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ad predictas villas siue ad mesuagiū prenominatū ptinet p salute anime mee et omiu antecessoru et heredū suorū imppetuū remisit. Hijs testib; Johe Abbe de Cubermere, Robto mocho de Cuberm, Augustino capello, Magro Robto de Haya, magro Walto de Tilebur, Manafero, Andrea camerar. et alijs multis.

XV. Confirmatio Baldwini* Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi de hijs que Johes Constabularius Cestrie dedit domui de Stanlawe.


Dei gratia Cantuar. Archiepiscopus Anglie primas et Apostolice sedis legatus, uniuersis sancte matris ecclesie filijs ad quos presentes litere puenerint eternā in dño salutē. Ad uniuersitatis vestre notitiam volumus puenire dilectos filios nostros fratres de Stanl. scriptu bone memorie Ricardi Couentr. episcopi in hec verba presentasse. Ricardus dei gratia Couentr. &c. ut supra ex alia parte usq. ad illud verbu, Andr. camerar. et alijs multis. Ad hec preter illas libertates et beneficia que memoratus Episcopus suo scripto comprehēdit et exprimit alias libertates et beneficia sepedictis fratrib3 de Loco Benedicto a memoratis Comite et Johe Constab. Cestrie sicut ex autēticis eoru scriptis deprehēdimus sūt collata, que pprijs vocabulis duximus exprimēda a comite, videl. quietātiam de theloneo in villa Cestrie que ijdem fratres ad opus pprie domus sue de Stanl. emerint, a Johë autem Constab. Cestrie decima salis sui de Norwyco siue in denario siue in sale. Ita quidem quod si prefati monachi sal habere maluerint p duob3 denarijs et obolo sumā salis semper habebunt. Ut igitur cōcessiones et donationes que memoratis monachis de Stanl. super iam dictis beneficijs et libertatib3 a prefatis Comite et Johë Constab. Cestrie intuitu caritatis facte sut firmā

* Baldwin, the first archbishop of Canterbury of the Cistercian order, was translated from the see of Worcester 19th May, 1185, and died A.D. 1191.

et ppetua habeant stabilitate easdem sicut iuste et rationabiliter facte sut auctoritate qua fugimur cöfirmamus et sigilli nostri appositione comunimus. Hijs testib3 Magro Henro de Northampton, Magro Siluestro, Willo de Sotyndon, Rogo de Cilly, Willo Prudholm, Rico de Humfrauille, Eustachio de Wilton, Salomone clerico, Galfro forti et alijs.

Et mem. quod scriptu Johis de Lascy de decima salis sui in
Northwyco de quo supra fit mentio in cōfirmatione dñi
Cantuar. Archiepiscopi inuenietur in titulo nono de Wyn-
laton et Wych.

XVI. Carta Rogeri de Lascy de omnibus quos pater eius dedit nobis.


NIUERSIS sancte matris ecclesie filijs tam presētibz quam futuris Rogerus Constab. Cestrie salute. Sciatis me dedisse et hac presēti carta mea cōfirmasse Deo et sancte Marie et Abbati atq. monachis de Stanl. omia que pater meus Johes Constab. Cestrie eis dedit et carta sua cōfirmauit scil. ipsū locu que mutato nomine Benedictum locu vocari volumus ad construendā Abbathia ordinis Cisterciensis, et villa una que vocatur Staneya, et alteram villa que vocatur Mauriches Eston cu omib3 ptinentijs earu, in bosco, in plano, in pratis, in pascuis, in vijs, in semitis, in aquis, in piscarijs, in mariscis, in molēdinis, et in omib3 alijs aisiamētis suis liberas et quietas ab omi terreno seruicio et seculari exactione, pro salute anime mee et patris mei et matris mee et omiū antecessorū et heredū meoru in puram et ppetua elemosyna. Concessi quoq. eis in ppetua elemosyna quietātiam thelonei in emptione et venditione omiū rerū suarū p. totā terrā meā, necnō quietātiā thelonei de pprio blado suo in molendinis meis. Dedi quoq. eis omem decimā salis mei de

Northwyco siue in denario siue in sale. Quod si prefati monachi sal habere maluerint p duob3 denarijs et obolo sumā salis semper habebūt. Dedi et eis mesuagiū unū in villā Cestrie cu omib3 suis, quod habui iuxta ecclesiam sancti Michaelis similiter in pura et ppetua elemosynā cu omib3 libertatib; et liberis cōsuetudinib3 suis. Et quando ego et heredes mei voluerimus in domo prenominata placita nostra tenebimus et ad expensas ñras hospitabimur. Hec vero omia prenominata ego, R. et heredes mei erga Rege et erga comitem Cestrie de omi terreno et foriseco seruicio quod ad predictas terras ptinet warātizabimus et acquietabimus et contra omes alios homines in omib3 et ubiq. warātizabimus manutenebimus et defendemus. Et quicuq. hac mea elemosynā destruere vel minuere voluerit, destruat eum Dñus et eius maledictionem et omiū sanctorū et meā habeat. Hac autē elemosynā dedi et concessi liberam et quietā atq. honorificam sicut ulla elemosyna liberius et quietius atq. honorificetius dari potest. Hijs testib3 Rogo fratre Comitis Cestrie, Hug. de Boidel, Alano fratre eius, Willo fratre eius, Hugone de Dutton,† Ada de Dutton, Rico fil Johis

Supposed by Sir P. Leycester to have been illegitimate.

