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1. In cases pending at the publication of this order, in which prosecution may have been directed, the judges shall limit themselves to notifying the parties that from that time the preliminary proceedings shall be public, and they themselves shall thereafter comply with its provisions.

2. If the preliminary proceedings should already have lasted more than one month, counting from the first warrant of prosecution given in the case, they may take such action only as has already been directed, whether de oficio or at the instance of an interested party, within ten days after the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph.

3. Cases which are undergoing trial in the audiencias, at the publication of this order, shall conform to the provisions of Article XIII of this order, if such cases shall not have been returned by the fiscal or private accuser, in consequence of the instruction provided for in article 627 of the Law of Criminal Procedure. If this return shall have been made, the proceedings established shall be continued under the former rules, now modified by Article XIII.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 135.

Havana, August 11, 1899.

The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

I. From the date of the publication of this order, in every case in which the laws of Civil and Criminal Procedure in force prescribe stated periods of time for appearance before the Supreme Court, the said periods are hereby reduced to ten (10) days whenever the audiencias of Pinar del Rio, Havana, Matanzas, and Santa Clara, or other courts of law within said territories, have cognizance thereof, and to twenty (20) days when the audiencias or other courts of law of Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba are concerned.

II. In every case when said laws may require that certified copies of proceedings be sent to the Supreme Court, the original records will be forwarded.

ADNA R. CHAFEEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 157.


Habana, 5 de Septiembre de 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguiente orden:

En todos aquellos casos en que las leyes de Enjuiciamento Civil y Criminal difieran la resolución de un asunto á un "Tribunal en Pleno," se entenderá en lo sucesivo, á partir de la publicación de la presente, que corresponderá la deisión del caso á la sala de justicia ante la cual dicha cuestión hubiere surgido.

Si por tratarse de recusaciones, ó por cualquier otro motivo, no quedare en la sala número suficiente de magistrados para dictar la resolución que proceda, se tomarán de otra sala si se tratare de la audiencia de la Habana, ó se llamará á los suplentes tratándose de las otras audiencias ó del Tribunal Supremo.

El Brigadier-General, Jefe de Estado Mayor.


No. 176.

Habana, 21 de Septiembre de 1899.

El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguiente orden:

En lo sucesivo solo se considerarán días festivos á todos los efectos legales, los siguientes: los Domingos, el día primero de año, el Jueves y el Viernes Santos y el día veinte y cinco de Diciembre. Desde este último día hasta el dos de Enero vacarán los tribunales y juzgados respecto á todo asunto que no se refiera á juicios de faltas, instrucción sumarial y cuestiones relativas á excarcelación de procesados, así como al registro civil.

El Brigadier General, Jefe de Estado Mayor.


No. 157.


Havana, September 5, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

In all cases in which the law either of Civil or of Criminal Procedure shall reserve the decision in any case to the "court in full" (tribunal en pleno) it shall be understood that from the date of this order the decision of such case shall be made by the section of the court having cognizance thereof.

If, either because the case pending for decision is that of objections taken to the sitting of any of the magistrates or from any other cause, not a sufficient number of magistrates should be left in the court to constitute a legal quorum to decide the case in question, then, if the case be pending before the audiencia in Havana, magistrates of the other sections shall be called in, and in cases pending before the other audiencias or before the Supreme Court, the substitute justices shall be called in when necessary to form a legal quorum.


Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 176.

Havana, September 21, 1899.

The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

Hereafter and for all legal purposes the following only shall be considered as holidays: Sundays, the first day of the year (New Year's Day), Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the twenty-fifth day of December (Christmas). From the last-mentioned day (Dec. 25th) to the second day of January tribunals and courts shall suspend business regarding proceedings which do not refer to misdemeanor suits, summary instructions, cases relating to the release of accused persons, and to civil register.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.


No. 58.


Habana, 9 de Febrero de 1900.

El Gobernador General de Cuba, á propuesta del secretario de justicia, ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la orden siguiente: I. Á partir del 15 de Febrero de 1900, quedará instalado en el edificio conocido por "corte de policía" un juzgado especial que se denominará de guardia y cuya jurisdicción se concreta á lo criminal, y sólo durante las horas que medien de las cinco de la tarde de cada día á las ocho de la mañana del siguiente.

II. Harán guardia en ese juzgado durante las horas dichas los jueces de instrucción y los municipales de la Habana, por turno riguroso que fijará el juez decano.

III. Quedan prohibidas las sustituciones en las guardias, á menos que el juez en turno no pudiere servirla por causa de enfermedad, en cuyo caso acreditará ese estado con la debida antelación ante el juez decano, por medio de certificación de dos facultativos que jurarán ser cierta la causa alegada.

IV. Para la instalación y cuanto más se refiere al establecimiento del juzgado de guardia se da por el presente comisión bastante al juez decano de la Habana.

El Brigadier General de Voluntarios, Jefe de Estado Mayor,

No. 152.



Habana, 10 de Abril de 1900.

El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguiente orden:

I. La corte de policía ó tribunal correccional que existe en la Ciudad de la Habana bajo las órdenes del gobernador militar de la misma, continuará en el ejercicio de sus funciones con la jurisdicción territorial que corresponde á la policía de la Habana.

II. Este tribunal queda autorizado para conocer, juzgar y castigar las faltas contra las personas y contra el orden público.

No. 58.


Havana, February 9th, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. On and after the 15th day of February, 1900, there shall be established in the building known as the "police court" a special court, to be designated "juzgado de guardia." The jurisdiction of this court shall be limited to criminal matters, and it shall hold its session only between the hours of 5 o'clock p. m. each day, and 8 o'clock a. m. of the day following.

II. The judges of instruction and the municipal judges of Havana shall sit in this court, consecutively, strictly in the order fixed by the dean among said judges, during the aforesaid hours.

III. All substitution of judges in holding this court are prohibited, unless the judge whose turn it is to sit may not be able to serve on account of sickness, in which case his inability to serve must be attested beforehand, in proper time before the dean, by sworn certificate signed by two physicians as to the cause thereof.

IV. The dean of the judges of Havana will have charge of the installation of this court and make such arrangements relative to its establishment as may be necessary.


Brigadier-General, U. S. Vols., Chief of Staff.

No. 152.


Havana, April 10, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

1. The police or correctional court existing in the city of Havana under orders of the Military Governor of Havana is hereby continued in force and operation with territorial jurisdiction coincident with that of the Havana police.

II. This court is authorized to take cognizance of, to try, and to punish all offenses known as "faltas" and all minor breaches of the peace.

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