation.-Words and their that poor, mealy-mouthed, ill-made-up Latin inUses, by Richard Grant White (Sheldon).


and friends, it is impossible to give these words exactness of meaning; whereas, a man's kin, his kinsmen, are only those of his own blood. His cousin is his kinsman, but his brother-in-law is not. Yet relation is made to express both connections, one of blood and the other of law. In losing B kinsman we lose also his frank, sweet-lipped sister, may be a knowledge of the vegetable king-kinswoman, and are obliged to give her place to dom, I should hardly have undertaken to make a school-book with reference to this object alone. It is not what Botany is, considered in itself, but what it is capable of doing for the minds of those who pursue it aright, that gives it its highest interest to the educator; and it has been to secure certain important results in mental cultivation which are but imperfectly provided for in our system of popular education that has led to the preparation of this series of exercises. It is because Botany, beyond all other subjects, is suited to maintain the mind in direct intercourse with the objects and order of Nature, and to train the observing powers and the mental operations they involve, in a systematic way, that I have undertaken to put its rudiments into such a shape that this desirable work can be rightly commenced.--From the Preface in Miss Youman's First Book of Botany (Appleton).

Tangible objects or representations has come

to be almost the sole practice. The smallest

HE LABORERS OF THE WORLD.-Consider, in effect, the Germanic people of the present day and throughout history. They are, primarily, the great laborers of the world; in matters of intellect none equal them; in erudition, in philosophy, in the most crabbid linguistic studies, in voluminous editions, dictionaries and other compilations, in researches of the laboratory-in all science, in short, whatever stern and hard, but necessary and preparatory work there is to be done, that is their province; patiently, and with most commendable self-sacrifice they hew out every stone that enters into the edifice of modern times. -Taine's The Philosophy of Art in the Netherlands (Leypoldt & Holt).

Appleton's European Guide-Book is spoken of by English Critics in the most favorable terms.

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299. N. Y., Carlton & Lanahan....
Abbott, John S. C. History of Louis XIV. Illustr. 16o.
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708, 649, 700. Tuskaloosa, Ala., William M. Smith.
Alexander, J. H. The Mountains of Palestine. 18°, pp.
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-The Year Book of Spiritualism, by Hudson Tuttle and J.
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AMMERGAU PASSION PLAY (The). With some Introductory
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Andersen, Hans Christian. Stories and Tales. Author's
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Brehm. See Cassell's Book of Birds.

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Putnam & Sons. Pap....
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Buntline, Ned. The Sea Bandit. (Am. Tale, No. 28.) 8o.
N. Y., Beadle & Co. Pap.....
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Burritt, Elihu. Prayers and Devotional Meditations.
Collated from the Psalms of David. 12°. N. Y., A. D.
F. Randolph & Co....
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Butler, Thomas B. A Concise Analytical and Logical De-
velopment of the Atmospheric System, and of the Ele-
ments of Prognostication, by which the Weather may be
Forecasted, adapted to the Practical Mind of the Country.
Revised Edition. 12°, pp. xiv, 305. Norwalk, Conn., Á.
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Soc. Paper............... CASSELL'S BOOK OF BIRDS. From the Text of Dr. Brehm, by Thomas Rhymer Jones. 4 vols. Vol. 1. Profusely illustr. 4°, pp. 312. N. Y., Cassell, Petter & Galpin.. ..$5.00 CHAMBERS'S MISCELLANY OF INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTainING TRACTS. New and revised edition. Vol. xi. xii. Illust. 16°. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & Co. Bds. Each..50 c. CHARITY'S BIRTHDAY TEXT. 32°, pp. 84. Tract Society.. Charnace, Guy de. A Star of Song. The Life of Christine Nilsson. From the French. 8°, pp. 39. With a photograph. N. Y., Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, Prs.


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Clark, M.A. Illustr. with col. frontispiece and 280 wood-
cuts. 4°, pp. 412. (London) N. Y., Pott & Amery.


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more, Kelly, Piet & Co. Pap.....
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good & Co. Pap..
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by Himself. With 54 Illust. 16°. Phila, J. B. Lippincott
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50 c. The Stolen Mask :-Sister Rose-The Yellow
Mask. Cheap ed. 8°. Phila., T. B. Peterson & Bros.
Pap., each.....
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bus. With an Introductory Preface by one of the Domin-
ican Fathers of New York. 12o, pp. 126. N. Y., P. O.
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emption, Factors and Consignees, False Pretences, Home-
steads, Imprisonment for Debt, Interest, Usury, Liens,
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Laws, Partnership, The Rights of Married Women, &c.
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Conkling, A. A Treatise on the Organization, Jurisdiction,
and Practice of the Courts of the United States in Suits
at Law, including Municipal Seizures and Criminal Pro-
secutions, with an Appendix of Practical Forms. Fifth
Edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged by the Author.
8°, pp. xi, 947. Albany, W. C. Little & Co. Shp..$8.50
sententiæ limitantur Documentis omnibus munita sensu-
risque Tridentinis aucta nonnullis illustrata commentariis

in commodum confessariorum Latinis ephemeridibus, quibus titulus, Acta, quæ apud S. Sedem geruntur, excerpta. 12°. Baltimore, Kelly, Piet & Co. Pap.....50 c. Cooper, Dr. J. G. The Land Birds of California and the Adjacent States and Territories. Edited by Prof. S. P. Baird. With 662 Illustrations, mostly on wood. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. $10.00; with colored heads, $15.00; all colored..... .$20.00 Cope, Edwd. D. On the Hypothesis of Evolution, Physical and Metaphysical. (Univ. Series, No. 4.) 12o, PP. 71. New Haven, Charles C. Chatfield & Co. Paper. .....25 c. CORNER HOUSES. 32°, pp. 74. N. Y., Am. Tract Soc. .20 c. COUNTESS OF Glosswood. A Tale. From the French. 16. Baltimore, Kelly, Piet & Co............... $1.25 Couriard, Mlle. Illustrations of Scripture Precepts, for the Family. From the French. First and Second Series. 16, pp. 160, 176. Phila., Lutheran Pub. Society.. .$1.60

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