+ This Hugh de Dutton most probably was the third Hugh de Dutton in descent from Hodard de Dutton, the founder of the family. The descents from that Hodard are,

I. Hugh de Dutton, about the latter end of Henry I.

II. Hugh de Dutton, his son, lived circa 1153, and had three sons,

1. Hugh de Dutton.

2. Adam de Dutton, the ancestor of the Warburtons of Arley, who had issue, Geoffrey, his son and heir.


3. Geoffrey de Dutton, the ancestor of the Duttons of Chedhill, and Ashley of Ashley.

He was succeeded by his son,

III. Hugh de Dutton, who married a daughter of Hamo de Mascy, temp. H. II.,

and had issue,

1. Hugh de Dutton.

2. Geoffrey de Dutton.

He was succeeded by his son,

IV. Hugh de Dutton. He had a grant from John de Lascy of all the fidlers and


Constab., Eustachio fratre eius, Galfro fratre eius, Stepho de Muschauns, Willo de Kamerulla, Anselino capello, Eutropio homine Cōstabularij.

XVII. Cyrographum eiusdem Rogeri de mesuagio in Cestria et de xij. solidis capiendis apud Haleton.



CIANT omes sancte matris ecclesie filij tam presentes quam futuri quod ego Rogerus constab. Cestrie dedi et cōcessi et hac presenti carta mea cōfirmaui Deo et beate Marie et

players in Cheshire; the origin of which is to be found in a well-known
tradition. Randle Blundeville, earl of Chester, being besieged by the Welsh
in Rothelent, in Flintshire, sent to his constable, Roger de Lascy, (ante p. 2,)
to come with all speed and bring what forces he could to his relief. The
dispatch arrived during the fair of Chester; and Roger, with his usual impetu-
osity, gathered a tumultuous rout of fidlers, players, and "other debauched
persons," and marched with the motley crew towards Rothelent. The
Welsh, perceiving the multitude, mistook it for the regular force of their
mortal enemy, and raised the siege with precipitation. This fortunate mistake
found a parallel in modern times at the other extremity of the Principality,
when the gallantry and presence of mind of the late Lord Cawdor converted
the distant vision of a host of Welsh women in their red cloaks into a for-
midable array of soldiery, and induced the surrender of a well equipped
detachment of eighteen hundred French invaders to a mere handful of
Welsh militia, hastily called together on the spur of the occasion. The
gratitude of Randle conferred the power over all the fidlers, players, and
shoemakers, on his constable Roger, and his son John de Lascy transferred
the authority over the minstrels on his seneschal, Hugh de Dutton; “sicut
liberius illum magistratum teneo de Comite." This magistracy remained in
the family, its authority was recognized by the statute 38 Eliz. and a yearly
court was held till lately at Chester, on the feast of St. John the Baptist, to
grant licences to the minstrels.

He married Muriel, daughter of Thomas le Dispenser, and had issue,
1. Hugh.

2. Thomas.

3. John.

4. Adam.

5. Geoffrey.

Abbati atq. monachis loci Benedicti de Stanlawe unā partē mesuagij mei que est in villa Cestrie iuxta ecclesiam sancti Michaelis liberam et quietā ab omi seruicio terreno et seculari exactione cu omib3 libertatib3 et liberis consuetudinib; suis p salute anime mee et patris mei et matris mee et omiu antecessoru et heredu meoru in pura et ppetuā elemosynā. Illam videlicet partē que ab eādē ecclesia remotior est versus Glouerstanes. Habebit autē pars illa in latitudine capacitatē septē virgarū quib3 in Cestria pannus laneus mensuratur et dimidiā virge unius. In lōgitudine vero quantu terra mea sese ibidem extedit.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. Hugh de Dutton, living 1234, 18 Henry III. He died s.p. ante 1249, and was succeeded by his second brother,

He married Philippa,

VI. Thomas de Dutton, sheriff 1268, 53 Henry III. daughter and heiress of Vivian de Sandon, and had issue, 1. Hugh de Dutton.

2. Thomas.

3. Margaret, married Thomas Venables of Kinderton.

4. Catharine, married John, son of Urian de Sancto Petro.

Thomas de Dutton died in the early part of Edward I., and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. Hugh de Dutton, who married Joan, daughter of Sir Urian de Sancto Petro, and had issue,

Hugh de Dutton. born 8th December, 5 Edward I.

William, married Maud, daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Stockport of Stockport.

Hugh de Dutton died 22 Edward I., and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Hugh de Dutton, Steward of Halton, 24 December, 20 Edward II. He married Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Holland of Holland, in the county of Lancaster, and had issue,

1. Thomas de Dutton.

2. William, parson of Thornton 22 Edward III.

3. Geffrey.

4. Robert.

Hugh de Dutton died 1 Edward III. A.D. 1326, and was succeeded by his son,

IX. Thomas de Dutton æt. 15, Whitsunday, 1329; Seneschal of Halton 19 Edward III.; Sheriff of Cheshire 30 Edward III. He died 4 Richard. II.

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